Offshore boulders form a jetty that becalms waves reaching the beach. A resort hotel overlooks the water. In a small house on the beach lives a single man who refers to himself as Dr. Footstep.
When leaving Valor Lakefront, the player can see three suites and a hotel. In the suite on the left, a clown will give the player TM92 (Trick Room), and in the suite requiring Rock Climb to get to, a lady will give the player the Coin Toss Pokétch App. In the hotel, if the player talks to the police officer, he will heal their Pokémon. South of the hotel, there is a beach with two Trainers. Following the sandy beach west, the player will find Dr. Footstep's house. South of the house, there is a hidden Heart Scale. North of the house, there is a rocky wall leading to a grass patch and item, and a breakable rock hiding a Honey Tree on the right and left respectively. Further north, there is a grass patch leading the player to Pastoria. North of the grass patch, there is a Berry patch.
Dr. Footstep's House
Dr. Footstep will examine a Trainer's leading Pokémon's footprints and check its Friendship level. As a reward for a high Friendship level, he will give the Pokémon a Footprint Ribbon.
These are items found inside Hotel Grand Lake buildings located on Route 213; however, they are technically found in a location called "Grand Lake", not Route 213.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Additionally, wild Pokémon can appear on the Honey Tree.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Additionally, wild Pokémon can appear on the Honey Tree.
In Besting Buizel I, Crasher Wake led Pearl to Route 213 so that he could catch himself a Buizel or a Floatzel. While battling the Buizel and Floatzel in the area, Pearl noticed how they seemed very angry. Wake explained that their habitats had suffered due to Team Galactic detonating the Galactic Bomb at Lake Valor nearby, causing them to become angry at humans. Pearl, having failed to stop the Galactic Bomb, initially blamed himself for making these Pokémon angry, but Wake cheered him up by taking him to Pastoria's Croagunkface board, told him that it's okay to fail sometimes, and offered to train with him, which Pearl happily accepted.
In Besting Buizel II, after many tries, Pearl finally managed to catch a Buizel, which he nicknamed "Zeller". Despite Pearl being happy about the successful capture, Wake reminded him that his Buizel was still nervous from the explosion and needed to properly bond with him before it would listen to him in battle. Figuring that Pearl would need a full team of six Pokémon in order to stand a chance against Team Galactic, Wake then led his student to Route 212 to catch more Pokémon.
On January 24, March 13, May 11, July 11, August 9, August 20, October 18, November 10, December 2, and December 31, it rains on this route.
On January 5, February 15, February 27,PtFebruary 29, April 15, April 30,PtJune 15, July 26, September 2, September 13, October 3, and December 25, the route is cloudy.