"Classic Magic" is a song in "Phantom Freakout", sung by Twelve is Midnight to show the ghost of Narcisso Grillo that Twelve is Midnight is more than just a K-Pop Boy Band.
- [Yoon]
- You've heard our sound and you've got something to say
- [All]
- Well maybe just hang around a while, and you'll start to see things Yoon's way
- [Jun Soo]
- We've toured the world, and we've come back to find
- There's so many different sounds around, you've gotta find your own style
- [Yoon & Jin]
- So let your body listen
- [Han]
- Turn your volume high
- [Yoon & Jin]
- Look what you've been missin
- [Han]
- Don't get left behind
- [Yoon Jin & Han]
- Let Twelve is Midnight change your mind
- [All]
- Classic magic
- No one's ever gonna get past it
- If you open yourself to a different sound
- No one's ever gonna let you down
- Classic magic
- This cool is just a habit
- Take your time and get it right
- This sound is Twelve is Midnight
- [Yoon]
- Dress on the scales and forgot about the beat
- [All]
- Well maybe just hang around a while, and we'll teach you how to move your feet
- [Yoon]
- We've learned all the rules, we know which ones to break
- [All]
- And if you close your mind to new styles you might miss something great
- [Woo Yeon & Jun Soo]
- So let your body listen.
- [Yoon]
- Turn your volume high
- [Han & Jin]
- Look what you've been missin
- [Yoon]
- Don't get left behind
- [All]
- Let Twelve is Midnight blow your mind
- Classic magic
- No one's ever gonna get past it
- If you open yourself to a different sound
- No one's ever gonna let you down
- Classic magic
- This cool is just a habit
- Take your time and get it right
- This sound is Twelve is Midnight