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Villains Wiki

Hello there!
~ Blue Hewdraw head
It's snack time!
~ Violet Hewdraw head
Mm! What a tender little morsel!
~ Red Hewdraw head

Hewdraw (三つ首竜ヒュードラー Mittsu Kubi Ryū Hyūdorā, "Three-Neck Dragon Hewdraw") is a major antagonist in the Kid Icarus series. He is a large, three-headed serpent monster, debuting in the original Kid Icarus as a single-headed serpent.

In the original Japanese production, he was voiced by Masaya Takatsuka, while in the English dub, he was voiced by Danny Mann who also voiced Thanatos.


Kid Icarus[]

In the original Kid Icarus game, Hewdraw was the Gatekeeper to Overworld's Fortress, assigned to guard a part of the Three Sacred Treasures that Pit uses in his adventures to save Lady Palutena from Medusa. He appears a serpent jumping out of water and around the screen to attack Pit. Regardless, Pit managed to defeat Hewdraw and retrieved a part of the Three Sacred Treasures.

Kid Icarus: Uprising[]

Hewdraw appears once again as one of Medusa commanders, though he was truly one of Hades' pawns in his plot to take over the world. This time, he has three heads, each one having a different personality, and can somehow fly.

He first appeared commander an army of Underworld monsters to invade Skyworld, Medusa sent them to get back at Palutena for the defeat of Dark Lord Gaol. Pit decided to go straight to Hewdraw, though was surprised that he was the commander. Once encountered, the three heads got into an argument but proceeded to fight Pit. Two heads get cut off while one perishes with the rest of the original body by either Pit or Palutena's laser. However, the two remaining heads were still alive and fell into a human town. Pit went after them, Palutena used her "Monster Pheromone" to attract the second head that got cut off. Once it was defeated, Palutena located the last head in the lake outside of town. The first head that got cut off managed to grow the body of a full sea serpent but was still defeated by Pit.

Afterwards, it was revealed that ever since Skyworld was attacked by Hewdraw, Palutena's army decided to create a defensive measure for it. It was in the form of Juggernauts, machines that feed on rocks and hurl them at foes. Unfortunately, by the time they are finished, the Chaos Kin took over Palutena, causing the Juggernauts to attack humanity for three years.

A clone of Hewdraw built from his memories reappears during Pit's siege on the Underworld Castle as one of three boss fights the angel has to go through in order to get to Medusa.

Hewdraw's fate after this is unknown, but considering how both leaders of the Underworld Army are out of commission, it's unlikely that Hewdraw would get revived afterwards.

Other Media[]

Super Smash Bros.[]

Hewdraw appears in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a primary shield type spirit. His spirit battle is against three Ridleys, each a different costume representing the three heads, on the Skyworld stage.


Hewdraw is a purple serpentine dragon with three heads, each one of a different color. His eyes are yellow, he has a white underside, and he has sharp horns on each of his heads.


While the original Kid Icarus didn't offer Hewdraw much in personality, his reappearance in Kid Icarus: Uprising generally gives all three of his heads the desire to consume Pit, as well as all three seeing each other as brothers. Aside from this, all three heads display differing personality traits.

The left head is red, and is generally the most mature of the three, actually getting angry should Pit take down the other heads first. He also tries to deescalate his brothers' arguments, to no avail. He also seems to be the most hunger-focused of the already hungry trio.

The right head is blue, and while calm, openly detests his brothers, to the point where he expresses freedom should Pit defeat them first. He also seems to be vain, claiming that he's too pretty to die if he's fought as Hewdraw Reborn. He also seemingly knows French and likes to watch television in his spare time.

The middle head is purple, and is essentially a middle ground of the two heads. While he does seem to look down on the others and seems to think of himself as the best, he also genuinely compliments Pit's strength after his defeat. Due to his positioning, color, and his defeat line as Hewdraw Reborn, it's heavily implied that the purple head was the original Hewdraw from the first game.


Said by Hewdraw[]

Red Head: Total annihilation!

Blue Head: Bone-crushing destruction!
Purple Head: Face-stomping carnage! It was MY turn to have the last word!
Blue Head: Oh, give it a rest.
Red Head: Let's not argue in front of company.
Purple Head: Cram a sock in it, foot face!
Blue Head: I'm soooo sick of you guys.
Red Head: Me?! What did I do?!
Blue Head: Knock it off already!
Red Head: YOU knock it off!
Purple Head: I can't believe this is my life.
Blue Head: Can we go home and watch TV now?
Red Head: Would everyone just shut it?!
Purple Head: Someone put me out of my misery.
Red Head: Did I mention I'm starving?
Purple Head: And you think we're not?!

~ Hewdraw's heads fighting amongst each other.
~ All three of Hewdraw's heads after arguing.
Blue Head: I never noticed this before, but you really have a certain je ne sais quoi.

Pit: I'm not sure what you mean by that...
Blue Head: It's French for I'm gonna eat you!

~ The Blue Hewdraw Head after being lured.
No! I'm too pretty to die.
~ The Blue Hewdraw after being defeated.
Look how far you've come, Pit. I'm proud of you.
~ The Purple Hewdraw after being defeated.
Before I die, I just wanna say—
~ The Red Hewdraw after being defeated.

About Hewdraw[]

The Gatekeeper of the Overworld fortress. It suddenly lurches out of the water to attack Pit. Its body is like a smooth snake. It's a powerful enemy and difficult to defeat.
~ Hewdraw's description in the manual of Kid Icarus.
An enormous three-headed flying dragon. Each of Hewdraw's heads has its own personality, causing them to constantly bicker and argue. Lucky for them, the heads can survive if ever separated from their body.
~ Three-Headed Hewdraw's Idol description.
After being severed from their shared body, Hewdraw's heads are free to go their own ways. One is dumber than the others, and Palutena is able to lure it with her pheromones, giving Pit a chance to slay it once and for all.
~ Hewdraw Head's Idol description.
Hewdraw's incredible regenerative ability allows its final head to regrow a new torso mere minutes after its decapitation. After resting by a lake to regain its strength, the beast later waits to take its revenge on Pit.
~ Hewdraw Reborn's Idol description.
A dragon with three regenerating heads. Each head has its own unique personality, and they are not known for getting along. One head would want to destroy a wall, the second would go around it, and the third would fly over it. All three are plenty happy to devour a meddling angel, though.
~ Hewdraw's Trophey description in Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 3DS.


External Links[]



Underworld Army
Hades | Medusa | Orcos | Thanatos | Pandora | Hewdraw | Twinbellows | Great Reaper | Underworld Gatekeeper | Dark Lord Gaol | Hades' Heart | Eggplant Wizard

Forces of Nature
Viridi | Phosphora | Dark Pit | Arlon | Cragalanche | Forces of Nature Guards

Aurum Brain | Aurum Generator | Aurum Core

Fortress Guardians
Minotaur | Skull Wing | Fire Serpent

Space Pirates
Space Pirate Captain

Chaos Kin | Pit's Body | Shadow Pits | Chaos Vortex

Galactic Fiend Kraken | Immortal Phoenix | Pseudo-Palutena | Pyrrhon | Vegetables | Soul-Eating Monster

            Bro Villains

Playable Characters
Bowser | Bowser Jr. | Dark Pit | Dark Samus | Donkey Kong | Enderman | Ganondorf | Kazuya Mishima | King Dedede | King K. Rool | Koopalings (Larry, Roy, Wendy, Iggy, Morton, Lemmy, Ludwig) | Meta Knight | Mewtwo | Piranha Plant | Ridley | R.O.B. | Sephiroth | Wario | Wolf O'Donnell | Zombie

Subspace Army
Ancient Minister | Bowser | Bullet Bills | Duon | Galleom | Ganondorf | Goombas | Hammer Bros. | King Statue | Koopa Troopas | Master Hand | Petey Piranha | Primids | Rayquaza | Ridley | Porky Minch | Shadow Bugs (False Bowser, False Diddy Kong, False Peach, False Samus, False Zelda) | Tabuu | Wario

World of Light
Crazy Hand | Dharkon | Dracula | Galeem | Galleom | Ganon | Giga Bowser | Master Hand | Marx

Crazy Hand | Dark Emperor | Dharkon | Dracula | Duon | Galeem | Galleom | Ganon | Giga Bowser | Marx | Master Hand | Master Core | Metal Face | Petey Piranha | Porky Minch | Rayquaza | Ridley | Tabuu | Yellow Devil

Assists Trophies/Poké Ball Pokémon/Miscellaneous Items
Andross | Arceus | Black Knight | Bob-ombs | Boss Galaga | Bullet Bills | Burrowing Snagrets | Chain Chomps | Chef Kawasaki | Darkrai | Deoxys | Devil | Dr. Wily | Entei | Elec Man | Ghirahim | Giratina | Ghosts | Gray Fox | Hammer Bros. | Klaptrap | Knuckle Joes | Kyurem | Lakitu | Lord Nightmare | Metroid | Meowth | Mimikyu | Mother Brain | Palkia | Phosphora | Shadow the Hedgehog | Skull Kid | Spinies | Starman | Unira | Unown | Waluigi

Acro | Affinity | Akuma | Alraune | Albert Wesker | Amalthus | Andrew Oikonny | Antasma | Aparoids | Aparoid Queen | Arlon | Ashnard | Axel | Baba | Baby Bowser | Babylon Rogues (Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow, Storm the Albatross) | Balrog | Banzai Bills | Bass | Big Boss | Bio Rex | Birdo | Black Shadow | Blood Falcon | Bokoblins | Blippers | Bloopers | Bombers | Bonkers | Boos | Boom Boom | Boom Stompers | Box Boxer | Boxy | Broom Hatters | Bugzzy | Bumpety Bombs | Bulborbs | Burt the Bashful | Buzzy Beetles | Byrne | Cackletta | Calamity Ganon | Camus | Cappys | Captain Syrup | Carmilla | Chandelure | Chaos | Chaos Kin | Chargin' Chucks | Chozo Soldiers | Clubberskulls | Colonel Pluck | Condor (Butterfly) | Careening Dirigibugs | Cragalanche | Creepers | Creeping Chrysanthemums | Count Bleck | Count Cannoli | Cranky Kong/Donkey Kong (arcade) | Daphnes | Dark Man 4 | Dark Matter | Dark Matter Blade | Dark Mind | Dark Monita | Darknuts | Daroach | Deadly Six (Zavok, Master Zik, Zeena, Zomom, Zazz, Zor) | Death | Deathborn | Deep Cut (Shiver, Big Man, Frye) | Devil Jin | Demise | Demon King Arzodius | Diggernaut | Dimentio | DJ Octavio | Don Bongo | Drackys | Dragaux | Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik | Dry Bones | Eagle | Edelgard von Hresvelg | Eggplant Wizard | EggRobos | Emerl | E.M.M.I. | Ender Dragon | Erazor Djinn | Evil Ryu | Father Balder | Fawful | Fiery Blowhogs | Flages | Fortitudo | FU | Fynalle | Gabriel Belmont | Gangrel | Galacta Knight | Galactic Fiend Kraken | Garon | Gengar | General Guy | Geese Howard | Gharnef | Ghasts | Ghosts | Gleeoks | Goda | Gold Bone | Golems (Kirby) | Golems (Dragon Quest) | Gomorrah | Gooper Blooper | Gordos | Goro Akechi | Great Reaper | Great Sabrecats | Grief | Gruntilda | Guardians | Hades | Hawke | Heihachi Mishima | Helmaroc King | Hewdraw | Hooktail | Hoopa Unbound | Hot Heads | Igor | Infinite | Ing | Inspired | Iori Yagami | Iridescent Flint Beetles | Iridescent Glint Beetles | Jade Face | Jeanne | Jin | Jin Kazama | Julius | Juri Han | Kalypso | Kamek | Kammy Koopa | Kanden | Karate Kong | Kass | King Bob-omb | King Boo | King Dice | King Dodongo | King Hippo | King Knight | King Olly | King Slimes | Kip | Kludge | Kracko | Kraid | Kritters | Kuma II | Kyle Merkulov | Leon Powalski | Lethiniums | Liquid Snake | Loptr | Lord Fredrik | Louie | Lurchthorns | Lyon | MB | M. Bison | Magnamalo | Magolor | Mahvas | Majora | Malladus | Malos | Masked Man | Master Belch | Master Kohga | Mecha Ridley | Medeus | Medusa | Megontas | Meta-Knights (Axe Knight, Javelin Knight, Mace Knight, Trident Knight, Blade Knights, Heavy Lobster) | Metal Sonic | Metroid Prime | Mimicuties | Moblins | Mockiwis | Moley | Monoeyes | Mouser | Mr. Frosty | Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright | Mugly | Nabbit | Natah | Necrozma | Nihilego | Nightmare | Nina Williams | Ninja Kong | Nipper Plants | Noxus | Nruffs | Nutskis | O'Chunks | Octoman | Octoroks | Olaf | Ornes | Pandora | Panther Caroso | Paper Bowser | Parasite Queen | Paz Ortega Andrade | Peckish Aristocrabs | Phantom Ganon | Pico | Pidgits | Piglins | Pigma Dengar | Pigmasks | Plague Knight | Plasma Wisps | Plasm Wraith | Pom Pom | Pompy | Poppy Bros. Jrs. | Princess Shroob | Quaggled Mireclops | Queen Metroid | Queen Sectonia | Rabbid Kong | Rabbids | Raphael the Raven | Reapers | Redd | Reshiram | Rhea | Revolver Ocelot | Riku | Risky Boots | Robot Masters (Cut Man, Guts Man, Ice Man, Bomb Man, Fire Man, Metal Man, Air Man, Quick Man, Crash Man, Flash Man, Wood Man, Hard Man, Top Man, Spark Man, Snake Man, Shadow Man, Drill Man, Dive Man, Skull Man, Gravity Man, Napalm Man, Knight Man, Wind Man, Slash Man, Sword Man, Galaxy Man) | Rockys | Rodin, the Infinite One | Roger the Potted Ghost | Rouge the Bat | Rufus Shinra | Ryuichi and Ryuji | Sagat | Salamence | Scarfies | Scurvy Crew | Shadow Beasts | Shadow Queen | Shaft | Shake King | Sheegoth | Shield Knight | Shotzos | Shroobs | Shy Guys | Sidesteppers | Sigma | Sir Kibbles | Skeletons | Skuttlers | Slimes (Dragon Quest) | Slimes (Minecraft) | Smoky Progs | Snowmads | Solidus Snake | Space Pirates (Kid Icarus) | Space Pirates (Metroid) | Specknoses | Specter Knight | Spire | Squeakers | Starmans | Strangelove | Stu | Swooping Snitchbugs | Sylux | Tacs | Tatanga | Thanatos | The Devil | The Skull | Therion | The Three Mage-Sisters (Francisca, Flamberge, Zan Partizanne) | Tiki Tak Tribe (Tiki Tong, Kalimba, Gong-Oh, Maraca Gang, Wacky Pipes, Cordian, Banjo Bottom, Xylobone) | Trace | Travis Touchdown | Turks (Elena, Reno, Rude, Tseng) | Turret Tusk | Twinbellows | Twinrova | Ultimate Chimera | Vaati | Validar | Vega | Viridi | Viruses | Vivian | Vorash | Waddle Dees | Waddle Doos | Walhart | Walkys | Wart | Weavel | Wheelies | Whispy Woods | Whomps | Wigglers | Wollywogs | Xord | X-Parasites | Yaldabaoth | Yuga | Yveltal | Zangief | Zant | Zekrom | Zero | Zingers | Zoda | Zurees

Billy Kane | Chang Koehan | Choi Bounge | Dr. Coyle | Dragonborn | Grima | Organization XIII (Master Xehanort, Xemnas, Ansem, Vanitas) | Ryuji Yamazaki | Saïx | Solon | Spiders | Springtron | Team Rocket Grunts | Yiga Foot Soldiers
