Route 5 is a short forested path, dominated by a paved road that connects Nimbasa City with the Driftveil Drawbridge. There is a trailer parked on the road, which is owned by the hungry maid. The entire northern strip of the route is a narrow, grassy path where players can encounter wild Pokémon.
Once the player has entered the Hall of Fame, Cheren can be found facing the fence at the bottom of the route. He talks about strength and his journey, and then goes to Victory Road, where he can be fought for the final time.
The Pokémon Breeder near the Hidden Grotto will sell 5 random Berries that raise the friendship of the Pokémon they are used on, but lower the base EVs of that Pokémon in one of their stats. She will sell the five Berries for a total of $200. The player can only buy 5 Berries once per day. As it is based on the random number generator, Berries can be manipulated by soft resetting the game, but only if the player does not talk to her. When the game is restarted, she will sell different Berries.
Driftveil Drawbridge is inaccessible until after the player battles the two PreschoolersBW or CharlesB2W2, both of which can only be battled after Elesa has been defeated.
A Maid found in the sole trailer on this route, will sniff out any gourmet cooking ingredients in the player's bag and offer to buy them for a price higher than usual.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.
Pokémon Black and White
In addition to battling the player, Cheren will also join them in the Multi Battle against Preschoolers Sarah and Billy, using the same team.
Trainer Tips There are different Cases for each type of item. Items are placed automatically in the correct Case by their type. The name of the Case tells you what type of items will be kept there.
Pokémon Black 2 and White 2
Trainer Tips There are different Cases for each type of item. Items are placed automatically in the correct Case by their type. The name of the Case tells you what type of items will be kept there. Also, you can place anything in Free Space, no matter what it is. So you can keep items you often use in one place.
In The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!, it was shown that there is also a large forest located along Route 5, home to groups of Deerling and Sawsbuck. Deep in the forest is a mysterious place where, very rarely, all four seasonal forms of Sawsbuck can be seen together. As shown in The Lonely Deino!, there is a Day Care center close to Driftveil City, where Iris befriended a Deino.
In Drawing Bridges, a mischievous Zorua was revealed to be tampering with the controls of the Driftveil Drawbridge, causing a line of people to form on Route 5 as they were unable to get to the other side.
The instruments that play in the intro of the theme varies across seasons being either a FluteSpring, Brass SectionSummer, XylophoneAutumn, or GlockenspielWinter
Percussion track added in when the player is walking