To report a wandering animal, your first point of contact will depend on the type of animal it is.
If the animal poses a danger to the public – for example it is running loose on a busy road – please call the Police.
Wandering dogs
If the dog has a registration tag or microchip, we will let the owner know and arrange for the dog to be collected.
If we can't contact the owner, we will collect the dog and keep it until the owner is found.
Report a wandering dog - home address known Report a wandering dog - home address unknownWandering stock
If you see a wandering stock animal, such as a horse, sheep, pig or goat, please call DCC Animal Services on 03 477 4000. This is a 24/7 service.
Another wandering animal
If you see another wandering animal, such as a cat, a guinea pig or even a bird, please contact the SPCA on 03 473 8252.