“ | In actuality I would say the Jedi hunt themselves. Do you know the key to hunting Jedi, friend? It is patience. Jedi cannot help what they are. Their compassion... leaves a trail. For example, in our line of work, rumors run rampant. Here's one I heard just recently. It involves a Jedi hiding right here in your lovely saloon. Let's say ours is a wanderer. Maybe he's looking for people like him. Comes across this establishment, Nice place. And then he sees you. A man in need. Perhaps the locals are stealing from you. Threatening you. So what is the Jedi to do? Help you and risk exposure? Or move on? Now, if he were smart, he'd keep moving, but the Jedi Code is like an itch, he cannot help it! So he steps in and saves your saloon. You offer him a place to hide! Fresh water! Shade from the suns! But the stories, they begin and they travel quickly. His compassion has been his undoing. | „ |
~ The Grand Inquisitor on hunting Jedi. |
The Grand Inquisitor is a major antagonist in the Star Wars franchise. He is the leader of the Inquisitorius, a group of Jedi hunters who were tasked with tracking down and eliminating all known Jedi Knights who survived Order 66.
His Evil Ranking[]
His Villainous Deeds[]
- As leader of the Inquisitorius, he personally hunted down and murdered any Jedi who survived order 66.
- He nearly killed Jocasta Nu with his lightsaber, only to be stopped by Darth Vader.
- He killed Ahmar for attempting to escape Fortress Inquisitorius. It is implied it was very brutal given he showed them a gem with blood stains on it.
- He trained Barriss Offee to be an Inquisitor and pitted her against her former Jedi friend, Dante, forcing them both to fight to the death, ultimately culminating in Barriss killing Dante and fully succumbing to the Dark Side.
- He killed Luminara Unduli and used her death to lure other Jedi to their deaths when they heard rumors that Unduli was still alive. Rumors that the Inquistor helped spread through Senator Trayvis
- He kidnapped numerous Force-Sensitive Children from an orphanage, likely planning to slaughter them all.
- When the Sixth Brother was killed by Ahsoka Tano, rather than mourning him, The Grand Inquisitor was annoyed by his incompetence and recklessness and is even impressed that Ahsoka managed to kill him.
- Killed Master Elan to spite his apprentice, Tensu Run.
- He also captured and torture many innocent villagers who were accused of smuggling Tensu.
- He also helped the other Inquisitors capture and freeze multiple Jedi (including a youngling) for unknown reasons as suggested in Fortress Inquisitorius.
- He interrogated Vect Nokru and threatened to kill him if he didn’t reveal where Kenobi was, but since Nokru didn’t know anything, The Inquisitor violently bisected him with his lightsaber.
- When Reva was trying to capture Obi-Wan, The Grand Inquisitor stopped her and tried to capture Kenobi himself to get all of the credit for it.
- He taunted Reva after she was stabbed in the stomach by Darth Vader, before leaving her to die
- He was tasked by Darth Vader to hunt down any Force-Sensitive children and kill them if they refuse to join The Dark Side.
- He is also task his minions the Inquisitors to carry out these commands.
- He is willing to take the kids and either kill or brutally tortured them until they succumb to the Dark Side and join the Empire.
- One of the kids was Dhara Leonis who was traumatize after being recovered.
- He used Unduli’s false survival to lure Ezra and Kanan to Stygeon so he could kill them.
- He attempted to convert Ezra to The Dark Side but when he refused, the Inquisitor attempts to strike him down.
- He attempted to burn down an entire village when Yeleb lied to him about Ezra’s whereabouts, before killing Yeleb by slashing him across the chest with his lightsaber.
- He led a TIE Fighter squadron to stop the Rebels from escaping with Tseebo, who had Imperial Intel.
- He goaded Ezra into using The Dark Side, albeit, briefly by taunting him that his friends would die and everything he fought for would be lost.
- He tried to Mind Probe Zare Leonis’ mind to find out if he knew anything about Ezra.
- On Grand Moff Tarkin’s orders, he violently murdered two imperials by beheading them with his lightsaber for their failure in capturing the Rebels.
- He sadistically smirked when Tarkin has the main communications tower on Lothal destroyed, seemingly killing Kanan’s friends.
- He tortured Kanan Jarrus by Mind Probing him in an attempt to get information out of him. But once Kanan refused to talk, the Inquisitor tortured him further by painfully electrocuting him.
- He taunted Kanan Jarrus over the death of his master to get him to talk and taunted him further by claiming his friends would die, just like his master.
- He pushed Ezra off a ledge into a level below, apparently killing him and then sadistically smiling at Kanan’s grief.
- He haunted a Jedi Temple and killed anyone who visited it.
- He attempts to Kill Luke Skywalker and also taunts him over his lack of training.
Why He Doesn’t Stand Out?[]
- He fails the heinous standards to Darth Vader, who did way worse than him, not to mention, many of his actions were under his orders. Ironically, he also failed the Heinous Standards to Second Sister, one of his minions, who attempted to claim a holocron with all the Force-sensitive children.
- He is tragic, since Jocasta Nu denied him access to the Jedi Order’s deeper secrets, which was a pivotal reason he fell to The Dark Side. He also was deeply moved by Barriss Offee’s confession over bombing the Jedi Order as he too saw corruption within them and this served as an understandable turn to villainy for him.
- He chooses to commit suicide to avoid punishment for his failure, yet Vader was able to bind the Inquisitor’s spirit to a Jedi Temple until Vader decides to let him go, (which will likely be never), putting him in a fate worse than death, what makes him scapegoat.
- He is shown to have standards since he is enraged at the Third Sister’s behavior. He was also unnerved by the Thirteenth Sister bringing back the head of her enemies since the blood from them dirtied up the Mouse Droids, and is also disturbed by Vader chopping off the arms of the other Inquisitors as a lesson of loss, seeing no point to it.
External Links[]
- The Grand Inquisitor on the Villains Wiki
- The Grand Inquisitor on the Disney Wiki
- The Grand Inquisitor on the Magnificent Baddie Wiki
- The Grand Inquisitor on the Star Wars Wiki
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