- “I suffer from short-term memory-loss.”
- ―Dory[src]
Dory is the deuteragonist of Disney•Pixar's 2003 animated film Finding Nemo and the titular protagonist of its 2016 sequel. She is a regal blue tang who suffers from short-term memory-loss and is a bit ditzy.
Official Description[]
- Throughout the vast ocean, you will not find a fish more hospitable, more friendly, and more sociable than Dory. She would love to chat with you all day and tell you her life story... but she can't. Dory suffers from short-term memory loss. Dory is the aquatic Good Samaritan who offers to help Marlin on his journey to find his son. She is certainly an odd partner for such a quest, but her optimism proves an invaluable quality to help overcome the impossible. To Dory, the glass is always half-full.
Dory is very optimistic and kind but a ditzy and forgetful fish. This is because she suffers from short-term memory loss. However, she has a heart of gold and was willing to go full lengths to help Marlin find his son (even though she can never remember his name).
After hearing about Marlin and how his son was captured by divers, she was willing to accompany and help him. She was always supportive and helpful to him throughout the journey, though her short-term memory loss and playful personality could sometimes cause Marlin to lose his patience with her. She can be very talkative and loved to play games throughout her and Marlin's journey, taking detours and getting easily distracted. However, she can also be naive and oblivious, as shown when she did not realize the danger of going to a Sharks only club and when Marlin was fighting with an Anglerfish and seemed oblivious to Marlin's struggle (insisting he helps move the light closer to her so she could read the address on the diver's goggles).
She is also very friendly, fun, and warm-hearted, earning her fast friends. Her kindness was shown as she continued to accompany Marlin on his journey despite his lack of patience with her and his sometimes harsh comments. She developed such a close relationship with Marlin that her short-term memory loss seemed to have improved, as she states, "Please don't leave me. No one has ever stayed with me this long, and when I look at you, I remember stuff better." The two remained close by the end of the film.
Despite her ditzy personality, Dory has shown to be somewhat intelligent, as she could read "human" (English and possibly other languages) and even communicate with whales. She also helped Marlin realize that he needed to give Nemo more freedom to grow up, become his own person, and experience life. Dory also possesses something of a ruthless side. While trying to get information from a crab, she threatens to feed him to seagulls if he didn't tell her and Nemo what they wanted to know.
Dory has shown to have separation anxiety, as she begs Marlin not to leave her after returning to the sea by Nigel's mouth. She cries, telling him that no one has ever stuck with her so long before. She shows it again in Finding Dory when she gets lost from the school group for a brief minute, and again when she remembers her family, swimming away from Marlin and Nemo and then slightly panicking as she can't find them before hearing Marlin's voice and swimming back. She shows it again after being separated from them later, and then again after she is told her parents are dead and washed down the drain. Finally, she shows it one last time on the reef, getting nervous as she finds herself alone, before remembering the game.
Physical appearance[]
Dory is a round-shaped regal blue tang with yellow on her fins and tail. She has magenta eyes, black spots, and a small but brightly colored dorsal fin. She has several dark blue freckles on and above her nose, slightly darker eyelids, and like both, her parents have flat teeth.
Finding Nemo[]
Dory first encounters Marlin when he unawarely crashes into her while looking for his missing son Nemo. She swims towards Marlin who is worried that the divers took his son away, planning to find the boat where his son is captured. Dory recognizes that she saw the boat just as she introduces herself to Marlin, just as she leads him to the area where the boat passed by. However, Marlin could not find the boat that Dory asked him about as he continues following Dory across the reef, much to the latter's frustration that she is trying to swim around the ocean just as Marlin thought that Dory tricked him into this. Dory replies that she suffers from short-term memory loss, saying that she forgets things almost instantly where it runs into her family and because of this, there is no telling how many life experiences have eluded her or how many loved ones she lost that she couldn't remember.
Dory and Marlin later encounter a great white shark named "Bruce" who introduces himself to the two who offers them for a meeting he is having which Dory mistakes it for a party just as Bruce takes the two across the minefield (which Dory mistakes the mines for balloons) just as the two are brought to a sunken ship at the Sharks' Lair, as the two encounter Anchor and Chum. During the meeting, Dory offers Bruce so that she can volunteer to participate in the meeting as she introduces herself to the sharks and says that she never ate another fish just before Marlin introduces himself to them. Just as Marlin sees a diver mask which reminds him of Nemo who was captured by divers just as Marlin asks Dory about the text written on the mask, which she replies to him to find any other fish that can read the text.
As Dory tries to ask the sharks if they can read it for her, she and Marlin fight over the mask, which suddenly strikes Dory, injuring her. Bruce asks Dory if she is all right, but suddenly smells the blood which happened during the fight, causing Bruce to go into hostile mode like what a real shark does. During the chase, Dory and Marlin swim across the ship to avoid being eaten; however, Marlin realizes that Dory can read and is very happy to have a companion. Bruce suddenly emerges from the shipwreck and continues to chase them across the ship. Seeing no other exit while escaping from Bruce, Dory and Marlin realize there is a torpedo blocking the path, but Bruce keeps ramming himself onto the ship, causing the torpedo to emerge, as Marlin and Dory both retrieve the mask while Bruce tosses the torpedo onto a field of mines. Dory pops up and thinks if the "party" is over, which the torpedo hits a mine, causing a massive explosion of other mines across the ocean, as Dory and Marlin both retreat into the ship.
The next day after surviving an explosion at the Sharks' Lair, Dory does not notice that the mask she is sleeping on is about to fall into the Abyssal Zone. Marlin wakes her up, much to her shock, as the two attempt to swim away from the ship which hits a rock formation just before Marlin notices the mask falling onto the abyssal zone. Worried that the mask fell into the abyssal zone, this leads Marlin and Dory to retrieve the mask as she tells Marlin to keep swimming, much to Marlin uncomfortable of Dory singing to him just as the two arrive at the abyssal zone.
Dory and Marlin attempt to find the mask that fell into the bottom of the abyssal zone only to find a mysterious light, which is revealed to be none other than an Anglerfish, which pursues Dory and Marlin at the abyssal zone. Soon as the anglerfish chases Marlin, Dory suddenly finds the missing mask which contains the address to Philip Sherman's office in Sydney Harbour while the anglerfish keeps chasing Marlin as Dory patiently reads the text on the mask carefully, causing her to remember the words, "P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney". After finishing reading the text, the anglerfish suddenly becomes stuck onto the mask, just as Dory and Marlin celebrate just before escaping the abyssal zone after Dory tells Marlin about the address to Philip Sherman's office.
Elsewhere in the ocean, Marlin approaches a school of Moonfish trying to get their attention of helping him and Dory find their way to Sydney just before Marlin approaches Dory, telling her if he could do it by himself, taking advantage of her short attention span, but he later regrets it when it physically hurts her. However, the leader of the Moonfish tells Dory if she likes impressions from them. Seeing that the Moonfish are not really helping her and Marlin, the latter asks them for directions, but later finds them useless, frustrated with Dory and her short-term memory loss. Dory never remembers Nemo's name, as Marlin regrets that no one is helping him. Dory then asks the Moonfish if they have heard of Sydney which may be linked to the mask's written text at the bottom of the ocean, which they realize they have heard of it. The school of Moonfish advises Dory and Marlin to follow the East Australian Current by going through a dangerous trench.
Following advice from the Moonfish, Dory and Marlin arrive at the trench, where they decide to swim over it and not through it to avoid any predators lurking within the trench. As they swim over the trench, they see the East Australian Current from a distance just before Dory encounters a small pink creature which she nicknames it "Squishy" just before touching its tentacles, realizing that this creature is a jellyfish, which Marlin shoos it away. However, Dory and Marlin find themselves in the ocean with various pink jellyfish around the two, worried that they are surrounded by large pink jellyfish. Dory interacts with a jellyfish bouncing on its top, which Marlin realizes that only the tentacles sting and not the tops of the jellyfish. Marlin offers Dory to play a game to find a way out of the jellyfish forest without getting stung. Dory accelerates past the jellyfish as Marlin attempts to beat her, only for Dory to be lost within the jellyfish. After Marlin escapes, she returns to the jellyfish forest to find Dory to make sure she is all right. He later finds an unconscious Dory and brings her out of the jellyfish forest using his confidence to rescue her just as he successfully brings Dory out of the jellyfish forest, finally escaping from the jellyfish just before the two find themselves at the East Australian Current.
At the East Australian Current, Marlin asks Crush and tells him that he and Dory must find a way to get to Sydney, which Crush points to Dory who is regaining her consciousness. However, it turns out that Dory is interacting with sea turtle hatchlings across the current as they happily interact with her. Dory introduces Marlin to the sea turtle hatchlings who tells them to take it easy on him just before Marlin recaps about his son Nemo being kidnapped by divers just as Marlin's adventures across the ocean are spread to other sea creature who tell the story about Marlin's journey to find Nemo.
Later, Crush tells Dory and Marlin that they are almost at the spot where Nemo would be just as he tells them to get ready to leave so that they can continue their journey to find Nemo just as Dory and Marlin exit the current which they feel happy that they had a lot of fun in the East Australian Current. As Dory and Marlin find themselves in the deepest part of the ocean, Dory sees no one to ask for directions except for a large Whale swimming in the ocean. Dory tries to ask the whale from a distance, but could not hear the two fish asking him. Dory continues doing a whale call to get the whale's attention, much to Marlin's worry of what Dory is saying is not getting the whale's attention. However, the whale approaches Dory and Marlin and as he approaches the two, they are suddenly swallowed by the big blue whale.
Inside the whale, Marlin becomes furious with Dory, telling her that she tried to ask for help and this made them stuck inside. Dory tells Marlin that she speaks whale, but the latter denies, much to his frustration. Dory comforts Marlin who is losing faith in himself just as she asks the whale of what is going on, much to Marlin hearing the whale attempting to use his blowhole which he thinks that he would be the whale's food. As Marlin grabs hold of Dory while sticking onto the whale's tongue, the latter tells him that everything will be safe, which Marlin doesn't believe the whale is helping them on their adventures. All of a sudden, the whale spouts water from his blowhole, launching the fish out of him as the two finally find themselves in Sydney Harbour which Marlin thinks Dory was right all along as the two bid a farewell to the whale, just as the two continue their journey to find Nemo.
The next day, Dory and Marlin head to the surface of Sydney Harbour looking at various boats around them and as they are attempting to find the boat that took Nemo. However, Dory sees a pelican named "Gerald" flying in the sky which she mistakes him for a duck. As Gerald attempts to eat Dory and Marlin, Nigel gets Dory and Marlin out of him, as Marlin is worried that he must find his missing son just as Dory and Marlin leap on the docks to avoid getting eaten. Nigel stops them, telling the two that he has something to tell them, only for the three to be surrounded by a flock of Seagulls. As Nigel was trying to help them, the seagulls attempt to eat Dory and Marlin, only for Nigel to rescue them and scoop up water in his mouth so they can live inside, just as Dory reacts that she never rode on a pelican before, much to Marlin's worry. Nigel manages to lose the seagulls, causing their beaks to be stuck onto a sail.
Later, Nigel arrives at the dentist's office and with Dory and Marlin on his mouth as Nigel sees Philip Sherman who has Nemo inside a plastic bag in an attempt to rescue Nemo from the dentist. Seeing Nemo pretending dead, Dory and Marlin fearfully react to Nemo of what happened to him, only for Philip to shoo away Nigel, telling the pelican to stay out of his office. Nigel returns to the ocean where he tells Dory and Marlin that he was unable to find and rescue Nemo, despite his attempts to help Marlin find Nemo.
Elsewhere in the ocean, Dory approaches Marlin and tells her that if it weren't for her, he would have never made it to this ocean as his attempt to find Nemo was hopeless. When Marlin thinks that Nemo is dead and starts to go home, Dory doesn't want him to leave because she is afraid that if she can no longer see him, then she'll forget everything, and with Marlin, she is home. This fear is founded, as when the hopeless Marlin leaves her, not a few minutes afterward, her entire adventure has been temporarily wiped clean from her mind.
After Marlin leaves, Dory meets Nemo, who had escaped alive, and at first, she doesn't remember him, but when she sees the word "Sydney" again on a pipe, all her memories of her adventure with Marlin come flooding back, and she plans to reunite Nemo with his father. Dory and Nemo approach two crabs asking them if they saw Marlin pass by, but one of the crabs refuses to tell them where he went, much to Dory furious that the crab isn't helping them. Dory lifts the yellow crab onto the surface through the blackmail of feeding him to the seagulls which the crab replies that Marlin was at the fishing grounds.
With help from some of the crabs, Dory and Nemo find Marlin who is swimming past a school of groupers, resulting in a happy reunion between Nemo and Marlin. The reunion, however, was disrupted when a fisherman's net is catching a school of groupers, just as Dory and the groupers are trapped inside the net. Nemo rushes to help a distressed Dory, much to Marlin feeling overprotective of him, fearing that he might lose him again, which Nemo denies, telling his father that telling the groupers to swim down together is the only way to save Dory. Nemo approaches Dory inside the net, urging her to tell all the other fish to swim down together. All of a sudden, the groupers and Dory all manage to escape the net as they all celebrate that the plan worked. Dory locates Nemo lying down unconsciously, which Marlin approaches his son who miraculously survives. Nemo happily reunites with his father as Dory happily reacts that Nemo is safe after all.
At the conclusion of the film, Dory is seen to have become the latest member of Bruce's Fish are Friends Club as Bruce, Anchor, and Chum come over to drop Dory off just before Dory bids a farewell to the sharks. Just before Nemo can go with Mr. Ray and his class, Nemo happily reunites with his father just before returning to his class just as Dory and Marlin bid a farewell to him for his trip.
Finding Dory[]
- “My family! I remember my family! They're out there somewhere! I have to find them!”
- ―Dory, suddenly remembering her parents
Dory is the main character in Finding Dory. In this movie, she does remember Nemo's name, showing that her memory has improved.
The movie begins with a flashback of when she was a fry (baby fish) living with her parents Jenny and Charlie. They are shown to be kind and loving parents to their daughter, reminding her of what to say and playing hide and seek with her. After nearly getting swept up by the undertow, her parents try to remind her to stay away from it with a silly rhyme, but she doesn't say it correctly. She sadly admits she forgot again and expresses her concern about forgetting her parents and them forgetting her. Her parents lovingly promise to never forget her.
In the next scene, baby Dory is suddenly stranded in the ocean by herself with no explanation of what happened. Two fish try to help her, but before they can, she forgets again and swims off. She spends years searching for her family, trying desperately to remember. As she is asking a group of fish if they can help her a boat zips above her head (Philip Sherman's boat from Finding Nemo) making the fish swim away. She then smacks into Marlin, and the adventure of Finding Nemo begins.
One year after Nemo's rescue, Dory is the next-door neighbor to Marlin and Nemo, living in a purple coral bowl, similar to her original home. As she awakes in the middle of the night, she continues to wake up the duo and sting herself on the anemone until Marlin gives up and gets up for the day.
As Marlin and Dory swim Nemo to school, she goes on the field trip with Nemo's class (to Mr. Ray's annoyance) to the stingray migration. As she is admiring the stingrays, the word "undertow" makes her stop and think, causing her to swim into the undertow and go unconscious, but not before having a flashback of being in a dark place as her parents call her. She awakens, mumbling, "the Jewel of Morro Bay, California". It takes her a moment to remember, but she suddenly remembers her family and becomes hysterical, shrieking they have to find her parents as she swims to the drop-off. Marlin refuses to go at first until Dory asks him if he's ever missed his family, which brings up memories of Nemo's capture. He begrudgingly takes Dory and his son with him as they go to see Crush and ride the current to California. When she starts searching around, Dory remembers being a baby searching for her family in a heavily polluted area and accidentally awakens a giant squid, getting herself stuck in a six-ring plastic and nearly getting Nemo eaten. She expresses heavy concern for the little fish but is shooed away by Marlin. She goes to find help and hears the voice of an intercom (she thinks it's a fish), but when she swims to the surface, she is seen by a group of rescue workers and taken from the water because of the plastic on her fins, scaring her, Marlin, and Nemo.
She ends up in the Marine Life Institute quarantine area. She meets a seven-legged octopus named Hank, who tries to fool her into giving him her tag so he can go to a permanent aquarium instead of being released into the ocean again. Still, she manages to get him to help her by promising her a tag after finding her parents. He puts her in a coffee pot filled with water and brings her to the big map on the bulletin. As she looks at the map, she notices a purple shell on the map, bringing back a flashback of her baby self collecting shells for her parents as they teach her to follow the shell path home if she gets lost and her mother asking her to find her a purple shell, as they are her favorite. But she takes too long and nearly gets Hank caught, causing him to hide in the power room. As she looks at a bucket marked "Destiny," she believes it is fate, and despite Hank's warnings, jumps into it, not realizing it is a feeding bucket for the whale shark Destiny. She is tossed into the pool and instantly makes friends with Destiny, complimenting her on her swimming. When Dory speaks whale to her, Destiny tells Dory how they were friends as kids and talked through the pipes of their exhibits, Dory's being Open Ocean. Dory also meets Destiny's neighbor, Bailey, a beluga whale who believes he can't echolocate. As the three talk, Hank jumps into the pool and demands Dory's tag after she tells him she's not comfortable traveling through the pipes as she will get lost, but Dory convinces him to get her to Open Ocean after recalling a flashback of wanting to give up after being too small to retrieve a shell, but her father telling her there is always another way of getting the shell for her. They ride in a baby stroller, but as she gets distracted, she gets Hank lost, and the two end up getting stuck in the Touch Pool. As the two hide under a rock, she recalls yet another flashback, this time of her parents teaching her the song "Just Keep Swimming" and manages to get Hank and herself out of the Touch Pool.
Hank finally gets her to Open Ocean in a cup, and she happily gives him her tag before swimming down and finding her childhood home, recalling memories of playing with her family, talking with Destiny through the pipes, and collecting shells. However, she notices the home is empty, and as she looks around, she notices a large pipe filtering out bad things from the giant tank. As she gets close to it, she suddenly recalls the memory of how she got lost. She was in bed when she heard her mother crying about how scared she is for Dory to face the real world. Not wanting to see her mother upset, she spots a purple shell and goes to fetch it. But as she goes to get it, her parents cry out for her and nearly reach her when she is pulled by the undertow and is sucked away into a pipe connected to the ocean. As the flashback ends, she becomes distraught, realizing it was her fault she got lost. As she laments, two crabs tell her that all the Blue Tang's are in quarantine, ready to be shipped out to Cleveland. Realizing the only way to get there without Hank is through the same pipe she was sucked away in, she desperately tries to remember the directions but gets lost. She calls out for Destiny, and with Bailey's help, she reunites with Marlin and Nemo and swims towards quarantine.
Upon getting to quarantine, she gets Hank's help of getting to the Blue Tang tank, where she excitedly calls out for her parents. The tangs are all shocked she's alive and gently tell her that her parents went looking for her years ago and never returned, presumed dead. She becomes unresponsive, her vision gets blurry, and she tells herself she doesn't have a family. Hank rescues her before she can get loaded on the truck but doesn't get to Nemo and Marlin. As he tries to get her to safety, a worker grabs him, making him drop her glass beaker on the floor, where she slides into an ocean drain.
Once again lost in the ocean, she desperately tries to remember why she is there, but her memory is blank. Her parents, her friends, her journey are all gone. After failing to get help, she begins to cry before pulling herself together and figuring herself out. She spots a white shell in the sand and remembers her parent's words to follow the shells. She follows the path of shells to a tire, where several upon several paths of shells go to. As she admires them, she sees two fish in the distance carrying shells. Trying to introduce herself, the fish are her ecstatic parents, who tackle her and hug her, reuniting with their daughter after so long. Dory, remembering her parents once again, cries to them, begging them to forgive her, to which they tell her not to, as she found them just like they showed her how to. As they ask if she was alone all these years, she suddenly remembers Marlin and Nemo and knows she needs to rescue them.
With Destiny and Bailey's help (after they jump the walls of their exhibits), they find the truck, and Dory uses otters to stop traffic so she can get into the truck. Marlin and Nemo are saved by Becky, but Dory takes too long to convince Hank to come with her and is trapped in the truck to her parents' horror. With Hank's help, they hijack the truck and manage to drive it into the ocean, freeing all the fish.
The epilogue shows Dory playing hide and seek with Marlin, Nemo, Bailey, Destiny, her parents, and the school kids. She remembers and manages to finish the game. After admiring Hank's teachings to the kids, she swims to the drop-off, followed by an anxious Marlin. She looks over the drop-off, admiring the view, and Marlin finally relaxes against the drop-off, telling her she did it. She found her parents, sparking one last flashback of when she was a baby and her parents proudly praising her for following the shells all the way back home to the coral, allowing her to play with the other children as she swims off happily. Then, back to her own mindset, she smiles, feeling accomplished and satisfied as she deems the view and her memories "unforgettable".
Marine Life Interviews[]
Dory only appears at the end of the short film where she is unable to remember any of her encounters with the residents of the Marine Life Institute.
Other appearances[]
In Exploring the Reef, Dory is the first animated character to appear onscreen in this live-action/animation hybrid short film where she, Marlin, and Nemo keep interrupting Jean-Michel Cousteau's narration about the ocean. However, at one point, when Cousteau gives a quick narration of how everything effects the ocean, Dory hears him, much to her feeling startled upon hearing Cousteau angrily shouting at her. At the end of the short, she, Marlin, and Nemo summarize the message of the short film, much to Cousteau feeling humiliated that this documentary would have never happened to his father Jacques Cousteau.
An emoticon version of Dory appeared in the Finding Nemo and Finding Dory entries in As Told by Emoji short series.
In the Dory's Reef Cam screensaver released exclusively on Disney+, Dory can occasionally be seen swimming across the ocean with the other characters from the Finding Nemo franchise.
Dory is mentioned in the Marvel Disney+ series Agatha All Along. In the episode "Death's Hand in Mine", Agatha Harkness refers to Lilia Calderu as Dory because of memory loss; something she and Dory had in common.
Video games[]
Disney Heroes: Battle Mode[]

Hank & Dory in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode.
Dory is a playable character in Disney Heroes: Battle Mode, she appears as a duo character with Hank. Hank & Dory is a Front-Line control role hero pair. Hank & Dory fights in battlefield using their skills:
- Crafty Camouflage: Hank causes both to become invisible for a duration, addionally all their attacks blinds enemies
- Inked: At the start of each wave, Hank & Dory drop from above into the middle of enemies, dealiing enemies and blinding enemies with Hank's ink
- Whale Call: Dory calls for a whale to appears, causing whale tale to hit backline enemies, dealing damage and stunning them
- A Bit Forgetful: Dory forgets what just happened and 'keeps swimming', cleansing and healing the duo
Hank & Dory have friendship campaign with Rafiki and Winnie the Pooh. Hank & Dory also have friendship campaign with Gerald, Marlin & Nemo, Cheshire Cat, and King Triton.
- According to director Andrew Stanton on the audio commentary for the Finding Nemo DVD, in the original story, Dory was going to be a male character with Jim Carrey voicing her, but when Stanton went home to write the script his wife was watching The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and when he heard DeGeneres' voice, he decided to change Dory to a female and cast her in the role, which she accepted.
- Ellen DeGeneres, Dory's voice actress, has stated that she loved playing Dory so much that she was constantly asking Pixar to make a sequel since the release of the first film. She eventually got her wish come true when the sequel Finding Dory is released in 2016.
- Dory has made cameos in several of Boom! Studios' Disney comics, including The Incredibles, where she appears in an underwater scene, and Darkwing Duck (on the last page of issue 7), where she and other Disney sea creatures react in fear to the return of the villainous Paddywhack.
- On the Disney website, they mistakenly refer to Dory as a Yellowtail Tang. Although she does have a yellowtail, this is a different species of fish.
- Her species is known by several common names, including regal tang, palette surgeonfish, blue tang, royal blue tang, hippo tang, flagtail surgeonfish, Pacific regal blue tang, and blue surgeonfish.
- Dory is the third female protagonist in a Pixar film, the first two being Merida and Joy.
- She is also Pixar's first female titular character and Pixar's first female protagonist to star in a non-original film.
- The nicknames Dory gave to Nemo (in order of chronological mention) are Chico, Fabio, Bingo, Harpo, and Elmo.
- Many people think that goldfish have poor short term memories. Even though she's not a goldfish, this point might be linked to her amnesia-like condition but, contrary to popular belief, goldfish do not have a three second memory; they can actually remember things for at least five months.
- In Finding Nemo: The Musical, Dory wears mismatched socks.
- In the Navajo version of Finding Nemo, she is voiced by Natalie Benally.
- In the German versions of Finding Nemo and Finding Dory, Dory is voiced by comedian Anke Engelke, a German actress who also voices Marge Simpson in the German prints of The Simpsons.
- On the DVD menu for Disc 1 (Widescreen) of the 2003 DVD release of Finding Nemo, Dory (offscreen) tells Marlin that she always wanted to see The Little Mermaid to which Marlin explains that the movie he and Dory are watching is Finding Nemo itself.
- Her emotional speech to Marlin in the first film was all done in a single take by Ellen DeGeneres. DeGeneres did try to re-record it, but the first take had to be used because she was getting too emotional when doing so.
- She is one of the characters who makes a cameo in "Disney's Harmony In color! Parade" in which she appears on a light-blue petal.
- Coincidentally, there is actually a real-life fish type with the name of dory, only that it's not really the same type as what Dory herself is (regal blue tang). There's also a type of boat with the same name; funnily enough, Dory's introduction in Finding Nemo has her recalling a boat she saw after first meeting Marlin.
- The specific type of mental disorder she has is called anterograde amnesia, a condition in which someone has a difficulty in keeping newer memories in mind.
- Dory is mentioned in the Agatha All Along episode "Death's Hand in Mine", when Jennifer Kale compares Lilia Calderu to the fish as they both suffer from memory loss.
External links[]
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