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Gold Orb
Pokémon Global Link artwork
Introduced in Generation I
Generation I Items
Generation II Items
Generation III Items
Generation IV Items
Generation V Items
Generation VI Items
Generation VII Items
Generation VIII Treasures
Generation IX Treasures
Power 30

The Nugget (Japanese: きんのたま Gold Orb) is a valuable item introduced in Generation I.

In the core series games


Games Cost Sell price
N/A $5,000
$4500 $5000
B $50000 $5000
LA N/A $10,000

In the Generation V games, the Nugget can be sold to the ore maniac inside the Icirrus City Pokémon Center for $10000.


The Nugget serves no practical purpose other than to be sold.

Three Nuggets and an additional item can be inserted into the Cram-o-matic to produce a Big Nugget.


Games Description
Stad Can be sold for a very good price at any Pokémon Mart.
GSC Made of pure gold. Sell high.
RSEColoXD A nugget of pure gold. Can be sold at a high price.
FRLG A nugget of pure gold that gives off a lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a high price.
A nugget of pure gold that gives off a lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a high price to shops.
A nugget of the purest gold that gives off a lustrous gleam in direct light. It can be sold at a high price to shops.
LA A nugget of the purest gold that gives off a lustrous gleam in direct light. It can be sold at a high price to the general store.


Games Finite methods Repeatable methods
Route 24, Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7–8), Rocket Hideout, Saffron City, Pokémon Tower, Safari Zone, Seafoam Islands, Cerulean CaveRB
GSC Routes 2, 12, 25, 34C, 39, and 45C, Tin Tower, Burned TowerGS, Moomoo Farm, Whirl Islands, Mt. MortarC, Team Rocket's Hideout Goldenrod Underground (bargain shop)Mo
Goldenrod Radio Tower (3 Blue Card points)C
National Park (gift from Pokéfan Beverly if Marill is in the player's party)C
Route 39 (gift from Pokéfan Derek if Pikachu is in the player's party)C
Held by wild Grimer and wild Muk (2% chance each)
RSE Routes 112, 113E, 119, 120, and 121; Trick House, Fallarbor Town, Safari ZoneE, Magma HideoutR/Aqua HideoutSE, Magma HideoutE
Route 116 (held by Lady Sarah's and Rich Boy Dawson's Zigzagoon)
Sootopolis Gym (held by Lady Brianna's and Lady Daphne'sE Pokémon)
S.S. Tidal (held by Rich Boy Garret's and Lady Anette'sRS/Naomi'sE Pokémon)
Route 104 (held by Rich Boy Winston's and Lady Cindy's Pokémon)
Pickup (Lv. 1-20E)
Held by wild Grimer (5% chance)
FRLG Rocket Hideout, Saffron City, Silph Co., Pokémon Tower, Safari Zone, Seafoam Islands, Three Isle Path, Sevault Canyon, Cerulean Cave
Lost Cave (held by Lady Selphy's Pokémon)
Route 24 (repeatable in English and Japanese versions by losing)
Resort Gorgeous (possible reward from Selphy; held by Lady Gillian's Flaaffy)
Pickup (any level)
Held by wild Meowth (5% chance)
Colo Held by Shadow Tyranitar Pickup (any level)
XD Realgam Tower (Battle CD 33 and 34 completion prizes) Pickup (Lv. 1-20)
DPPt Routes 210DP, 217, 228Pt, and 229, Wayward CaveDP, Mt. Coronet, Solaceon Ruins, Great MarshDP, Iron IslandPt, Team Galactic HQ, Victory Road, Stark Mountain, Resort Area Battle Frontier (Pokémon Scratch-Off Corner)Pt
Pickup (Lv. 1-20)
Held by wild Grimer (5% chance)
HGSS Routes 2, 25, 27, 34, 35, 39, 45, and 48, Cherrygrove City (×2), Ruins of Alph, Bell Tower, Moomoo Farm, Whirl Islands, Mt. Mortar, Team Rocket HQ, Viridian City, Cerulean City, Fuchsia City, Cerulean Cave
S.S. Aqua (held by Super Nerd Shawn's Muk)MoFr
Goldenrod Tunnel (bargain shop)Mo
Goldenrod Radio Tower (20 Blue Card points), Pokéathlon Dome (500 Pts.)SuFr
National Park (gift from Pokéfan Beverly), Route 39 (gift from Pokéfan Derek), S.S. Aqua (daily, after receiving all 16 Plates)
Pickup (Lv. 1-20)
Held by wild Grimer and wild Muk (5% chance each)
PW Quiet Cave
BW Chargestone Cave, Twist Mountain, Dragonspiral Tower, Moor of Icirrus, Victory Road, Challenger's Cave
Passerby Analytics HQ (complete "Most fun part of Pokémon?" survey)
Black City (Ryder)B
Big Stadium and Small Court (defeat Gentleman Renaud)
Pickup (Lv. 1-20)
Held by wild Trubbish (1% chance, dark grass only) and wild Garbodor (5% chance)
B2W2 Routes 3, 9, and 14, Castelia SewersSpringSummer, Desert Resort, Chargestone Cave, Reversal Mountain, Pinwheel Forest, Twist MountainWinter, Clay Tunnel
Passerby Analytics HQ (complete "Most fun part of Pokémon?" survey)
Join Avenue (souvenir, Antique Shop)
Pokéstar Studios (gift after completing a movie)
Big Stadium and Small Court (defeat Gentleman Renaud)
Pickup (Lv. 1-20)
Held by wild Trubbish (1% chance, dark grass only) and wild Garbodor (5% chance)
XY Dendemille Town, Kiloude City Lumiose City (from Beauty Cassandra after defeating her), Battle Chateau
Lost Hotel (shaking trash cans)Tu
Pickup (Lv. 1-20)
Held by wild Garbodor (5% chance)
ORAS Routes 112, 113, 120, and 121, Mauville City, Sea Mauville, Fallarbor Town, Scorched Slab, Safari Zone, Team Magma HideoutOR/Team Aqua HideoutAS Mauville Food Court
Route 121 (15% chance after a rematch with Gentleman Walter)
Pickup (Lv. 1-20)
Secret Base ("Search for treasure" with Secret Pal)
SMUSUM Routes 1 and 5, Ten Carat Hill, Diglett's Tunnel, Malie City (×1SM/×2USUM), Seafolk Village (×6), Vast Poni Canyon (×1SM/×2USUM) Ambush encounters (Wimpod in Poni WildsSM, Poni Breaker Coast, Route 8, and Dividing Peak TunnelUSUM)
Festival Plaza (decline a three ★ offer, Lottery shop: Gold Rush second prize)
Pickup (Lv. 1-20)
Poké Pelago (Isle Aphun - Rare-Treasure Hunting, Interesting-Item Hunting)
PE Routes 14, 17, and 24, Mt. Moon, S.S. Anne, Pokémon Tower, Celadon City, Team Rocket Hideout, Silph Co. Fuchsia City (from the Diglett in the Warden's house, daily)
Hidden recurring item (Underground Path (Kanto Routes 5–6), Underground Path (Kanto Routes 7–8))
SwSh Route 8, Motostoke, Hulbury, Hammerlocke, Wyndon (×2) Reward from Ball Guy for clearing Champion Cup tournament during post-game (×1-3; 5% each for a total 15% chance)
Pickup (Lv. 21-100)
Poké Job reward (Tier X)
Max Raid Battles (Rolling Fields, East Lake Axewell, West Lake Axewell, Axew's Eye, South Lake Miloch, North Lake Miloch, Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl, Giant's Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills, Giant's Cap, Lake of Outrage)
SwShIA Hidden recurring item (Fields of Honor, Brawlers' Cave, Challenge Road, Courageous Cavern)
Max Raid Battles (Fields of Honor, Soothing Wetlands, Forest of Focus, Challenge Beach, Challenge Road, Courageous Cavern, Loop Lagoon, Training Lowlands, Potbottom Desert, Workout Sea, Stepping-Stone Sea, Insular Sea, Honeycalm Sea)
SwShCT Reward from Ball Guy for clearing Galarian Star Tournament (×1-3; 5% each for a total 15% chance)
Hidden recurring item (Freezington, Tunnel to the Top, Giant's Foot)
Max Raid Battles (Slippery Slope, Frostpoint Field, Giant's Bed, Snowslide Slope, Path to the Peak, Giant's Foot, Frigid Sea, Three-Point Pass, Ballimere Lake)
3★, 4★, 5★ Delibird Max Raid Battles (Old Cemetery, Crown Shrine, Dyna Tree Hill)
BDSP Routes 210, 217, and 229, Wayward Cave, Mount Coronet, Solaceon Ruins, Great Marsh, Team Galactic HQ, Victory Road, Stark Mountain, Resort Area Pickup (Lv. 21-100)
LA Jubilife Village (reward for completing Request 26: "Aim for the Big Leagues!")
Coastlands Camp (reward for completing Request 47: "Balloon Race in the Coastlands")
Icepeak Camp (×3; reward for completing Request 79: "Balloon Race in the Icelands")
Summit Camp (×5; reward for completing Request 105: "The Ultimate Balloon Race")
Chests (Cobalt Coastlands, Coronet Highlands)
Practice field (random balloon minigame reward)
Any Balloon Race (perfect clear reward)
Dropped by the Miss Fortunes after rematches
Space-time distortions
SV Alfornada, Levincia, Mesagoza, Area Zero, Casseroya Lake, East Paldean Sea, Poco Path, West Paldean Sea, East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Three), North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Three), South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Five), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Three)
Reward for registering 370 and 380 Pokémon in the Paldea Pokédex (×1 and ×2)
Tera Raid Battles (3★, 4★, 5★, 6★, 7★), Academy Ace Tournament
Pickup (Lv. 21-100)
SVTM Apple Hills, Chilling Waterhead, Fellhorn Gorge, Oni Mountain, Timeless Woods
Ogre Oustin' (×3; after completing Easy difficulty for the first time)
SVID Canyon Biome, Chargestone Cavern, Coastal Biome Item Printer


Games Event Language/Region Distribution period
ORAS Pokémon Scrap items Japanese December 1, 2014 to May 15, 2015
USUM CoroCoro Tamatama Set Japanese December 15, 2017 to February 14, 2018
SMUSUM Pokémon Scrap 2017 items Japanese December 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018
LA Pokémon Legends: Arceus strategy guide 50 Nuggets All April 16, 2022 to May 31, 2023
SV Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Downloadable Version Adventure Set All November 18, 2022 to March 7, 2023
Nintendo Direct Helpful Items All June 21 to July 31, 2023
As a held item
Games Event Language/Region Distribution period
XYORAS Jade Infernape Japanese, PAL, Taiwanese January 28 to February 29, 2016



Artwork from
Scarlet and Violet


Bag sprite from
Legends: Arceus

In other games

A Nugget in Pokémon Masters EX

Pokémon Masters EX

Nuggets are used as the exchange currency in the solo event Pasio Gold Rush. Players can earn Nuggets as rewards from battles in this event, which can be exchanged in the shop for items. However, like most other event items, any Nuggets that have not been exchanged in the shop at the end of the event period are automatically exchanged for coins.

Games Description
Masters A nugget of the purest gold that gives off a lustrous gleam. You can exchange it for various items.

In animation

A Nugget in Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon

Pokémon the Series

Pokémon the Series: Sun & Moon

A Nugget appeared in Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime?, where a man was seen polishing it, only to have it stolen by an item-snatching Gengar nicknamed "the Greedy Rapooh".

Pokémon Evolutions

In The Discovery, a Nugget was held by a man overseeing the Nugget Bridge as he watched Green effortlessly defeat all the Trainers on the bridge.

In the TCG

Nugget in the TCG
Main article: Nugget (Rebel Clash 162)

Nugget was introduced as an Item card in the Pokémon Trading Card Game during the English Sword & Shield Series (the Japanese Sword & Shield Era). It was first released in the Japanese Rebellion Crash and the English Rebel Clash expansions, with artwork by sadaji. It allows the player to draw three cards if the card was drawn at the start of the turn.


This page contains material that may not be suitable for young readers.
Viewer discretion is advised.
  • The Japanese name for Nugget, きんのたま kin no tama, literally means "golden ball", which is also a slang term for testicles. In Pokémon Gold and Silver, the man on Route 2 offering his "golden ball" to the player is a frequent joke among Japanese fans. The phrase was localized as "nugget of wisdom".

In other languages

Language Title
Chinese Cantonese 金珠 Gāmjyū *
金球 Gāmkàuh *
Mandarin 金珠 Jīnzhū *
金色珠 Jīnsèzhū *
金球 Jīnqiú *
Finnish Kultakimpale
French Pépite
German Nugget
Italian Pepita
Korean 금구슬 Geum Guseul
Polish Bryłka Złota
Brazilian Portuguese Pepita
Spanish Pepita

This item article is part of Project ItemDex, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on all items.