Trolls Trollpedia
Trolls Trollpedia

This article is about the titular location. For the series, see Trolls: TrollsTopia. For the self-titled episode, see TrollsTopia (episode).

TrollsTopia is the titular location of central focus in the TV series Trolls: TrollsTopia. It is a city in Troll Kingdom that was set up by Queen Poppy after the events of Trolls World Tour.


The city is part of an experiment run by Poppy to encourage different Trolls from the six Tribes (referred to as "delegates") to live together in harmony. It is situated somewhere in Troll Forest and became the first location in Troll Kingdom since a very long time to feature Trolls of all Tribes. The idea was formed after the events of Trolls World Tour were over.

Though the Pop Trolls made many friends during the event, the past isolation resulted in it not being easy to maintain those relationships between the Tribes. Fearing that they were slowly becoming "acquaintances" with the other Tribes, Poppy wanted to bring Trolls together to maintain good relations, seeing it as the only solution. She invited ambassadors from each Tribe and after some setback, she managed to convince them to return home, and persuaded more members from the other Tribes to come settle in the new city.

Starting with "The Buddy System", the city is subdivided into different sections suitable for each Tribe, which serve to give them space while they get used to each other, as the Pop Trolls couldn't provide them decent living spaces in their own pods.

TrollsTopia is ruled by a Tribal Council consisting of a representative of each Tribe: Queen Poppy of the Pop Trolls, Val Thundershock of the Rock Trolls, Holly Darlin' of the Country Trolls, Dante Crescendo of the Classical Trolls, Lownote Jones of the Funk Trolls and Synth of the Techno Trolls. Together, they decide the rules to follow for all Trolls, solve any problematic situation, or appoint certain Trolls to a specific job that benefits all of TrollsTopia.

Additional entities include The Clean Team, a group tasked with cleaning the city's vehicles.


Pop Village[]

Main article: Pop Village

When TrollsTopia was set up, the already existed Pop Village became the city's section for the Pop Troll delegates.

See Pop Village for more details.

Rock Hollow[]

Rock Hollow is the section of TrollsTopia correspondent to the Rock Troll delegates. The Rock Trolls live in various cave-like areas within the section's cave system.

"Rock Hollow" is likely a play on words as both a reference to the Rock genre and the fact that it is a cave, thus found within the hollow of a rock. The pun is similar in nature to the one of the Rock Trolls' homeland Volcano Rock City.

Stage Area[]

The entrance leads to a underground cave-like area which has a large stage with a giant Troll hand in the background doing the Rock Troll hand gesture. The stage also has a large amount of equipment such as speakers. It is seen several times in use by characters like Val Thundershock and Blaze Powerchord for Rock concerts (or mouth guitar concerts in Blaze's case), though more general concerts can be held elsewhere in TrollsTopia.

Backstage Area[]


The backstage area is adjacent to the stage area. It's a backstage where performers (including individual musicians and bands) and their staff converse before their planned concerts begin. It's also a place of residence where Val, Demo and the Rock Trolls reside.

Country Corral[]

Country Corral is the section where the Country Troll delegates reside. It is inspired by Lonesome Flats in appearance. The Country Trolls reside in large homes that resemble/are plants that were hollowed out such as cacti. The area has an arid terrain, compared to the rest of the sections.

A "corral" is an area for keeping livestock such as horses, cows or pigs. The use of this word in the section's name is probably a reference to the Country Trolls' centaur-like appearance.

Holly Darlin's House[]


As seen in some Trolls: TrollsTopia episodes, Holly Darlin' has her own house where she and her pig critter Pigtail reside.

Country Rodeo[]


A rodeo was set up in Country Corral, which was first seen in "Buckin' Branch" and contains several Country fauna.

Fun Fields[]


Country Corral farm

The Fun Fields is a generic farm that appeared in "The Fun Harvest". It serves as Country Corral's main place of food production, being mostly composed of plantation fields with little livestock present.



A barn, which in contrast to the farm, is mainly composed of livestock.



The Mine, sometimes referred to as the "Glitter Mine", was a former mine installation in Country Corral that served as TrollsTopia's main source of glitter production until the events of "Glitter Rush", during which it suffered a shortage of glitter and minerals in general. With the establishment of the Glitter Recycling Program as a replacement, the Mine ended up being closed and blown apart with TNT by Poppy.


An open-air bar in Country Corral where Country Trolls go to eat and drink.

Fun Sheriff's Office[]


The Fun Sheriff's office is the place where Gust Tumbleweed works when on duty as Fun Sheriff. It was first seen in "Smidge in the Saddle".

Puffalo Express[]


Mostly run by Gust Tumbleweed as well, which was only seen in the self-titled episode, it is the reliable Country Troll delivery service designed to deliver massive amounts of mail quickly. It is difficult to get mail back, so anything delivered by mistake will have to be stolen back, but the Country Trolls are sworn to their duty to deliver the mail once it is given to them.

Classical Crest[]

Classical Crest is the section where the Classical Troll delegates reside. It is quite a bit different to the look of Symphonyville, though still embodies much of the ideas behind it, such as its location (up high). Classical Crest resembles a giant flower similar to an orchard or lily. This appearance is likely a reference to bees pollenating flowers. The Classical Trolls live in the many rows and cut-out sections of the Crest, each having a purple-like inside to match the Crestspurple appearance. The inside of their buildings and homes are much more elaborate than other Trolls' homes, with a lot of detail and decoration.

To get there, a pod must be taken and ridden upwards, as the section is on the top of a giant tree.

Stage Area[]


The stage area is used for recitals and symphony concerts.

Concert Hall[]

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Seen in "The Joy Chord", the concert hall is an area for Classical Trolls to perform symphony concerts. Ludwig van Beetrollven performed here in the episode.

Chez Dante[]

Opened in "My Dinner with Dante", Chez Dante is a diner restaurant owned by Dante Crescendo. It offers fine dining from Classical Troll culture. "Chez" means "dear" in French.

In the episode's conflict, Dante briefly converted the restaurant to Country cuisine in an attempt to impress Holly, under the name "Dante's Chilli Torium", before returning it back to its original incarnation.

Harmonious Hall[]


The Harmonious Hall is an art museum that appeared in "Art Breaker". While most of its art pieces are Classical paintings, it also allows paintings from other Tribes, as seen in the episode with Synth's paintings. Guy Diamond himself was also declared a piece of art when he visited the museum.

Maintenance Shaft[]


Seen in "Race to the Crest", This is a ladder the Pop Trolls installed leading to Classical Crest. Its covered in Flying Sluggy bugs but provides an alternative means to get to Classical Crest.

Maintenance Slide[]


In addition to the shaft, the Pop Trolls installed a slide for other reason then slides are fun.

Vibe Town[]

Vibe Town is a ship where the Funk Troll delegates reside in. It is loosely based on Vibe City, and is the only part of TrollsTopia that isn't stationary.

According to "Across the Fashionverse", the inside of the ship ignores gravity, time and reality, and its inside is much larger than the outside to house all the Funk Trolls.

Lownote's Bedroom[]


As seen in the episode "To Hug A Snug-A-Lug", Lownote Jones has his own bedroom where he and his pet snug-a-lug sleep together.

Rhythm & Blues' Lab[]


Rhythm & Blues have their lab onboard the ship.

R&B's Bed n' Breakfast[]

R&B's Bed n' Breakfast is an establishment only mentioned at the end of the episode "Stop the Presses", in a news article that Laguna plans to write. It's a breakfast food restaurant run by Rhythm & Blues.

Anti-Gravity Cafeteria[]


Seen in "Big Sis B", the Anti-Gravity Cafeteria is an eating area with gravity controls and a dessert replica.

Techno Lagoon[]

Techno Lagoon is the section for the Techno Troll delegates. It is based on Techno Reef. The area is set within a crater-like area and is lit up by many LED lights; it is brightly lit at all times. The Techno Trolls live in large rock outcrops that tower upwards like pillars from the sea floors.

To get to the area, a flower pod must be taken. Non-Techno Trolls need breathing equipment to visit it.

DJ Booth[]


The DJ booth is where Synth and other Techno Trolls plays music during raves.

Rave Area[]


The Techno Trolls have a large dance floor area for raving in front of a giant heart-like structure that plays music.

Hiding Place Hot Springs[]


The Hiding Place Hot Springs is a hot spring seen in "Branch Out of Water". It is where Branch was about to go for a 4 a.m. swim, but once he got there, he saw the Techno Trolls doing a rave.

Other Locations

TrollsTopia Metroll Station[]

The TrollsTopia Metroll Station is a railroad infrastructure system built throughout Trolls: TrollsTopia that connects the city's sections together, making travelling between them easier and quicker. It officially opened in "Funtography Day".

The rail system is a single-track loop that starts from Pop Village, then goes by the entrance of Rock Hollow, up to and then past Classical Crest, down through a glass tunnel to Techno Lagoon, and back up onto Country Corral before circling back to Pop Village. In "Cakes on a Train", only two stations were active at the time: the Pop Village main "Metroll Station" and the one at Country Corral. In "Surprise-O-Tron", it was also shown that at one point in the journey it now ventures through the repurposed Fun Dungeon.

"Metroll" is a Troll-based pun on "metro", the name of a rapid transport system of underground trains; the origin of the word is from the London Metropolitan Railway system, which was the first of its kind in the world. The word "metro" is commonly used as the shorthand for "metropolitan", simply because it is generally easier for non-English speakers to pronounce.

Tribal Council Pod[]


Seen in "Glitter Rush", "A Life Less Score-dinary" and "Troll Exchange Program", the Tribal Council Pod is a mushroom pod where the Tribal Council meets to discuss how to solve or otherwise intervene in the city's issues. Aside from the council's members, Branch also shows up to the meetings to provide them statistics.

Community Garden[]


Established in "Dance Plants", the Community Garden holds species of plants from all Tribes. It has a lawn correspondent to plants of each of most Tribes, and a pond for those of the Techno Trolls that was dug after the episode's events.



The Labyrinth is a play area with a maze structure built by Branch. It was seen in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episode "The Fabyrinth", where it's shown that the maze within the Labyrinth was apparently so convoluted that Branch ended up losing himself in it while giving it a try himself without taking the building's blueprints with him, prompting Poppy, Val and Holly to search and get him out of where he got stuck. The three girls nicknamed the building as "Fabyrinth" due to its "fab"-looking appearance, much to Branch's dismay.

Wishing Well[]


The Wishing Well

Appeared in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episodes "Stop the Presses" and "Hide & Go Hug", the Wishing Well is a well that's believed to grant wishes to Trolls via magic. A Troll has to throw a cupcake in it and make a wish; the chances that the wish comes true are random afterwards. In the episode, Laguna Tidepool doubts that the well is actually magical and tries to find a Troll who might be granting the wishes in order to write an article about it, only to write an apology for Poppy and Branch (whom she's been suspecting of) upon realizing that publishing such an article would ruin childhood wonders/memories.

Vehicle Funk Wash[]


The Vehicle Funk Wash from outside

The Vehicle Funk Wash is a location seen in "The Funk Wash". It's the place where The Clean Team clean vehicles.

Smooth Jazz Grotto[]

Chaz's Smooth Jazz Grotto was created especially for Chaz to have a Smooth Jazz section in the episode "Smooth Operator". However, it was abandoned by him at the end of the episode.



JazzTopia is a hypothetical converted version of TrollsTopia mentioned in the Trolls: TrollsTopia episodes "Smooth Operator" and "The Troublesome Trio".

JazzTopia is the name that Chaz planned to give to TrollsTopia once he conquered the city and converted it to his genre of Smooth Jazz, with "Smooth Operator" and "The Troublesome Trio" seeing him do an attempt each. In neither try was he able to even get close, since in the former he had only began his conquest by hypnotizing the city's population (which backfired when he wasn't able to do so to Keith or other child Trolls), and the latter because of disagreements from Marshtato Mary and Pushy Poppy.

Pop Trolls
Sub Tribes:
King Peppy (former) • Queen Poppy (current) • Viva (Hole N' Fun)
Other named members:

The Snack Pack (Branch • DJ Suki • Guy Diamond • Tiny Diamond • Satin & Chenille • Legsly • Biggie • Smidge • Fuzzbert) • Creek • Keith • Aspen Heitz • Cybil • Maddy • Karma • Cookie Sugarloaf • Mandy Sparkledust • Moxie Dewdrop • Harper • Uncle Ron Sr. • Darius • Grandma Rosiepuff • John Dory • Spruce • Floyd • Clay • Ablaze • Hype • Boom • Trickee

Trolls: The Beat Goes On!

Gia Grooves • Sky Toronto • Nova Swift • Mags Gumdrop • Priscilla • CJ Suki • Gemma Fur • Baha • Dr. Moonbloom • Dennis • Ripley Wisp • Rufus • Tug Duluth • Klaus Von Frousting • Milton Moss • Meadow Spriggs • Bella Brightly • Master Controll • Celine Starburst • Timpani • Hank Montana • Toby Poppits • Dare-lene J. McGuffin • Vega Swift • Violet • Laroux Laroux • Smarge • Alice • Brian • Elliot • Nate

Trolls: TrollsTopia

Striped Smiley • Rhonda Sparklemen • H.T. Hairnum • Raisin Ruby


Miss Guffin


Dr. Plum Plimsy • Ginger Jo • Wim • Arabesque • Rudy

Misc. related articles:
Pop String • Troll Tree • Troll Forest • Pop Village • TrollsTopia