Unova Route 6

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Reason: Full route map for all seasons

Route 6
Route 6
Map description
A road with many trees for nature lovers.
Required for navigation
Connecting locations
Chargestone Cave
Route 6
Driftveil City and Mistralton Cave
Unova Route 6
Location of Route 6 in Unova.
Pokémon world routes
Route 5       Route 7

Route 6 (Japanese: 6番道路 Route 6) is a route in western Unova, connecting Driftveil City to Chargestone Cave. It is also the home to Mistralton Cave. The route experiences different weather conditions based on the current season. For example, in the wintertime, it snows.

Route description

Several rivers run through the route with many wooden bridges spanning across them. The center of the route houses the Season Research Lab, a facility dedicated to the research of the seasons and how Deerling and Sawsbuck are affected by them.

To the north of the research lab is a house with a woman who will heal the player's Pokémon. The river by the house leads to Mistralton Cave, which is at the east-most side of the route. The entrance to Chargestone Cave is located in the northwest.

In Black 2 and White 2, one Hidden Grotto is located just north of Pokémon Breeder April and another one in front of the Mistralton Cave entrance (Surf required).

Places of interest

Season Research Lab

The Season Research Lab is a facility dedicated to the research of the seasons, located at the center of the route. As such, there are several Scientists with Deerling in the area.

It also works as a greenhouse, with the scientists cultivating plants inside a glass case by controlling the temperature and humidity. The plants they grow depend on the season. For example, in winter, the glass is hot to the touch and a plant with healthy leaves is growing inside the glass, while in spring, the glass is slightly cold and the scientists are growing some Berries.

A thermometer on the wall shows the current temperature at Route 6, which also varies heavily depending on the season, but varies even within seasons. It can fall as low as −9 °C (15.8 °F) in winter and go as high as 25 °C (77 °F) in spring.

In Black and White, one of the scientists inside the lab requests that the player show him one of each seasonal form of Deerling. When his request is fulfilled, he will give the player a Leaf Stone.

In Black 2 and White 2, one of the scientists inside the lab requests that the player take care of a Deerling with its Hidden Ability, Serene Grace.

Chargestone Cave

Main article: Chargestone Cave

The northwestern section of this route connects to area in front of Chargestone Cave of the same name.

Mistralton Cave

Main article: Mistralton Cave

The entrance to Mistralton Cave is located across the river to the east side of this route.


Item Location Games
Cheri Berry Cheri Berry ×2
  • Gift from Pokémon Ranger Shanti after defeating her
  • Gift from Pokémon Ranger Richard after defeating him
 B  W 
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion To the left of the Season Research Lab  B  W 
Elixir Elixir Amongst the tall grass south of the Season Research Lab  B  W 
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone ×2
  • Between Parasol Lady Tihana and Pokémon Ranger Richard
  • Reward from a Scientist inside the Season Research Lab for showing him all of Deerling's forms
 B  W 
Shiny Stone Shiny Stone Gift from the child in the house north of the Season Research Lab  B  W 
TM Poison TM84 (Poison Jab) North of the southernmost bridge (requires Surf)  B  W 
Silk Scarf Silk Scarf East of the Season Research Lab, south of the entrance to Mistralton Cave (requires Surf)  B  W 
Tiny Mushroom TinyMushroom ×2  B  W 
Big Mushroom Big Mushroom Directly behind the north gate of the Season Research Lab (requires Surf) (hidden)  B  W 
Elixir Elixir East of School Kid Mara  B2  W2 
Moon Stone Moon Stone Near the Season Research Lab  B2  W2 
Tiny Mushroom TinyMushroom South of the Research Facility, empty spot in patch of grass (hidden, regrows occasionally)  B2  W2 
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball Between Parasol Lady Tihana and School Kid Alvin  B2  W2 
Protein Protein In a patch of grass, west of the Hiker (hidden)  B2  W2 
Shiny Stone Shiny Stone From a girl in a house near the Hiker  B2  W2 
Pecha Berry Pecha Berry From Pokémon Ranger Richard after defeating him  B2  W2 
HM Water HM03 (Surf) From Cheren after the Plasma Frigate incident at the Pokémon World Tournament  B2  W2 
TM Dark TM56 (Fling) Behind the Season Research Lab (requires Surf)  B2  W2 
Heart Scale Heart Scale East of Pokémon Breeder April (requires Surf)  B2  W2 
PP Up PP Up East of Season Research Lab (requires Surf)  B2  W2 
Big Mushroom Big Mushroom East of Season Research Lab (requires Surf) (hidden, regrows occasionally)  B2  W2 

Hidden Grottoes

In Black 2 and White 2, when the contents of a Hidden Grotto in this location regenerate, the following items may spawn at the following rates:

Visible items
Item Rate
Poké Ball Poké Ball 12.5%
Great Ball Great Ball 5%
Ultra Ball Ultra Ball 2%
Potion Potion 6.25%
Super Potion Super Potion 2.5%
Hyper Potion Hyper Potion 1%
Repel Repel 6.25%
Super Repel Super Repel 2.5%
Max Repel Max Repel 1%
Fire Stone Fire Stone 0.25%
Water Stone Water Stone 0.25%
Thunder Stone Thunderstone 0.25%
Leaf Stone Leaf Stone 0.25%
Moon Stone Moon Stone 0.25%
Sun Stone Sun Stone 0.25%
Shiny Stone Shiny Stone 0.25%
Dusk Stone Dusk Stone 0.25%
Hidden items
Item Rate
Damp Mulch Damp Mulch 6.25%
Growth Mulch Growth Mulch 6.25%
Stable Mulch Stable Mulch 6.25%
Gooey Mulch Gooey Mulch 6.25%
Tiny Mushroom TinyMushroom 7.5%
Big Mushroom Big Mushroom 2.5%
Red Shard Red Shard 1%
Green Shard Green Shard 1%
Yellow Shard Yellow Shard 1%
Blue Shard Blue Shard 1%
Rare Candy Rare Candy 0.25%
PP Up PP Up 0.5%
PP Max PP Max 0.25%

Fake items

Item Location Games
Foongus ×2
  • North of Parasol Lady Tihana
  • South of Pokémon Ranger Richard
 B  W 
Foongus ×3
  • North of School Kid Mara
  • East of School Kid Alvin
  • South of Parasol Lady Tihana
 B2  W2 


Pokémon Black and White

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sp Su Au Wi
Tranquill Tranquill
Grass Grass
23, 25 15% 15% 15% -
Swadloon Swadloon
Grass Grass
23 10%
Vanillite Vanillite
Grass Grass
23, 25 - - - 15%
Deerling Deerling
Spring Form
Grass Grass
22-24 35% - - -
Deerling Deerling
Summer Form
Grass Grass
22-24 - 35% - -
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
Grass Grass
22-24 - - 35% -
Deerling Deerling
Winter Form
Grass Grass
22-24 - - - 35%
Karrablast Karrablast
Grass Grass
22, 24 25%
Foongus Foongus
Grass Grass
23, 25 15%
Dark grass
Tranquill Tranquill
Dark grass Dark grass
27, 29 15% 15% 15% -
Swadloon Swadloon
Dark grass Dark grass
27 10%
Vanillite Vanillite
Dark grass Dark grass
27, 29 - - - 15%
Deerling Deerling
Spring Form
Dark grass Dark grass
26-28 35% - - -
Deerling Deerling
Summer Form
Dark grass Dark grass
26-28 - 35% - -
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
Dark grass Dark grass
26-28 - - 35% -
Deerling Deerling
Winter Form
Dark grass Dark grass
26-28 - - - 35%
Karrablast Karrablast
Dark grass Dark grass
26, 28 25%
Foongus Foongus
Dark grass Dark grass
27, 29 15%
Rustling grass
Unfezant Unfezant
Rustling grass Rustling grass
25 5% 5% 5% -
Audino Audino
Rustling grass Rustling grass
22-25 70% 70% 70% 75%
Leavanny Leavanny
Rustling grass Rustling grass
25 5%
Emolga Emolga
Rustling grass Rustling grass
23, 25 20%
Basculin Basculin
Surfing Surfing
10-25 100%
Basculin Basculin
Surfing Surfing
10-25 100%
Surfing in rippling water
Basculin Basculin
Rippling water Rippling water
10-30 100%
Basculin Basculin
Rippling water Rippling water
10-30 100%
Poliwag Poliwag
Super Rod Fishing
35-55 65%
Poliwhirl Poliwhirl
Super Rod Fishing
35-55 5%
Basculin Basculin
Super Rod Fishing
35-55 30%
Basculin Basculin
Super Rod Fishing
35-55 30%
Fishing in rippling water
Poliwhirl Poliwhirl
Rippling water Rippling water
35-70 65%
Politoed Politoed
Rippling water Rippling water
45-70 5%
Basculin Basculin
Rippling water Rippling water
35-60 30%
Basculin Basculin
Rippling water Rippling water
35-60 30%
Plusle Plusle
Grass Grass
15-55 40%
Minun Minun
Grass Grass
15-55 40%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Pokémon Games Location Levels Rate
Sp Su Au Wi
Marill Marill
B2 W2
Grass Grass
25 5%
Tranquill Tranquill
B2 W2
Grass Grass
26 15%
Swadloon Swadloon
B2 W2
Grass Grass
26 10%
Deerling Deerling
Spring Form
B2 W2
Grass Grass
23, 25 30% - - -
Deerling Deerling
Summer Form
B2 W2
Grass Grass
23, 25 - 30% - -
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
B2 W2
Grass Grass
23, 25 - - 30% -
Deerling Deerling
Winter Form
B2 W2
Grass Grass
23, 25 - - - 30%
Karrablast Karrablast
B2 W2
Grass Grass
23 5%
Karrablast Karrablast
B2 W2
Grass Grass
23, 26 25%
Foongus Foongus
B2 W2
Grass Grass
26 10%
Shelmet Shelmet
B2 W2
Grass Grass
23, 26 25%
Shelmet Shelmet
B2 W2
Grass Grass
23 5%
Dark grass
Marill Marill
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
28 5%
Tranquill Tranquill
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
29 15%
Swadloon Swadloon
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
29 10%
Deerling Deerling
Spring Form
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
26, 28 30% - - -
Deerling Deerling
Summer Form
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
26, 28 - 30% - -
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
26, 28 - - 30% -
Deerling Deerling
Winter Form
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
26, 28 - - - 30%
Karrablast Karrablast
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
26 5%
Karrablast Karrablast
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
26, 29 25%
Foongus Foongus
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
29 10%
Shelmet Shelmet
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
26, 29 25%
Shelmet Shelmet
B2 W2
Dark grass Dark grass
26 5%
Rustling grass
Azumarill Azumarill
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
26 5%
Dunsparce Dunsparce
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
25 10%
Castform Castform
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
26 5%
Unfezant Unfezant
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
26 5%
Audino Audino
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
23-25 50%
Leavanny Leavanny
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
26 5%
Emolga Emolga
B2 W2
Rustling grass Rustling grass
24-25 20%
Marill Marill
B2 W2
Surfing Surfing
10-25 30%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Surfing Surfing
10-25 70%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Surfing Surfing
10-25 70%
Surfing in rippling water
Marill Marill
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
10-30 60%
Azumarill Azumarill
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
10-30 5%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
10-30 35%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
10-30 35%
Poliwag Poliwag
B2 W2
Super Rod Fishing
40-70 70%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Super Rod Fishing
40-60 30%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Super Rod Fishing
40-60 30%
Fishing in rippling water
Poliwhirl Poliwhirl
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
40-70 65%
Politoed Politoed
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
50-70 5%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
40-60 30%
Basculin Basculin
B2 W2
Rippling water Rippling water
40-60 30%
Gift Pokémon
Deerling Deerling
Spring Form
B2 W2
Gift Gift
30 One - - -
Deerling Deerling
Summer Form
B2 W2
Gift Gift
30 - One - -
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
B2 W2
Gift Gift
30 - - One -
Deerling Deerling
Winter Form
B2 W2
Gift Gift
30 - - - One
Plusle Plusle
B2 W2
Grass Grass
40-55 40%
Minun Minun
B2 W2
Grass Grass
40-55 40%
Hidden Grotto (north of the Breeder)
Dunsparce Dunsparce
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
25-30 1%
Woobat Woobat
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
25-30 4%
Foongus Foongus
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
25-30 15%
Hidden Grotto (outside Mistralton Cave)
Nosepass Nosepass
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
25-30 1%
Woobat Woobat
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
25-30 4%
Foongus Foongus
B2 W2
Hidden Grotto Hidden Grotto
25-30 15%
A colored background means that the Pokémon can be found in this location in the specified game. A white background with a colored letter means that the Pokémon cannot be found here.

Special encounters

Pokémon Black and White

Three Foongus appear here as fake items. They each have a 50% chance of holding a TinyMushroom, a 25% chance of holding a BigMushroom, and a 1% chance of holding a BalmMushroom.

Grass Poison
Effect Spore
Held item:
Foongus/ Lv.20
Normal Physical
Mega Drain
Grass Special
Grass Status
Faint Attack
Dark Physical

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Two Foongus appear here as fake items. They each have a 50% chance of holding a TinyMushroom, a 25% chance of holding a BigMushroom, and a 1% chance of holding a BalmMushroom. They will respawn every time the player participates in the Funfest Mission "Mushrooms' Hide-and-Seek!".

Grass Poison
Effect Spore
Held item:
Foongus/ Lv.29
Grass Status
Faint Attack
Dark Physical
Sweet Scent
Normal Status
Giga Drain
Grass Special


Pokémon Black and White

Trainer Pokémon
Scientist William
Scientist William
アキヒト Akihito
Reward: $1296
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
No item
Pokémon Ranger Shanti
Pokémon Ranger Shanti
シズカ Shizuka
Reward: $1620
Emolga Emolga Lv.27
No item
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
No item
Parasol Lady Nicole
Parasol Lady Nicole
ミナコ Minako
Reward: $768
Tympole Tympole Lv.24
No item
Tympole Tympole Lv.24
No item
Tympole Tympole Lv.24
No item
Tympole Tympole Lv.24
No item
Scientist Ron
Scientist Ron
ロン Ron
Reward: $1296
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
No item
Scientist Maria
Scientist Maria
マリア Maria
Reward: $1296
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
No item
Parasol Lady Tihana
Parasol Lady Tihana
シズエ Shizue
Reward: $832
Vanillite Vanillite Lv.26
No item
Frillish Frillish
No item
Pokémon Ranger Richard
Pokémon Ranger Richard
ユタカ Yutaka
Reward: $1620
Minccino Minccino Lv.27
No item
Emolga Emolga Lv.27
No item

Pokémon Black 2 and White 2

Trainer Pokémon
Pokémon Breeder April
Pokémon Breeder April
コハル Koharu
Reward: $864*
Minccino Minccino Lv.27
No item
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
No item
Parasol Lady Nicole
Parasol Lady Nicole
ミナコ Minako
Reward: $896
Castform Castform Lv.28
No item
School Kid Mara
School Kid Mara
マナミ Manami
Reward: $540
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
No item
Shelmet Shelmet Lv.27
No item
Scientist Jacques
Scientist Jacques
サトル Satoru
Reward: $1344
Deerling Deerling
Autumn Form
No item
Scientist Marissa
Scientist Marissa
マリサ Marisa
Reward: $1296
Shelmet Shelmet Lv.27
No item
Karrablast Karrablast Lv.27
No item
School Kid Alvin
School Kid Alvin
アツシ Atsushi
Reward: $540
Foongus Foongus Lv.27
No item
Karrablast Karrablast Lv.27
No item
Parasol Lady Tihana
Parasol Lady Tihana
シズエ Shizue
Reward: $896
Castform Castform Lv.28
No item
Pokémon Ranger Richard
Pokémon Ranger Richard
ユタカ Yutaka
Reward: $1680
Whirlipede Whirlipede Lv.28
No item
Foongus Foongus Lv.28
No item

Trainer Tips

Trainer Tips
You can register certain items with the Y Button to use them easily! Look for a square check box beside the name of a Key Item.

In animation

Route 6 in Pokémon the Series: Black & White

Pokémon the Series

Pokémon the Series: Black & White

Route 6 appeared in Crisis at Chargestone Cave!, where Ash and his friends traveled through it on their way to Mistralton City. Along the way, Ash's Pikachu, Iris's Emolga, and Cilan's Stunfisk had their electricity sucked away by a group of Joltik, requiring them to be taken to a nearby Pokémon Center to be healed.

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

Route 6 in Pokémon Adventures

Black & White arc

Route 6 first appeared in Underground Showdown, where Clay led Black through it on their way to Mistralton City.

In A Week to Go and Old Wounds, as Drayden had recently announced that the Pokémon League tournament would be held sooner than originally planned and Black didn't have his eighth Badge yet, Iris suggested that he'd try to catch a rare Legendary Pokémon to impress Drayden. Following Iris's advice, Black went to Mistralton Cave. While Black was inside the cave, Iris met Cedric Juniper. In A Misunderstanding, after Black, Shoko, and Trish had escaped from a fire inside Mistralton Cave, the Swords of Justice took Shoko's Patrat and Trish's Heatmor away. Following their trails, the group quickly located the Swords of Justice. Black managed to convince them to let the Pokémon go, but was dismayed when Iris reminded him that he had just missed an opportunity to catch a rare Legendary Pokémon.

In The Lesson Ends Here, Alder and Marshal encountered N on the route, with N swearing to put an end to the Pokémon League. Seeing N's well-raised Pokémon, Alder suggested a Double Battle, which N accepted. Black, White, and Iris soon discovered the battle, which ended in Alder's defeat, without N even needing to use Zekrom. Cedric Juniper then suddenly entered the scene and urged Black and White to join him in battling against N in order to make him reveal the location of Team Plasma's base, but although they were able to defeat N's Zorua and Tepig, N still managed to get away with Zekrom without revealing the location of the base, with Zorua taking the chance to destroy Cheren's Pokédex, which Cerdic had in his possession, during the escape


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Access to
Nature Preserve
Blueberry AcademyTerarium

This article is part of Project Routes, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on every route in the Pokémon world.