Icon-dairangerThis article is about a monster in Gosei Sentai Dairanger.

"Oh ho ha ha ha! I am Lipstick Songstress."
―The Lipstick Songstress’ first words when confronting Megumi.[src]

"How dare you! How dare you! My universally beautiful face has a scratch! YEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
―The Lipstick Songstress after Rin accidentally scarred her with her Dairen Rod.[src]

"Rin! I'm going to rip you apart!"
―Lipstick Songtress upon growing.[src]

"Beautiful flowers are soon picked."
―Lipstick Songtress' final words before her death.[src]

Lipstick Songstress (口紅歌姫 Kuchibeni Utahime) is a lipstick-themed Gorma Minion under Lieutenant Colonel Gara.


A Gorma Minion in the service of Gara and an extremely vain one. A master of the Fist of the Lipstick (口紅真剣 Kunchibeni Shinken) fighting style, she uses song-based attacks. A swipe of her lipstick across a woman's lips turned the victim into a controlled slave, singing a dangerous soprano tone that tended to blow out our heroes' eardrums.

When her face was scarred from a fight with Rin, she vowed vengeance and grew before fighting RyuseiOh although she had to leave when weakened.

She later returned as a giant and attacked the temple that contained the Heavenly Treasure Lai-Lai Jewels, again trying to kill Rin. Lipstick Songstress dominated the second battle battle against RyuseiOh and thwarting its finishing attack, the individual Mythical Qi Beasts helped turn the tide of the battle. Killed by RyuseiOh and the Heavenly Qi Palace using the Super Certain Kill: Heavenly Great Windmill (a diving version of the finishing windmill attack that was much more powerful than the normal Great Windmill Slice).

She was brought back in the Dairanger movie by Duke of Trump to battle the Dairangers, her human form being a harem girl with big lips, and then was absorbed by him to become Great King Ojaru.


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Powers and Abilities[]


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Behind the Scenes[]



  • Her design is based on a lipstick.

Concept Art[]


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See Also[]



Icon-dairanger Gosei Sentai Dairanger
Ryo - Daigo - Shoji - Kazu - Rin - Kou
Aura Changer - Kiba Changer - Heavenly Treasure Lai-Lai Jewels - Dai Buster - Dairinkens - Dairen Rods - Super Qi-Power Bazooka - Byakkoshinken - Kiber Machines
Master Kaku - Iron Face Chouryou - Kujaku - Grandmaster Yufang - Kameo - Jin Matoba - Kou's Mother - Kakuranger - Gokaiger
Mecha and Robos
RyuseiOh - Star-Shishi - Star-Tenma - Star-Kirin - Star-Houou - Won Tiger - Daimugen
Mythical Qi Warrior RyuseiOh - Gosei Gattai Dairen'Oh - Mythical Qi Warrior Won Tiger - Kiba DaiOh - Super Mythical Qi Warrior Daimugen - Shisei Gattai Heavenly Qi Palace - Heavy Armor Qi Palace
Gorma Tribe
Gorma XV - Shadam - Gara - Zydos - High Priest Saw - Akomaru - General Tenpou - Four Deva Kings - First Lieutenant Zilong
Gorma Minions: Baron String - Purse Priest - Key Jester - Lipstick Songstress - Duke of Trump (Great King Ojaru) - Mirror Make-Up Artist - Sakura Viscount - Father Magnet - Tofu Hermit - Kabuki Novice - Three Gorma Stooges (Boss Kamikaze - Company President Gravestone - Teacher Telephone) - Haniwa Ventriloquist - Three Ladies (Lady Earring - Lady Necklace - Lady Ring) - Heatwave Hood - Copy Empress - Pot Taoist - Fast-Talking Wanderer - Birdcage Vagrant - Media Magician - General Cactus - Sergeant Cannon - Count Kaleidoscope - Pachinko Master - New Gorma Monster
Cotpotros - Ikazuchi