Oreburgh Mine

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Oreburgh Mine クロガネ炭鉱
Kurogane Mine
"Wild Missingno. appeared!"
Map description: {{{mapdesc}}}
Location: Oreburgh City
Region: Sinnoh
Generations: IV, VIII

Location of Oreburgh Mine in Sinnoh.
Pokémon world locations

The Oreburgh Mine (Japanese: クロガネ炭鉱 Kurogane Mine) is located in Oreburgh City and operated by Roark. It is one of the main features in the city, as well as the city's leading energy source. In order to battle Roark, the first Gym Leader of Sinnoh, the player must explore the mine and find him. After finding him, he will show the player how to use Rock Smash and then finally leave to go back to his Gym.

In the games


The Oreburgh Mine is one of the main features in the city, as well as the city's leading energy source. It is the livelihood of the town. Vents in the town allow steam to escape and fresh air to enter the mine, likely also clearing the mine of any poison gas (which is historically the bane of coal miners). The mine is operated with the utmost care to avoid causing damage to the natural habitats of wild Pokémon. The system of taking coal out of the mine is automated. Roark lets Trainers from the town train their Pokémon in the mine. The mine itself extends not only under the town, but the seafloor as well. All of the miners have their own Pokémon, usually Machop, to assist them in the mine.

The first part of the cave is the entrance where there is a stairwell that will gradually make its way down to the underground cavern. There are steel drums and crates located around the area, as well as a small conveyor belt, that, in Pokémon Platinum extends to the undersea floor.

The sub floor, which contains a large piece of slab in the middle, is more complex. There are a few workers digging at the slab, but there are some who are training their Pokémon and are eager for a battle. There are two ways of getting around the slab, but only by traveling counter-clockwise can a player make a full rotation around the slab, as there is a small ledge blocking the path. There are a couple of crates located on this floor as well.


Item Location Games
Flame Plate Flame Plate B1F, from a Hiker who appears by the entrance if the player has obtained Arceus  Pt 
X Defense BDSP X Defense B1F, to the right of the main entrance  D  P  BD  SP 
Poké Ball Poké Ball B1F, to the right of the main entrance  Pt 
Escape Rope BDSP Escape Rope B2F, south of the ledge  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 
Potion BDSP Potion B2F, on the right side of the coal slab  D  P  Pt  BD  SP 


Generation IV

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Zubat Zubat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
7 20%
Zubat Zubat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
5-7 25%
Geodude Geodude
D P Pt
Cave Cave
5-7, 9 70%
Geodude Geodude
D P Pt
Cave Cave
4-8 65%
Onix Onix
D P Pt
Cave Cave
8 10%
Onix Onix
D P Pt
Cave Cave
6, 8 10%
Zubat Zubat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
8 20%
Zubat Zubat
D P Pt
Cave Cave
6-8 25%
Geodude Geodude
D P Pt
Cave Cave
6-8, 10 70%
Geodude Geodude
D P Pt
Cave Cave
5-9 65%
Onix Onix
D P Pt
Cave Cave
9 10%
Onix Onix
D P Pt
Cave Cave
7, 9 10%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Generation VIII

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Morning Day Night
7 20%
5-7, 9, 10 70%
8, 9 10%
8 20%
6-8, 10 70%
9 10%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Trainer Pokémon
Worker Mason
Worker Mason
ゲンタ Genta
Reward: $360
Machop Machop Lv.9
No item
Worker Colin
Worker Colin
カンジ Kanji
Reward: $280
Geodude Geodude Lv.7
No item
Onix Onix Lv.7
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Pokémon Platinum

Trainer Pokémon
Worker Mason
Worker Mason
ゲンタ Genta
Reward: $360
Geodude Geodude Lv.9
No item
Worker Colin
Worker Colin
カンジ Kanji
Reward: $320
Geodude Geodude Lv.6
No item
Machop Machop Lv.8
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

Trainer Pokémon
Worker Mason
Worker Mason
ゲンタ Genta
Reward: $648
Machop Machop Lv.9
No item
Worker Colin
Worker Colin
カンジ Kanji
Reward: $560
Geodude Geodude Lv.7
No item
Onix Onix Lv.7
No item
Trainers with a Vs. Seeker by their names, when alerted for a rematch using the item, may use higher-level Pokémon.


Version B1F B2F


Games Situation Song name (Japanese) Song name (English) Composition Arrangement
 D  P  Pt  Overworld クロガネたんこう Oreburgh Mine Go Ichinose Go Ichinose

In the spin-off games

Pokémon Masters EX

Artwork depicting the Oreburgh Mine is seen in Roark's mindscape.

Roark & Rampardos

In animation

Oreburgh Mine in Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl

Pokémon the Series

In Pokémon the Series, Roark, the Oreburgh Gym Leader, also works as the Oreburgh Mine foreman. He has a particular interest in the many Fossils found at the site, many of which are on display at the nearby Oreburgh Mining Museum. The coal from the Mine is considered to be the richest quality in the world.

Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl

The Oreburgh Mine debuted in Shapes of Things to Come!. It was first mentioned by Ian, who informed Ash and his friends that Roark was at the Mine doing coal mining and looking for hidden treasures. Upon meeting him, Roark apologized to Ash, admitting he got carried away with the Fossil hunt again before returning to the Gym.

In Wild in the Streets!, Ash was training his Pokémon against coal ore pillars in the Mine after his loss to Roark the day before. At the same time, Team Rocket revived an Aerodactyl using the revival machines they had stolen. Ultimately, Team Rocket was defeated and the rampaging Fossil Pokémon was caught.

In Ancient Family Matters!, the Mine appeared in two flashbacks. In the first flashback, it was revealed that Roark's father Byron had left Roark to the position the Oreburgh Gym Leader just as Roark was being assigned to lead the ancient Pokémon excavation operations at the Mine. The second flashback showed Roark as a child, showing his father a Fossil of a Sunkern leaf at the Mine.

In the manga

The Oreburgh Mine in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Diamond & Pearl arc

The Oreburgh Mine appeared in Putting a Crimp in Kricketot, where Platinum wandered there by herself after being attracted to a song being played from inside, which turned out to be caused by a group of wild Kricketot and Kricketune. Although Platinum's Piplup managed to defeat many of them, she was eventually overcome by their sheer numbers, and a local Worker suggested that Platinum should challenge Roark, the local Gym Leader, in order to help restore Piplup's wounded pride.

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl Adventure!

The Oreburgh Mine appeared in Hareta's Very First Pokémon Battle!!, where Hareta was taken there after being captured by a pair of Team Galactic Grunts, but he was soon rescued by Roark. After Roark had introduced himself as the Oreburgh City Gym Leader, he and Hareta had a battle. Thanks to the Oran Berry Roark had given to Hareta before the battle, his Piplup was able to survive Roark's Cranidos's final attack and win the battle, earning Hareta the Coal Badge.


In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 黑金炭坑 Hāakgām Taanhāang *
鋼鐵炭坑 Gongtit Taanhāang *
Mandarin 黑金炭坑 Hēijīn Tànkēng *
鋼鐵炭坑 / 钢铁炭坑 Gāngtiě Tànkēng *
钢铁矿坑 Gāngtiě Kuàngkēng *
French Mine de CharbourgBDSP
Mine CharbourgDPPt
German Erzelingen-Mine
Italian Cava di MineropoliBDSP
Cava MineropoliDPPt
Korean 무쇠탄갱 Musoe Tangaeng
Polish Kopalnia Oreburgh
Spanish Latin America Mina Oreburgh
Spain Mina Pirita
Vietnamese Mỏ than

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See also
This article is part of Project Locations, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every location in the Pokémon world.