Street and pedestrian crossing lights
Dunedin's street lighting network has various types of lighting:
- Normal road lighting
- State highway lighting
- Pedestrian crossing lights (Belisha beacons)
- Lighting in the city's parks and reserves areas
- Various lights on private roads, right of ways, and some private properties (known as private street lighting)
If you think your area needs new or additional street or pedestrian crossing lights, contact us to discuss your ideas.
Streetlight concerns
Please contact us to report a streetlight fault.
Traffic signals
General traffic signal concerns
Please contact us if you notice a bulb is not working at a pedestrian crossing (green and red walk signals) with the location details and we will arrange for the bulb to be fixed or replaced.
If you notice a traffic light bulb is not working, the timing of the lights appear out of alignment, or the traffic lights are not working at all, please tell us.
The traffic signals are monitored from inside the Civic Centre, so we are usually aware of any problems, but it is still helpful to let us know.
In urgent situations (e.g. all the lights at an intersection are not working), please contact us immediately. We will take the details and arrange for the problem to be fixed.
Traffic signals and railway crossings
There are two intersections in Dunedin that we may not be able to fix immediately if the signals are not working, as they are on a railway crossing with barrier arms. These intersections are at:
- Gordon Road and Gladstone Road, Mosgiel
- St Andrew Street and Anzac Avenue
If you think that the light is not changing or is stuck on a green light on one approach, this may have happened due to the barrier arms being brought down by KiwiRail. If the barrier arm is down, contact KiwiRail on 0800 808 400 as they will be able to advise if there is a problem with the arm or lights.
If the barrier arm is not down, please contact us.
Contact Us
Call us on 477 4000, email or complete our online Fix it form.