Current Alerts and Notices (View all)

Road conditions(1) Water shutdowns(1)

Dunedin City Council – Kaunihera-a-rohe o Otepoti

Public notices

Current road conditions and unplanned road closures

Roadworks schedule (updated weekly)

Notified road closures

Request for proposal for the lease of the Waikouaiti Camping Ground

This page provides information on Request for proposal for the lease of the Waikouaiti Camping Ground.

Water shutdowns

Sportsground status

Currently consulting on

Plan Change 1: Minor Improvements to the 2GP

Current notified applications

Publicly notified license applications

Impounded dogs and stock

Apply for jobs

Council meetings

Citizenship ceremonies

Moana Pool & Te Puna o Whakaehu timetables

DCC Noticeboard

Tracks closures

Sea lion closures

Current possum control operations

Roadworks schedule (updated weekly)

This list does not include any road works being carried out by organisations such as CCL (water and wastewater maintenance), Chorus, the NZ Transport Agency (state highways) or companies carrying out work for businesses or residents.

Notified road closures

Notified road closures for Dunedin City are listed below.

Request for proposal for the lease of the Waikouaiti Camping Ground

This page provides information on Request for proposal for the lease of the Waikouaiti Camping Ground.

Water shutdowns

This page provides information on Water shutdowns.

Sportsground status

This page provides information on Sportsground status.

Currently consulting on

This page provides information on Currently consulting on.

Current notified applications

This page provides information on Current notified applications.

Publicly notified license applications

The following table lists the currently notified alcohol licence applications.

Impounded dogs and stock

This page provides information on Impounded dogs and stock.

Apply for jobs

This page provides information on Apply for jobs.

Council meetings

This page provides information on Council meetings.

Citizenship ceremonies

This page provides information on Citizenship ceremonies.

Moana Pool & Te Puna o Whakaehu timetables

This page provides information on Moana Pool & Te Puna o Whakaehu timetables.

DCC Noticeboard

This page provides information on DCC Noticeboard.

Tracks closures

This page provides information on Tracks closures.

Sea lion closures

This page provides information on Sea lion closures.

Current possum control operations

This page provides information on Current possum control operations.

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