The Old Chateau is located deep within Eterna Forest, near the Route 205 entry point from Eterna City. It cannot be reached without using Cut on an obstructive small tree. The manor is known to be haunted, scaring many citizens of Eterna City, especially Gardenia, who sometimes appears before it cowering in fear at the urban legends related to it.
Upon entering, the Old Chateau appears to be old and abandoned. The first room encountered is the foyer, which has two flights of stairs both leading to the second floor. Between the foyer's staircases is a door to the dining hall, where a long wooden table dominates the room. The kitchen area is found to the left side of the table. Just outside of the room stands a strange statue with an ominous aura that appears to be glaring.
On the second floor, left and right of the main room extends a library, where old books are crammed into bookshelves. There are also four bedrooms that can be accessed by traveling further up to the first floor. In one of the rooms there is a TV that is on and displaying a plain, white, flickering screen. The TV is inhabited by a wildRotom, which comes out exclusively at night to initiate a battle (in any game that is not Pokémon Platinum, this requires obtaining the National Pokédex). In another room, there is a portrait with glowing red eyes that stare at and seem to follow the player.
Occasionally, the ghost of a little girl and a butler appear in the rightmost bedroom on the second floor and in the dining hall, respectively. They cannot be interacted with and move by floating.
The little girl appears when the player enters the fourth room from the west, which is next to the bedroom where she randomly "appears". When this happens, she looks to the left, where the player is, then moves towards the exit, never being seen on the other side. This can only occur when the player enters this particular room because the game loads a different map depending on the room entered, and the little girl is only programmed to appear in the map of the fourth room.
The butler appears to be sitting at the other side of the table in the dining room. The player walks forward and he starts moving to the left—leaving the game window—as if going to the kitchen area, but never appearing there.
The little girl who appears in the bedroom
The butler who appears in the dining hall
In Pokémon Platinum, one of the books on the floor in the library is just barely readable. It says:
It's an old notebook. There's something scrawled in it...
"Som...hing so pecu...r shou... make off ...ith the mot..."
The rest of the pages are blank.
In Japanese:
ふるびた ほんに かきなぐった あとが ある⋯⋯
あんな えたいのしれ⋯⋯ ⋯⋯に モ⋯⋯を もっていかれる とは⋯⋯
あとは まっしろだ⋯⋯
It most likely is meant to say: "Something so peculiar should make off with the motor."
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
The Old Chateau is located in Canalave City in Pokémon the Series. In complete contrast to the games, it's a popular well-kept locale where it also serves as a hotel. There, people can make the Old Gateau using the instructions and ingredients found there. It is also run with an automated voice to guide visitors.
In Get Your Rotom Running!, it was abandoned for a while due to electricity problems triggered by a recent thunderstorm. As a result, a Rotom took shelter there for a while to play with visitors, including Ash and his friends, by possessing different appliances.
The Old Chateau appeared as the focus point of The Old Chateau. Cheryl and her Chansey were drawn there while looking for a place to stay overnight while exploring the Eterna Forest. While inside, the two were tricked and eventually attacked by the ghosts of a butler and a little girl. Due to a glamour trick placed by the ghosts, it at first appears to be a pleasant brightly-lit mansion, but the ending reveals it's completely run down and abandoned.
In Robust Rotom, Diamond and Pearl discovered the Old Chateau while leading Platinum through the Eterna Forest. Platinum, unaware that the manor-like building had long been deserted, decided that she and her bodyguards stay overnight inside. During their stay, a globe of energy emerged around Diamond and Pearl, spooking them in the process. Diamond managed to trap the energy globe into a television in one of the rooms. Subsequently, the trio enjoyed a peaceful night's sleep before leaving the next morning.
The Japanese name of the Old Chateau is homophonous with that of the Old Gateau (Japanese: もりのヨウカン); both terms are pronounced as Mori no Yōkan.
The English names of the Old Chateau and Old Gateau were coined by translator Nob Ogasawara, intending to preserve the pun in the original Japanese text.[1][2] According to Nob, he was able to keep the Old Chateau/Old Gateau pun in part due to him being able to give more input in the localization process from Generation III onward.[3]