Unova Route 5

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Route 5
Route 5
Map description
A busy road where performers gather.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Driftveil Drawbridge
Route 5
Nimbasa City
Unova Route 5
Location of Route 5 in Unova.
Pokémon world routes
Route 4       Route 6

Route 5 (Japanese: 5番道路 Route 5) is a route in central Unova, connecting Nimbasa City to the Driftveil Drawbridge.

Route 5 in the winter in Black and White

Route description

Route 5 is a short forested path, dominated by a paved road that connects Nimbasa City with the Driftveil Drawbridge. There is a trailer parked on the road, which is owned by the hungry maid. The entire northern strip of the route is a narrow, grassy path where players can encounter wild Pokémon.

Upon the initial visit in Black and White, the player will meet the Champion, Alder, for the first time. He will request that the player and Cheren battle two Preschoolers.

Once the player has entered the Hall of Fame, Cheren can be found facing the fence at the bottom of the route. He talks about strength and his journey, and then goes to Victory Road, where he can be fought for the final time.

In Black 2 and White 2, a Hidden Grotto is located in the alcove northeast of the trailer. Bianca will guide the player to it the first time Route 5 is visited. The player will encounter a male Minccino with Skill Link.

The Pokémon Breeder near the Hidden Grotto will sell 5 random Berries that raise the friendship of the Pokémon they are used on, but lower the base EVs of that Pokémon in one of their stats. She will sell the five Berries for a total of $200. The player can only buy 5 Berries once per day. As it is based on the random number generator, Berries can be manipulated by soft resetting the game, but only if the player does not talk to her. When the game is restarted, she will sell different Berries.

Driftveil Drawbridge is inaccessible until after the player battles the two PreschoolersBW or CharlesB2W2, both of which can only be battled after Elesa has been defeated.

Gourmet maniac

Main article: Item maniac

A Maid found in the sole trailer on this route, will sniff out any gourmet cooking ingredients in the player's bag and offer to buy them for a price higher than usual.


Item Location Games
Great Ball Great Ball East of Backpacker Lois  B  W 
Zinc Zinc In dark grass north of the Driftveil Drawbridge  B  W 
Revive Revive Southwest of Backpacker Michael  B  W 
None Electric Guitar Gift from Musician Preston after defeating him  B  W  B2  W2 
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion Southern side of the fence by the Driftveil Drawbridge  B  W  B2  W2 
HM Flying HM02 (Fly) Gift from Bianca upon first entering the route  B2  W2 
Super Repel Super Repel Near patch of dark grass  B2  W2 
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion On road, near Dancer Brian (hidden)  B2  W2 
Cheri Berry Cheri Berry Gift from Pokémon Ranger Lois after defeating her  B2  W2 
Pomeg Berry Pomeg Berry ×5 Buyable from Pokémon Breeder (once per day)  B2  W2 
Kelpsy Berry Kelpsy Berry ×5 Buyable from Pokémon Breeder (once per day)  B2  W2 
Qualot Berry Qualot Berry ×5 Buyable from Pokémon Breeder (once per day)  B2  W2 
Hondew Berry Hondew Berry ×5 Buyable from Pokémon Breeder (once per day)  B2  W2 
Grepa Berry Grepa Berry ×5 Buyable from Pokémon Breeder (once per day)  B2  W2 

Hidden Grotto

In Black 2 and White 2, when the contents of the Hidden Grotto in this location regenerate, the following items may spawn at the following rates:

Visible items
Item Rate
Poké Ball Poké Ball 12.5%
Great Ball Great Ball 5%
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball 2%
Potion Potion 6.25%
Super Potion Super Potion 2.5%
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion 1%
Repel Repel 6.25%
Super Repel Super Repel 2.5%
Max Repel Max Repel 1%
Fire Stone Fire Stone 0.25%
Water Stone Water Stone 0.25%
Thunder Stone Thunderstone 0.25%
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone 0.25%
Hidden items
Item Rate
Damp Mulch Damp Mulch 6.25%
Growth Mulch Growth Mulch 6.25%
Stable Mulch Stable Mulch 6.25%
Gooey Mulch Gooey Mulch 6.25%
Tiny Mushroom TinyMushroom 7.5%
Big Mushroom Big Mushroom 2.5%
Red Shard Red Shard 1%
Green Shard Green Shard 1%
Yellow Shard Yellow Shard 1%
Blue Shard Blue Shard 1%
Rare Candy Rare Candy 0.25%
PP Up PP Up 0.5%
PP Max PP Max 0.25%


Pokémon Black and White

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Liepard Liepard
Grass Grass
20, 22 20%
Trubbish Trubbish
Grass Grass
19, 21 20%
Minccino Minccino
Grass Grass
19-22 30%
Gothita Gothita
Grass Grass
19-22 30%
Solosis Solosis
Grass Grass
19-22 30%
Dark grass
Liepard Liepard
Dark grass Dark grass
23, 25 20%
Trubbish Trubbish
Dark grass Dark grass
22, 24 20%
Minccino Minccino
Dark grass Dark grass
22-25 30%
Gothita Gothita
Dark grass Dark grass
22-25 30%
Solosis Solosis
Dark grass Dark grass
22-25 30%
Rustling grass
Audino Audino
Rustling grass Rustling grass
19-22 85%
Cinccino Cinccino
Rustling grass Rustling grass
22 5%
Emolga Emolga
Rustling grass Rustling grass
20 10%
Smeargle Smeargle
Grass Grass
15-55 40%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Liepard Liepard
B2 W2
Grass Grass
22, 24 20%
Trubbish Trubbish
B2 W2
Grass Grass
21, 23 20%
Trubbish Trubbish
B2 W2
Grass Grass
21-24 20%
Minccino Minccino
B2 W2
Grass Grass
21-24 30%
Minccino Minccino
B2 W2
Grass Grass
21, 23 30%
Gothita Gothita
B2 W2
Grass Grass
21-24 30%
Solosis Solosis
B2 W2
Grass Grass
21-24 30%
Dark grass
Liepard Liepard
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
24, 26 20%
Trubbish Trubbish
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
23, 25 20%
Trubbish Trubbish
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
23-26 20%
Minccino Minccino
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
23-26 30%
Minccino Minccino
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
23, 25 30%
Gothita Gothita
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
23-26 30%
Solosis Solosis
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
23-26 30%
Rustling grass
Audino Audino
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
21-24 85%
Cinccino Cinccino
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
24 5%
Emolga Emolga
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
22 10%
Natu Natu
B2 W2
Grass Grass
40-55 40%
Hidden Grotto
Liepard Liepard
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
20-25 4%
Minccino Minccino
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
20-25 1%
Foongus Foongus
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
20-25 15%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Pokémon Black and White

In addition to battling the player, Cheren will also join them in the Multi Battle against Preschoolers Sarah and Billy, using the same team.

Snivy If the player chose Snivy:

Tepig If the player chose Tepig:

Oshawott If the player chose Oshawott:

Trainer Pokémon
Preschooler Sarah
Preschooler Sarah
ユウミ Yūmi
Reward: $104
Double Battle with Billy
Herdier Herdier Lv.26
Sitrus Berry
Preschooler Billy
Preschooler Billy
トモヤ Tomoya
Reward: $104
Double Battle with Sarah
Herdier Herdier Lv.26
Sitrus Berry
Baker Jenn
Baker Jenn
マリカ Marika
Reward: $840
Pansear Pansear Lv.21
No item
Panpour Panpour Lv.21
No item
Pansage Pansage Lv.21
No item
Harlequin Paul
Harlequin Paul
ポール Paul
Reward: $704
Whirlipede Whirlipede Lv.22
No item
Whirlipede Whirlipede Lv.22
No item
Musician Preston
Musician Preston
ジョージ George
Reward: $704
Blitzle Blitzle Lv.22
No item
Blitzle Blitzle Lv.22
No item
Dancer Brian
Dancer Brian
タクヤ Takuya
Reward: $704
Darumaka Darumaka Lv.22
No item
Darumaka Darumaka Lv.22
No item
Artist Horton
Artist Horton
ジョナサン Jonathan
Reward: $1104
Sigilyph Sigilyph Lv.23
No item
Backpacker Lois
Backpacker Lois
チヒロ Chihiro
Reward: $552
Munna Munna Lv.23
No item
Backpacker Michael
Backpacker Michael
マイケル Michael
Reward: $552
Palpitoad Palpitoad Lv.23
No item

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Initially, a crowd is blocking the way to Driftveil Drawbridge, watching Motorcyclist Charles having a battle. Once the player has earned the Bolt Badge, Charles will challenge them to a Rotation BattleB2/Triple BattleW2, after which the crowd clears away.

Trainer Pokémon
Baker Jenn
Baker Jenn
マリカ Marika
Reward: $960
Sunkern Sunkern Lv.24
No item
Combee Combee Lv.24
No item
Artist Horton
Artist Horton
ジョナサン Jonathan
Reward: $1200
Sigilyph Sigilyph Lv.25
No item
Pokémon Ranger Lois
Pokémon Ranger Lois
チヒロ Chihiro
Reward: $1500
Budew Budew Lv.25
No item
Roselia Roselia Lv.25
No item
Dancer Brian
Dancer Brian
タクヤ Takuya
Reward: $800
Scraggy Scraggy Lv.25
No item
Backers Ava & Aya
Backers Ava & Aya
マヨとアヤ Mayo and Aya
Reward: $1152
Minccino Minccino Lv.24
No item
Minccino Minccino Lv.24
No item
Requires Prop Case
Musician Preston
Musician Preston
ジョージ George
Reward: $800
Maractus Maractus Lv.25
No item

Memory Link (one time only)

Snivy If the player chose SnivyBW:

Tepig If the player chose TepigBW:

Oshawott If the player chose OshawottBW:

Trainer Tips

Pokémon Black and White

Trainer Tips
There are different Cases for each type of item. Items are placed automatically in the correct Case by their type. The name of the Case tells you what type of items will be kept there.

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Trainer Tips
There are different Cases for each type of item. Items are placed automatically in the correct Case by their type. The name of the Case tells you what type of items will be kept there. Also, you can place anything in Free Space, no matter what it is. So you can keep items you often use in one place.

In animation

Route 5 in Pokémon the Series: Black & White

Pokémon the Series

Pokémon the Series: Black & White

Ash and his friends first arrived on Route 5 in Ash Versus the Champion!, where Ash met and had a battle with Champion Alder. The area is known as "Performers Square", and much like its game counterpart, musicians and artists perform in the area. A bit past the Driftveil Drawbridge is also a town which holds Pokémon Musical Contests, as shown in A Maractus Musical!.

In The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!, it was shown that there is also a large forest located along Route 5, home to groups of Deerling and Sawsbuck. Deep in the forest is a mysterious place where, very rarely, all four seasonal forms of Sawsbuck can be seen together. As shown in The Lonely Deino!, there is a Day Care center close to Driftveil City, where Iris befriended a Deino.

In the manga

Route 5 in Pokémon Adventures

Pokémon Adventures

Black & White arc

Route 5 first appeared in Unraveling Mysteries, where White took Black there to talk about how her Tepig had chosen to go with N the day before. They then met a Baker named Chris, who took them to see the Battle Subway.

In Drawing Bridges, a mischievous Zorua was revealed to be tampering with the controls of the Driftveil Drawbridge, causing a line of people to form on Route 5 as they were unable to get to the other side.


Games Location Song name (Japanese) Song name (English Translation) Composition Arrangement Variable Scoring
 B  W 
 B2  W2 
Everywhere 4番道路 Route 4 Junichi Masuda Shota Kageyama The instruments that play in the
intro of the theme varies
across seasons being either
a FluteSpring, Brass SectionSummer,
XylophoneAutumn, or GlockenspielWinter

Percussion track added in when the
player is walking

When inside the gate that

connects Route 5 to Nimbasa City

ゲート Gate Hitomi Sato Hitomi Sato


Related articles

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Bridges and tunnels
Skyarrow BridgeDriftveil DrawbridgeTubeline BridgeVillage BridgeMarvelous BridgeMarine Tube
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Cold StorageMistralton CaveChargestone CaveCelestial TowerTwist MountainDragonspiral TowerMoor of Icirrus
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Access to
Nature Preserve
Blueberry AcademyTerarium

This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.