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- "Gosei Combination! Dairen'Oh!"
- ―Combination Announcement[src]
Gosei Gattai Dairen'Oh (五星合体大連王 Gosei Gattai Dairen'Ō, Five Star Combination Great Union King) is the combination of the five core Mythical Qi Beasts, and the main robo of the Dairangers.
Dairen'Oh has access to the Great King Sword (大王剣 Daiōken) and the Dai Javelin (ダイジャベリン Dai Jaberin). Dai Javelin is composed of Warrior RyuseiOh staff with Star-Houou tail added as a peak, while Great King Sword just appears when Dairen'Oh combines. Dairen'Oh can also use the various Qi-Power attacks of the five core rangers. The Great Discharge (大放電 Daihōden) has Dairen'Oh shoots a stream of electricity from the Great King Sword.
With the Great King Sword, Dairen'Oh is able to perform the Raging Hurricane Waves (疾風怒壽 Shippuu Dottou), a powerful Qi-powered slash with the sword that projects an image of a big wave behind it. With the Dai Javelin, Dairen'Oh can perform the Great Whirlwind (大旋風 Dai Senpū), where Dairen'Oh creates a hurricane that blows debris towards the enemy.
Dairen'Oh appeared to help power up GaoKing in Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai. MOVIE STORY-Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai
Appearances: Dairanger Episodes 8, Movie, 9-12, 14, 16, 20, 23, 25, 27, 32, 33, 36, 38, 40, 44, 46, 48, 50; Super Sentai World; Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai; 199 Hero Great Battle
6000 years ago during the war against the Gorma, the five Mythical Qi Beasts fought alongside the Dairangers of the past, granting them mystical abilities. It is until Chouryou, the previous Ryuuranger, betrayed his team that the Mythical Qi Beasts became dormant. Over time, Star-Tenma, Star-Jishi, Star-Kirin and Star-Houou were thought to be destroyed, leaving RyuseiOh the only one active.
Super Sentai World[]

The Five Giant Robos.
Summoned by RyuRanger, Dairen'Oh returned to fight alongside fellow robos Fiverobo, Jet Icarus, Daizyuzin, and Muteki Shogun, to defeat the giant Emperor Daidas. MOVIE STORY-Super Sentai World
Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai[]

Heaven and Earth Roar: Super Animal Heart.
Dairen'Oh, as one of the past Sentai Giant Robos, imbued Hyakuju Gattai GaoKing with its power to defeat the giant Lost Highness Duke Rakushaasa. MOVIE STORY-Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai
When GokaiOh and Gosei Great faced the Black Cross Colossus, the mecha of the first 33 Super Sentai, including Dairen'Oh which possibly manifested from a toy version like DaiDenzin and the Variblune, appeared to back them up. When the Black Cross Colossus summoned several giant villains to oppose them, Dairen'Oh fought alongside Engine-O and RV Robo to destroy Crime Minister Yogoshimacritein. After all the giant villains were destroyed, all 35 mecha weakened Black Cross Colossus with a combined attack before GokaiOh combined with the Variblune to become Goren GokaiOh which destroyed the Black Cross Colossus with the Gokai Hurricane: Cassiopeia finisher. With the battle won, the 33 past Super Sentai mecha vanished. MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
Zyuohger vs. Ninninger[]

Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst.
Representing Dairanger, Kiba Daioh appeared among manifestations of the first 38 Super Sentai's mecha that granted Wild Tousai Shuriken King the power to perform the Zyuoh Ninnin Super Sentai Burst which destroyed the titanic Gillmarda. MOVIE STORY-Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger vs. Ninninger: Message from the Future from Super Sentai
50 Years After[]
The Mythical Qi Beasts would be inherited by the future generation of Dairangers, formed from the grandchildren of the five Dairangers. Forming Dairen'Oh, they destroyed the first New Gorma Monster. TV STORY-Final Ep.: Let's Go!
Mythical Qi Beasts[]
Mythical Qi Beast RyuseiOh[]
- "Mythical Summoning! RyuseiOh!"
- ―summoning RyuseiOh
Mythical Qi Beast RyuseiOh (気伝獣龍星王 Kidenjū Ryūseiō, Dragon Star King) is the Mythical Qi Beast of RyuRanger. During the original war against the Gorma, RyuseiOh and the other Mythical Qi Beasts were summoned and empowered by the five Heavenly Treasure Lai-Lai Jewels. As the jewels were lost following the end of the war, Kaku had to use his own chi energy to summon RyuseiOh when the Gorma resurfaced in the late 20th century. As the Gorma stepped up their offensive, this ultimately proved insufficient, requiring RyuseiOh to summon Rin to China to find the Lai-Lai Jewels in order to awaken the other four Mythical Qi Beasts, allowing the Dairangers to form DairenOh with RyuseiOh and later Kiba DaiOh with Won Tiger.
First introduced in episode 1 to prevent Ryo from being captured by Baron String, RyuseiOh can breath streams of fire from his mouth called Big Blaze (大火炎 Dai Kaen). It forms the core of Dairen'Oh with the other Mythical Qi Beasts attaching to it as armor. Helped out in Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai.
Appearances: Dairanger Episodes 1, 2, 4-6, 8, Movie, 9-12, 14-16, 20, 22-25, 27, 28, 30-38, 40, 42-44, 46, 48-50; Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai
Mythical Qi Beast Star-Jishi[]
- "Mythical Summoning! Star-Jishi!"
- ―Summoning Announcement[src]

The Mythical Qi Beast Star-Jishi (気伝獣星獅子 Kidenjū Sei-Jishi) is controlled by ShishiRanger. Revived in episode 6. Star-Jishi can generate mists to confuse the enemy before creating illusions to attack them by way of its Great Mirage (大蜃気楼 Dai Shinkirō) attack. Forms the bow of Heavenly Qi Palace; Dairen'Oh's helmet, breastplate, belt ornament, pauldrons and gauntlets; as well as Kiba DaiOh's back and shoulders.
Appearances: Dairanger Episodes 6, 8, Movie, 9-12, 14, 16, 20, 22-25, 27, 28, 30-38, 40, 44, 46, 48-50
Mythical Qi Beast Star-Tenma[]
- "Mythical Summoning! Star-Tenma!"
- ―Summoning Announcement[src]

The Mythical Qi Beast Star-Tenma (気伝獣星天馬 Kidenjū Sei-Tenma) is controlled by TenmaRanger. Revived in episode 6. Star-Tenma is able to levitate boulders and hurl them at opponents with its Great Gravity (大重力 Dai Jūryoku) attack. Forms Heavenly Qi Palace's starboard side, as well as the right leg armor for Dairen'Oh and Kiba DaiOh.
Appearances: Dairanger Episodes 6, 8, Movie, 9-12, 14, 16, 20, 22-25, 27, 28, 30-38, 40, 44, 46, 48-50
Mythical Qi Beast Star-Kirin[]
- "Mythical Summoning! Star-Kirin!"
- ―Summoning Announcement[src]

The Mythical Qi Beast Star-Kirin (気伝獣星麒麟 Kidenjū Sei-Kirin) is controlled by KirinRanger. Revived in episode 6. Star-Kirin can shoot fireballs out of its mouth, and rewind time with its Great Time (大時間 Dai Jikan) attack. Forms Heavenly Qi Palace's port side, as well as the left leg armor for Dairen'Oh and Kiba DaiOh.
Appearances: Dairanger Episodes 6, 8, Movie, 9-12, 14, 16, 20, 22-25, 27, 28, 30-38, 40, 44, 46, 48-50
Mythical Qi Beast Star-Houou[]
- "Mythical Summoning! Star-Houou!"
- ―Summoning Announcement[src]

The Mythical Qi Beast Star-Houou (気伝獣星鳳凰 Kidenjū Sei-Hōō) is controlled by HououRanger. Revived in episode 6. Star-Houou can fire laser blasts and generate whirlwinds with its Great Whirlwind (大旋風 Dai Senpū) attack. Forms the stern of Heavenly Qi Palace, a kilt for Dairen'Oh, the tip of the Dai Javelin, and Kiba DaiOh's weapon.
Appearances: Dairanger Episodes 5, 6, 8, Movie, 9-12, 14, 16, 20, 22-25, 27, 28, 30-38, 40, 44, 46, 48-50
Alternate Formations[]
Shisei Gattai Heavenly Qi Palace[]
- "Four-Star Combination! Heavenly Qi Palace!"
- ―Combination Announcement[src]
Four-Star Combination Heavenly Qi Palace (四星合体 天空気殿 Shisei Gattai Tenkū Kiden) is a flying chariot formed by the four lesser Mythical Qi Beasts. Mythical Qi Beast RyuseiOh can ride on it, using its speed and mobility to carry him into the sky before leaping off to perform the Super Finishing Move: Heavenly Great Windmill (超必殺・天空大風車 Chō Hissatsu: Tenkū Dai Fūsha) finisher. Forms the top of Heavy Armor Qi Palace.
Appearances: Dairanger Episodes 6, Movie, 22, 31, 34, 37, 40, 44, 48
Behind the Scenes[]
- Dairen'Oh's suit actor was Jiro Okamoto (岡元 次郎 Okamoto Jirō).
Dairen'Oh was designed by PLEX. Its design is based on ancient Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean and Mongolian soldier armor, mostly mountain-pattern armour (Chinese: 山文铠; pinyin: shānwénkǎi). Like the armor, the silhouette of the Dairen'Oh is shaped like the Chinese character for the word "mountain" (山; pinyin: shān; romaji: yama; Vietnamese: sơn; Korean: 산, san). Dairen'Oh in itself is simply armor for Ryuuseioh, wherein the Shishi's tail becomes its helmet, and other pieces become its pauldrons and breastplate, while the Hou'oh becomes its skirt and the Tenma and Kirin form shin guards and boots. The Heavenly Qi Palace are designed like stalwart, immovable palace statues and is also based on Sun Wukong's Somersault Cloud (Chinese: 筋斗云, pinyin: jīndǒuyún), keeping with the Sun Wukong motif present in Ryuuseioh.
When the actual suit of Dairen-Oh was brought over to America for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2 & 3, it was destroyed during the events of the first part of the "Ninja Quest" episode and was never remade for reasons unknown.
Concept Art[]
to be added
- While the Dairangers were not the first Sentai team to draw power from legendary creatures, Dairen'Oh and the Mythical Qi Beasts were the first mecha components to have designs based on mythical rather than living or prehistoric animals. The first mythical beast-themed mecha was Jetman's Jet Garuda, whose transformed mode was based on the Garuda of Indian mythology.
Gosei Sentai Dairanger
- Ep. 1: Let's Tenshin!!! (RyuseiOh only)
- Ep. 2: It's Qi Power!! (RyuseiOh only)
- Ep. 4: We Were Naïve!! (RyuseiOh only)
- Ep. 5: The Jewels Have Come (RyuseiOh and Star-Houou only)
- Ep. 6: Break Through the Wind (RyuseiOh, Star-Jishi, Star-Tenma, Star-Kirin, and Star-Houou only)
- Ep. 7: Traitor! (RyuseiOh, Star-Jishi, Star-Tenma, Star-Kirin, and Star-Houou appear via flashback)
- Ep. 8: Father!! (first appearance of Dairen'Oh)
- Gosei Sentai Dairanger: The Movie
- Ep. 9: Don't Be Vain
- Ep. 10: Ah, the Vengeful Goddess
- Ep. 11: Magnet Gauss!
- Ep. 12: Drunk on Tofu
- Ep. 14: Well, Time To Get Married
- Ep. 15: The 3 Stooges' Soccer (RyuseiOh only)
- Ep. 16: Rumbling Child Stones
- Ep. 20: First Opening Of The Gorma Palace
- Ep. 21: The Birth of a Mythical Ch'i Beast (flashback; archive footage only)
- Ep. 22: The Great Secret Art of the Tiger Cub!! (RyuseiOh, Star-Jishi, Star-Tenma, Star-Kirin, and Star-Houou only)
- Ep. 23: True Love at Full Speed
- Ep. 24: The 3 Stooges' Super Baseball! (RyuseiOh, Star-Jishi, Star-Tenma, Star-Kirin, and Star-Houou only)
- Ep. 25: Droves of Evil Sentai
- Ep. 27: It's The Final Punch
- Ep. 28: Everyone's Here!! (RyuseiOh, Star-Jishi, Star-Tenma, Star-Kirin, and Star-Houou only)
- Ep. 30: The Deadly, Fast-Talking Wanderer (RyuseiOh, Star-Jishi, Star-Tenma, Star-Kirin, and Star-Houou only)
- Ep. 31: Another Hero Comes Forth (RyuseiOh, Star-Jishi, Star-Tenma, Star-Kirin, and Star-Houou only)
- Ep. 32: Demon With The Golden Kick
- Ep. 33: An Idol's First Experience
- Ep. 34: A Prickly Maiden Hunt (RyuseiOh, Star-Jishi, Star-Tenma, Star-Kirin, and Star-Houou only)
- Ep. 35: New Secret Art, the Dance of Spiders (RyuseiOh, Star-Jishi, Star-Tenma, Star-Kirin, and Star-Houou only)
- Ep. 36: A 6000-Year Grudge...
- Ep. 37: You Have to See It!! Enormous One (RyuseiOh, Star-Jishi, Star-Tenma, Star-Kirin, and Star-Houou only)
- Ep. 38: Huh!! A Ceasefire!?
- Ep. 40: Farewell! 3 Stooges
- Ep. 42: A Straight Line To Mom (RyuseiOh only)
- Ep. 43: Forbidden Past Is Revealed (RyuseiOh only)
- Ep. 44: Touching!! You Cry Too
- Ep. 46: The Heroes are Stark Naked
- Ep. 48: Death Of The Heroic Master!!
- Ep. 49: The Final Showdown (RyuseiOh, Star-Jishi, Star-Tenma, Star-Kirin, and Star-Houou only)
- Final Ep.: Let's Go!
Super Sentai World
Mirai Sentai Timeranger
- Super Sentai Compilation (archive footage only)
Hyakuju Sentai Gaoranger vs. Super Sentai (archive footage only)
Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle
See Also[]
- Thunder Megazord (Mighty Morphin) - Power Rangers counterpart in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2. See comparison page.