Max Elixir

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Max Elixir
PP Max
Max Elixir
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation I
Generation I Items
Generation II Items
Generation III Items
Generation IV Medicine
Generation V Medicine
Generation VI Medicine
Generation VII Medicine
Generation VIII Medicine
Generation IX Medicine
Power 30

The Max Elixir (Japanese: ピーピーマックス PP Max), spelled Max Elixer in the Generation I and II games, is a type of medicine introduced in Generation I. It fully restores PP for all of a Pokémon's moves. It is the improved counterpart of both the Max Ether and the Elixir.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
N/A $2,250
LA N/A $1,250
SV N/A $1,125


When used from the Bag on a Pokémon, it fully restores the PP of all of its moves.


Games Description
Stad Fully restores the PP of all the selected Pokémon's moves.
GSC Fully restores the PP of one Pokémon.
RSEColoXD Fully restores the PP of a Pokémon's moves.
FRLG Fully restores the PP of all moves for one Pokémon.
It fully restores the PP of all the moves learned by the targeted Pokémon.
This medicine can fully restore the PP of all of the moves that have been learned by a Pokémon.
This medicine can be used to fully restore the PP of all of the moves that have been learned by a Pokémon.
LA This medicine can be used to fully restore the PP of the four moves your Pokémon currently has available to use.
SV A medicine that can be used to fully restore the max PP of all four moves that a Pokémon knows.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
Route 17, Power Plant, Seafoam Islands, Cerulean Cave (×1RB/×2Y)
GSC Route 26, Bell Tower, Dragon's Den, Mt. Silver Cave, Whirl Islands Mystery Gift
RSE Magma HideoutR/Aqua HideoutSE, Magma HideoutE, Victory Road Pickup (Lv. 91-100E)
FRLG Route 17, Power Plant, Berry Forest, Cerulean Cave, Sevault Canyon
XD Citadark Isle, Realgam Tower (Extra Battle Bingo completion prize) Pickup (Lv. 91-100)
DPPt Valley Windworks, Victory Road (×1DP/×2Pt), Mt. Coronet (×1DP,/×2Pt), Stark Mountain (×2) Pickup (Lv. 91-100)
HGSS Routes 17, 19, and 26, Bell Tower, Dragon's Den (×2), Mt. Silver Cave, Cerulean Cave, Whirl Islands Pickup (Lv. 91-100)
PW Treehouse, Quiet Cave
BW Routes 8, 14, and 18, Wellspring Cave, Dragonspiral Tower, Moor of Icirrus, Giant Chasm
Route 15 (held by in-game trade Rotom)
Pickup (Lv. 91-100)
B2W2 Castelia City, Pinwheel Forest, Plasma Frigate, Victory Road (×2)
Route 15 (held by in-game trade Rotom)
Join Avenue (Raffle Shop)
Pickup (Lv. 91-100)
XY Route 22, Victory Road Lost Hotel (shaking trash cans)
Pickup (Lv. 91-100)
ORAS Team Magma HideoutOR/Team Aqua HideoutAS, Victory Road, Sootopolis City (×2), Mirage Island (north of Route 124), Mirage Forest (west of Route 105) Pickup (Lv. 91-100)
SMUSUM Hau'oli CemeteryUSUM, Haina DesertSM, Mount Lanakila, Poni GroveUSUM, Poni GauntletSM Festival Plaza (Lottery shop: sixth prize, haunted houses)
Pickup (Lv. 81-100)
PE Silph Co., Pokémon Mansion (×2), Cerulean Cave
SwSh Route 9 Pickup (Lv. 61-100)
SwShCT Snowslide Slope Watt Trader (Highlight Item, 980 W)
BDSP Valley Windworks, Victory Road, Mt. Coronet, Stark Mountain (×2) Pickup (Lv. 61-100)
LA Crafting: 1 Max Ether and 2 King's Leaves
SV Alfornada Cavern, Area Zero, Asado Desert, Casseroya Lake, Dalizapa Passage, East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Three), Glaseado Mountain, North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), North Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Six), West Province (Area One) Pickup (Lv. 61-100)
SVID Area Zero Underdepths Blueberry Academy Store (60 BP)
Item Printer


Games Event Language/Region Distribution period
SV Pokémon Get Challenge 2024 items All November 22, 2024 to May 31, 2025
The Great Pokémon Get Operation 2024 items All November 22, 2024 to May 31, 2025



Artwork from
Scarlet and Violet


Bag sprite from Legends Arceus

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

The Max Elixir appears in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness and Explorers of Sky, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.


Games Cost Sell price
MDRB 250 100
MDTDS 250 25
MDGtI 150 15
SMD 75 15


It fully restores the PP of all the moves of the Pokémon that ingests it and restores 5 Belly for it. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, it removes the sealed status from the Pokémon.

If thrown, it will grant the same effect as if it was consumed by the Pokémon it hits (it cannot be caught); if it is sticky, it will also deal 2 damage. The Max Elixir can be blended into a drink at Spinda's Juice Bar; it can trigger a medium IQ boost, result in a recruitment, result in an Egg gift, or unlock a new dungeon.

In Explorers of Sky, it has the corresponding Lookalike Item Mix Elixir.


Games Description
MDRB A drink that completely restores the PP of all the Pokémon's moves.
It also slightly fills the Pokémon's Belly.
MDTDS A drink that completely restores the PP of all the Pokémon's moves. It also slightly fills the Pokémon's Belly.
MDGtI Drinking it completely restores the PP of all the user's moves.
SMD Drinking it completely restores the PP of all of your moves. It can also heal the sealed status.
MDRTDX Drinking it completely restores the PP of all your moves. It can also heal the Sealed status.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
MDRB Mt. Steel, Sinister Woods, Silent Chasm, Mt. Thunder, Great Canyon, Lapis Cave, Rock Path, Snow Path, Frosty Forest, Mt. Freeze, Stormy Sea, Silver Trench, Fiery Field, Lightning Field, Northwind Field, Western Cave, Northern Range, Pitfall Valley, Buried Relic, Wish Cave, Wyvern Hill, Solar Cave, Darknight Relic, Unown Relic, Joyous Tower, Purity Forest, Oddity Cave, Remains Island
Kecleon Shop (Mt. Blaze, Frosty Forest, Magma Cavern, Northern Range, Pitfall Valley, Wish Cave, Wyvern Hill, Joyous Tower, Purity Forest, Oddity Cave, Remains Island)
Pokémon Square shop
Job reward (E-★)
MDTDS Treasure Memo floor (Treasure Boxes), Sentry Duty
Treasure Town Kecleon Shop, Treasure Boxes, Job requests (E-★4)
Prize Ticket Win prize, Silver Ticket Loss prize, Gold Ticket Loss prize, Prism Ticket Loss prize,
All dungeons except Beach Cave, Northern Desert, Quicksand Cave, Quicksand Pit, Shimmer Desert, and World Abyss
MDGtI Post Town merchants, Paradise Facilities, Treasure Boxes, Various dungeons
SMD Kecleon Shops, Sparkling Floor, certain post-story dungeons


Sprite from
Red and Blue Rescue Team
Sprite from
Explorers series
Sprite from
Gates to Infinity
Sprite from
Super Mystery Dungeon
Sprite from
Rescue Team DX
Model from
Gates to Infinity
Model from
Super Mystery Dungeon


In the TCG

Main article: Max Elixir (BREAKpoint 102)
Max Elixir

Max Elixir was introduced as an Item card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English XY Series (the Japanese XY Era) in the BREAKpoint expansion. In Japanese, it was reprinted in the Sun & Moon Era in the Premium Trainer Box. This Trainer card allows the player to attach one basic Energy card from the top 6 cards of their deck to a Basic Pokémon on their Bench.


  • The Japanese name of the Max Elixir is "PP Max", which is the name of a separate item in English. The PP Max's name in Japanese is "Point Max".
  • There is an unused sprite for a Wonder Launcher item whose coloration resembles the Max Elixir.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese PP多項全補劑 PP Dōhohng Chyùhnbóujaih *
PP全滿劑 PP Chyùhnmúhnjaih *
Mandarin PP多項全補劑 / PP多项全补剂 PP Duōxiàng Quánbǔjì *
PP全補劑 PP Quánbǔjì *
French Élixir Max*
Max Élixir*
Maxi Soin PP*
German Top-Elixier
Italian Elisir Max
Tonico PP Max*
Korean PP맥스 PP Max
Portuguese Elixir Máximo*
Brazilian Portuguese Elixir Máximo
Spanish Elixir Máximo*
Elixir Máx.*
Píldora Elixir*

Related articles

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.