Unova Route 15

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Route 15
Route 15
Map description
A road whose sharp cliffs may scare some people off.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Marvelous Bridge
Route 15
Black City* and White Forest*
Unova Route 15
Location of Route 15 in Unova.
Pokémon world routes
Route 14       Route 16

Route 15 (Japanese: 15番道路 Route 15) is a route in eastern Unova, connecting Black CityBB2/White ForestWW2 and the Marvelous Bridge. It is the location of the Poké Transfer Lab, which allows players to transfer Pokémon from the Generation IV games via Poké Transfer.

This route usually has a light mist covering, but occasionally, the mist on this route and Route 14 will disappear.

Route description

From Black CityBB2/White ForestWW2 Route 15 leads westwards up some stairs, then across a bridge to the Poké Transfer Lab. Past the Poké Transfer Lab there is another bridge and more stairs heading south. West of these stairs there is a trailer where Lillian will offer to trade her Rotom for a Ditto.

Alternatively, players can head down some stairs south of the eastern gate and through tall grass. There are two Strength boulders in this route, the southeastern one leads to an item while the northern one leads to dark grass and another item. Continuing east past the Strength boulders there is more tall grass and a narrow path up some stairs leading to a hidden item. There are three ledges in the western half of this route. One runs horizontally and must be jumped over from the north for players to continue westward through this part of the route. The other two run vertically and are eastbound. A large rock prevents players from avoiding the ledges by travelling between them.

Points of interest

The Poké Transfer Lab is located here.


Item Location Games
Sitrus Berry Sitrus Berry ×2
  • From Pokémon Ranger Shelly after she is defeated
  • From Pokémon Ranger Keith after he is defeated
 B  W 
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball East of Pokémon Ranger Shelly (hidden)  B  W 
Max Revive Max Revive North of Pokémon Ranger Shelly (hidden)  B  W 
TM Poison TM09 (Venoshock) In the area underneath Hiker Kit (requires Strength)  B  W 
Up-Grade Up-Grade Southeast of Pokémon Ranger Keith (requires Strength)  B  W 
Max Elixir Max Elixir Held by EeksBW/BuckyB2W2, the Rotom the player receives in a trade  B  W  B2  W2 
TM Ground TM26 (Earthquake) Southeast of the Black CityB2/White ForestW2 gate (requires Strength)  B2  W2 
HP Up HP Up Behind a rock east of Backpacker Talon (hidden)  B2  W2 
Max Potion Max Potion Behind the rock wall just underneath the Poké Transfer Lab  B2  W2 
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball On the ground by the dark grass (hidden) (requires Strength)  B2  W2 


Pokémon Black and White

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Fearow Fearow
Grass Grass
48-50 30%
Marowak Marowak
Grass Grass
47 20%
Kangaskhan Kangaskhan
Grass Grass
49 10%
Gligar Gligar
Grass Grass
47-49 15%
Pupitar Pupitar
Grass Grass
48-50 10%
Throh Throh
Grass Grass
48-49 15%
Sawk Sawk
Grass Grass
48-49 15%
Dark grass
Fearow Fearow
Dark grass Dark grass
58-60 30%
Marowak Marowak
Dark grass Dark grass
57 20%
Kangaskhan Kangaskhan
Dark grass Dark grass
59 10%
Gligar Gligar
Dark grass Dark grass
57-59 10%
Pupitar Pupitar
Dark grass Dark grass
58-60 10%
Watchog Watchog
Dark grass Dark grass
60 5%
Throh Throh
Dark grass Dark grass
58-59 15%
Sawk Sawk
Dark grass Dark grass
58-59 15%
Rustling grass
Tyranitar Tyranitar
Rustling grass Rustling grass
50 5%
Gliscor Gliscor
Rustling grass Rustling grass
50 5%
Audino Audino
Rustling grass Rustling grass
47-50 75%
Throh Throh
Rustling grass Rustling grass
50 5%
Sawk Sawk
Rustling grass Rustling grass
50 5%
Emolga Emolga
Rustling grass Rustling grass
48 10%
Mankey Mankey
Grass Grass
15-55 40%
Special Pokémon
Rotom Rotom
Ditto Trade
60 One
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sandslash Sandslash
B2 W2
Grass Grass
54, 56 30%
Gligar Gligar
B2 W2
Grass Grass
55, 57 25%
Pupitar Pupitar
B2 W2
Grass Grass
55, 57 15%
Throh Throh
B2 W2
Grass Grass
55-57 20%
Sawk Sawk
B2 W2
Grass Grass
55-57 20%
Scrafty Scrafty
B2 W2
Grass Grass
55 10%
Dark grass
Sandslash Sandslash
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
62, 64 30%
Gligar Gligar
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
63, 65 25%
Pupitar Pupitar
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
63, 65 15%
Throh Throh
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
63-65 20%
Sawk Sawk
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
63-65 20%
Scrafty Scrafty
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
63 10%
Rustling grass
Tyranitar Tyranitar
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
57 5%
Gliscor Gliscor
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
57 5%
Audino Audino
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
54-57 75%
Throh Throh
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
57 5%
Sawk Sawk
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
57 5%
Emolga Emolga
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
55 10%
Fearow Fearow
B2 W2
Grass Grass
40-55 40%
Special Pokémon
Rotom Rotom
B2 W2
Ditto Trade
60 One
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.


Pokémon Black and White

Trainer Pokémon
Pokéfan Elliot
Pokéfan Elliot
アキヒロ Akihiro
Reward: $3968
Gulpin Gulpin Lv.62
No item
Drifloon Drifloon Lv.62
No item
Spheal Spheal Lv.62
No item
Swablu Swablu Lv.62
No item
Pokémon Ranger Shelly
Pokémon Ranger Shelly
シェリー Shelly
Reward: $3900
Altaria Altaria Lv.65
No item
Abomasnow Abomasnow Lv.65
No item
Battle Girl Susie
Battle Girl Susie
ナツミ Natsumi
Reward: $2048
Meditite Meditite Lv.64
No item
Hitmontop Hitmontop Lv.64
No item
Medicham Medicham Lv.64
No item
Pokémon Ranger Keith
Pokémon Ranger Keith
マモル Mamoru
Reward: $3900
Marowak Marowak Lv.65
No item
Exeggutor Exeggutor Lv.65
No item
Hiker Kit
Hiker Kit
ヒ���タカ Hirotaka
Reward: $2016
Hippowdon Hippowdon Lv.63
No item
Gligar Gligar Lv.63
No item
Onix Onix Lv.63
No item

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Trainer Pokémon
Pokéfan Elliot
Pokéfan Elliot
アキヒロ Akihiro
Reward: $3840
Growlithe Growlithe Lv.60
No item
Stoutland Stoutland Lv.60
No item
Houndour Houndour Lv.60
No item
Backpacker Talon
Backpacker Talon
タカオ Takao
Reward: $1440
Seedot Seedot Lv.60
No item
Croagunk Croagunk Lv.60
No item
Cacnea Cacnea Lv.60
No item
Backpacker Corin
Backpacker Corin
コマキ Komaki
Reward: $1440
Poochyena Poochyena Lv.60
No item
Cubone Cubone Lv.60
No item
Torkoal Torkoal Lv.60
No item
Scientist Marie
Scientist Marie
カズホ Kazuho
Reward: $2880
Gulpin Gulpin Lv.60
No item
Garbodor Garbodor Lv.60
No item
Magnezone Magnezone Lv.60
No item
Pokéfan Lydia
Pokéfan Lydia
ノリコ Noriko
Reward: $3840
Meowth Meowth Lv.60
No item
Glameow Glameow Lv.60
No item
Liepard Liepard Lv.60
No item


  • Hiker Kit speaks Italian in both the Japanese and English versions. In the Italian version he speaks Japanese.
  • A Pokémon Ranger mentions that they are looking for Poké Transfer Pokémon that have escaped, implying that at least some non-Unova Pokémon found in northeastern Unova are not native to the area.
  • Although Lillian wants to trade her Rotom for a Ditto in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2, like she did in Pokémon Black and White, her dialogue changed from "By any chance, have you caught a Pokémon called Ditto?" to the misleading "By any chance, have you caught a Pokémon called Rotom?" between these games.
  • Route 15 is the only numbered route that can only be accessed in the post-game of both Pokémon Black and White and Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. In both versions, Route 16 is accessible and passage from there is blocked.
    • In Black and White, Routes 11 through 15 are cordoned off as the storyline turns north along Route 10.
    • In the sequels, the storyline goes through new areas straight to Undella Town; Route 14 is accessible with the southern exit blocked, while the storyline continues north to Opelucid City.

Related articles

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Bridges and tunnels
Skyarrow BridgeDriftveil DrawbridgeTubeline BridgeVillage BridgeMarvelous BridgeMarine Tube
DreamyardWellspring CavePinwheel ForestLiberty GardenDesert ResortRelic CastleBattle SubwayLostlorn Forest
Cold StorageMistralton CaveChargestone CaveCelestial TowerTwist MountainDragonspiral TowerMoor of Icirrus
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Abundant ShrinePoké Transfer LabP2 LaboratoryEntralinkUnity TowerFloccesy RanchPledge GroveVirbank Complex
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Clay TunnelUnderground RuinsStrange HouseRelic PassageSeaside CaveWhite TreehollowBlack Tower
Access to
Nature Preserve
Blueberry AcademyTerarium

This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.