Valley Windworks

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Valley Windworks 谷間発電所
Valley Powerplant
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: Numerous wind turbines stand in the vicinity of the Valley Windworks. Winds blowing through the canyon feed the wind turbines to generate clean electricity.
Location: East of Floaroma Town
Region: Sinnoh
Generations: IV, VIII

Location of Valley Windworks in Sinnoh.
Pokémon world locations

The Valley Windworks (Japanese: 谷間発電所 Valley Powerplant) is a large, wind-powered power plant that lies east of Floaroma Town, just off Route 205. It harnesses wind energy via giant windmills and converts it into electricity.

In Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, Mars of Team Galactic tries to take over the station to harness its energy, but is chased away by the player.

Valley Windworks
Ecological, Wind-Driven Energy

In the games


The Valley Windworks is a large wind farm situated in a windy valley close to Mt. Coronet, so as to generate as much electricity as possible. It is located just off Route 205, a short walk east from Floaroma Town. In the area, there are nine tall wind turbines which generate energy that is in turn processed by the power plant in the center of the area. West of the plant is a large patch of tall grass, where many wild Electric-type Pokémon live. To the north of the power plant building is a river which runs onto Route 205; a Max Elixir and TM24 (Thunderbolt) can be found by surfing on it.

Inside of the power plant building there are many machines which process the electricity produced and send it out to the cities and towns of the Sinnoh region, while the plant owner and his daughter remain to explain how the plant works and about Drifloon, respectively.

Team Galactic takeover

During the course of the game, Team Galactic will take over the Valley Windworks, kidnapping the worker and kicking his daughter out. Their plan is to steal energy to help Cyrus to achieve his plan to create a new world. One Team Galactic Grunt will be standing guard in front of the door to the power plant. When defeated, he will run inside and lock the door, which will not open unless unlocked by the Works Key, one of which is held by a Grunt in Floaroma Meadow. In order to rescue the plant worker, Mars must be defeated. In Pokémon Platinum, Charon is also here, but the player doesn't battle him. During this encounter, it is revealed that he joined the team after Mars. It is also here where the player discovers that Charon is in fact, one of the four Commanders.


Item Location Games
Potion BDSP Potion Exterior; in the southeast corner, below the Honey Tree  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 
Max Elixir BDSP Max Elixir Exterior; on the north side of the fence (requires Surf) (hidden)  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 
TM Electric BDSP TM24 (Thunderbolt) Exterior; behind the Windworks building (requires Surf)  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 
Electirizer Electirizer Exterior; on the north side of the fence (requires Surf)  Pt 


Generation IV

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Bidoof Bidoof
D P Pt
Grass Grass
8 10%
Shinx Shinx
D P Pt
Grass Grass
10 20%
Pachirisu Pachirisu
D P Pt
Grass Grass
7-8 25%
Pachirisu Pachirisu
D P Pt
Grass Grass
9,11 10%
Buizel Buizel
D P Pt
Grass Grass
7-9 35%
Buizel Buizel
D P Pt
Grass Grass
9-11 25%
Shellos Shellos
West Sea
D P Pt
Grass Grass
7-9 30%
Shellos Shellos
West Sea
D P Pt
Grass Grass
9-12 45%
Tentacool Tentacool
D P Pt
Surfing Surfing
20-30 60%
Tentacool Tentacool
D P Pt
Surfing Surfing
20-30 30%
Tentacruel Tentacruel
D P Pt
Surfing Surfing
20-40 5%
Tentacruel Tentacruel
D P Pt
Surfing Surfing
20-40 1%
Wingull Wingull
D P Pt
Surfing Surfing
20-30 30%
Pelipper Pelipper
D P Pt
Surfing Surfing
20-40 5%
Shellos Shellos
West Sea
D P Pt
Surfing Surfing
20-30 60%
Gastrodon Gastrodon
West Sea
D P Pt
Surfing Surfing
20-40 9%
Magikarp Magikarp
D P Pt
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
3-10 100%
Magikarp Magikarp
D P Pt
Old Rod Fishing
Old Rod
3-15 100%
Magikarp Magikarp
D P Pt
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
10-25 55%
Finneon Finneon
D P Pt
Good Rod Fishing
Good Rod
10-25 45%
Shellder Shellder
D P Pt
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
20-40 15%
Shellder Shellder
D P Pt
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
20-50 15%
Gyarados Gyarados
D P Pt
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
30-40 40%
Gyarados Gyarados
D P Pt
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
30-55 40%
Lumineon Lumineon
D P Pt
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
30-50 45%
Lumineon Lumineon
D P Pt
Super Rod Fishing
Super Rod
30-55 45%
Electrike Electrike
D P Pt
Swarm Swarm
7 40%
Electrike Electrike
D P Pt
Swarm Swarm
9-10 40%
Special Pokémon
Elekid Elekid
D P Pt
FireRed Dual-slot
9 8%
Mareep Mareep
D P Pt
Poké Radar Poké Radar
7-9 22%
Mareep Mareep
D P Pt
Poké Radar Poké Radar
10-12 22%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Additionally, wild Pokémon can appear on the Honey Tree.

Generation VIII

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Morning Day Night
8 10%
7-8 25%
7-9 35%
7-9 30%
20-30 60%
20-40 5%
20-30 30%
20-40 5%
Old Rod
Old Rod
3-10 100%
Good Rod
Good Rod
10-25 55%
Good Rod
Good Rod
10-25 45%
Super Rod
Super Rod
20-40 15%
Super Rod
Super Rod
30-40 40%
Super Rod
Super Rod
30-50 45%
7 40%
Special Pokémon
Poké Radar
7-9 22%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Additionally, wild Pokémon can appear on the Honey Tree.

Special encounters

Generations IV and VIII

A Drifloon appears outside every Friday after Mars has been defeated. If this happens on a Friday, Drifloon will not appear until the next week.

Diamond and Pearl Platinum Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
Ghost Flying
Aftermath or Unburden
Held item:
Drifloon/ Lv.22
Flying Special
Focus Energy
Normal Status
Dark Physical
Normal Status
Ghost Flying
Aftermath or Unburden
Held item:
Drifloon/ Lv.15
Normal Status
Ghost Physical
Flying Special
Focus Energy
Normal Status
Ghost Flying
Aftermath or Unburden
Held item:
Drifloon/ Lv.22
Focus Energy
Normal Status
Dark Physical
Ghost Special
Shadow Ball
Ghost Special


Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Trainer Pokémon
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $440
Glameow Glameow Lv.11
No item
Interior (requires Works Key)
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $440
Cascoon Cascoon Lv.11
No item
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $400
Wurmple Wurmple Lv.10
No item
Glameow Glameow Lv.10
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Pokémon Platinum

Trainer Pokémon
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $520
Glameow Glameow Lv.13
No item
Interior (requires Works Key)
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $520
Zubat Zubat Lv.13
No item
Galactic Grunt
Galactic Grunt
Reward: $440
Glameow Glameow Lv.11
No item
Stunky Stunky Lv.11
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Trainer Pokémon
Team Galactic Grunt
Team Galactic Grunt
Reward: $704
Glameow Glameow Lv.11
No item
Interior (requires Works Key)
Team Galactic Grunt
Team Galactic Grunt
Reward: $704
Cascoon Cascoon Lv.11
No item
Team Galactic Grunt
Team Galactic Grunt
Reward: $680
Wurmple Wurmple Lv.10
No item
Glameow Glameow Lv.10
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.



Diamond Pearl Platinum Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl


Diamond Pearl Platinum Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl


Games Situation Song name (Japanese) Song name (English) Composition Arrangement
 D  P  Pt  Overworld (Day) and inside building after defeating Mars 205ばんどうろ (昼) Route 205 (Day) Hitomi Sato Hitomi Sato
Overworld (Night) and inside building after defeating Mars 205ばんどうろ (夜) Route 205 (Night) Hitomi Sato Hitomi Sato
Inside building when under Team Galactic's control ギンガハクタイビル Galactic Eterna Building Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
When encountering Team Galactic Grunts ギンガ団登場! Team Galactic Appears! Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
When battling Team Galactic Grunts 戦闘!ギンガ団 Battle! (Team Galactic) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda
After defeating Team Galactic Grunts or Mars ギンガ団に勝利! Victory! (Team Galactic) Go Ichinose Hitomi Sato
When battling Mars 戦闘!ギンガ団幹部 Battle! (Team Galactic Commander) Junichi Masuda Junichi Masuda

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Artwork depicting the Valley Windworks is seen in Mars's mindscape.

Mars & Purugly

In animation

Valley Windworks in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl

Pokémon the Series

Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl

The Valley Windworks first appeared in Drifloon On the Wind! as Karsten's workplace.

In Gone With the Windworks!, Lyra's Marill wandered inside the Valley Windworks, and Ash and his friends had to go inside to retrieve it. However, due to the power going out, they were temporarily trapped inside. Benjamin guards this location with his multiple Magnemite and many security cameras, but he is generally asleep.

In the manga

Valley Windworks in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Diamond & Pearl arc

The Valley Windworks appeared in Honey for Combee and Belligerent Bronzor, where Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum went to the site to help find a little girl's father, whose Drifloon had returned from the Valley Windworks injured, carrying his tattered lab coat. The three Pokédex holders discovered that Mars, one of Team Galactic's Commanders, was holding the little girl's father as a hostage to make him generate electricity for her to steal for the Galactic Bomb, using her Bronzor's Sandstorm to speed up the process. Although Mars got away with the electricity stored within her Electivire* and the Pokédex holders almost got buried in Sandstorm's sand, everybody managed to survive the incident.

Valley Windworks in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl!

The Valley Windworks appeared in The Mystery Boy, Jun!!. After hearing of Team Galactic causing trouble at the Windworks, Hareta and Jun headed there and encountered Mars, whom they engaged in a Double Battle. During the battle, Mars had her Purugly destroy the electrical grid, plunging the room into darkness and thus leaving her Zubat as the only functional Pokémon in the battle. However, Hareta was able to use his newly caught Shinx's Spark to generate enough light to allow them to finish off Zubat. Following this, Shinx fed enough power to the broken grid to restore the lights, allowing Hareta's Piplup to finish off Purugly and thus forcing Mars to retreat.

In the TCG

The following is a list of cards mentioning or featuring Valley Windworks in the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

Pokémon in Valley Windworks
Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format.
Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Drifloon Psychic Legends Awakened Common 92/146 Regigigas Half Deck    
Other related cards
Card Type English
Rarity # Japanese
Rarity #
Mars Su Ultra Prism Uncommon 128/156 Ultra Sun U 062/066


  • In Pokémon Platinum, after defeating Mars, this message will be displayed on both computer screens:
"The bringer of wars... Your target is the energy of the power plant.
The bringer of contentment... Your target is the Pokémon statue of Eterna City.
The bringer of aging... Your target is the Pokémon that sleeps on today.
The dream energy.
 Team Galactic.
This message likely refers to Gustav Holst's orchestral suite The Planets. The epithet of each commander corresponds to the first, fourth, and fifth movements of the suite, respectively: Mars, the Bringer of War, Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity, and Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age. The message shows where each of Team Galactic's three commanders is stationed: Mars was at Valley Windworks gathering power, Jupiter may have been the one to deface the Eterna Pokémon Statue (as she is in the city when the player arrives) and Saturn tries to capture the sleeping Azelf.
After battling Giratina, the message will change, only saying "The PC screen is filled with numbers upon numbers."
  • In Diamond, Pearl, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl, if Dialga or Palkia is battled on a Friday, Drifloon can be seen when the cutscene preceding the battle briefly shows Valley Windworks.
  • In Pokémon Masters EX, Flint reveals that he met his Drifblim as a Drifloon at Valley Windworks.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 山谷發電廠 Sāangūk Faatdihnchóng *
山谷的發電廠 Sāangūk-dīk Faatdihnchóng *
Mandarin 山谷發電廠 / 山谷发电厂 Shāngǔ Fādiànchǎng *
山谷的發電廠 / 山谷的发电厂 Shāngǔ-de Fādiànchǎng *
山谷間的發電場 Shāngǔjiān-de Fādiànchǎng *
Czech Údolní větrná elektr��rna (DP144)
Větrná elektrárna (DP028)
Finnish Laakson tuulivoimala
French Parc ÉolienBDSP
Les ÉoliennesDPPt
German Windkraftwerk
Greek Κοιλάδα Windworks
Italian Impianto Turbine
Korean 골짜기발전소 Goljjagi Baljeonso
Polish Dolina Wiatraków
Portuguese Brazil Usina do Vale (manga)
Vale Windworks
Portugal Vale Windworks
Spanish Latin America Planta Eólica (DP144)
Valle Windworks (DP028)
Spain Valle Eólico
Swedish Dalens Vindkraftverk
Vietnamese Trạm phát điện thung lũng

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See also
This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.