W.I.T.C.H. Wiki

We is a creature from Basiliade that appears at the beginning of of Arc 5: The Book of Elements.


He has white fur with plushy-ball tails with the power to become invisible, except his tail.[1]


We came with the then-Oracle, Himerish, and was left in the care of Orube. The Guardians named him for the letters on the underside of his feet resembling the letters "W" and "E".[1]


Despite his close relationship with the Guardians of Kandrakar (especially Irma and Taranee), sometimes he causes trouble for them. We prefers to play with the girls when he feels like it, causing some mischief for them.[citation needed]

Powers and abilities[]

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Sometimes We carries a small briefcase with him, from which he can take objects much larger than himself. We also has the capability of flying, using blue miniature wings.[citation needed]

He has the power to become invisible, except his tail.[1]


Images of We.

