Find information about clearways and locations of clearways.
What are clearways
Dunedin has several streets within the city that have designated Clearways. Clearways are placed in areas of high traffic volume in peak hours. There is absolutely NO stopping or parking in clearway areas/spaces during the indicated times.
Parking/Stopping a vehicle within a clearway will result in an infringement being issued with the possibility of the vehicle being towed.
Streets in Dunedin with clearways
- Great King St (from Hanover Street to St Andrew Street) – 7am - 9am, 4pm - 6pm Mon to Fri
- Stuart St (from York St to Smith St) - 7am - 9am Mon to Fri.
- Princes St (from Dowling St to Rattray St) - 4pm - 6pm Mon to Fri.
- Stuart St (from Smith St to London St) - 4pm - 6pm Mon to Fri.
- Coney Hill Road (from 15-19) – 9am - 11am Fri