Official wiki
For the version summoned by Grineer units in any Mission, see Regulator.

Detects intruders.

Sensor Regulators are a variant of the Grineer Regulator drone that appear in Spy and Sealab Sabotage missions. Unlike normal Regulators, that simply float in place, Sensor Regulators are mobile, and will move to patrol a location in search of enemies. While unarmed, Sensor Regulators are equipped with cameras that will trigger an alarm upon seeing a player or taking damage, alerting nearby Grineer and activating the relevant security measures (such as a Data Vault's purge sequence).


  • Their sensor beams do pass through paned windows.
  • It can be possible to pass underneath their sensor beam without triggering the alarm.
  • Damage to Sensor Regulators taken from companions does not seem to always trigger the alarm.
  • Sensor Regulators are revealed on the minimap using Mod TT 20px Enemy Sense or Mod TT 20px Enemy Radar.
  • Sensor Regulators do not count towards Exterminate objectives. They also do not trigger or remove Stealth Attack Affinity Bonuses, being considered an environmental object instead of a unit.
  • Sensor Regulators will not trigger the alarm if they are destroyed with a single hit. Silent, high-damage weapons such as the Dread Dread, Opticor Opticor, or ParisPrime Paris Prime are all ideal for efficiently dealing with them; other high-damage weapons (e.g. VaykorMarelok Vaykor Marelok, LexPrime Lex Prime) can also use Mod TT 20px Hush or Mod TT 20px Suppress for a similar effect.
    • Note that the alarm will trigger if the Regulator takes damage but is not instantly destroyed by that singular burst of damage, so sustained weapons such as the Gammacor Gammacor and SynoidGammacor Synoid Gammacor should be avoided despite their high damage output.
  • While playing in a squad, it is suggested to holster any weapons with Syndicate Radial Effects, since their damaging explosion can be charged with shared affinity mechanics.

Utilizing Abilities[]

Sensor Regulators will not raise alarms if:[]

  • AshIcon272 Ash uses SmokeScreen130xWhite Smoke Screen;
    • (the stun portion of Smoke Screen will neither stagger nor alert Regulators).
  • EquinoxIcon272 Equinox's Nightform Rest prevents sensor beams from detecting players passing through. Regulators will, however, keep patrolling as normal.
  • ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur's uses RadialBlind130xWhite Radial Blind;
  • FrostIcon272 Frost uses Freeze130xWhite Freeze effectively allowing any player to move past them without triggereing alarms. However, shooting regulators will still trigger alarms.
  • HydroidIcon272 Hydroid submerges in Undertow130xWhite Undertow to hide from the sensor beams;
    • destroying them with Undertow130xWhite Undertow will not trigger alarms.
  • IvaraIcon272 Ivara's Quiver130xWhite Quiver and/or Prowl130xWhite Prowl are active when passing through sensor beams;
    • Sleep Arrow will cause Regulators to stop moving, but passing through sensor beams will still trigger alarms.
  • LimboIcon272 Limbo uses Stasis130xWhite Stasis and walks past the sensors. Or uses Banish130xWhite Banish on the Sensor Regulator destroying it in one shot.
    • Failing to "banish" in one-shot, will cause alarms to be triggered.
  • LokiIcon272 Loki's activates Invisibility130xWhite Invisibility to pass through the sensor beams;
  • RhinoIcon272 Rhino uses RhinoCharge130xWhite Rhino Charge to bypass the sensor beams;
  • NekrosIcon272 Nekros's Terrify130xWhite Terrify causes regulators to turn away, moving away from the player;
  • NovaIcon272 Nova teleports a regulator with WormHole130xWhite Wormhole only causes regulators to try returning to original patrol path;
  • NyxIcon272 Nyx's MindControl130xWhite Mind Control affects it to not recognize players passing through the sensor beams;
  • TrinityIcon272 Trinity marks or kills it with WellOfLife130xWhite Well of Life;
  • If it sees ability-spawned manifestations (entities) such as ChromaIcon272 Chroma's Effigy130xWhite Effigy, LokiIcon272 Loki's Decoy130xWhite Decoy, SarynIcon272 Saryn's Molt130xWhite Molt;
  • When Players are hidden by PrismaShade Prisma Shade's Mod TT 20px Ghost or HurasKubrow Huras Kubrow's Mod TT 20px Stalk;

Sensor Regulators will raise alarms if:[]

  • AshIcon272 Ash uses Teleport130xWhite Teleport on a Regulator, even while under the effect of SmokeScreen130xWhite Smoke Screen;
  • BansheeIcon272 Banshee does not destroy regulators outright with SonicBoom130xWhite Sonic Boom;
    • (Using Silence130xWhite Silence before SonicBoom130xWhite Sonic Boom will damage and move Regulators around, but not always cause it to trigger the alarms);
    • Sonar130xWhite Sonar will only show Regulators on minimap, but will not highlight weakpoints.
  • EquinoxIcon272 Equinox hits, but does not one-shot with the dayform's Maim;
  • ExcaliburIcon272 Excalibur uses SlashDash130xWhite Slash Dash to pass the beam;
  • LimboIcon272 Limbo manually deactivates Stasis130xWhite Stasis after walking passing through sensor beams.
  • InarosIcon272 Inaros fails to destroy regulators in one-shot with Desiccation130xWhite Desiccation;
  • TrinityIcon272 Trinity fails to destroy with EnergyVampire130xWhite Energy Vampire;
  • ValkyrIcon272 Valkyr's RipLine130xWhite Rip Line will damage the Regulator but will not pull it in. Alarms will be triggered if the ability deals a sufficiently high amount of damage per cast.
  • VaubanIcon272 Vauban places a bounce pad directly on the Regulator;
    • Bastille130xWhite Bastille has no effect except applying its particles, neither keeping them in place, nor disabling the alarms.

Sensor Regulators' other effects and interactions:[]


  • Can spawn as an Eximus unit as either Energy Leech or Leech variant, while also having drastically more health, armor, and Overguard. These units start spawning in Tier 2 (Level 15-25) Spy missions, and spawn more frequently in Tier 3 (Level 25+).


  • On some occasions, attempting to damage the drones from behind will cause them to not trigger the alarms.
  • When viewed within their Codex, the Sensor Regulator will oddly slowly fall backwards until eventually falling to the ground, however the thruster effects will still remain in place.
  • The Sensor Regulator can be scanned indefinitely, resulting in consuming a Codex Scanner even if the entry is completed. This also applies to the Helios's Mod TT 20px Investigator precept.


Patch History[]

Hotfix 31.5.8 (2022-05-11)

  • Grineer Sensor Regulator Eximus (the drones from Grineer Sealab Spy mission) will only spawn as Energy Leech and Health Leech.
    • They are unable to animate the other Eximus functions, which was making it difficult/impossible to telegraph their attacks.
    • Also fixed their Eximus abilities to actually function.

See also[]
