Angry Birds Wiki

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Angry Birds Wiki
Angry Birds Wiki
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This game has recently been re-released.
This game is no longer supported in its original form, but has received a re-release on app stores through a seperate application with different version histories, developers, and possibly different content. The newer versions page can be found at:
Rovio Classics: Angry Birds

This article is about the video game. For other uses, see Angry Birds (disambiguation).

Angry Birds (also known as Angry Birds Classic or simply AB Classic) is a puzzle slingshot game released in December 2009 on iOS and Maemo, later being released on Android in October 2010. The game was developed by Rovio Entertainment Corporation and published with the help of Clickgamer. Angry Birds was supposed to be Rovio's last game, but the game's success not only saved the company from bankruptcy, but started the entire Angry Birds media franchise.

In the game, the player launches the Angry Birds from a slingshot at pig fortresses containing the Bad Piggies who stole their eggs. Seven flock members debut in this game (Red, The Blues, Chuck, Bomb, Matilda, Hal and Terence), while two others (Bubbles and Stella) migrated from the indirect sequel, Angry Birds Seasons. Six types of pigs also appear, including three sizes of Minion Pigs, along with the Corporal, Foreman and King Pigs. There are over 700 levels in the game, spanning over 17 episodes, along with the Golden Eggs scattered across the game that the player can find.




Jaakko Iisalo's original sketch that started one of the most successful apps in history.

Undergoing a financial crisis, Rovio Entertainment Corporation got its workforce reduced from 50 to 12 employees, and the staff started looking for proposals to overcome this.[14]

One proposal made by Jaakko Iisalo in a simulated screenshot, where round birds were launching themselves into squares and would disappear when jumping on a similar colored block.[15] This drew attention to the developers by wondering what was happening in such an image, so they approved the game and started to further develop it.[16]

As the picture gave no clue of what was being played, they started to wonder how the game would play out. As cannon games were famous back in the day, the developers used a similar concept.


Original concept art of a Minion Pig, drawn by Iisalo.

They also noticed the birds had no enemy. Jaakko Iisalo liked to draw animal characters and pigs were something natural that came in his sketches. He never saw them as malicious, for him, the birds are the aggressive side while the pigs are just mischievous. It was initially believed the Swine Flu outbreak had a bit of influence when designing them,[17] but it was debunked by Tuomas Erikoinen in 2023.[18]

The game initially had some role-playing elements where the player could modify the flock of birds.[19]

The estimated initial price to develop Angry Birds was to exceed €100,000 ($113,869.30).[16]

Angry Birds was made by a team of four people and took eight months to finish, with thousands of changes being made to the gameplay and design.[20]

Rovio partnered with distributor Clickgamer to publish the game to the app store. Chillingo has claimed to have participated in the game's development[1], as they were said to be responsible for adding trajectory lines, pig grunts, zoom option and birds' athletic jumps before going to the slingshot and waiting.[21]

Since then, Rovio has self-published almost all of the later ports of the game, excluding the PSP version, which was produced under license by Abstraction Games.

On December 11, 2009, the game was released for iOS and Nokia devices. The game was initially paid and didn't sell many copies.

After Angry Birds was made a featured app in February 2010 on the United Kingdom, it reached the 1st position in a small period of time, and then reached the 1st position on the paid apps chart in the United States App Store in the middle of 2010 and stayed there for 275 days.[16]

On April 1, 2010, Angry Birds HD was released, featuring a retina display and HD graphics.

Knowing this, the developers started to develop an Android version of the game. They observed that Android had much different configurations; The combinations numbers of software versions, processing speed, even the user interfaces were significantly larger than the iOS version. The team then settled on a minimum set of requirements, even though that left nearly 30 types of Android phones unable to run the game, including some newly released devices.

On October 15, 2010, the game was launched for Android devices, and the developers then started porting the games to other devices. The game's beta for Android hit more than one million downloads in three weeks.

In April 2019, the game was unlisted in the app stores but came back and received a new update. Afterwards, it was then unlisted again in July 2019. Rovio Entertainment Corporation stated that they had removed the games for testing purposes, but never explained what the test was.[22] Later, the statement was changed to say that the game was removed because Rovio did not want to keep updating the game.[23] It was later clarified in interviews that another reason was to make their more modern and monetized Angry Birds titles appear higher in search results.[24]

In June 2021, it was announced by Rovio on Twitter that efforts were going to be made to bring some of the original Angry Birds games back to online stores sometime in the future. Later in November, Rovio announced that work had already begun for a recreation of the game using Unity instead of their own game engine. It features the same style as the original version, with small improvements on gameplay, and incorporating cloud-saving. The recreation was slated for an early 2022 release and, unlike the original version, is a premium title, thus having no ads.[25] The remake was later announced to be called Rovio Classics: Angry Birds[26] and released on March 31, 2022.[27] The game would later be delisted from the Google Play store on February 23, 2023 and be renamed to “Red’s First Flight” on the Apple App Store for similarly taking focus away from their live service titles.[28]


Originally, when the game was first launched, it had only one episode: Poached Eggs and only 5 characters: Red, the Red Bird, The Blues, the Blue Birds, Chuck, the Yellow Bird, Matilda, the White Bird and Bomb, the Black Bird. But on February 12, 2010, Mighty Hoax was released, adding more 42 levels to the game and on April 2, 2010, they released the Golden Eggs. Every other new episode afterwards is released in parts.

On April 23, 2010, they released the first part of Danger Above with 15 levels, the first Golden Egg, and adds the Green Bird Hal to the game. On May 19 of the same year, they released the second part of Danger Above with other 15 levels, and the second Golden Egg, making it now a total of 30 levels and two Golden Eggs. On June 21 of the same year, they released the third part of Danger Above, with other 15 levels and the last Golden Egg, making it now a total of 45 levels and three Golden Eggs.

On July 16, 2010, The Big Setup, which adds 45 levels, 3 Golden Eggs and the new Big Red Bird Terence, was released. On December 23, 2010, Ham 'Em High was released, with 45 levels, 3 extra ones, 3 Golden Eggs, and the new Power-Up bird Mighty Eagle, that costs $1.00 to buy permanently. Afterwards, on June 16, 2011, the episode Mine and Dine was released, with 45 levels and 3 Golden Eggs. On December 11, 2011, the Birdday Party episode was released to commemorate the game's second anniversary, with 15 levels, one Golden Egg and Bubbles, the Orange Bird from Angry Birds Seasons.

On March 20, 2012, the episode Surf and Turf from Angry Birds Friends was added to the game. On December 11, 2012, 15 new levels for Birdday Party were released, with one Golden Egg and Stella, the Pink Bird from Angry Birds Seasons.

On October 9, 2012, the episode Bad Piggies, with 45 levels and was released to commemorate the Bad Piggies game's release. On August 2, 2012, Power-Ups were added to the game.

On July 3, 2013, the episode Red's Mighty Feathers was released, containing 30 levels, the first being normal levels and the second being the new Egg Defender levels, with 2 Golden Eggs, and featuring Red's new ability, Mighty Feathers. In the IOS version, a RED event was happening, where players could buy the Red's Mighty Feathers Power-Up, and a unique Golden Egg was featured, that was later made obtainable in all versions.

On November 26, 2013, the Short Fuse episode was released, featuring 45 levels, 1 Golden Egg, and Bomb's new Shockwave ability, and its Power-Up. On December 11, 2013, 15 more levels were released to Birdday Party.

On July 22, 2014, the episode Flock Favorites was released with 15 levels, of which are set in the previous episodes but in new levels. In December 2014, Birdday 5 was released with 30 fan levels and the new Rhinoceros. On June 23, 2015, 15 additional levels were released to Flock Favorites. Another 15 levels were released to Birdday Party in December 11 of the same year.

On July 18, 2016, the new feature called The Mighty League was released with 8 leagues that originally had 3 levels for each day. In October 13 of the same year, the Sticker Book was released for it. In November of the same year, Bird Island was released with 21 levels, new stickers and a Golden Egg for the Mighty League, but the players had to wait until November 17 to play the 21 levels.

In December 11 of the same year, 15 more levels were released to Birdday Party, with more Mighty League stickers and a Golden Egg.

On February 27, 2017, the episode Piggy Farm was released, with 15 levels. Then in March 30, more levels and a new Mighty League Golden Egg in the Medal section. In May 17, the last 15 levels of the episode were released, along with Coins, Gems, and The Mighty League being changed to have 6 levels each day. In June 19, the Tutorial episode was added, with 15 levels.

In August 23 of the same year, the Jurassic Pork episode was added. In September 14, 15 extra levels were added to the episode and in November 21, the final 15 levels were added. In December 14 of the same year, the Star requirement for unlocking episodes was added to the game.

In August 2018, the episodes could now be unlocked by watching advertisements. In January 2019, The Daily Challenge feature was added to the game.


For information about each episode's plot, see the Episodes section.
Bandicam 2017-01-09 06-59-40-052

The first cutscene of Poached Eggs.

Poached Eggs Cutscene Pt 4

The last cutscene of Poached Eggs

The game takes place in the isolated Piggy Island. A flock of rare multi-colored birds, led by Red and containing the Blues (Jay, Jake and Jim), Chuck, Bomb and Matilda, guarded a nest containing three eggs. However, from the distance watched the Bad Piggies, led by the greedy King Pig Smooth Cheeks. These pigs have been relegated to eat grass, and King Pig, who, unlike his ancestors, has never eaten eggs and needs to keep that fact a secret, has had enough. Meanwhile, Red witnessed a mosquito touch one of the eggs. Furious, Red tried to fight the mosquito, but it got away (though in the cinematic trailer, he managed to defeat it). King Pig saw his chance, and, along with other high-ranking pigs Corporal Pig and Foreman Pig, stole the eggs while Red wasn't looking. Red and his comrades spotted the empty nest, and screamed in shock. Red, along with Bomb and Matilda, mourned the loss of the eggs, while the Blues spotted footprints leading to the pigs, whom Chuck had spotted. Using a slingshot, the birds slung themselves towards structures made by Foreman Pig, and managed to defeat all three elites and get their eggs back.

Afterward, the multiple episodes show the pigs trying new ways to get the eggs. The birds meet more members of their species along the way (Hal and Terence), and the battle continues to places such as a forest, a desert, a mine, a beach, a laboratory, and more. After the birds take out King Pig in a laboratory, his comrade, Foreman Pig, starts to get more control over the plans. He steals the eggs while the birds are visiting a farm, and after the birds defeat him there, he enters a time machine and goes back to the Triassic period of the world. The birds destroy many structures based on prehistoric animals before the pigs are defeated for what was seemingly the last time. The birds celebrate their victory while the pigs ride dinosaurs.


Angry Birds screenshot-play

The player using a slingshot to launch Red.

In Angry Birds, to play the game, the player needs to press the Episodes button, that will show the episodes. The player starts with the Poached Eggs episode.

Each episode has its set of levels, which each time unlocked, has only one level available. When the player clicks the level button, the game will open the level. In the level, the player starts with a predetermined set of birds, and a determined structure with pigs.

In order to beat the level, the player has to defeat all of the pigs in the level. In order to defeat pigs, the player needs to hit them with birds, which can be done by using the slingshot.

The player can sling a bird by pressing the slingshot and holding while dragging the rubber. The longer the rubber is dragged, the farther the bird will fly. The rubber can be dragged to all sides, except in the middle. Leaving the bird in the middle will cancel the launch.

After a bird is launched, it will fly until its momentum ends. While the bird is in the air, it can activate its own ability.

If the bird hits a block, they will stop flying immediately, will be injured and won't activate its ability. After a pig is hit, they will be popped, or if they are strong, they will only be injured. Birds give 10000 points if not used after completing the level. Each pig has three stages of injury, but birds defeat them instantly according to strength. The pigs are the following:

All pigs give 5000 points when hit. After all the pigs are defeated, the player will win the level. Otherwise, they will fail. These are the materials appear in the levels:


The Level Cleared screen.

After each hit, a material give random points that are multiple of 10. The points are awarded in the score, that determines how many stars the player wins:

  • 1 Star: Lowest score;
  • 2 Stars: Average scores;
  • 3 Stars: Highest scores.

After the player wins the level, the score will be saved, and the stars will appear on the screen. The player can go them to the next level if they have the required number of stars. When the player fails, the score won't be saved and no stars will be awarded, the player also won't unlock the next level, but can go to it if it's already unlocked.

Golden Eggs () can be found across the levels, they can be instantly obtained and will unlock special levels in the episode. The list of them can be seen in the link.

In the episodes, after completing all levels, the player gets an Special Object that will fly in the screen. When the player gets 3 stars in all levels, the object is changed to have a star on it and the player gets a Golden Egg in some episodes.

Also, in some episodes, before starting the first level and completing a final one, the player can see a scrolling cutscene, that will show what happened in the story.

The game has 16 episodes .


Main article: Power-Ups

The player can use Power-Ups in levels of the game. Power-Ups can help the player improve their scores in levels and help them get more stars. There are 4 Power-Ups, and they can use 2 per level. Here are the 5 Power-Ups:

  • Power Potion / Super Seeds: They can turn any bird on the slingshot bigger.
  • King Sling: Upgrades the player's slingshot so that when flung, birds can go faster and farther than before.
  • Sling Scope: Allows the player to see where the bird is going to crash/land go before the player flings them, they can activate this Power-Up for 5 minutes in the shop.
  • Birdquake: Rumbles the ground in a level and can make pig's structures fall.
  • Shockwave: Bomb with the Shockwave ability to demolish the blockers and pigs.
  • Red's Mighty Feathers: iOS exclusive, Gives a Red Bird that can fly into a targeted area, buy and use it at any level. Only available for purchase during the (RED) update.
  • TNT Shield: Used in the Mighty League, it prevents the player to go back to a lower league if they couldn't enter a high leaderboard on the daily levels.

Power-Ups are limited, and if the player runs out, they must purchase more with coins to have more with these exceptions.

  • Watching an Ad: It's a free way to earn a power-up by watching an ad, it gives the player only 1 determined power-up and it's automatically used in the level.


And they come in the following shapes:

  • Plank
  • Square Frame
  • Triangle Frame
  • 45° Triangle Frame
  • Ball
  • Cube



The birds are the protagonists of the game, aiming to get their eggs back by defeating the pigs. They all wield different strengths and weaknesses, as described below.

Bird Description First encounter
Shouts a battle cry when the screen is tapped/clicked. Has average strength towards every material with no other special attributes. Poached Eggs 1-1
The Blues
The Blues
Duplicates into three, allowing the player to target and damage more targets. Destroys glass exceptionally well. Poached Eggs 1-10
Gains a substantial boost of speed when the screen is tapped, and is strongest against wood. Poached Eggs 1-16
Explodes either after landing or upon the screen being tapped/clicked. Bomb's explosions both damage blocks and send them flying, and he is strongest against stone. Poached Eggs 2-5
Lays an explosive egg when tapped, which explodes upon landing on something while she launches upwards. Matilda can destroy most materials well, excluding stone. The egg itself destroys a lot of materials in range. Poached Eggs 2-14
Spins when launched and opens his beak to begin spinning leftwards, allowing him to hit targets that would overwise be out of reach. Like Chuck, Hal is strongest against wood. Danger Above 6-5
Like Red, Terence does not have any special abilities. However, he can plough through any kind of block with ease. The Big Setup 9-1
Inflates his body to push away anything in his path and deflates while briefly flying in random directions. Is strongest against wood, but weak against other materials. Birdday Party Cake 2-1
Lifts herself and surrounding objects in bubbles for 3-4 seconds. Afterwards, the bubbles pop and the objects trapped fall down. Cannot destroy materials well. Birdday Party Cake 3-1
Mighty Eagle
Mighty Eagle
Rather than being exclusive to certain levels, Mighty Eagle is a power-up that can be used in any level. When his sardine can lands after being flung from the slingshot, Mighty Eagle crashes down from the sky destroying anything in his path. All pigs are popped when Mighty Eagle lands, from the result of an earthquake, before the latter shoots upwards back into the sky. He must be purchased for $5 to be used, and has unlimited usage. Poached Eggs 1-1 (2010)[29]


Red and Bomb undergo transformations in specific levels, temporarily replacing their normal counterparts.

Bird Description First encounter
Mighty Red
Mighty Red
Targets and attacks the location that is tapped. Cannot destroy materials well. Red's Mighty Feathers 24-1
Sends a shockwave that electrifies pigs when tapped or after some time upon impact with something. Has the same strength against stone as his normal counterpart, and can inflict knockback against nearby objects with ease. Shockwave also appears in the form of a power-up, and can be used in any level as such. Short Fuse 26-1


The pigs are the mortal enemies of the birds. They repeatedly hunt down the eggs in order to cook them for King Pig.

Pig Description First encounter
Minion Pig
Minion Pigs
A basic pig with multiple variants:
  • Small Pigs are the weakest pig type, vulnerable to being defeated easily by any bird.
  • Medium Pigs are stronger than small pigs, but can also be defeated easily by any bird.
  • Large Pigs are stronger than medium pigs, and cannot be defeated by some birds instantly.
Poached Eggs 1-1 (small)
Poached Eggs 1-14 (medium)
Poached Eggs 1-5 (large)
Corporal Pig
Corporal Pig
Stronger than large pigs because of his helmet. They take multiple hits before being popped, but stronger birds are an exception. Poached Eggs 1-21
Foreman Pig
Foreman Pig
Stronger than Corporal Pig, he cannot be popped by birds in a single hit, but stronger birds can pop him quicker. Poached Eggs 2-21
King Pig
King Pig
Stronger than any pig, he cannot be popped by any birds in a hit, excluding explosions and Terence. Poached Eggs 3-21
Behaves identically to his son, King Pig. Bird Island 31-21 (only appearance)

Other modes

The Mighty League

Main article: The Mighty League

To enter The Mighty League, press its button and it will load. If the player isn't connected to a Facebook account, they will play as a guest.

The Mighty League is a social way to play classic levels. Each day, 6 randomly chosen levels will appear, the player is tasked with getting the best total score to get Prize Eggs and move up their position on the leaderboard, thus allowing them to get stars and coins for achieving a high ranking.

At the end of each day, if the player has enough stars, they will reach the next league. Each level formerly cost 1 ticket to attempt before the tickets were removed.

The levels chosen vary from a normal episode level to one of the 273 Mighty League exclusive levels.

The Daily Challenge

Main article: Daily Challenge (Angry Birds Classic)

To enter The Daily Challenge, press its button and it will load.

The Daily Challenge features 5 random levels to play in this mode everyday, in the first 4 four levels, Power-Ups can be used but in the last one not. If the player has no birds to use and the level is not finished, the player can watch an ad, to get an extra bird or buy +3 birds to use, with 30 gems.

Completing all 5 levels will award the player a reward of Power-Ups, gems, and coins. Completing a 5-day streak, the player will be awarded with a chest of rewards.

Facebook Connection

Connecting the game with Facebook will synchronize the player's progress, saving it. To connect to a Facebook account, go to The Mighty League, click the Facebook button on the right and log in.


Main article: List of Angry Birds Classic Levels

There are a total of over 700 levels in Angry Birds, including Golden Eggs. These levels are grouped into episodes. In different episodes, the pigs try to find new ways to escape with the eggs.

  • Tutorial: A warm-up episode where the player is introduced to the birds and the power-ups, which are unlimited for use. It contains 15 levels.
  • Poached Eggs, The birds find that the eggs are missing, and later they discover that the pigs have stolen the eggs and now the pigs attempt to escape. It contains 63 levels, which must be conquered before any of the other episodes may be played.
  • Mighty Hoax, The pigs steal the eggs again and use a cut-out of the King to distract the birds while they escape. It contains 42 levels.
  • Danger Above, The pigs steal the eggs and escape on board using several makeshift aircraft. It contains 45 levels.
  • The Big Setup, The pigs imprison the birds in a cage to prevent their defeat after stealing the eggs. However, Terence is still loose and frees Hal, and they both fight back. It contains 45 levels.
  • Ham 'Em High, The pigs, armed with a rope, lasso the eggs out of the bird's nest and take them to the wild west. It contains 45 levels and 3 Facebook levels.
  • Mine and Dine, The pigs steal the eggs and attempt to hide underground, taking them to the underground mines. It contains 45 levels.
  • Birdday Party, The birds find that the pigs have taken their eggs for once again, and this time, along with a piece of their cake. It contains 105 levels (including BirdDay 5 which is merged with this episode).
  • Bad Piggies, taking place in levels with the same background as in the game with the same name, the birds discovered their eggs are missing when suddenly Chuck noticed that the Bad Piggies (now including Ross and Mechanic Pig in this episode) have taken the eggs, and this time, in a built wooden cart, courtesy of the Mechanic Pig. The birds then give a chase. It contains 45 levels.
  • Red's Mighty Feathers, consisting two parts. The first part, play with the classic rule of Angry Birds with Red's new ability. The second part, Egg Defender, uses only Red with his new ability. It has 30 levels, 15 classic and 15 Egg Defender.
  • Short Fuse, Bomb has a new ability called Shockwave. Use him to defeat the pigs faster. This episode also has potions, Inflate, Split and Balloon. Set in the piggies' lab inside a tree. It has 45 levels.
  • Flock Favorites, a special episode, the levels are based on the themes of the previous episodes (Poached Eggs, Danger Above, Mine and Dine, Bad Piggies, Red's Mighty Feathers, Short Fuse and Surf and Turf). Contains 30 levels.
  • BirdDay 5, a special episode, brings new levels designed by fans. They are based in partners including CERN, Google Play, LucasFilm, National Geographic, NHL, Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, Twitter, UNICEF, WWF, and NASA. It contains 30 levels (NOTE: This episode has been merged with Birdday Party as of the Piggy Farm update).
  • Surf and Turf, an episode originally released on Angry Birds Friends; a few small pigs with balloons steal the eggs while King Pig and Foreman Pig look on. It contains 45 levels.
  • Bird Island, an episode based on The Angry Birds Movie. Home of the Angry Birds. It contains 21 levels.
  • Piggy Farm, an episode in which Foreman Pig and minion pigs wearing a cow costume steal the eggs and escape to a farm, contains 45 levels.
  • Jurassic Pork, an episode in which Foreman Pig continues his escape by entering a Time Machine that travels to 65 Million years and ends up in the Cretaceous period, being the king of Prehistoric Pigs, along with fierce dinosaurs. It contains 46 levels.
  • Golden Eggs, 35 scattered throughout the game, which unlocks hidden levels when collected. There is also the bonus King Pig level that contains 4 mini-games.

Trophy Objects

In all episodes, except for Red's Mighty Feathers and Golden Eggs, there are trophy objects, which are the following:


For this game's achievements, see Angry Birds (game)/Achievements.


Hey Mechanic Pig, help me construct a vehicle from my leftover parts!
Help out by adding missing information from reliable sources into this article.

Angry Birds was reportedly loosing 63 million players from 2012 to 2014.[30]


On June 11, 2011, Nokia used the game to break a world record in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to promote an attempt to set a world record for "The Most People in a Mobile Phone Game Relay" (2,030).[31] This record would be beaten a year later with 9,000 attendees.[32]

Since it was released in 2009, the game has been downloaded more than 3.9 billion times across all versions and platforms of mobile devices.[33] Earth had 7.53 billion people before the release of Angry Birds 2.[34] It has been estimated that people all over the world spend 200 million minutes a day playing Angry Birds.[35]


In February 2010, Angry Birds was nominated in the "Best Casual Game" category for the 6th annual International Mobile Gaming Awards set in Barcelona, Spain. In September 2010, IGN named Angry Birds as the fourth best iPhone game of all time. On April 11, 2011, Angry Birds was the winner of both "Best Game App" and "App of the Year" awards at the UK Appy Awards. Angry Birds was awarded "Best Game for Handheld Devices" at Webby Awards.


Image Game Description
Angry Birds Lite Only available for iOS. A demo version of Angry Birds, with six levels from Poached Eggs and six original levels. It was removed at an unknown date, with it effectively getting replaced with Angry Birds Free in 2011.
Angry Birds Free with Magic Only available for Nokia C7 and Nokia N9 . A demo version of Angry Birds, with twenty original levels. It was removed at an unknown date.
Angry Birds HD An HD port of Angry Birds, with improved graphics. It was removed alongside Angry Birds in 2019, though the servers are still partially active.
Angry Birds Lite Beta Only available for Android. A port of Angry Birds Lite released on September 3, 2010,[36] due to high demand for an Android port of Angry Birds. Due to the port being rushed, a button with a ladybug on it allowed players to report any glitches in the game. Lite Beta was removed at an unknown date as the full Android port of Angry Birds was released on October 15, 2010.
Angry Birds Free Only available for iOS. A demo version of Angry Birds, with levels from Poached Eggs to Short Fuse, along with some exclusive levels for Poached Eggs to Birdday Party. As the full game became free in 2016, Angry Birds Free was removed from the App Store.
Angry Birds HD Free An HD port of Angry Birds Free, with improved graphics. It was removed alongside Angry Birds Free in 2016.
Angry Birds for Windows Phone An Xbox-supported Windows Phone port of Angry Birds.
Angry Birds (Roku) A port of Angry Birds on Roku streaming devices, such as the Roku 2 XS and Roku 3. To advertise the port, there were limited edition Roku 2 XS's manufactured in limited quantities. This wasn't the case for the Roku 3, but the box has Super Red promoting the headphone jack the remote has. The port is no longer available as of December 4, 2014.
Angry Birds (Samsung Smart TV) A port of Angry Birds for Samsung Smart TV's released on July 18, 2012.[37] The player must point and move around their hand at a sensor bar to control a cursor (which, strangely enough, is a puff of smoke) in this version of the game.

-Smart TV- AngryBirds (HD)

The port's trailer.

Angry Birds (PSP) A port of Angry Birds released for the PlayStation Portable in January 2011 by Rovio Entertainment and Abstraction Games.[38]

Angry Birds PSP Version + Mighty Eagle's Beak Puzzle Level & Pull the Corporal Pig's Snout level


Angry Birds Trilogy Released as one of the three games available in 2012. The episodes included are Poached Eggs to Mine and Dine, though other episodes were released as DLCs.
Angry Birds for Kakao A version of Angry Birds exclusively for the Korean marketplace on February 16, 2015.[citation needed] This version of the game features an interconnected world map, a lives system, and the ability to send gifts to friends, similarly to Angry Birds 2.
Angry Birds (China) A Chinese port of Angry Birds. Contains all of the content from the original game besides Piggy Farm and Tutorial, in addition to some exclusive content.
Angry Birds (Talkweb) Another Chinese port of Angry Birds. Contains all of the content from the original game (pre Mighty League).
Angry Birds Time Travel Another Chinese port of Angry Birds. Contains Tutorial, Poached Eggs (rethemed to "The Great Wall of China"), Mighty Hoax (rethemed to "Future"), Mine and Dine, Bird Island, Piggy Farm, Jurassic Pork, and a new episode titled Magic, which uses some Golden Egg levels along with some original levels.
Angry Birds (Tencent QQ) A port of Angry Birds for the Tencent QQ app. The episodes included are Poached Eggs to The Big Setup. The life system is also included in this version, and birds need to be rescued instead of unlocked.
Angry Birds (Hatch) A port of Angry Birds for the Hatch app. The episodes included are Poached Eggs to Bird Island, along with Power-up University and the now-named Mighty Eagle University. Additionally, there is no longer a store for the Power-Ups, which are now given through Daily Rewards, and Mighty Eagle was made free. This version was also ported to Amazon Fire Kids Edition devices.
Rovio Classics: Angry Birds A premium remake of Angry Birds made on the Unity engine, made to replace the original version of the game. The episodes included are Poached Eggs to Birdday Party and Surf and Turf. It was released on March 31, 2022.


  • Pre-release builds for Angry Birds on iOS originally had a black outline over the score and high score strings instead of the greenish-blue coloring seen in the first few released versions.
    • However, the early N900 versions still retained the black outlines.
  • Scott Forstall's iPad screen at the unveiling of the iPad had Angry Birds as one of the app icons shown.
  • American television hosts Conan O'Brien, Jon Stewart, and Daniel Tosh have referenced the game in comedy sketches on their respective series, Conan, The Daily Show, and Tosh.0.
  • Some celebrities to have admitted a penchant for the game include TV host Conan O’Brien, actress Angelina Jolie, singer Kylie Minogue, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2010-2016) David Cameron, actor John Hamm, singer Justin Bieber, singer Pete Wentz, and actress and singer Anna Kendrick.
  • Nokia used the game to break a world record in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to promote an attempt to set a world record for the largest number of people playing a single mobile game (1,080).
  • It has been estimated that at one point, people all over the world spend 200 million hours a day playing Angry Birds.
  • In the Android version of Angry Birds, it is possible to disable the backgrounds, replacing it with a single-color backdrop, likely to help the game run smoother on older hardware. This option is not available in the iOS version of the game.
  • In December 2011, it was discovered that a hacked Motoactv acts like a small Android tablet, which can run Angry Birds.[39]
  • The Nabi 2 tablet came pre-loaded with Angry Birds.[40]
  • On March 16, 2021, Angry Birds was officially inducted into the Pocket Gamer Hall of Fame.[41]
  • Likely due to the 2022 re-release of the game, all versions of the original Angry Birds after 7.5.0 oddly became unplayable with an internet connection on Android devices as of January 22, 2022.
    • However, these versions of the game are still playable without an internet connection, and versions 7.5.0 and older still work. Version 7.6.1 and later also still work on iOS.
  • In North Korea, there is a phone called the "touch phone" that released in 2018 that runs a custom build of Android and has 5 preinstalled Angry Birds games in it, including the original Angry Birds.[42]
  • In the in-game trailer, the birds have ability icons. Red has a note, Chuck has a silhouette of himself accelerating, The blues has a silhouette of 3 birds, Matilda has a falling egg, and Bomb has an explosion.[43]
  • On March 15, 2023, Angry Birds was officially nominated for the "World Video Game Hall of Fame".[44] However, the game was beaten by four other games on May 4[45]
  • In October 2023, Angry Birds was officially delisted from the Zimbabwe App Store,[46] with it no longer being an option for players to download the game since the delisting began in July 2019.[22]


For this subject's image gallery, see Angry Birds (game)/Gallery.


Main article: Angry Birds (game)/Videos


  1. 1.0 1.1
  2. Batchelor, James (December 11, 2019). How Angry Birds broke the limits for mobile games. Games Retrieved on September 4, 2022.
  5. Garratt, Patrick (October 19, 2010). Android Angry Birds breaks 2 million downloads in 2 days. VG247. Retrieved on September 4, 2022.
  6. Rovio Releases Angry Birds for PCs, Netbooks
  7. Angry Birds for Windows Phone 7 delayed
  8. Roshell, John (May 7, 2015). How I created the Angry Birds Logo. Balloon Tales. Archived from the original on November 2, 2017. Retrieved on September 26, 2022.
  9. Sutter, John (June 4, 2012). Defectors aim to create next ‘Angry Birds’. CNN. Archived from the original on September 20, 2012. Retrieved on July 21, 2023.
  14. Angry Birds 10th Birdday
  15. File:LeWeb2010 - Angry Birds Mikael Hed - Q&A with MG Siegler @loic in angryloic costume
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 Mobile Web Go
  18. File:Erikoinen Swine Flu Clarification.jpeg
  19. Angry Birds: Hatching a Universe
  22. 22.0 22.1
  23. (Archive)
  25. Rovio Entertainment Corporation (November 23, 2021). Bringing Back 2012 - Angry Birds sets for a flightpath for a re release. Retrieved on November 24, 2021.
  26. Rovio Gaming Discord Server
  29. Bird Leader (December 20, 2010). Angry Birds Mighty Eagle Explained. Retrieved on July 15, 2024.
  36. Moor, Chris (September 1, 2010). Angry Birds for Android (Lite) officially confirmed for Friday release. TalkAndroid. Retrieved on December 26, 2021.
  37. Crook, Jordan (July 18, 2012). Samsung Smart TVs Will Let You Play Angry Birds Without Touching A Thing. TechCrunch. Retrieved on December 25, 2021.
  39. Velazco, Chris (December 25, 2011). Rooted MotoACTV Brings Web Browsing And Angry Birds To Your Wrist. TechCrunch. Retrieved on April 23, 2023.
  40. Martin, Jim (February 26, 2014). Fuhu nabi 2 review. Tech Advisor. Retrieved on September 24, 2022.
  41. Pocket Gamer (March 16, 2021). Next in the Pocket Gamer Awards 2021. Twitter. Retrieved on November 13, 2021.
  42. Daly, Ciaran (January 13, 2022). North Korean phones 'rarest in world' - they come with five Angry Birds apps and no WiFi. Daily Star. Retrieved on September 4, 2022.
  44. (Archived)

External links

ve Games
Mobile games
Browser games
Console games Angry Birds (PSP) (2011) • Angry Birds Trilogy (2012) • Angry Birds Star Wars (2013) • Angry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs (2019) • The Angry Birds Movie 2 VR: Under Pressure (2019) • Angry Birds Launch It! (N/A) • Angryverse Brawl (N/A)
Arcade games Angry Birds Arcade (2016) • Angry Birds Stomper Redemption* (2020) • Angry Birds Whacker* (2020) • Angry Birds Coin Crash (2021) • Angry Birds Smash (2021) • Angry Birds at Electric Gamebox (2022) • Angry Birds Pigvasion (2023) • Angry Birds Boom! (2024)
Unreleased games
Survey games Angry Birds Heroes (2017) • Angry Birds Double Crossed (2021) • Angry Birds Crazy Golf (2022) • Angry Birds Dice (2022)
Miscellaneous Unidentified Angry Birds game (2011) • Angry Birds Go! Create* (2014) • Angry Birds World Tour (2016) • Angry Birds Bowling (2017) • Angry Birds Bounce (2018) • Sure Shot LT Angry Birds (2019) • The Angry Birds Movie 2: Prank Attack VR (2019) • Angry Birds: Little Adventure* (2019) • Angry Birds at Topgolf (2020) • Angry Birds: Bird Island (2021) • Angry Birds (Minecraft) (2022) • Angry Birds (HiberWorld) (2023) • Angry Birds for Automotive (2024) • Angry Birds X (N/A)
Upcoming games Angry Birds Fury RoadAngry Birds Dream Blast (arcade)
Key * - No longer available
(view: v)
Main article | Gallery | Beta elements | Credits | Glitches | Version history | Achievements | Re-releases (Lite, Lite Beta, Free, HD Free, Free with Magic, HD, PSP, Island, Roku, Sync, Trilogy, Samsung Smart TV, Kakao, China, Hatch, Time Travel, Tencent QQ, Talkweb, Rovio Classics (Automotive))
Playable characters Angry Birds (Bomb (Shockwave), Bubbles, Chuck (Chuck Speed*******), Hal, Headshot*****, Lady Grant*****, Matilda, Missy Golocrest*****, Red (Mighty Feathers Red, Fire Bird*******), Reporter*****, Senor Redshank*****, Stella, Terence, The Blues) | Minion Pig | Small Pig | Jetpack Pig | Bomb Pig | Bowling Ball Pig | Toucan Pig | Fat Pig | Balloon Pig | Female Pig
Non-playable characters Col. Angus | Darude | Mechanic Pig | Mighty Eagle | Ross | Rhinoceros | Postman Pig | Hand****** | Hatchery Bird*****
Enemies Corporal Pig | Egg | Foreman Pig | King Pig | Leonard | Minion Pigs
Episodes Normal Tutorial | Poached Eggs | Mighty Hoax | Danger Above | The Big Setup | Ham 'Em High | Mine and Dine | Surf and Turf | Bad Piggies | Red's Mighty Feathers | Short Fuse | Flock Favorites | Bird Island | Piggy Farm | Jurassic Pork | Birdday Party (Birdday 5) | Golden Eggs | Bonus Levels*** | Magic**
New World* Happy New Year | Naughty Christmas | Lunar New Year of the Golden Pig | Wandering Planet | Summer: Back to the Beach
Classic World* Year of the Goat | Moon Fest
Other Power-up University | Mighty Eagle University | Red Saves Lives | Mighty League Test Levels
Items Coins | Egg | Gems | Golden Egg | Power-up (Birdquake, King Sling, Power Potion, Score Doubler*, Mighty Eagle**, Shockwave, Sling Scope, TNT Shield) | Sardine | Slingshot | Lives****
Gimmicks and obstacles Balloon | Beach ball | Cake | Cardboard cutout | Dice | Gift | Glass | Greek pillar | Potion | Stone | TNT | Treasure chest | Water* | Wood
Modes Challenges***** | Daily Challenge (Angry Birds Time Travel**) | Golden King Pig | Hatchery***** | Level Editor | Magic Places******* | The Mighty League
Music Albums Angry Birds (Original Game Soundtrack)
Tracks "Angry Birds Theme"
Other "Angry Birds Cinematic Trailer" | "Angry Birds & the Mighty Eagle" | "Angry Birds Bing Video" | "Bomb Bird: Short Fuse" | Box2D | Bubbles Level******* | Destruction gauge | Earth (Bird Island (Bird Island Beach, Eagle Mountain), Piggy Island) | Level Failed | Piggy kingdom | Rovio Account | Star | Angry Birds: Hatching a Universe | Winnable Objects
*Appears in the Chinese version only
**Appears in Angry Birds Time Travel only
***Appears in Angry Birds Trilogy only
****Appears in Angry Birds for Kakao only
*****Appears in Angry Birds Island only
******Appears in the PC version only
Protagonists RedThe BluesChuckBombMatildaTerenceHalBubblesStella*** • BluJewelLuizMighty EagleMighty Dragon** • BomBom* • Hand****
Antagonists (Accessorized Pigs) Minion Pig (Small PigMedium PigLarge Pig) • Corporal PigForeman PigKing PigFemale PigScarecrow Pig*** • MarmosetsMauroNigel
Materials and Objects SlingshotEggsSardinesKoi Fish** • GlassWoodStoneSnowCloudsGold** • Sand** • Ghost Bricks*** • TNTPumpkinsEaster EggBalloonsFirework** • Food** • Treasure ChestsGreek PillarWater** • Golden EggsGolden Mooncakes
Episodes Poached EggsMighty HoaxDanger AboveThe Big SetupHam 'Em HighMine and DineBirdday Party** • Bad Piggies*** • Surf and Turf***
Episodes Smugglers' DenJungle EscapeBeach VolleyCarnival UpheavalAirfield ChaseSmugglers' PlaneGolden Beachball
Exclusive Episode Bonus Levels
Other AchievementsCutscenesGalleryList of LevelsStarsUnused Content • DLC (Anger Management Pack, Fowl Tempered Pack)
Key * - Unused
** - Only can get from the Anger Management Pack DLC
*** - Only can get from the Fowl Tempered Pack DLC
**** - Only in the Xbox 360, Wii & Wii U