This article is incomplete. Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it. Reason: Some B2W2 Trainers are missing Easy and Challenge levels and Japanese names
The Big Stadium (Japanese: ビッグスタジアムBig Stadium) and Small Court (Japanese: リトルコートLittle Court) are the sports arenas of Nimbasa City. Big Stadium is used by professional baseball, soccer, and gridiron football players to practice and compete, whereas Small Court is the same for tennis and basketball players. Sport-based Trainers may be battled in both locations daily.
Occasionally, games are played, which bars the player from entering the field for a couple of hours. Depending on the sport of the day, Small Court is generally closed in the morning for one to two hours, and Big Stadium is closed in the afternoons for two to three hours.
After defeating Artist Pierre After defeating Clerk Nelson After defeating Clerk Fredric After defeating Clerk Wren After defeating Dancer Davey After defeating Depot Agent Josh After defeating Harlequin Charley After defeating Maid Alica After defeating Musician Boris After defeating Parasol Lady Gwyneth After defeating Policeman Jeff After defeating Psychic Gerard After defeating Psychic Madhu After defeating School Kid Alan After defeating School Kid Sally
These Trainers are found after the player enters the Hall of Fame for the first time. They can appear in either arena, three at a time, and in no set order. Artist Pierre's Smeargle knows Fire Blast, Blizzard, Thunder, and Hurricane.
Both the Big Stadium and the Small Court appeared in Lost at the Stamp Rally!. Ash and Iris watched a football match between Gurdurr 11 and Team Darmanitan at the Big Stadium, before playing a few rounds of tennis together inside the Small Court.
The Big Stadium and Small Court were mentioned, although not by name, in Battle at the Museum.
In Black and White, Bikers, Cyclists, and Swimmers are the only regular Trainer classes found in these games who are not represented by a Trainer here post-game.
The additional Trainers are not set for the day until the player physically enters the buildings.
It is possible for the Trainers to be defeated, upgrade their team and still be rematched in the same day. For example, if the player has four Badges, defeats a Trainer in this location, then gets the fifth Badge in the same day, they can still return here and rebattle the Trainer with their upgraded team.
Due to the way that Pokémon Breeders in Black 2 and White 2 are programmed, after battling and receiving a Rare Candy, the player may leave the field and even the building, then enter again to rebattle the Breeder and receive another Rare Candy.
In the German versions, some of the athletes are named after real athletes, such as Strikers Lothar, Mehmet and Mesut, as well as Smashers Steffi and Serena.