OzymandiasWP (オジマンディアス, Ojimandiasu?), Class Name Rider (ライダー, Raidā?), is the Rider-class Servant of Shizuri Isemi in the First Holy Grail War of Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver.
He is also summoned by Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order.
Quick Answers
Who summons Ozymandias in the First Holy Grail War of Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver?
What is Ozymandias' class name in Fate/Grand Order?
What is another name for Ozymandias in ancient Egypt?
Who is Ozymandias summoned by in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order?
A person from the 13th~14th Century BC, a Pharaoh of ancient EgyptWP who governed over a vast empire. He is also known as Ramesses IIWP (ラムセス二世WP, Ramusesu Nisei?) and Meryamen (メリアメン, Meriamen?).[1][2]
A wise ruler and exemplary statesman who, while fighting the HittitesWP, eventually made peace and brought about a thriving prosperity to ancient Egypt by means of "cultural exchange and interaction". He is in particular a valorous general, and a man who had married the world's most beautiful women and fathered over a hundred children. Even in the current era, he is famous for leaving behind a large number of various colossal constructions. He loved the masses just like OsirisWP would, and he was greatly loved by the people in return.[1][2] The very golden age of ancient Egypt is during his longstanding reign of 7X years.[2]
There are numerous cases of the name Moses, often raised as his foster brother whom he had grown up together with, being brought up. According to an existing anecdote, the Egyptian sovereign who prevented the "ExodusWP" of the Jews with his rule, then utilized a great army to pursue them, is considered to be none other than this Ozymandias.[1][2]
Considered to be one of the greatest heroes of ancient Egypt, and the third Pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of EgyptWP. He was friends with Moses in his life, and holds a special place in his heart for one of his wives, Nefertari. However, their friendship was put to the test when Moses became the prophet of the HebrewsWP and began to preach the teachings of God, denouncing the gods of EgyptWP.
When Moses told him to free the Hebrews, Ozymandias refused. So the Ten Plagues of EgyptWP were triggered. If not for the might of the Egyptian gods and himself, he believes Egypt would have been destroyed. He finally agreed with Moses' request when his and Nefertari's firstborn sonWP was killed by the final plague.
Ozymandias, despite not bearing any ill will or hatred towards Moses, still felt anger due to his son's death. One of his advisers persuaded him to send a legion of charioteers to attack the Hebrews. When Moses saw the coming troops, he displayed the miracle of God by parting the Red SeaWP and lead his people across it. Seeing that, Ozymandias simply let his surrogate brother and once closest friend go, and bid him a farewell.
Normally, a Pharaoh considers "death" as a transient sleep. As they dream of rebirth at the farthest end of time, naturally, it becomes the undertaking of a journey towards the gods. However, Ozymandias could not stand it. It is exactly because if he is truly the one who held the world in the palm of his hand, that he lamented, even resented, his powerlessness. The powerlessness of his body, unable to do anything but accept the transient sleep as the successive generations of Pharaohs had done. "No man in this world grieves as I grieve upon the brink of death." His perfect self. His absolute self. He curses the truth where one must go to their eternal sleep. Even if he is promised a rebirth and revival upon the "Eternal Paradise".[2]
Eventually, Ozymandias, who had engraved himself unto human history, manifested as a Servant. At the time of his first manifestation, he, who knew that his remains were being kept at a museum in CairoWP, has no choice but to stand up in a certain kind of spiritual awakening. As he had been moved away from the mausoleumWP that was under the mythological outlook of ancient Egypt, no longer would he, as one of the successive lines of the Pharaohs, be revived in his original body. And if that would be the case, then he would do as he wish to the utmost. Anything is fine; be it desiring immortality on top of preserving his perfect body just like in the past, or simply eliminating the insolent Master before vanishing away, or perhaps ruling the world and bringing about prosperity upon the people in peace.[2]
And then, now. During his latest manifestation... Indeed, if the Human Order is upon a crisis, then now is truly the time to save the world. Such is the thought Ozymandias naturally arrived at. Once, he did not manage to establish it. But, if it is Chaldea with numerous figures befitting of that of heroes, then perhaps————[2]

Casual Clothing
It has been conjectured that his height while alive was over 180 cm. However, Ozymandias himself has alleged that his height of prosperity/summit was back when his beloved wife, Nefertari, gave birth to their second prince.[1][2]
Ozymandias is described to be a man who had eyes like the sun, wrapped in the presence of a king. He seems to be vain in his appearance, not unlike Gilgamesh, as he wears modern, stylish attire, not to mention a gold necklace and bangles on his wrists.
« AnatWP and SetWP, it is good that you dwell in both of my arms! Ashtart, wish me well so that the earth will be soaked in the blood of my battles after my glorious victory! I who am Horus and Ra will give happiness to the world when I get another life, from here on! O’ my beloved Nefertari, you will bless the call of Ozymandias as Hathor! » |
(Ozymandias invoking the ancient gods of EgyptWP) |
A Pharaoh filled to the brim with unswaying confidence. The Sun King (太陽王, Taiyō-Ō?). It is not arrogance, nor is it haughtiness. Ozymandias simply conducts himself as a god and Pharaoh that he is as a straightforward fact. That mentality completely savored the splendour of the world, having reigned over ancient Egypt at the time.[2] He is a child of the Sun God Ra, while at the same time, his incarnation, stipulating himself as the absolute one above the earth. Just like a bird flying above the great skies, just like a fish swimming within the great seas, and just like a flower blooming in full glory in the plains, he is naturally a God-King (神王, Shin-Ō?) (Pharaoh).[1][2]
He likes to refer to himself as the King of Kings (王の中の王, Ō no Naka no Ō?), and also prefers being addressed as Ozymandias by other Servants and people.
Ozymandias shows a personality of a person with a big ego, seeing himself as a god, but does not go as far as disrespecting the gods of his time. Unlike other demigods or beings with Divinity, Ozymandias is one that is not contrary to the law of the heavens. However, despite his respect for the gods, he declares himself to be the God of Heaven, Horus and Ra, to the point that he believes the gods are in his favor, and sometimes quotes the name of Nefertari as well, not only to show affection and love for her, but with a respect that places his beloved as someone divine like a goddess in life, asking for her blessing to his call. During his life, he calls Nefertari a manifestation of Hathor, the Goddess of the Sky and Love.[3] His love for his foster brother is great even with how their parting went, he thinks that had Moses been his actual blood brother, he would have been made heir to the throne and Ozymandias would have gladly, albeit with slight jealousy, served Moses.
Unlike Gilgamesh, he freely declares his True Name, Ozymandias, believing that the world should kneel by the return of his radiant presence.
Ozymandias believes that his invocation was given by the need to save the world from its current state, to sort the current holder of a broken humanity, and that those who oppose him should be burned by his power.
Although he enjoys battle and mentions that his fight against Arthur, Arash, and Brynhildr would be compared to his battle against the Hittites, Ozymandias says the position he takes between "fight or not fight" is the central motif of his fights to show Nefertari how powerful and victorious he is, and without her, there was no meaning in him fighting.
For him, his tragedy was that there was no other fate than to rule the world. The failure of his life, in his eyes, was that he could not subjugate his journey towards the gods while dreaming of his rebirth at the end of the distant times like the other Pharaohs.
Ozymandias' attitude towards his Master depends on his mood.[1][2] If he recognizes one as having the disposition of a king, then this isn't bad from time to time, and he might say and take action under their rule.[1] Even as he understands his present state as a Servant who cannot continue on materializing without a magical energy supply, he will not dangle his head down to a magus to begin with. He expects not to be treated as a Servant. He will take action when and only when his and the Master's goal coincide.[2]
Facing a man endowed with such a sovereign characteristic, one softens up their manner. A king is never an equal to a Pharaoh, yet it is quite well for a Pharaoh to watch over and guide the kings who are not a Pharaoh. Such is what Ozymandias does as he advances on his own.[2] In other cases, if somebody who happens to resemble and (maybe) possesses a presence similar to his old friend (a saint) exists, he would take interest to them and inquisitively peer into their face.[1][2]
... However, there is one major premise. To Ozymandias, his "beloved" will always be Queen Nefertari, and his "peerless friend" shall always be Moses. That alone, no matter the passage of time, will remain absolute and unchanging.[1][2]
In Fate/Grand Order, he gets along well with Gilgamesh.
- Moses
- His foster brother, who he grew up together with, raised by the same motherWP. A youth filled with shining talent and the traits of a sovereign. There was even a chance of him becoming the Pharaoh. Ozymandias approved of Moses as "befitting to be my foster brother, a saint who is far from ordinary." And yet, simultaneously ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■.[2]
- Nefertari
- "An existence I loved and hold supreme more than even myself. I once had a numerous amount of wives, but now————if Nefertari is by my side, I'd keep on thinking that maybe I have no need for the likes of concubines."[2]
- Nitocris
- "The ancient queen of the heavens is here. I never thought I would be able to see her once again."[4]
- "An ancient Pharaoh. She went through some troubles upon fighting the Lion King. Supposedly, she is one you would call motherly, but I have decided to treat her as my retainer. For that is no less than her own wish."[2]
- Cleopatra / Iskandar
- "The Pharaohs. They cannot be compared to I, the King of Kings. Yet they are Pharaohs nonetheless. I suppose it would not be so bad to join Nitocris and the others for a trip around the world."[2]
- Tamamo-no-Mae
- "Hmm, I am sensing the presence of another incarnation of the sun. Is it Tamamo? If so, then I suppose I am the elder brother, and she is the younger sister? I shall allow it. Tell her to address me as her brother... or better yet, big brother!"[4]
- "Fellow incarnation of the sun. Indeed. As expected, I am the older brother here."[2]
- Quetzalcoatl
- "Hoh. A Sun God of a foreign land, is she? Hohoh."[2]
- Karna / Paris / Gawain
- "This presence... Is there a pharaoh from another era here? It is not possible for one other than a pharaoh to be the sun. Therefore, they must be a pharaoh."'’[4]
- "Old Man of the Mountain"
- "Fu......"[2]
- Arash / Arthur Pendragon
- "This presence... Could a truly valorous hero be here?"[4]
- "I do hold interest for Heroic Spirits who are pure and honest in nature. All the more so if they are heroes who had saved the world."[2]
Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver[]
Day 4: Summoning[]

Rider enraged at Shizuru using Nefertari's necklace as his catalyst.
Rider is summoned with Nefertari's necklace as a catalyst by Shizuri, but before he knew how he was summoned, Rider expresses his seemingly unpleasant feelings for the place where he had been summoned. While in fact he likes it, instead of talking about such a place, Rider directly asks Shizuri what he had used as a catalyst, saying he should reveal the object used.[5]
Initially, Rider cites several objects that can serve as catalysts for his summoning, like the remains of his war chariot, his bow used in the decisive battleWP against the Hittite KingWP, or the Egyptian–Hittite peace treatyWP he exchanged with the Hittites, or even something that certainly had been plundered from his own mummyWP.[5]
Apparently, Rider was not displeased, or even furious, about these possibilities. However, Shizuri ingenuously reveals he had used Nefertari's necklace as a catalyst. This necklace is no mere necklace like the others; it was precious and directly connected to the heart of Rider because it was the symbol of his love for Nefertari. Rider did not show aggression initially, to the point of having praised Shizuri's research ability and saying that it explained the wonderful scent of Nefertari's over the place.[5]
However, Rider bursts into rage with cold eyes like sharpened blades, believing that the tomb of his most beloved was broken into and robbed just to acquire a catalyst to summon him. Materializing part of Mesektet and breaking the workshop, which was described as tough as a bunker built for the Cold WarWP, with great ease, he gave Shizuri two options to choose: die along with his clan, or be devoured by a Divine Beast.[5]
Although Shizuri didn't make any of the choices offered by Rider, he was ready to die for the sake of his clan. Being aware of it, Rider decides to spare his life and allows him the opportunity to prove that he is able to fulfill that promise to its full capacity.[5]
After their confrontation, Rider starts walking around the workshop, trying to be fair as a Pharaoh and giving Shizuri another chance. While exploring the workshop and entering each room, he notes a white room. Inside the white room, Rider narrows his eyes at a small child connected by numerous cables to various machines. Rider tries to read the instruments to get some information; however, he is unable to make sense out of them. But, even though he couldn't read them, he notices that the child had been undermined by a disease since birth.[5]
Confronting the child, Rider asks for his name. But the child's condition makes it hard for him to speak. Not deterred, Rider offers to kill him as a show of mercy. However, the child tells him that he instead wishes for the happiness of all humanity. Hearing those words, Rider immediately recalls Moses and realizes that the child is like him. Elated, Rider tells the child to rejoice as his words just spared his clan's lives.[5]
Day 5: Alliance with Caster Camp[]

Rider negotiating with Team Caster.
On day five, Rider is instructed to go the Reiroukan Manor to form an alliance with the Caster camp. Curious, Rider agrees to go. During the meeting, Rider senses the presence of Misaya Reiroukan peeping in on their meeting through a familiar. Delighted by the child's ruler like qualities, Rider casts a spell her through her familiar with his eyes to knock her out. He then informs Master Reiroukan that because he appreciates his daughter's talents, he will agree to the alliance. He then signs the Geas scroll.[6]
Day 7: Assault on the Okutama Base[]
Two days later, Rider senses a battle between Saber and Archer near his base. Watching, Rider waits and then launches a surprise attack on the pair, causing both teams to withdraw.[7]
Later, Shizuri gets angry at Rider for letting Saber and Archer get away. Returning, Rider scolds his Master for freaking out about the interlopers. Upset, Shizuri asks Rider why he let both parties get away. Insulted, Rider insults Shizuri’s vision and forgives him for his insolence. Rider then mysteriously reveals that he needs to ascertain something.[7]
Day 8: Defeat of Berserker[]
On day eight, Rider participates in the battle against Berserker. Using his solar barge, Rider attacks Berserker with a barrage of laser attacks, eventually killing him.[8] He then makes a declaration of war against the other Servants.[9]
Day 9: Declaration of War[]
The next morning, Rider returns to his base and informs Shizuri Isemi of his victory. Though Rider is disappointed. Shizuri tries to cheer him up, but Rider ignores him. Thinking, Rider announces his decision to use Ramesseum Tentyris in the next battle, much to his Master’s horror. Shizuri objects to the idea. But Rider is persistent and declares that he shall save the world.[10][11]
That afternoon, Rider sends Sphinxes to attack both Saber and Lancer. As Saber and Lancer fight off the Sphinx, Rider makes an announcement through it, calling out the remaining Servants to fight him, otherwise he will burn down the city and its inhabitants. He then recalls the Sphinx.[12]
Rider then spends the rest of the day, searching for the perfect spot to release his Ramesseum Tentyris. Stopping at a restaurant near Tokyo Bay, Rider has dinner and reflects on his time with Nefertari and Moses. Finally deciding on a location, Rider decides to unleash his Noble Phantasm on top of Tokyo Bay.[13]
Day 10: Decisive Battle Atop Tokyo Bay[]

Rider's defeat.
During the battle on top of Tokyo BayWP, Rider summons his Reality Marble-like Noble Phantasm, Ramesseum Tentyris. As it appears, the Noble Phantasm crushes the Umi Hotaru, an artificial island under construction. Watching the scene, a nearby helicopter pilots freak out. Meanwhile, in the Ramesseum Tentyris’ control room, the system reports that there have been 0 casualties so far. Talking to himself, Rider proclaims his desire to save and control this world. Rider then recalls his days with Nefertari and Moses and the parting of the Red Sea. Composing himself, Rider notices a US navy fleet approaching and decides to deal with it.[14] Launching an attack, Rider crushes the fleet.
At around the same time, Saber, Lancer and Archer arrive and begin their charge into the temple. Eventually, Saber and Archer reach the Ramesseum Tentyris and start battling their way to the central control room.[15] Using a wide range of beasts and traps, Rider tries to defeat Saber and Archer. Pushed to his limits and having noticed that his Master has died, he decides to use the remaining energy in the Dendera Electric BulbWP in a last ditch effort to defeat the both of them. However, this attack fails due to the combined efforts of Saber and Archer, whom used their combined Noble Phantasms to overwhelm him.[16]
As their combined Noble Phantasms strike him, the light of it reminds him of the light from when Moses parted the Red Sea and of the times that he shared with him. Dying together with his crumbling Ramesseum Tentyris, he says this:[16]
« Then, I see. It‘s clear to me now that you guys――――are the ones who will save the world in my stead! » |
(Rider's final words) |
During Saber's battle with the Beast, Rider appears again in Saber's mind, and encourages Saber to fight.[17] He then becomes one of the Servants who lends Saber his power when Saber activates Excalibur.[18]
Eight years later, a shadow of Rider is seen again as one of Manaka's Grail corrupted Servants, with the goal of crushing Gilgamesh.
Fate/Grand Order[]
Sixth Singularity: Camelot[]
Ozymandias seizes the Holy Grail from the Crusaders, and goes on to establish a new kingdom. He also summons Nitocris using the Grail.[19] While expanding the desert, he and his kingdom come into conflict with the Lion King and the Saracens. He establishes a temporary ceasefire with the Lion King, but the Saracens continue fighting him. While planning his next assault though, he is suddenly decapitated by the First Hassan. He survives however since the incident took place in Ramesseum Tentyris. Frightened by Hassan’s power, he stops all attacks on the Saracens. Equally cautious of the Lion King, he isolates himself inside his temple while he heals, having realized the former’s plans. He also seals the Grail away with himself to keep it from others to prevent further ruin.[20]
He meets Ritsuka’s party when Nitocris brings them to his throne room. Introducing himself, he demonstrates his knowledge of Chaldea repairing five Singularities. He reveals he holds the Grail, but he isn’t Solomon‘s ally. While speaking with the group, his head nearly falls off. He then orders Nitocris to summon efreets to attack the group. After the battle, Ozymandias calls the group an enemy since they seek his Grail. He reveals the era collapsed long before Chaldea arrived, as the Crusades never occurred. Leonardo da Vinci accuses him of being the distortion that caused the era’s collapse, but he corrects her that the Lion King was responsible for it. He then banishes the group from his kingdom, but holds a feast for them regardless. He also gives supplies and materials.[19]
When Ritsuka’s party return to gain his cooperation, Ozymandias is accused by Xuanzang Sanzang of being like the Lion King, in that he plans to isolate himself and his people, and only them, inside his temple. He calls it pointless to defeat the Lion King because of the Incineration of Humanity. Sanzang convinces him to help the group, but Ozymandias needs to test their strength and resolve to save the world. He pours some of his own blood into the Grail and drinks it to incarnate himself into Amon. However, he grants the name Amun-Ra onto Amon, temporarily turning him into a Divine Spirit. The group fight him, but the temple supplies him with infinite magical energy, instantly regenerating any wounds they inflict. They defeat him though thanks to Sanzang unleashing her full power. Returning to normal, Ozymandias fights the group again with Nitocris to prove their worth as allies. After being defeated, he gives the Grail to Mash, and agrees to lend his sphinxes for the assault on Camelot. When Mash mentions Hassan, Ozymandias explains the former is why his head kept on nearly falling off. He was nearly healed when the group first met. He also says he would’ve helped from the start if he knew Hassan was cooperating with them.[20] Outside of the temple, Lancelot tells Ozymandias to march his army to Camelot from the west four days from when the group arrives at the city at dawn. Ozymandias assures him that his army will arrive at the allotted time. He also sends his beast trainers with the group to further discuss the plan.[21]
When Rhongomyniad‘s true form, the Tower at the Ends of the World, manifests at Camelot, Ozymandias orders Nitocris to activate the temple’s Great Lightbulb Dendera to attack the Tower. However, the attack is blocked by the magical walls surrounding Camelot, so Ozymandias uses his own Spirit Origin to accelerate the temple towards the city. After the walls are destroyed, Nitocris uses Anpu Neb Ta Djeser to block the Tower’s counterattack. Ozymandias uses that chance to crash the temple into the Tower to destroy it. With Nitocris’ mirror broken and Ozymandias having used all of his energy, the two pharaohs disappear.[22]
Halloween Event: Halloween Comeback! Super Ultra ☆ Giant Pumpkin Village[]
Ozymandias is aware that Cleopatra has suppressed her wish to atone for her kingdom's destruction. But knowing it cannot be granted unless she is a Servant and feeling she shouldn't continue suffering for it, Ozymandias offered Cleopatra an opportunity. If she can rule over his pyramid as queen until Halloween ends, he will use the Holy Grail to grant her wish. Cleopatra agrees, so Ozymandias summon his pyramid upside down on top of Castle Csjete. He also tells her to keep te fact he summoned the pyramid a secret.
He shows himself shortly after Elizabeth Báthory's victory over Cleopatra, proudly confessing that he was the one who summoned the pyramid, not Cleopatra. Ashamed by her defeat, Cleopatra asks to be decapitated. Elizabeth and Ozymandias refuse since her blood would ruin the festivities. Nitocris tells Ozymandias she wouldn't have joined Elizabeth's party if she knew the pyramid was his. But Ozymandias replies that he told Cleopatra to keep it secret. He then explains Cleopatra's circumstances and the deal he made with her to grant her wish. Since she lost, Cleopatra decides to continue suppressing her wish for eternity to atone for her country's destruction. Then, directed by Ozymandias, Elizabeth calls Cleopatra an idiot for suppressing her selfishness to atone for destroying her kingdom and tells her it’s fine to be a pharaoh who follows their personal desires. Ritsuka also tells her it's okay to be selfish. Cleopatra soon agrees to join Chaldea and confesses she wishes to see Julius Caesar. Romani shows an image of what Caesar looks like. Though he collapses at the sight of it like Nitocris, Ozymandias seems to be in a position of gut-wrenching laughter.
Final Singularity: Solomon[]
Ozymandias is amongst the "Camelot" Singularity Servants to aid Chaldea against the Demon Gods Pillar.[23]
Fate/Grand Order Arcade[]
Lost Jerusalem: Knight Order's Esteemed Expedition[]
Ozymandias is an extremely powerful Servant, prompting even Arthur to claim that Ozymandias is superior to himself. In Fate/Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table, he is also noted to be a Heroic Spirit that is equal to King Arthur.[24] He considers himself as the greatest Heroic Spirit of Ancient Egypt,[25] as well as regarded as such by Da Vinci.[19] Paracelsus von Hohenheim also admits that, despite all of the powerful defenses he set up, Ozymandias would still be able to completely destroy his stronghold if he chooses to.
Ozymandias possesses some unspecified level of skill at magecraft, easily noticing Misaya's familiar and saying that it was the work of an amateur, while she herself is considered by her father to be a genius who wields Mystic Codes and repairs Bounded Fields before the age of ten. He demonstrated something akin to Mystic Eyes or a high-level suggestive magecraft by being able to knock Misaya unconscious just by glaring at her familiar.[6] He is also seen observing the battle between Saber and his sphinx from a distance, utilizing some form of scrying orb. Ozymandias is also shown to be capable of summoning fire spirits in his sleep.[26]
In Fate/Grand Order: Divine Realm of the Round Table, he is capable of summoning the promised land of Canaan through unknown means as well as holding Tri-Hermes within Ramesseum Tentyris through unspecified means.[24] In the Sixth Singularity, he is regarded as holding infinite magical energy within his Noble Phantasm, allowing him to infinitely regenerate.[20] Said Magical Energy is compared to the Holy Grail as a source of magical energy within Arcade's Jerusalem Singularity.[26] He also was able to return from having his Spirit Core destroyed within Jerusalem, through the use of his Imperial Privilege.[27]
Class Skills[]
- Magic Resistance (B Rank): Invalidate magic with chant 3 verses or less. Receives mostly no damage even against greater magecraft or Ritual Spells.[2]
- Riding (A+ Rank): Ozymandias possesses riding ability. In the case of beasts, he can manage any kind of them up to the rank of Phantasmal or Divine Beasts. However, this does not apply to members of the Dragon Kind.[2]
- Divinity (B Rank): Possession of Divine Spirit aptitude. Pharaohs are existences that extends to all kinds of gods, changing depending on the era. However, he is Ramesses. Namely, the child and incarnation of the sun god Ra.[2]
Personal Skills[]
- Charisma (B Rank): He ruled over Egypt, oversaw a large body of military, and brought about a grand prosperity to Ancient Egypt by conquering various areas such as Palestine and Nubia.[2]
- God-King of the Hot Sands (A Rank): Upgrade from Charisma in Fate/Grand Order.
- Imperial Privilege (A Rank): Capable of the acquisition for a short time of skills that he originally doesn't possess. Due to it being A rank and higher, even burden of the body (such as Divinity) is acquired.[2]
- Protection of the Sun God (A+ Rank): Ozymandias is one who receives the divine protection of the sun god Ra.[2]
Noble Phantasms[]
Ozymandias' greatest trump card is Ramesseum Tentyris, a Reality Marble-like Noble Phantasm that manifests a large temple complex.[2] The pyramid is equipped with the following features and abilities:
- Curses: Ozymandias can grant curses to the enemies that enter his domain. One of them is a powerful poison capable of bypassing Arash's Robust Health, making him cough blood, or reducing Arthur Pendragon's parameters by one rank. It also seals away their Noble Phantasms unless they were originally owned by a Divine Spirit or the wielder is one themselves (i.e. Brynhildr). Arthur and Arash are able to break the seal thanks to Paracelsus von Hohenheim's Philosopher's Stone.[28]
- Invincibility: Ozymandias' Divine Protection allows him to regenerate infinitely from damage as long as his temple isn't destroyed.[28] This is due to the temple providing him with infinite magical energy.[20] He also states, that even if his spirit core were destroyed, he would continue to remain for as long as he is in Ramesseum Tentyris.[29]
- Ammit: Ozymandias is noted by Nitocris Alter to possess a gigantic Ammit within his Tentyris, similar to but different to hers.
- Dendera Electric Bulb: The temple's main offensive method of attack is an Anti-Fortress Magical Energy bombardment.[2] Its heat reaches the level of a Solar flareWP and if released with all his might, it would probably turn all the people in TokyoWP into ash. Even Arthur Pendragon's Excalibur Proto is not powerful enough to block Dendera on its own, requiring backup from Arash's Stella boosted by three Command Spells to defeat Ozymandias, something the last one had deemed an impossible matter.[16] In the Camelot Singularity, Ozymandias is able to transform half his Saint Graph into magical energy to shoot 10 times this attack. However, he wasn't able to pierce The Lion King's Tower of Light, as the magical energy surrounding it was too dense.[22]
- True Name Noble Phantasm activation: Ozymandias can perform an Anti-Unit attack as a last resort by releasing the True Name of Ramesseum Tentyris. It consists of throwing the pyramid to crush the enemy with the temple's large mass.[2]
Ozymandias' second Noble Phantasm is Abu el-Hol Sphinx, which allows him to summon Sphinxes. These Divine Beasts are the incarnation of the sky god Horus[2] and their offensive ability surpasses modern weaponry. Combined with their movements which surpass a hero's blade, they could easily overwhelm an ordinary Servant. In fact, they could easily break Arthur Pendragon's or Arash's Spiritual Core if they dropped their guard down for even a decimal of a second. Arthur is able to fight two of them on his own and stop their charge instantly by releasing Invisible Air. Thanks to intensifying his body with his Mana Burst skill, Arthur was able to slice them in half at supersonic speeds. Inside Ozymandias' Ramesseum Tentyris, the sphinxes are granted infinite regenerative abilities.[28] Even outside of Ozymandias' Ramesseum Tentyris, they are able to regenerate from the damage done to them by Chaldea in the blink of an eye.[30]
The reason Ozymandias qualifies for the Rider Class is his Noble Phantasm Mesektet, the boat of the sun god Ra. It is able to fly through the skies and fire several beams of light that can scorch the earth.[2] Ozymandias is also able to summon just parts of it if he chooses, and it is both sturdy and large enough that just causing the front of it to appear is enough to demolish a sizeable portion of his Master's workshop. It is used within Fate/Grand Order animations, where Ozymandias brings down several beams of light to burn away targets.
Forms and Alternate Versions[]

Ozymandias is revived by Manaka Sajyou in the Second Tokyo Holy Grail War in a blackened form.
Creation and Conception[]
Ozymandias was designed by Nakahara in Fate/Grand Order.[1][2]. Her scenario writer is Hikaru Sakurai in Fate/Grand Order.[2]
Ozymandias is Hikaru Sakurai's favorite character due to her love of Egyptian historical figures. She sought advice from Kinoko Nasu on how to write the character of a "King".[31]
Hikaru Sakurai had also stated in an interview in the January 2017 Comptiq magazine that there’s a small joke in Nakahara’s design of Ozymandias. Sakurai states that Ozymandias’ hair has a risen design and a lowered design. As such, his hair would rise whenever tension was running high, and conversely, his hair would lower itself when he was in a calm or a displeased state.[32]
Comment from Illustrator[]
"This here is a sovereign whose first appearance is not in FGO, and had become quite a long time company. But sometimes, you can still feel a new breath in his action and his sudden, spontaneous remarks. To tell you the truth, I wonder if I did him a bit plain. Also, he feels fatherly. What's that, so unfair. Also, he has a lower glandular hair, but the one you must recognize first is the deepness and balance of his eyeliner. I will devote myself to draw you better, O' King. Guess what is the flower on his last Ascension illustration is about?"[2]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29
[] Fate/Grand Order - Ozymandias (Rider) Profile [T] Ozymandias - Rider
Illustrator and Voice actor
Illustrator: Nakahara
Voice Actor: Takehito Koyasu
Strength: C
Endurance: C
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: A+
Noble Phantasm: EX
Personal Skills
Charisma: B
Imperial Privilege: A
Protection of the Sun God: A
Class Skills
Magic Resistance: B
Riding: A+
Divinity: B
Noble Phantasm
Ramesseum Tentyris: Grand Composite Temple of Splendour
Rank: EX
Type: Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm
A person from the 14th~13th Century BC.
A pharaoh from ancient Egypt who governed over a vast empire. He loved the masses as if Osiris, and was also greatly loved by the people.
Also called Ramesses II, or Meryamen.
Level 1 Bond
Height/Weight: 179cm・65kg
Source: Historical fact
Region: Egypt
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Gender: Male
It has been conjectured that his height while alive was over 180cm. However, he himself has alleged that his height of prosperity・summit was back when his beloved wife, Nefertari, gave birth to their second prince.
Level 2 Bond
The wise ruler who, while fighting the Hittites, eventually made peace and brought about prosperity to ancient Egypt by means of "interchange".
At times a valorous general, and a man who married the greatest beauties in the world to father over a hundred children; he is also known as an individual who left behind many giant constructions that remained even to this day.
Level 3 Bond
The name Moses is often raised as a stepbrother who was raised together with him. According to anecdotes, the king of Egypt who obstructed the "Exodus" of Jewish people lead by Moses, pursuing them with a great army, was this Ozymandias.
Level 4 Bond
A child of the Sun God Ra, and also one of its incarnations, he stipulates himself as the absolute one in this world. Just like how birds fly on the sky, fishes swim on the ocean and flowers blossom in full glory at the fields, he is quite naturally a god-king (pharaoh).
Level 5 Bond
"Grand Composite Temple of Splendour"
Rank: EX Type: Anti-Fortress
Ramesseum Tentyris.
The might of the pharaoh Ozymandias embodied as a Noble Phantasm. A combination of many great temples and mausoleums, a grotesquely large temple complex, and a kind of Reality Marble.
Magical bombardment by means of the "Dendera light" is its main offensive measure but, in this work, its last resort of large-mass attack is performed.
???オジマンディアス - ライダー
カリスマ B
皇帝特権 A
太陽神の加護 A
対魔力 B
騎乗 A+
神性 B
属性:混沌・中庸 性別:男性
ランク:EX 種別:対城宝具
??? - ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.31 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.37 2.38 Fate/Grand Order material IV - Ozymandias, p.068-079, translated by castor212 at Beast's Lair.
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Volume 3: Beautiful Mind Arc - Act 4 Part 2
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Fate/Grand Order Lines
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Volume 3: Beautiful Mind Arc - Act 4 Part 1
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Volume 2: Best Friend Arc - Act 2 Part 2
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Drama CD 3: Cyclic Tragedy - CD1 Tracks 2-5
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Volume 2: Best Friend Arc - Act 4 Part 1
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Drama CD 3: Cyclic Tragedy - CD2 Track 7
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Volume 4: Dear My Hero Arc
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Drama CD 4: The Battle of Kamikoudono at Tokyo Bay - CD1 Track 1
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Drama CD 4: The Battle of Kamikoudono at Tokyo Bay - CD1 Track 6
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Drama CD 4: The Battle of Kamikoudono at Tokyo Bay - Fragment 7: "Those Who Build Up"
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Drama CD 4: The Battle of Kamikoudono at Tokyo Bay - CD1 Track 7
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Drama CD 4: The Battle of Kamikoudono at Tokyo Bay - Tracks 5&7
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Volume 4: Dear My Hero Arc - Act 3 Part 3
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Volume 5: Knight of Fate Arc - Final Act Part 3-B
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Volume 5: Knight of Fate Arc - Final Act Part 3-D
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Fate/Grand Order - Camelot: The Sacred Round Table Realm - Section 2: Supper of the Sun King
- ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Fate/Grand Order - Camelot: The Sacred Round Table Realm - Section 15: The God King Ozymandias
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order - Camelot: The Sacred Round Table Realm - Section 16: The Eve of the Decisive Battle
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 Fate/Grand Order - Camelot: The Sacred Round Table Realm - Section 17: Replica
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order - Solomon: The Grand Time Temple - Section 7: VI/Aamon, the Gazing Star
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 Fate/Grand Order THE MOVIE - Divine Realm of the Round Table: Camelot - Paladin; Agateram
- ↑ Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Volume 4: Dear My Hero Arc - Act 0 Part 2-1, translated by PhoenixRising at Beast's Lair.
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Fate/Grand Order Arcade - Knight Order's Esteemed Expedition: Lost Jerusalem - Section 5: God King Ozymandias
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order Arcade - Knight Order's Esteemed Expedition: Lost Jerusalem - Section 6: End of an Eternal Pilgrimage
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver Volume 4: Dear My Hero Arc - Act 3 Part 2
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order - Ozymandias Interlude II: The Name of the Sun That Never Sets
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order - Camelot: The Sacred Round Table Realm - Section 1: Welcomed by the Sand
- ↑ Fragments Roundtable Discussion
- ↑ Comptiq 2017-01 Issue - Interview with Hikaru Sakurai, translated (Part 2) by PhoenixRising at Beast's Lair.