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Nacrene City
シッポウシティ Shippou City
"A Pearl of a Place"
Nacrene City in {{{variable2}}}.
Map description
A city established in restored storehouses built 100 years ago.
Nacrene City is described as having a peculiar cityscape, as it reuses its warehouses built about a century ago. According to the Pokémon Adventuresmanga, the unique cityscape makes it a popular place for avant-garde artists and is usually the place where trends begin. Due to this, Nacrene City is called the "city of art". Castelia City's Gym LeaderBurgh is a renowned artist whose hometown is Nacrene City. Nacrene City houses the Nacrene Museum which happens to include the Nacrene Gym.
A Pearl of a Place (Japanese: シッポウは 七つの 宝物Shippou is the Seven Treasures.)
Places of interest
Nacrene Museum
A museum showing various historical treasures is located at the heart of Nacrene City. Upon entering the museum, the player may talk to the woman on the right hand desk to restore Fossils. The ground floor of the Nacrene Museum is where all of its showcases are located, arranged symmetrically along the left and right sides of the walls. The museum's most prominent display is the skeleton of a Dragon-type Pokémon (resembling Dragonite), which is nestled at the center of the main exhibition room. Over to the left of the skeleton is an Armaldo Fossil. There is a meteorite exhibit located above the Fossil that, when examined, can change Deoxys into any of its four forms, depending on which one it is currently in. The Dark StoneW or Light StoneB is located here and initially regarded as an "ordinary old stone" before Lenora discovers what it actually is and gives it to the player. On the right side of the museum is an ancient tablet with an unknown script carved into it. Beneath this is a mask that was worn by ancient people at festivals, and three large bones that were once carried as weapons by a certain Pokémon (possibly Cubone or Marowak). By ascending the flight of stairs at the back of the museum, the player can access a library room, which also operates as the Nacrene GymBW.
In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, the player can choose to obtain either a Plume Fossil or a Cover Fossil (neither of which are obtainable at Twist Mountain) from Lenora upon visiting the Nacrene Museum for the first time. A replica of the Dark StoneW2/Light StoneB2 is now substituted in place of the real ones, which were originally given to the protagonist by Lenora in Black and White.
The Nacrene Gym is the official Gym of Nacrene City. It is based on Normal-typePokémon. The Gym Leader is Lenora. The Nacrene City Gym is a Gym consisting of a library that require Trainers to find the right answers to opponents' questions through the readable books, before engaging them in battle. For defeating Lenora, Trainers receive the Basic Badge and TM67 (Retaliate).
Café Warehouse Try our delicious specials on Wednesdays and Saturdays!
The Café Warehouse is a diner on the westernmost end of the city, just past the Nacrene Museum. The place has a special every Wednesday, where the player can receive a free Soda Pop. In Black 2 and White 2, the player may also receive a free Lemonade every Saturday.
In Black 2 and White 2, on Sundays, the player may speak to a Waitress on the lower level of the café who offers the player a misplaced Grubby Hanky with the intention of it being returned to its owner. If the player accepts, the handkerchief can be returned to a customer with a Watchog who visits the café on Thursdays. After doing so, the player can speak to the Waitress again on a Sunday to receive a Fluffy Tail.
Loblolly's studio
Loblolly's studio is located in the southeast of Nacrene City. After visiting the Dream World at least once, Loblolly will talk about Décor that "people will dream of". Players may choose one of five pieces of Décor that will be unlocked in the Dream World the next time the Game Sync is used. Each day another piece may be chosen.
Dye's house
Dye's house is located in the southeastern side of Nacrene City. In it, Dye will offer to trade the player Petilil for Cottonee in Black, and Cottonee for Petilil in White. After trading with Dye and stopping Team Plasma at N's Castle, Dye will challenge the player to a battle in which she uses the evolved form of the CottoneeB or PetililW that the player traded to her.
In addition, downstairs in Dye's house, a woman will evaluate the friendship of the first Pokémon in the player's party.
Battle item shop
In the house west of the Pokémon Center, a man will sell battle items out of his house.
In Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, a Move Tutor in the city will teach the player's Pokémon moves in exchange for six, eight, ten, or twelve Green Shards. In these games, he is the only Shard Move Tutor to not teach a special move, or to teach a move for less than 6 Shards.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
In Pokémon the Series, Nacrene City is shown to be a very colorful and artistic city with water fountains, stained glass windows and an unused railway track. The buildings and warehouses are painted in a variety of different colors. It was also shown to have a Battle Club. The famous Nacrene Museum houses many rare exhibits and also includes the city's library and Gym.
In A Night in the Nacrene City Museum!, Ash and his friends arrived at Nacrene City and visited the museum while looking for the Nacrene Gym. There, they found it to be closed due to it being haunted. The Museum's vice-curator Hawes revealed that the supernatural occurrences began last night. Lenora showed up in time and was able to calm down the Yamask that was causing havoc in the museum after its mask had been sealed away in a glass case.
In Scraggy-Hatched to be Wild!, Team Rocket received orders from Pierce to visit Dr. Zager. They went there, and he examined the Meteonite, which was found to contain materials of an extraterrestrial origin.
Nacrene City first appeared in Wheeling and Dealing when Black and White arrived there. After White had advertised her company, the BW Agency, at Café Warehouse, and Black had solved the case of a stolen accordion, the latter went to challenge Lenora at the Nacrene Gym in Battle at the Museum. While Black battled, White and the director of the BW Agency had a Xtransceiver call with the mayor of Nimbasa City, who was worried of his city's lowering tourism rates, and wanted White to help in inventing new attractions to solve the issue. White suggested establishing a Pokémon Musical, which the mayor thought to be an excellent idea.
In The Battle Within, most of Unova's Gym Leaders set up an ambush on Team Plasma in Nacrene City as they attempted to steal the Dark Stone from the museum. However, in Museum Showdown, the Gym Leaders were caught off-guard when the Shadow Triad unleashed the forces of nature upon them, completely overwhelming them. In Finding Truth, Ghetsis tricked Black into revealing the Dark Stone's hiding place in the museum's basement, allowing him to steal it. The Gym Leaders who had tried to defend the museum were subsequently taken captive by Team Plasma, except for Brycen, who had managed to replace himself with an ice duplicate before being caught. It was then revealed that the museum had also been hiding the Light Stone, which Team Plasma had not been aware of. As Brycen saw the Light Stone rolling towards Black and thus choosing him as the Hero of Truth, he decided to take him to the Tubeline Bridge for a training session.
Related cards Cards listed with a blue background are only legal to use in the current Expanded format. Cards listed with a green background are legal to use in both the current Standard and Expanded formats.
A boy in Nacrene City mentions that Dire Hit is called Dire Hit in Unova. This is a reference to the change in the Japanese name of Dire Hit from クリティカッター Criticutter to クリティカット Criticut, in order to make room for the number-level reference of Wonder Launcher items. Because "Dire Hit" is much shorter than the 12-character limit on English item names, this issue does not come up in the translated games.
In addition, if the player nicknames the CottoneeB/PetililW that is traded to her, the nickname will carry over into the battle, making her the only Trainer to use a nicknamed Pokémon in battle, excluding the Pokémon World Tournament's Mix Tournament.
Among the exhibits of the museum, there is an African mask, referring to a place in the real world, in addition to being different from other exhibitions, which are related to the history of the Pokémon.