Flower Paradise

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Flower Paradise 花の楽園
Flower Paradise
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: A speck of an island far from any civilization. It is covered in an abundance of flowers.
Location: North of Seabreak Path
Region: Sinnoh
Generations: IV, VIII

Location of Flower Paradise in Sinnoh.
Pokémon world locations

The Flower Paradise (Japanese: 楽園 Flower Paradise) is an area in Sinnoh, located north of Route 224, where the Mythical Pokémon Shaymin resides.


As an event-only area, the Flower Paradise will only appear if the player has received Oak's Letter. After speaking with Professor Oak on Route 224 and inscribing onto the white rock what the player is most thankful for, the Seabreak Path will appear, and the barren area around the rock will become covered in flowers. A Shaymin (in its Land Forme) will appear from the north, surprising both the player and Professor Oak, and will then venture back. When the player follows it to Flower Paradise, it can be battled.

Through exploitation of the Surf glitch and tweaking, players can visit this area without Oak's Letter in Diamond and Pearl, allowing them to encounter Shaymin without having to attend any event. Both glitches have been addressed in Platinum, and Shaymin itself will not appear without the player having Oak's Letter.


Artwork of the Flower Paradise from Pokémon Platinum

After going through Seabreak Path, the longest route in the Pokémon world, Flower Paradise can be finally found at the end of the long path. Flower Paradise is a huge meadow covered in flowers of various colors. By going up a small hill to the top, Shaymin can be found. It is the only Pokémon to inhabit the area.

Special encounters

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

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Reason: respawn conditions

A Shaymin is coded to appear at the center of the island on the first visit, but it was never made legitimately available.

Grass Unknown
Natural Cure
Held item:
Lum Berry
Shaymin Lv.30
Defense Curl
Normal Status
Magical Leaf
Grass Special
Leech Seed
Grass Status
Grass Status

Pokémon Platinum

A Land Forme Shaymin appears at the center of the island on the first visit. If defeated or run from, it respawns upon leaving the area.

It is treated as having been met in a fateful encounter.

Grass Unknown
Natural Cure
Held item:
Lum Berry
Shaymin Lv.30
Normal Status
Magical Leaf
Grass Special
Leech Seed
Grass Status
Grass Status

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

A Land Forme Shaymin appears at the center of the island on the first visit. If defeated or run from, it respawns upon leaving the area.

It has a 55% chance of holding a Lum Berry.

Grass Unknown
Natural Cure
Held item:
Shaymin Lv.30
Normal Status
Magical Leaf
Grass Special
Leech Seed
Grass Status
Grass Status


Diamond Pearl Platinum Brilliant Diamond Shining Pearl


Games Situation Song name (Japanese) Song name (English) Composition Arrangement
 D  P  Pt  Overworld (Day) ソノオタウン (昼) Floaroma Town (Day) Hitomi Sato Hitomi Sato
Overworld (Night) ソノオタウン (夜) Floaroma Town (Night) Hitomi Sato Hitomi Sato


  • Flower Paradise is the northeastern-most location in Sinnoh and is tied with Snowpoint City for the northernmost known location in the Pokémon world.
    • However, Snowpoint City hosts the northernmost point of access in the Pokémon world, as the entrance of the Snowpoint Temple in Snowpoint City is very slightly north of the northernmost accessible point in the Flower Paradise.
  • Prior to version 1.1.3 of Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, it was possible through a glitch to reach Flower Paradise without Oak's Letter and catch Shaymin. This was patched in version 1.1.3, rendering Flower Paradise inaccessible until Oak's Letter was made available.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 花之樂園 Fā-jī Lohkyùhn
Mandarin 花之樂園 / 花之乐园 Huā-zhī Lèyuán
European French Paradis Fleuri
German Blumenparadies
Italian Paradiso Fiore
Korean 꽃의 낙원 Kkoch-ui Nagwon
European Spanish Paraíso Floral

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This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.