Worker (Trainer class)

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作業員 Laborer

VS model from Scarlet and Violet
Other names はたらくおじさん Working Man (Japanese Generation III)
Introduced in Generation III
Appears in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver
Black, White, Black 2, and White 2
X, Y, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
Sword, Shield, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl
Scarlet and Violet
Colosseum, XD
Gender Both*
Counterpart {{{counterpart}}}
Notable members {{{members}}}
Animated debut Genesect and the Legend Awakened
TCG debut [[(TCG)|]]
TCG card {{{card}}}
Manga debut Sandstorm (Adventures)

A Worker (Japanese: はたらくおじさん Working Man in Generation III, 作業員(さぎょういん) Laborer in Generation IV onwards) is a type of Pokémon Trainer that debuted in the Generation III games, where they appeared in Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness. They later appeared in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Workers can also appear in Johto's Battle Frontier.

They are generally depicted as young-to-middle-aged men with hardhats and tools, with female Workers debuting in Sword and Shield as tall blond women. They appear to be similar to the Engineer class, but they use different Pokémon. They use Rock-, Fighting-, Steel-, and Ground-type Pokémon. In the Battle Subway and Battle Maison, they specialize in Pokémon benefiting from sandstorm.

In Black and White, some Workers dress in warmer clothing for colder climates, similar to the Ace Trainers that are on Route 217 and in Snowpoint Gym. They are mainly found in Cold Storage; they still use mainly Fighting-type Pokémon, but several also use Ice-type Pokémon. While the Cold Storage is no longer accessible in Black 2 and White 2, bundled-up Workers can still be found in places such as Twist Mountain. In the Battle Subway, these specialize in Ice-type Pokémon.

Logo of Timburr Builders, as seen on Galar Worker helmets



Art from X and Y

Sprites and models

In the core series

Prototype sprite from
Diamond and Pearl March 26 build
Sprite from
Generation IV*
Sprite from
Black and White
Sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
Sprite from
Black and White
Sprite from
Black 2 and White 2
VS portraits from
Generation VI*
Overworld sprite from
Generation IV*
Overworld sprite from
Generation V
Overworld sprite from
Generation V
Overworld models from
Generation VI*
In-battle model from
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun,
and Ultra Moon
VS model from
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun,
and Ultra Moon
VS models from
Sword and Shield
VS model from
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
VS model from
Scarlet and Violet
Overworld model from
Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, and Ultra Moon
Y-Comm profile images from
Sword and Shield
Overworld model from
Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

In other games

VS sprite from
VS sprite from
XD: Gale of Darkness

Trainer list

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

See more: List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl/Worker

Pokémon Platinum

See more: List of Battle Frontier Trainers in Generation IV/Worker

Pokémon Black and White

See more: List of Battle Subway Trainers/Worker

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

See more: List of Battle Subway Trainers/Worker

Pokémon X and Y

See more: List of Battle Maison Trainers/Worker

Pokémon Sun and Moon

See more:
List of Battle Royal Dome Trainers/Worker
List of Battle Tree Trainers/Worker

Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon

See more:
List of Battle Royal Dome Trainers/Worker
List of Battle Tree Trainers/Worker

Pokémon Sword and Shield

See more: List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Sword and Shield/Worker

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl

See more: List of Battle Tower Trainers in Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl/Worker

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Pokémon Colosseum

Story Mode

Battle Mode

Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness

In animation

Workers in Pokémon Journeys: The Series

Pokémon the Series

Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl

A group of Workers (referred to here as miners) appeared in Shapes of Things to Come!, where they and their Pokémon were working in the Oreburgh Mine.

Genesect and the Legend Awakened

A group of Workers appeared in the movie Genesect and the Legend Awakened. Their work was interfered by flickering streetlights, caused by the Genesect Army's actions at Pokémon Hills. Fortunately, their Ampharos was able to give them light with its tail, allowing the men to continue their work.

Pokémon Journeys: The Series

A Worker appeared in an image in Ivysaur's Mysterious Tower!, where he and a group of Machop were seen working on the construction of a new Gym in Vermilion City.

A group of Workers appeared in Sword and Shield: The Darkest Day!. They were working at a mine in Galar when a stray beam of Dynamax energy caused a nearby Coalossal to Gigantamax and go on a rampage. Ash and Leon were able to stop it, but the Workers threw rocks at Coalossal, only to be stopped by Ash before leaving.


Worker's Machoke

Machoke was seen working in the Oreburgh Mine.

None of Machoke's moves are known.

Worker's Machamp

Machamp was seen working in the Oreburgh Mine.

None of Machamp's moves are known.

Worker's Hariyama

Hariyama was seen working in the Oreburgh Mine.

None of Hariyama's moves are known.

Gurdurr and Conkeldurr
Worker's Gurdurr and Conkeldurr

Gurdurr and Conkeldurr were seen helping their owners in their work.

None of Gurdurr and Conkeldurr's moves are known.

Worker's Watchog

Watchog was seen guarding the Workers' work-site.

None of Watchog's moves are known.

Worker's Ampharos

Ampharos was seen providing the Workers light when the streetlights started to flicker.

Ampharos's only known move is Flash.

Worker's Machop

Multiple Machop were seen in an image with a Worker, where they were working on the construction of a new Gym in Vermilion City.

None of Machop's moves are known.

Pokémon: Twilight Wings

Worker in Pokémon: Twilight Wings

In Assistant, a group of Workers were at a construction site visited by Oleana.

Two Workers appeared in The Gathering of Stars.


Timburr, Gurdurr, and Conkeldurr
Worker's Timburr, Gurdurr, and Conkeldurr
Debut Assistant

A Timburr, a Gurdurr, and a Conkeldurr were seen at a construction site that Oleana visited.

None of their moves are known.

Worker's Copperajah
Debut Assistant

A Copperajah was seen at a construction site that Oleana visited.

None of Copperajah's moves are known.

Worker's Carkol
Debut Assistant

A Carkol was seen at a construction site that Oleana visited.

None of Carkol's moves are known.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Two Workers in Pokémon Adventures


Diamond & Pearl arc

In Putting a Crimp in Kricketot, a Worker in Oreburgh City is seen loudly scolding his Psyduck, nicknamed "Yeller" (Japanese: きいろ Yellow), for playing with the controls of a bulldozer. Psyduck had caused the machine to roll down the hill, putting Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum in danger. The Worker apologizes to them, and Platinum asks him for a tour of the Oreburgh Mine as repayment, hoping to dig for coals. Diamond and Pearl initially let her go by herself with the Worker. However, they go after her as soon as Chatler tells the location of the mine to the boys by repeating the Worker's voice. After Platinum's Piplup defeats a swarm of Kricketune, the Worker mentions that Roark envisioned the mine as a place to dig for coal, and for training Pokémon as well. Piplup's pride is hurt because she has not participated in the past few battles together with Diamond and Pearl's Pokémon, so the Worker suggests Platinum to go challenge the Oreburgh Gym to help Piplup regain her confidence. In Brash Bronzong I, the Worker who owns a Psyduck is seen again. He and Roark talk about Byron investigating Team Galactic in Canalave City.

In A Conk on Cranidos's Cranium, Roark is seen talking to some friendly Workers at the Oreburgh Mine. Roark tells them about some of the Fossils he dug out from the Underground. The Workers introduce Roark to Platinum and tell him that Platinum intends to challenge the Oreburgh Gym.

Black & White arc

Workers Felix (Japanese: カンキチ Kankichi), Rich (Japanese: リイチ Rīchi), Sterling (Japanese: ギンジ Ginji), Don (Japanese: タモツ Tamotsu), and Heath (Japanese: タイゾウ Taizō) work as miners for Clay. They were first seen in Lights, Camera...Action, where they and Clay unearthed a mysterious stone at the Desert Resort. Later, in Mine Mayhem, Heath was ordered to bring Black to the Driftveil Gym so that he and Clay could have their Gym battle. All of the Workers here are based on the Workers found either in the Driftveil Gym or Twist Mountain in Black and White.

Several Workers made an appearance at Route 4 in Sandstorm. They were playing a game of card flip during their break. However, one of the Workers turned out to be a disguised Team Plasma Grunt. The Grunt was exposed and beaten by Grimsley.

A group of Workers, some of them in their winter clothes, was seen in Drawing Bridges amongst the Trainers waiting to get to cross the Driftveil Drawbridge.

Black 2 & White 2 arc

Another group of miners working for Clay, named Tavarius (Japanese: タケオ Takeo), Tibor (Japanese: ツナシロウ Tsunashirō), Pasqual (Japanese: トオル Tooru), and Friedrich (Japanese: フンボルト Humboldt) appeared in Giant Chasm. They were seen helping Clay free the people trapped in the ice in Opelucid City. Like the workers seen in Lights, Camera...Action, they could be found in the Driftveil Gym in Black 2 and White 2.

Sword & Shield arc

In Crackle!! Practice Battle, a Worker in a X & Y design watched as Leon attempted to herd the Wooloo away from the Wedgehurst Station, but to no avail.



A Psyduck named Yeller was first seen driving a bulldozer, almost running over Platinum, and being scolded by its Trainer. It is frequently shown to take interest in driving a bulldozer, much to its Trainer's chagrin. It was later revealed to have been used by Team Galactic to blockade Route 210 along with other Psyduck, who were subsequently cured of their headache by Cynthia.

None of Yeller's moves are known.

Worker's Petilil
Debut Sandstorm

Petilil was one of the Pokemon seen with their Trainers entering the Route 4 gate for a break.

None of Petilil's moves are known.

Worker's Swadloon
Debut Sandstorm

Swadloon was one of the Pokemon seen with their Trainers entering the Route 4 gate for a break.

None of Swadloon's moves are known.

Worker's Cottonee

Cottonee was seen with its Trainer, waiting for the Driftveil Drawbridge to lower.

None of Cottonee's moves are known.

Worker's Krokorok

Krokorok was seen with its Trainer in their winter clothes, waiting for the Driftveil Drawbridge to lower.

None of Krokorok's moves are known.

Drilbur (×2)
Worker's Drilbur (×2)
Debut Giant Chasm

2 Drilbur was seen with their Trainers, working to free the people trapped in the ice in Opelucid City.

None of Drilbur's moves are known.

Worker's Baltoy
Debut Giant Chasm

Baltoy was seen with their Trainers, working to free the people trapped in the ice in Opelucid City.

None of Baltoy's moves are known.

Worker's Sandile
Debut Giant Chasm

Sandile was seen with their Trainers, working to free the people trapped in the ice in Opelucid City.

None of Sandile's moves are known.

In the TCG

Full Art print of Worker
Main article: Worker (Silver Tempest 167)

Worker was introduced as a Supporter card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English Sword & Shield Series (the Japanese Sword & Shield Era). It was first released in the Japanese Paradigm Trigger expansion and the English Silver Tempest expansion, with artwork by Sanosuke Sakuma. It was also released as a Full Art card and Secret card in the same Japanese and English expansions, with artwork by Yuu Nishida. It allows the player to draw three cards, then discard a Stadium card in play.

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 工人 Gūngyàhn
Mandarin 工人 Gōngrén
French Ouvrier ()
Ouvrière ()
German Arbeiter ()
Arbeiterin ()
Indonesian Pekerja
Italian Lavoratore (, Colo, IV+)
Operaio (, XD)
Lavoratrice ()
Korean 작업원 Jag'eopwon
Brazilian Portuguese Operário ()
Trabalhadora ()
Spanish Obrero (, IV)
Operario (, V+)
Trabajador (, Colo, XD)
Operaria ()
Vietnamese Công nhân

Related articles

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Colosseum only:
AthleteBandana GuyCipherCipher HeadDeep KingGlasses ManGuyLadyLady in Suit
Miror B.PeonRich BoyRoller BoyShady GuySt.PerformerTeacher
XD: Gale of Darkness only:
BeautyCasual DudeCasual GuyCipher CmdrCipher R&DCurmudgeonGrand MasterKaminko Aide
Mystery ManNavigatorRobo GroudonSailorThugWanderer
This Trainer Class article is part of Project CharacterDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on each character found in the Pokémon games.