Sinnoh Route 215

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Route 215
Route 215
Map description
This area is always inundated by heavy rainfall. Only hardy Trainers that can take the rain gather here.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Route 210
Route 215
Veilstone City
Sinnoh Route 215
Location of Route 215 in Sinnoh.
Pokémon world routes
Route 214       Route 216

Route 215 (Japanese: 215ばんどうろ Route 215) is a route in central Sinnoh that connects Veilstone City and Route 210.

Route description

Route 215 connects Route 210 and Veilstone City. This route has many hills that are connected by bridges.


Item Location Games
Ether BDSP Ether Just past the first bridge  D  P  BD  SP 
Max Ether Max Ether Just past the first bridge  Pt 
TM Dark TM66 (Payback) Given by the Black Belt before the second bridge  D  P  Pt 
TM Dark BDSP TM66 (Payback) ×3 Given by the Black Belt before the second bridge  BD  SP 
Honey BDSP Honey In northeast corner of the elevation between bridges two and three (hidden)  D  P  BD  SP 
Revive Revive In center of the elevation between bridges two and three (hidden)  Pt 
Fist Plate BDSP Fist Plate Just past Black Belt Gregory (requires Cut)  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 
Guard Spec. BDSP Guard Spec. Across the fourth bridge, south of first Berry patch  D  P  BD  SP 
Pecha Berry BDSP Pecha Berry ×2 Berry patch south of Black Belt Gregory (requires Cut)  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 
Bluk Berry BDSP Bluk Berry ×2 Berry patch south of Black Belt Gregory (requires Cut)  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion Across the fourth bridge, south of first Berry patch  Pt 
Hyper Potion BDSP Hyper Potion Above the Cut tree adjacent to a long ledge (hidden)  D  P  BD  SP 
Zinc BDSP Zinc On a tree in the northeast corner of the largest grass patch (hidden)  D  P  BD  SP 
HP Up HP Up Northeast corner of the largest grass patch  Pt 
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball At the south end of the largest grass patch (hidden)  Pt 
TM Electric BDSP TM34 (Shock Wave) South of the largest grass patch (requires Cut)  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 
Iron Iron At large trodden area after Jogger Scott (hidden)  Pt 
Full Heal BDSP Full Heal Below the ledge past Jogger Scott  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 
Wiki Berry Wiki Berry Berry patch east of Ace Trainer Maya  D  P  Pt 
Wiki Berry BDSP Wiki Berry ×2 Berry patch east of Ace Trainer Maya  BD  SP 
Mago Berry Mago Berry Berry patch east of Ace Trainer Maya  D  P  Pt 
Mago Berry BDSP Mago Berry ×2 Berry patch east of Ace Trainer Maya  BD  SP 


Generation IV

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Morning Day Night
Abra Abra
D P Pt
Grass Grass
20 10%
Abra Abra
D P Pt
Grass Grass
19 10%
Kadabra Kadabra
D P Pt
Grass Grass
20-22 15%
Kadabra Kadabra
D P Pt
Grass Grass
21-22 10%
Geodude Geodude
D P Pt
Grass Grass
20-22 35% 0% 0%
Geodude Geodude
D P Pt
Grass Grass
20, 22 0% 25% 25%
Ponyta Ponyta
D P Pt
Grass Grass
21-22 30% 40% 0%
Ponyta Ponyta
D P Pt
Grass Grass
21 0% 0% 20%
Lickitung Lickitung
D P Pt
Grass Grass
20 10%
Scyther Scyther
D P Pt
Grass Grass
20-22 15% 0% 0%
Scyther Scyther
D P Pt
Grass Grass
20 0% 5% 5%
Marill Marill
D P Pt
Grass Grass
20-22 25% 25% 45%
Staravia Staravia
D P Pt
Grass Grass
19, 21 30% 0% 0%
Staravia Staravia
D P Pt
Grass Grass
19, 21-22 0% 40% 0%
Staravia Staravia
D P Pt
Grass Grass
19 0% 0% 20%
Kricketune Kricketune
D P Pt
Grass Grass
20 10% 10% 0%
Kricketune Kricketune
D P Pt
Grass Grass
20-22 0% 0% 30%
Drowzee Drowzee
D P Pt
Swarm Swarm
20-21 40%
Drowzee Drowzee
D P Pt
Swarm Swarm
19-20 40%
Special Pokémon
Gligar Gligar
D P Pt
Emerald Dual-slot
22 8%
Houndoom Houndoom
D P Pt
Poké Radar Poké Radar
20, 22 22%
Mightyena Mightyena
D P Pt
Poké Radar Poké Radar
20, 22 22%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Additionally, wild Pokémon can appear on the Honey Tree.

Generation VIII

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Morning Day Night
20 10%
20-22 15%
20, 22 25%
21 10% 0% 0%
21 20% 30% 20%
22 10% 10% 0%
20 10%
21-22 0% 0% 20%
20-21 40%
Special Pokémon
Poké Radar
20, 22 22%
Poké Radar
20, 22 22%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Additionally, wild Pokémon can appear on the Honey Tree.


Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Trainer Pokémon
Ruin Maniac Calvin
Ruin Maniac Calvin
イサジ Isaji
Reward: $2208
Bronzor Bronzor Lv.21
No item
Shieldon Shieldon Lv.23
No item
Jogger Craig
Jogger Craig
スバル Subaru
Reward: $640
Morning only
Vs. Seeker
Luxio Luxio Lv.19
No item
Staravia Staravia Lv.21
No item
Ponyta Ponyta Lv.20
No item
Black Belt Derek
Black Belt Derek
ケンサク Kensaku
Reward: $600
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.25
No item
Black Belt Gregory
Black Belt Gregory
ヨウスケ Yōsuke
Reward: $504
Requires Cut
Meditite Meditite Lv.23
No item
Machop Machop Lv.22
No item
Meditite Meditite Lv.21
No item
Black Belt Nathaniel
Black Belt Nathaniel
グンジ Gunji
Reward: $528
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.21
No item
Machop Machop Lv.22
No item
Meditite Meditite Lv.23
No item
Jogger Scott
Jogger Scott
マサヤ Masaya
Reward: $736
Morning only
Staravia Staravia Lv.23
No item
Ace Trainer Dennis
Ace Trainer Dennis
カツマサ Katsumasa
Reward: $1380
Potential Double Battle with Maya
Vs. Seeker
Monferno Monferno Lv.23
No item
Gyarados Gyarados Lv.23
No item
Ace Trainer Maya
Ace Trainer Maya
エリナ Erina
Reward: $1380
Potential Double Battle with Dennis
Vs. Seeker
Glameow Glameow Lv.23
No item
Kadabra Kadabra Lv.23
No item
Jogger Craig*
Jogger Craig*
スバル Subaru
Reward: $1248
Morning only
Vs. Seeker
Luxio Luxio Lv.36
No item
Staravia Staravia Lv.36
No item
Rapidash Rapidash Lv.39
No item
Jogger Craig*
Jogger Craig*
スバル Subaru
Reward: $1856
Morning only
Vs. Seeker
Luxio Luxio Lv.56
No item
Staraptor Staraptor Lv.57
No item
Rapidash Rapidash Lv.58
No item
Ace Trainer Dennis
Ace Trainer Dennis
カツマサ Katsumasa
Reward: $2340/3540
Vs. Seeker
Monferno Monferno Lv.39/59
No item
Luxio Luxio Lv.39/59
No item
Gyarados Gyarados Lv.39/59
No item
Ace Trainer Maya*
Ace Trainer Maya*
エリナ Erina
Reward: $2400
Vs. Seeker
Glameow Glameow Lv.40
No item
Kadabra Kadabra Lv.40
No item
Ace Trainer Maya*
Ace Trainer Maya*
エリナ Erina
Reward: $3600
Vs. Seeker
Purugly Purugly Lv.60
No item
Kadabra Kadabra Lv.60
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Pokémon Platinum

Trainer Pokémon
Ruin Maniac Calvin
Ruin Maniac Calvin
イサジ Isaji
Reward: $1104
Bronzor Bronzor Lv.23
No item
Shieldon Shieldon Lv.23
No item
Jogger Craig
Jogger Craig
スバル Subaru
Reward: $768
Morning only
Vs. Seeker
Luxio Luxio Lv.22
No item
Luxio Luxio Lv.24
No item
Black Belt Derek
Black Belt Derek
ケンサク Kensaku
Reward: $624
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.26
No item
Black Belt Gregory
Black Belt Gregory
ヨウスケ Yōsuke
Reward: $552
Requires Cut
Machop Machop Lv.23
No item
Machop Machop Lv.23
No item
Machop Machop Lv.23
No item
Black Belt Nathaniel
Black Belt Nathaniel
グンジ Gunji
Reward: $576
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.21
No item
Machop Machop Lv.24
No item
Meditite Meditite Lv.24
No item
Jogger Scott
Jogger Scott
マサヤ Masaya
Reward: $800
Morning only
Staravia Staravia Lv.25
No item
Ace Trainer Dennis
Ace Trainer Dennis
カツマサ Katsumasa
Reward: $1500
Potential Double Battle with Maya
Vs. Seeker
Gligar Gligar Lv.24
No item
Drifblim Drifblim Lv.25
No item
Buizel Buizel Lv.24
No item
Ace Trainer Maya
Ace Trainer Maya
エリナ Erina
Reward: $1500
Potential Double Battle with Dennis
Vs. Seeker
Roselia Roselia Lv.24
No item
Ralts Ralts Lv.24
No item
Lickitung Lickitung Lv.25
No item
Jogger Craig*
Jogger Craig*
スバル Subaru
Reward: $1376
Morning only
Vs. Seeker
Luxio Luxio Lv.43
No item
Luxio Luxio Lv.43
No item
Jogger Craig*
Jogger Craig*
スバル Subaru
Reward: $1888
Morning only
Vs. Seeker
Luxray Luxray Lv.59
No item
Luxray Luxray Lv.59
No item
Ace Trainer Dennis*
Ace Trainer Dennis*
カツマサ Katsumasa
Reward: $2700
Vs. Seeker
Gligar Gligar Lv.44
No item
Floatzel Floatzel Lv.44
No item
Drifblim Drifblim Lv.45
No item
Ace Trainer Dennis*
Ace Trainer Dennis*
カツマサ Katsumasa
Reward: $3540
Vs. Seeker
Gliscor Gliscor Lv.61
No item
Floatzel Floatzel Lv.61
No item
Drifblim Drifblim Lv.59
No item
Ace Trainer Maya*
Ace Trainer Maya*
エリナ Erina
Reward: $2700
Vs. Seeker
Roselia Roselia Lv.44
No item
Kirlia Kirlia Lv.44
No item
Lickitung Lickitung Lv.45
No item
Ace Trainer Maya*
Ace Trainer Maya*
エリナ Erina
Reward: $3660
Vs. Seeker
Roserade Roserade Lv.59
No item
Gardevoir Gardevoir Lv.61
No item
Lickilicky Lickilicky Lv.61
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Trainer Pokémon
Ruin Maniac Calvin
Ruin Maniac Calvin
イサジ Isaji
Reward: $1,380
Bronzor Bronzor Lv.21
No item
Shieldon Shieldon Lv.23
No item
Jogger Craig
Jogger Craig
スバル Subaru
Reward: $880
Morning only
Vs. Seeker
Luxio Luxio Lv.19
No item
Staravia Staravia Lv.21
No item
Ponyta Ponyta Lv.20
No item
Black Belt Derek
Black Belt Derek
ケ��サク Kensaku
Reward: $900
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.25
No item
Black Belt Gregory
Black Belt Gregory
ヨウスケ Yōsuke
Reward: $756
Requires Cut
Meditite Meditite Lv.23
No item
Machop Machop Lv.22
No item
Meditite Meditite Lv.21
No item
Black Belt Nathaniel
Black Belt Nathaniel
グンジ Gunji
Reward: $792
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.21
No item
Machop Machop Lv.22
No item
Meditite Meditite Lv.23
No item
Jogger Scott
Jogger Scott
マサヤ Masaya
Reward: $1,012
Morning only
Staravia Staravia Lv.23
No item
Ace Trainer Dennis
Ace Trainer Dennis
カツマサ Katsumasa
Reward: $1,656
Potential Double Battle with Maya
Vs. Seeker
Monferno Monferno Lv.23
No item
Gyarados Gyarados Lv.23
No item
Ace Trainer Maya
Ace Trainer Maya
エリナ Erina
Reward: $1,656
Potential Double Battle with Dennis
Vs. Seeker
Glameow Glameow Lv.23
No item
Kadabra Kadabra Lv.23
No item
Jogger Craig*
Jogger Craig*
スバル Subaru
Reward: $1,404
Morning only
Vs. Seeker
Luxio Luxio Lv.36
No item
Staravia Staravia Lv.36
No item
Rapidash Rapidash Lv.39
No item
Jogger Craig*
Jogger Craig*
スバル Subaru
Reward: $2,088
Morning only
Vs. Seeker
Luxio Luxio Lv.56
No item
Staraptor Staraptor Lv.57
No item
Rapidash Rapidash Lv.58
No item
Ace Trainer Dennis
Ace Trainer Dennis
カツマサ Katsumasa
Reward: $2,496/3,776
Vs. Seeker
Monferno Monferno Lv.39/59
No item
Luxio Luxio Lv.39/59
No item
Gyarados Gyarados Lv.39/59
No item
Ace Trainer Maya*
Ace Trainer Maya*
エリナ Erina
Reward: $2,560
Vs. Seeker
Glameow Glameow Lv.40
No item
Kadabra Kadabra Lv.40
No item
Ace Trainer Maya*
Ace Trainer Maya*
エリナ Erina
Reward: $3,840
Vs. Seeker
Purugly Purugly Lv.60
No item
Alakazam Alakazam Lv.60
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Trainer Tips

Trainer Tips!
Pokémon attacks are classified as being either Physical or Special.
A Physical Attack is based on the Attack stat of the Pokémon.
Likewise, a Special Attack is based on the Special Attack stat.


Diamond Pearl Platinum


Games Situation Song name (Japanese) Song name (English) Composition Arrangement
 D  P  Pt  Overworld (Day) 210ばんどうろ (昼) Route 210 (Day) Go Ichinose Go Ichinose
Overworld (Night) 210ばんどうろ (夜) Route 210 (Night) Go Ichinose Go Ichinose


  • In Diamond and Pearl, Geodude and Ponyta can be found here in abundance, despite both of them being weak to the Water-type, and the route being constantly rained upon.
  • In Pokémon Platinum, if the player walks into the gate leading to Route 215 from Veilstone City, activates the bicycle, and rides it to Route 215, the rain audio will play for a second and then end as the route shows up on the screen. The rain itself will show up, however. Accessing the Bag or entering a battle ends this effect. This does not work in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, as the player cannot ride the bicycle in the gates.

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See also

This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.