The show tells the heartfelt coming-of-age story of Anne Boonchuy—a self-centered 13-year-old who is magically transported to the fictitious world of Amphibia, a rural marshland full of frog-people and dangerous creatures. With the help of an excitable young frog named Sprig Plantar, Anne will transform into a hero and discover the first true friendship of her life.
In Season two finds Anne and the Plantars on a quest to unlock the mysteries of the music box as they leave the cozy confines of Wartwood for the distant city of Newtopia. On their journey, they will visit exotic new locations, uncover hidden secrets, and experience unexpected reunions as they continue to search for a way to get Anne home.
The third season sees Anne and the Plantars transported from Amphibia to her hometown of Los Angeles, where the frog family will have to learn about the modern world and try to find a way home - all while hiding their identities as talking frog people with the help of Anne’s parents.
Amphibia is the first animated series in history to center on a Thai-American character.
The episode title cards depict a wood carving in darkness lit up with the title superimposed over it. This is an actual wood carving that is photographed and reused every episode.
The show was originally titled Amphibiland, but was changed due to sounding too similar to Amphibilands, the setting of the young adult novel series An Army of Frogs which was adapted into the animated series Kulipari, which ran for two seasons on Netflix from 2016 to 2018 and moved to Hulu in 2023 with its third season released in 2024. Both series also have Keith David voicing a main villain.
Rebecca Sugar, of Steven Universe fame, wrote a song for season three's Christmas special. This marked the first time Sugar, who had primarily worked over at Warner Bros., was involved in a Disney production. Braly previously worked on the Steven Universe episode "Lars and the Cool Kids".
The show has several curiosities that occur once each season:
An appearance of Valeriana.
Anne and her friends fighting each other in the finale. Anne fights Sasha in "Reunion" and "True Colors", while Sasha fights Marcy possessed by the Core in "All In".
The last episode of each season has one of the three girls experiencing a near-death experience: Sasha in Season 1, Marcy in Season 2, Anne in Season 3.
Amphibia premiered on Disney Channel exactly 14 years after the series premiere of another animated series called The Buzz on Maggie.