Icon-gobustersThis article is about a Ranger/villain in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.

For her human counterpart, see Roxy.

"Ha ha ha! Pathetic human. We avatars serve Evox now!"
―Roxy's first lines whilst addressing the now comatose Roxy immediately after being created.[src]

―Roxy's last word before her first demise.[src]

"Master Evox!"
―Robo-Roxy's first words upon being recreated.[src]

"Wrong again little boy! That was the old Roxy."
―Robo-Roxy after Ravi said that he destroyed her, believing that she is always an avatar.[src]

"Newsflash! Violet and Amber are this year's fashion colors."
―Robo-Roxy's demonstrated her color scheme and Robo-Blaze's color scheme after the Rangers discover that they are robots now.[src]

"How do you like me now? I feel stronger already!"
―Roxy unveiling her ultimate dinosaur based form to her allies.[src]

"You fools have no idea what powers this DNA has given me!"
―Robo-Roxy before growing into her giant form.[src]

"No! Noooooo! (...) Nooooo!"
―Robo-Roxy's last words before her permanent destruction.[src]

The avatar Roxy was an evil "clone" of the original Roxy and is one of the two tertiary antagonist of Power Rangers Beast Morphers. She was created by Evox to serve as one of his generals, and was a corrupted version of what would have been if Roxy was the intended Yellow Ranger. She is first created as a digital avatar and later as a robot.

Despite being merely a tertiary antagonist, Roxy's double served as the main antagonist of the episodes "Digital Deception", "Target Tower", "Golden Opportunity," "Goin' Ape", and her most prominent role is in the episode "Fossil Frenzy", where she serves as the antepenultimate threat of Power Rangers Beast Morphers.


Beast Morphers[]


After Evox corrupts the Grid Battleforce computer, an avatar of Roxy is created. She and the avatar form of Blaze battle the Rangers but the Rangers teleport her and Blaze to a different dimension. Tvicon TV STORY-Beasts Unleashed

Roxy and Blaze arrive in the Cyber Dimension and meet Scrozzle. He sends his Tronics to fight them but Evox arrives, destroys them, and forced him to submit. Scrozzle becomes the third general of Evox. Roxy learns that Scrozzle hid in the Dimension to escape from a robot named Vargoyle. When Blaze and Scrozzle go on Earth to take more of Morph X, Roxy stays in the Cyber Dimension and wishes them luck as she smiled. Tvicon TV STORY-Evox's Revenge

Roxy and Blaze plan to steal Morph-X from the new X Bikes with Needletron. She stores them in a warehouse where she ambushes the Rangers after they follow Blaze there on the X-Bikes. She tells Blaze to teleport the Morph-X and that she will follow with the rest of it once she deals with the Rangers. Ravi goes to fight the Needledrone and Devon goes to help him so she battles Zoey one on one. She hits the Morph X in a X Bike which starts to spark, and Zoey throws it at an explosive oil, which blows up, leading to her having to retreat. Tvicon TV STORY-End of the Road

On Valentine's Day, Roxy decides to manipulate Ravi and obtain the Neural Aligner. She created Shoveltron when she infected an excavator. During the battle against Ravi, Roxy threw some objects causing him to fall. Roxy then started her plan by pretending to protect Ravi and called Shoveltron back. She sees Ravi where him and the real Roxy meet for the first time. Later, Ravi thinking that he can save Roxy because she said that she succeeds to free from Evox's control. But in reality, Shoveltron holds Ravi in his grasp while Roxy attempts to the stolen Neural Aligner to create an evil avatar of Ravi. But Roxy's plan failed after Zoey and Devon came to his aid. Then, Scrozzle says to Roxy to come back to the Cyber Dimension with the Neural Aligner saying that it will be useful to him. After Roxy's defeat and Shoveltron as well as Shoveldrone's destructions, Scrozzle speaks with Evox about a special plan where Evox wins a body and goes on Earth. Scrozzle says that this plan does not include Blaze and Roxy but the two ignore that Roxy and Blaze hide and hear it all. Tvicon TV STORY-Digital Deception

Roxy is sent with Meltatron to find Slicerdrone and they reboot him. She fights the Rangers and orders Meltatron to finish them before returning to the Cyber Dimension. Tvicon TV STORY-Hangar Heist

Roxy and Blaze create Railtron when they infect a tank locomotive. They send him to go after the Beast Bots and steal their data so Scrozzle can control the Beast-X Megazord but the plan fails. The Rangers destroy Railtron and Raildrone but Scrozzle informs Roxy and Blaze that he finally built his Cybergate so Evox can return to Earth and take over the Morphin Grid and laughs while Roxy and Blaze smile. Tvicon TV STORY-A Friend Indeed

Vacuutron is sent to steal more Morph-X to power up Scrozzle's Cybergate and free Evox from the Cyber Dimension. Scrozzle sends out Vacuudrone to steal more Morph-X from the Morph-X tower. Vacuudrone is destroyed by the Beast-X Megazord and Scrozzle, Blaze, and Roxy are about to free Evox, having captured Nate, the ally of the Rangers to build a robotic body for their master. Evox begins to possess it but the plan fails when Nate succeeds in destroying the Cybergate, sending the sentient virus back to the Cyber Dimension, and becomes the Gold Ranger, while getting a robot partner named Steel who becomes the Silver Ranger. Scrozzle retreats while the new two Rangers destroy the Tronics and easily defeat Roxy and Blaze who retreat at their turn. Tvicon TV STORY-The Cybergate Opens

After Steel hands himself over to Evox's forces in exchange for Ben and Betty's release, Scrozzle repairs his Cybergate and the three wait for Evox's arrival. Evox emerges from the Cybergate again and tries to take possession of Steel's body. He fails, however, because Steel has human DNA (specifically Nate's DNA). Steel summons his Striker Saber and destroys the Cybergate, forcing Evox back into the Cyber Dimension once more. Scrozzle then retreats along with Roxy and Blaze. Tvicon TV STORY-Silver Sacrifice

Frustrated over this latest defeat, Evox complains to Scrozzle that Blaze and Roxy are continuing to fail. Scrozzle offers to upgrade one of the Avatars with all three of the Rangers' Beast powers. He shows Evox three data chips that can be placed on Robotrons and collect the necessary data whenever a Ranger uses their Beast power. Evox tasks Blaze and Roxy with gathering this data, promising to give the upgrade to his most powerful servant. Roxy volunteers to go first. Though she succeeds in collecting data on Ravi's Gorilla strength, she fails to defeat the Rangers or collect Morph-X when Drilltron and Drilldrone are destroyed so Evox sends Blaze to gather the next set of data. Tvicon TV STORY-Thrills and Drills

Blaze attacks the Rangers with the Tronics and tries to collect the Beast Powers but fails and Devon destroys the Robotron-Maker. Evox orders him to disappear from his sight or he'll destroy him. Roxy is happy of her rival's fate and prepares a new plan to defeat the Rangers. She demands a virus to give her a shot at destroying from Scrozzle, who uses his technology to repair the Robotron-Maker. Then, Roxy goes to Earth and creates Tooltron to destroy the Ranger's weapons so she could earn the upgrade she and Blaze desired. Tooltron succeeds in collecting data on the Jackrabbit jumping ability of the Yellow Ranger before his destruction. Tvicon TV STORY-Tools of the Betrayed

Roxy creates Tubatron when she infects Joey's discarded golden tuba with the Robotron Creation Key. After proving ineffective in his first battle, Roxy later had Scrozzle upgrade his horn which is tested on Blaze. Though Tubatron succeeds in collecting data on Devon's cheetah speed, the chip is shot and fried before it is retrieved. Tubatron is destroyed shortly after. After Tubatron's destruction, Scrozzle sends Tubadrone but he is destroyed by the Rangers. Tvicon TV STORY-Tuba Triumph

Roxy is in the Cyber Dimension when Blaze shows off Tubatron 2.0 and points out that it's a rip-off of the original but he claims that this is an improvement since he will use a Fury Cell. Tvicon TV STORY-Sound and Fury

Roxy creates Burnertron to collect the final Beast Power Dat and she retrieves the Data Chip after his death. Tvicon TV STORY-Seeing Red

Endgame and Destruction[]

Eventually, Vargoyle locate Scrozzle in the Cyber Dimension and confront him but Scrozzle blames Blaze and Roxy so Vargoyle attacks the two avatars. Evox appeared and stopped the fight. After Scrozzle explained Vargoyle's backstory, Evox asked Vargoyle to work for him, offering to reward him with the Beast powers upgrade Scrozzle has recently developed. Vargoyle agrees to the deal though Blaze and Roxy feel betrayed since Evox originally promised one of them the upgrade. Blaze and Roxy fight the Rangers with Turbotron in an attempt to kidnap Smash but Turbotron and Turbodrone are destroyed, and Blaze and Roxy retreat. Back in the Cyber Dimension, Evox was pleased that Vargoyle had collected so much Morph-X. He rewards Vargoyle with the Beast powers upgrade. Vargoyle thanks Evox and vows to use his new powers to destroy Evox's enemies. Outraged at being denied the upgrade, Blaze and Roxy decide to team-up to get rid of Vargoyle. Tvicon TV STORY-Gorilla Act

As Vargoyle is finishing telling Evox his plan to get him the Morph-X he needs to return to Earth. Blaze and Roxy walk it, ready to show Evox their design for a Memory Pulsator, only for Vargoyle to reveal that he's already beat them to it with Scrozzle's help. Incensed, Blaze accuses Scrozzle of sharing their plans with Vargoyle, something which Scrozzle tries to deny, but Vargoyle confirms. Before the argument can escalate, Evox interrupts and says that if Vargoyle was clever enough to steal Blaze and Roxy's plan, then he's smart enough to execute that plan. Although both Shockatron and Shockadrone are destroyed, Vargoyle succeeds in planting the Memory Pulsator on the Channel 10 TV station's transmitter tower. Tvicon TV STORY-Ranger Reveal

Vargoyle uses Scrozzle's Robotron-Maker to activate the Pulsator which rewrites the memories of everyone in Coral Harbor, including the human Rangers, so that they forgot about Evox's previous attacks and believed that Blaze and Roxy were the actual Red and Yellow Beast Morphers Rangers. In Grid Battleforce, evil Roxy sabotages Roxy's pod, then along with Blaze, steal the Mega Transporters. Steel destroys the Pulsator and the Rangers retrieve their memories but it was too late, Blaze and Roxy managed to flee with the Mega Transporters in front of them. Later, when Vargoyle fights Devon, he remarks that his Beast Power is almost discharged and asks to Scrozzle more Morph-X. Scrozzle replies that he has enough to use the Cheetah's speed and that he will send it more if he says please. At this moment, Blaze appears with Roxy and takes the Morph-X from him. Scrozzle replies that Vargoyle needs the Morph-X or he will be destroyed but Blaze and Roxy smile, meaning that they wish for him to be destroyed and Scrozzle joins in with their choice. Blaze and Roxy become Evox's favorites again after they succeeded in stealing the Mega Transporters to start Evox's endgame. Tvicon TV STORY-Rewriting History

Roxy Explodes

Avatar Roxy overloads moments before being destroyed.

Scrozzle informs Blaze and Roxy that the Rangers have retrieved the Mega Transporters that they have stolen. Considering the Tronics as useless, Blaze orders Scrozzle to send a Gigadrone to distract the Rangers so that he and Roxy can retake and use three stolen Mega Transporters to teleport the Morph-X Tower to the Cyber Dimension. The Rangers divide: Ravi takes the Mega Transporters while the others fight the Gigadrone. Seeing that, Roxy says that she knows what to do, Blaze and Scrozzle watch her leave looking confused. Roxy baited Ravi away, (because her sabotage of the real deal's stasis pod prevented the awakening), so that Blaze could retake the Transporters. During the fight, Ravi destroys Roxy's morpher, destroying her armor and preventing her to flee. Ravi uses his Beast-X Blaster, The Roxy Avatar tries to shoot him but Ravi is not affected because his body is overheated and evil Roxy was disarmed and ultimately destroyed by Ravi by four other shots. She can only scream before being obliterated. When the real Roxy awakens from her coma, she reveals she has all the avatar's memories and tells them all about Evox's master plan. Tvicon TV STORY-Target Tower

Returning as a Robot[]


Robo Roxy's robot body

Upon Evox's return, he commands Scrozzle to create generals for him. With help from Trappertron, Scrozzle temporarily captures Blaze and Roxy to scan their DNA. Using this, along with backup datas of the avatars and spare robot parts, he resurrects the former doppelgangers in new, expendable robot bodies, with a machine at the ready to keep repeating the process every time they are destroyed. The doppelgangers receive new Ranger forms with Robo-Roxy assuming a violet-colored robot form. She and Blaze attack the city with some Tronics, shocking the Rangers, but are quickly destroyed by the Beast-X Ultra Blaster, Ravi and Zoey's Beast-X Blaster and Nate and Steel's Striker Morphers. Like Scrozzle promised however, they return as robots. Tvicon TV STORY-Save Our Shores

Robo-Blaze and Robo Roxy attack the Riptide Gym where Devon is battling a girl named Kerry in a video game competition. They steal her console and summon Tronics. Roxy creates Gamertron and they battle the Rangers. After beating them, they teleport away. Tvicon TV STORY-Game On!

Blaze and Robo-Roxy are snooping around the back of Grid Battleforce and he finds a lock and key. They create Keytron and he breaks into Grid Battleforce. They teleport away. Later, they watch as Scrozzle gives Keytron a human form. Tvicon TV STORY-Artist Anonymous

While Evox is away, Scrozzle creates Digitron though the pair don't think much of him. He is sent to steal tech and power up. He assimilates Cruise and returns so Blaze and Roxy send him back and inform Evox of Scrozzle’s failure after Digitron's death. Tvicon TV STORY-Cruisin’ For A Bruisin’

Blaze and Roxy get a hand puppet for Scrozzle who creates Controlatron out of it who take him to Grid Battleforce and Blaze puts a puppet to get Cole under Controlatron's spell. Controlatron later takes Nate to the Crystal Dimension and Controlatron makes Nate write some coding but Evox berates the robots anyway. Tvicon TV STORY-The Blame Game

Scrozzle creates a dart to take over the Beast-X King Zord and the pair infect the Zord. Once the spell is broken, she battles the Rangers and is destroyed by the Beast-X King Ultra Bow. Tvicon TV STORY-Beast King Rampage

As part of Evox's plan to kill Devon at an international sporting event, Blaze and Roxy create Boxertron in order to accomplish this but he is taken out by the new Beast-X King Ultrazord. Tvicon TV STORY-Boxed In (Beast Morphers)

In light of Mayor Daniels being revealed as Evox, Commander Shaw begins to drain the Morph-X out of all the towers to return it to the Morphin Grid. Realizing that no Morph-X means they will be unable to create Robotrons or send Gigadrones or even leave the Crystal Dimension, Scrozzle's computer intercepts a transmission showing the location of the last shipment so Evox has Blaze and Roxy go to Earth to get whatever was left at all costs. They create Bulldozertron to act as a distraction by attacking a Morph-X Tanker and distract the Rangers so Blaze, Roxy, and their Tronics can steal the Morph-X. Nate and Steel decided to attack them whilst the others fight the Robotron, being quickly overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. Having taken down the duo, Blaze and Roxy nearly escape with the Tronics on the Tanker but Steel destroys them and the Tanker with his Striker Beast Blast. Instead of reviving them, Scrozzle sends down Bulldozerdrone which is destroyed. Tvicon TV STORY-The Evox Snare

Due to being completely out of Morph-X, Blaze and Roxy are temporarily unable to be revived. However, Scrozzle eventually revives them after Ryjack gathers Morph-X and are shocked to find out that has Vargoyle returned. Tvicon TV STORY-Intruder Alert!

Blaze and Roxy are present when Evox announces his intention to betray Ryjack and steal his weapons for their benefit. Tvicon TV STORY-The Greater Good

After Scrozzle detects the destruction of Ryjack's ship (caused by Zoey accidentally setting off the self-destruct sequence) Evox sends Blaze and Roxy to steal the arsenal and Scrozzle gave them the Reanimizer he stole from the now deceased Ryjack to recreate some Ranger enemies to assist them. They go to the wreckage whilst Zoey is unconscious and find Snide's sword amongst the wreckage. Recognizing it from thier real counterparts' Ranger History Class, Blaze sticks it in the ground whilst Roxy uses the Reanimizer on it, reviving the alien. They then convince him that they are allies and all three hide once Zoey woke up. Whilst the Rangers round up the weapons and put Keeper in a truck, they resurrect some Vivix off-screen and the henchmen kidnap Keeper by driving off in the truck. A chase then ensues which concludes with the Rangers brawling against the Vivix in a car park before the Dino Charge Rangers appear through a portal and aid them in battle. However, Snide is able to convince Keeper to come with them thanks to a Compliance Collar Zoey used on him by mistake and they teleport away before the Rangers can interfere. Tvicon TV STORY-Finders Keepers

Robo-Roxy is present with the villains when they consider which past villain was best to revive since they need them to be strong enough to destroy the Rangers. Robo-Roxy is the one who often reveals backfired outcomes if they revive one of the candidate villains:

  • Scrozzle has two choices:
    • First one was Koragg, The Knight Wolf, but Robo-Roxy confirms Koragg was already been purified back into Leanbow and becoming a redeemed Power Ranger.
      • Robo-Roxy end up repeating a same mistake as Scrozzle's first choice when she chose Astronema, as Robo-Blaze revealed that she was purified into Karone and became a redeemed Ranger just like Leanbow after her, much to Robo-Roxy's disgust.
    • The last one was Lord Zedd, until Robo-Roxy reminds everyone of what he did to King Mondo's family, fearing he would possibly betray Evox and the rest once revived, much to Scrozzle's surprise, and Robo-Roxy is very disappointed about this.
  • Robo-Blaze chose Psycho Red, but she reminds him if they revive Psycho Red, he would betray his own allies if they ever interfere with his obsessed hunt on Red Rangers, leaving Robo-Blaze no choice but to debunk his choice.

They eventually decide upon Goldar so Scrozzle infuses the Reanimizer with stolen diamonds and resurrects him as Goldar Maximus who swiftly kills Sledge. Tvicon TV STORY-Making Bad

Roxy participates in the final battle between Goldar Maximus' Army and the Legendary Dino Rangers but she is soon destroyed again by Sir Ivan's Lightning Final Strike. Tvicon TV STORY-Grid Connection

After the failure of Goldar Maximus and the Chimera Zord, Roxy ambushes Nate and Steel in a plaza and is able to steal some DNA packs which she then took back to Scrozzle to create more powerful Robotrons and enhance her. Scrozzle creates Clawtron from some beetle DNA and then has the Robot Maker enhance her with powerful flower DNA. She and Clawtron then go to Earth with the mission to destroy the Rangers. She reveals her new form to the Rangers who are shocked and they try to morph but are unable to because the teleporter for their Morphers is busted so they have to fight unmorphed but both Roxy and Clawtron easily overwhelm them. However, before they can defeat the Rangers, Nate arrives on Cruise with their gears and they are able to morph. Steel has to leave to fight Clawdrone but the others remain and fight Roxy and her Robotron with Devon and Nate fighting Clawtron and the others fighting her. She is able to continue fighting until after Clawdrone is destroyed where Ravi knocks her back. She opens her arms to finish them off but Steel, Nate, and Devon (the latter two having gone to help him after Clawtron's death) arrive in jeeps with the Beast-X King Ultra Cannon. They then combine the Ultra Cannon Blast and Striker Beast Blast to cripple her but she is able to retreat before they can finish her off. Tvicon TV STORY-Golden Opportunity

Final Defeat[]

Evox is angry because he is being commonly defeated by the Rangers and all he had as support are "three useless bots who do nothing but fail!" Roxy promises to kill Ravi to prove herself to be valuable with her request being granted. She ambushes Ravi and Smash at the beach where the former have gone to mope about being rejected by Roxy and the latter came to comfort him. He morphs and they battle but she gains the upper hand and manages to elbow him into the sea. In spite of that, Ravi equips his Beast-X Visor and activates Beast-X Mode before fighting her. He activates his massive fist for the Gorilla Slam but she kicks him hard enough to disengage it and Roxy blasts him down, forcing him out of Beast-X Mode and separating him from Smash. He tries to use his Beast-X Blaster on her but she deflects them and tries to kill him with fire but Zoey rescues him. In spite of that, the heat from the initial blast of fire enrages him which leads Devon to fight her alone whilst the others cool off Ravi. They are evenly matched until Nate and Steel (Ravi and Zoey having been airlifted to Grid Battleforce by the Chopper Zord) arrive and kick her down, forcing her to retreat as she is outnumbered.

Back in the Crystal Dimension, Roxy receives substantial mocking and ridicule from Evox and Blaze for failing to keep her word. Evox wants to punish her but Roxy points out that she may have defeated him had the other Rangers not interfered. Agreeing to give her one more chance, Evox sends Blaze along with her to keep everyone except for Ravi from interfering. The duo ambush Ravi in the woods whilst he is freaking out about the thought of losing Roxy where Ravi (still enraged and overheated) dodges a shot from Roxy and shoots at them with his own blaster which they dodge and angrily morphs with Ravi following suit. Ordering Blaze to act as protection from the other Rangers, she takes him down with more energy fire and then duels him. Whilst the others battle Blaze and his Tronics, destroying all of them and Blaze, Ravi and Roxy manage to fight their way onto a bridge where he knocks her down but can't finish her since Zoey intervenes and he tries to kill her with a Beast-X Blast. He tries to shoot her in the face but she forces it away in a circle, the attacks collapsing the bridge and dumping them in a river. She recovers and tries to find Ravi but he appears with the Beast-X Spin Saber and finishes her off with a series of energy slashes. Tvicon TV STORY-Goin' Ape

Roxy watches Blaze return to the Crystal Dimension with Antennatron 2.0 and is amused when she realizes that the Rangers have bested him. After he comes up with the excuse of training, Scrozzle points out how out of character it is for him and Blaze insults her with Scrozzle joining in so she storms off. Later, when Robo-Blaze returns even stronger after defeating the Rangers and stealing Morph-X for Evox, winning his favors, Robo-Roxy suspects that her rival hides something and pledges to discover it. Tvicon TV STORY-The Silva Switch

In light of Blaze's success in stealing a lot of Morph-X thanks to his new powers, Roxy is becoming less useful to Evox so she knoiws that she has to prove herself otherwise he will probably kill her. She later confronts Scrozzle alone and has him scan Hono Peaks for dinosaur fossils after reading a newspaper and she finds out that Zoey is there and confronts her. With Zoey being unable to call the others, since she has smashed her communicator whilst climbing the cliff face, Roxy is able to find and scan a bone using a DNA scanner but the others arrive in the Chopper Zord so she morphs and summons Tronics before personally fighting Zoey. She is taken down by Zoey's Beast-X Blast but retrieves the DNA scanner and leaves. She returns to the Crystal Dimension whilst the others are talking about unleashing an ultra powerful Gigadrone on the Rangers. She bets that she can kill the Rangers faster than Scrozzle can complete said Gigadrone and has Scrozzle upgrade her with dino DNA. However, the amount of power granted to her is too much for the Robot Maker to take and it explodes, meaning now that no more robot bodies can be used as bases and any destructions from now on will be permanent. However, unlike Blaze who is outraged, Roxy is unconcerned as she feels that she can kill the Rangers before that can happen and he decides to prove her wrong so both teleport to Riptide.

Death of Robo Roxy

Roxy's Destruction

They walk through the warehouse district until they encounter the Rangers who soon morph with both Cybervillains following suit. She fights everyone except for Devon who fights Blaze. With her new upgrade, Roxy quickly overwhelms them so they regroup and attempt to perform an attack from behind. However, she uses her tentacles to entangle Ravi and Zoey though they quickly break free by going into Beast-X Mode, which enables them to snap the tentacles and they take her on again, overwhelming her with the Jackrabbit Spin Strike and Gorilla Slam. However, she is unfazed and grows into a gigantic Zord-like creature so the Rangers deploy in their Zords without Devon who is still fighting Blaze.

The Wrecker, Chopper, Wheeler, Beast-X King (with Ravi at the controls and Smash piloting his Zord alone), and Jet Zords all deploy to battle giant Roxy. With no time to waste, Ravi calls for the Rangers to form the Beast-X King Ultrazord. However, she is too strong for even their most powerful Megazord so they engage the shields although she flies into the air and fires a barrage of energy laser claws. However, the Ultrazord's defense system absorbs the attacks and sends the energy back in the form of a massive tornado which knocks her out of the sky. With her down, they finally finish Roxy off once and for all with the Beast-X King Ultra Strike. Mortally wounded, Roxy struggles forward to try and destroy the Ultrazord, but collapses flat on her back and explodes, thus defeating her for good. Tvicon TV STORY-Fossil Frenzy


Later, Robo-Blaze, pretending to be the real Blaze, brought in Robo-Roxy's memory drive, which was all that's left of her. Through it, the Rangers learnt about Evox's ultimate plan, unaware that it was all part of a set-up for Evox's endgame. Tvicon TV STORY-Crunch Time

Split History[]

Necessary Evil[]

Roxy and Blaze in Nessecary Evil

Roxy as shown in the Comic.

When the Emissary Yellow observes all the Ranger realities, Cybervillains Blaze and Roxy are seen with several Tronics against the Grid Battleforce Rangers. Comicicon COMIC STORY- Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Boom! Studios) Issue 48


Unlike her human counterpart, Roxy was arrogant and full of herself to the point of being obnoxious at times, but was willing to help her fellow generals and stand up for them. She could hold her own in battle but congratulated her enemies if they put up a good fight, thus hinting an honorable side. Roxy also proved herself to be a cunning manipulator, able to stage an accident in order to "save" Ravi when he was at the "mercy" of Shoveltron and proceeded to lure him into a false sense of security by using his feelings to her original self so she can create his evil Avatar.

As evil Avatars created by Evox out of their original selves, Roxy and Blaze partly embodied the worst in their human counterparts. In Roxy's case, she represented her original self's dark side, as she carried the original Roxy's denial and bitterness from her break up with Ravi out of the latter's sense of duty as member of both Power Rangers and Grid Battleforce with her and disgust on memories of times both her original self and Ravi spent together. Furthermore, the original Roxy's desire to be with Ravi as a couple once again is reflected by her Avatar's desire to turn Ravi into an evil avatar like her. While this made her formidable adversary for Rangers (especially Ravi), negative emotions Roxy inherited from her original self proved to be her weakness, because they clouded her judgement at times; Roxy once threatened to blow up a building by detonating Morph-X canisters with her blaster despite the fact that she, Blaze, and their Tronic minions were inside the building as well since Evox only inquired her to steal more Morph-X in order to return to Earth.

Alongside Blaze, she developed a strong rivalry against Vargoyle when the latter gets the upgrades they desire and even becomes Evox's favorite to the point of felt betrayed. Nevertheless, they still maintain their loyalty which where this eventually paid off following the death of their rival and becoming Evox's favorites once again. Later, it is revealed she was also ruthless enough to try to kill the real Roxy, who, thankfully, survives and wakes up after the avatar is destroyed by Ravi. In her final episode, Roxy was not fazed when the Robot Maker was destroyed unlike Blaze since she believed she can take the Rangers down easily without being killed. This ultimately lead to her final demise.



Cybervillain Roxy

Roxy's Ranger Form was accessed when she inserted a variant of Scrozzle's Morph-X Keys into her Morpher.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Digital Replication: Roxy was shown to be capable of creating digital copies of real life items from her hands. One example is in the season 1 episode "Digital Deception", where she summoned a rose and handed it to Ravi, only for it to dissolve once she fled the scene.
  • Glitching: Roxy's avatar incarnation sometimes glitches in and out.


  • Strength: Despite her appearances, Roxy was an incredibly strong villain, proving to be a match for Ravi unless he is enraged and knocking the Rangers down with single blows.
  • Armor: Roxy has thick armor that can withstand multiple blasts in her original morphed form from the Beast-X Blasters and Striker Morphers. Even having a Beast-X Bike explode behind her did little more than knock her down (only fleeing due to a mutual "respect" for Zoey). The only way to kill her is to apparently destroy her Morpher and thus her armor and hit her with three Beast-X Blasts.
  • Endurance: In her original avatar form, Roxy was able to fight Ravi hand to hand for an extended period of time, long enough to be shortly after Unidentified Gigadrone 2 arrived until shortly after its destruction without tiring.
  • Weapon Summoning: Roxy could freely summon weapons, like her blasters, when needed for battle. She can even do this in her unchanged form which was seen immediately before Ravi killed her.
  • Tronics Summoning: In both of her incarnations, Roxy could summon a group of Tronics to assist her in battle.


to be added


  • Laser Blasters: Roxy carried two laser blasters for battle which fired yellow or black colored energy lasers when she was an avatar. She could use them in both her human and Ranger forms.
    • Energy Empowerment: Roxy can charge up her blasters with yellow energy and swipe at full force.
  • Evox's Beast-X Morpher: Roxy's Morpher which lets her morph into both of her Ranger forms, communicate with others, and also lets her and sometimes others adjacent to her teleport.
    • Cable Strike: Roxy had the ability of shooting cables that are used to entangle enemies.
  • Thumb Drive: Roxy used a thumb drive to sabotage the human Roxy's stasis pod, which prevented her from waking up unless she was destroyed.


Appearances: BM S1 Episodes 1, 3, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19


Robo-Roxy's Ranger form

Robo-Roxy was a robot clone of Roxy who was created from a combination of her avatar counterpart's backup data, spare robot parts, and Roxy's DNA scan.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Teleportation: Even without her Morpher, Roxy can easily teleport by putting her fists together, which makes her vanish in her signature purple swirls.


  • Weapon Summoning: Roxy can summon her laser blasters like before when she was an avatar.
  • Tronics Summoning: In both of her incarnations, Roxy could summon a group of Tronics to assist her in battle.


to be added


  • Laser Blasters: Roxy retained her laser blasters for battle but they were more powerful and fired purple, red-orange, or violet colored energy lasers instead. She can even use them out of her unmorphed form like before when she was an avatar.
    • Flails: Roxy's blasters seemed to double as flails as shown when she was fighting Zoey in the season 2 episode "Secret Struggle".
    • Energy Empowerment: Roxy can charge up her blasters with energy and swipe at full force like before but the energy is colored purple.
  • Evox's Beast-X Morpher: Roxy retained her Evox Morpher which lets her morph into both of her Ranger forms and teleport.
    • Cable Strike: Roxy's Morpher retained its ability of shooting cables to entangle enemies.
  • DNA Scanner: Stolen from Nate and Steel, Roxy can use its DNA pack to scan different types of DNA and upgrade herself with them.


Appearances: BM S2 Episodes 2-10, 13, 14, 22


After upgrading herself with flower DNA, Robo-Roxy gained large pollen-like arms with razor sharp tips in place of her two laser blasters to slash through her opponents, deflect energy-based attacks, and unleash a mighty flame wave.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Teleportation: Roxy could teleport like before but due to not having her Morpher in her flower-enhanced form, she does this by pushing her arms together.


  • Strength: After upgrading herself with flower DNA, Roxy was far stronger than before since she was able to overwhelm the Rangers on a few occasions.
  • Armor: Roxy possesses more durable armor since she shrugged off the Striker Beast Blasts and the Beast-X Ultra Cannon Blast.
  • Endurance: When enhanced by flower DNA in her robot form, Roxy fought for a longer time (about 3-4 constant minutes if not slightly longer) against three Rangers and didn't tire out.
  • Tronics Summoning: In both of her incarnations, Roxy could summon a group of Tronics to assist her in battle.


to be added


  • Flower Arms: When enhanced by flower DNA, Roxy had large purple flowers covering her arms that had razor sharp tips designed to slash her enemies.
    • Energy Blast: Roxy can fire off energy blasts from her flower arms.
    • Energy Deflection: Roxy could deflect energy with her flower arms as seen during her personal fight with Ravi in "Goin' Ape" when she deflected shots from his Beast-X Blaster.
    • Flame Wave Projection: Roxy could make the flower heads open to reveal a blade-like cannon that can fire a massive wave of purple fire. This is her strongest attack as it may have killed Ravi and Zoey had Devon not damaged her and was shown to be strong enough to blast Ravi out of Beast-X Mode with one hit.
  • DNA Scanner: Roxy can use the DNA scanner she stole from Nate and Steel like before but this time, she used it to scan dinosaur DNA before upgrading herself with it.


  • Clawtron (She got the DNA to create him and final creation)
Appearances: BM S2 Episodes 14-17


After upgrading herself with dinosaur DNA, Robo-Roxy gained a more powerful form, which ultimately lead to the Robot-Maker being destroyed from a massive power overload. In this form, Roxy becomes even more powerful than before. She can release energy projectiles and launch tentacles to ensnare her opponents.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Reversion: Roxy could return to her human form in a flash of purple smoke which has never been demonstrated in any of her previous forms. She only did this once, when calming Blaze when he was angry over the Robot Maker's destruction. She may have had this ability before upgrading into her dinosaur form but it was never used.
  • Claw Energy Lasers: Roxy could fire purple colored energy lasers resembling claw tips from her hands.
  • Enlarging: Robo-Roxy could enlarge herself into a gigantic new form using the full power of her dinosaur DNA.
    • Matter Absorption: Roxy absorbed multiple buildings and other surrounding objects to create her giant form.


  • Strength: After upgrading herself with dinosaur DNA, Roxy was far stronger than before since she was able to send Zoey and Ravi flying with one swing of her giant right hand.
  • Armor: Roxy possesses more durable armor since she was shot multiple times by the Striker Beast Blast and her only reaction was some loud grunts of pain.


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  • Clawed Right Hand: When upgraded with dinosaur DNA, Roxy stopped using her blasters and instead had a giant right hand with razor sharp claws on the ends to hack and slash her enemies.
    • Energy Stab: Roxy could charge her claws up with purple energy and stab forth at Nate and Steel hard enough to take them down with one jab.
    • Tentacle Strike: In a similar fashion to her Morpher's Cable Strike, Roxy could fire forth tentacles from her clawed hand to ensnare her enemies which she did to Zoey and Ravi.
  • Left Flower Arm: Roxy retained one of her flower arms for combat but it was black and gold.
Appearances: BM S2 Episode 17


By tapping into the full power of dinosaur DNA, Robo-Roxy could grow into a far more powerful giant form that was a mixture of her flower and dinosaur-enhanced forms. It is her final/strongest form.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Claw Energy Lasers: Roxy retained her ability to fire purple colored claw tip-like energy lasers from her hands, though they are shown to be stronger.


  • Strength: Roxy was far more stronger than before, taking the power of the Beast-X King Ultrazord to finally defeat her.
  • Flight: In her giant form, Robo-Roxy could fly using her massive wing-like appendages.


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  • Clawed Right Hand: Roxy retains her giant clawed right hand for combat.
  • Left Flower Arm: Roxy retains her left flower arm for combat like before.
Appearances: BM S2 Episode 17





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Behind the Scenes[]



  • The Ranger form of Roxy's avatar was a rebuilt and partially-repainted version of Escape Evolve. The robot form of Roxy's Ranger form is the original suit.


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  • Roxy referred to her second color as "violet" instead of the usual "purple".
    • Since violet was a shade of purple, this made Roxy the second official female Purple Ranger (and 4th overall) with the first being Kendall Morgan.
  • Both "cybervillain" and "robo" were monikers seen from the toys. They were given no special names in-universe.
  • In Go-Busters, both Escape (Roxy's Super Sentai counterpart) and Messia (Evox's Super Sentai counterpart) serve as the prologue-penultimate threat while in Power Rangers Beast Morphers, Roxy serves as the third-to-last threat.
  • Aside from clothing, the original avatar version of Roxy was physically identical. She later had a portion of her hair dyed purple/violet as a robot clone.
  • Robo-Roxy has indirectly caused the demise of the Robots when she accidentally destroyed Scrozzle's Robo-Maker.
  • Roxy is the only regular member of Evox's Crew who has never piloted a Gigadrone. Blaze has piloted his Zord, Evox/Venjix had Chimera Zord and Omegadrone and Scrozzle has piloted Infernodrone.


Power Rangers Legacy Wars[]

Legacy Wars Cybervillain Roxy

Cybervillain Roxy as seen in Legacy Wars.

Roxy as Cybervillain Roxy, is a playable character and is among the villains who feature in Power Rangers Legacy Wars.

  • Roxy appears in the board game Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid as an opponent in the expansion "Rangers United". She is classified as a Monster, and can be deployed as a pair with Blaze or as an individual monster.

See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Beast Morphers Icon-gobusters
Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel - Tyler Rinker
Beast-X Morpher - Striker Morpher - Beast-X Visor - Morph-X Keys - Beast-X Blaster - Beast-X Saber - Striker Saber - Cheetah Beast Blaster - Cheetah Claws - Beast-X Ultra Blaster - Beast-X King Activator - Beast-X King Ultra Bow - Beast-X Spin Saber
Grid Battleforce: Commander Shaw - General Burke - Betty Burke - Ben Burke - Blaze - Roxy - Megan - Cole
Civilians: Mayor Adam Daniels - Muriel Reeves - Joey - Regina Collins - Dr. Walsh - Kerry Dixon - Mike Reeves
Captain Chaku - Doctor K - Colonel Mason Truman - Keeper
Legendary Dino Rangers:Tyler Navarro - Koda - Chase Randall - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Jason Lee Scott - Billy Cranston - Black Ranger - Yellow Ranger - Kimberly Ann Hart
Beast Bots

Cruise - Smash - Jax - Steel

Zords & Megazords
Racer Zord - Wheeler Zord - Chopper Zord - Wrecker Zord - Jet Zord - Beast-X King Zord - Reptillobeast
Racer Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X Megazord - Wrecker Zord Battle Mode - Striker Megazord - Beast-X Ultrazord - Beast-X King Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X King Megazord - Beast-X King Ultrazord
Leader: Evox/Venjix
Generals: Scrozzle - Blaze - Roxy - Vargoyle
Foot Soldiers: Tronics - Gigatronics
Zords: Ripperzord - Chimera Zord - Omegadrone
Season One: Cycletron - Needletron - Shoveltron - Slicertron - Meltatron - Railtron - Vacuutron - Antennatron - Drilltron - Tooltron - Clonetron - Tubatron - Tubatron 2.0 - Burnertron - Turbotron - Shockatron - Spiketron - Infernotron
Season Two: Drilltron 2.0 - Trappertron - Gamertron - Keytron - Digitron - Controlatron - Dumbbelltron - Boxertron - Tiaratron - Bulldozertron - Thieftron - Clawtron - Antennatron 2.0 - Railtron 2.0
Season One: Cycledrone - Needledrone - Shoveldrone - Slicerdrone - Meltadrone - Raildrone - Vacuudrone - Antennadrone - Drilldrone - Tooldrone - Delta Gigadrone 1 - Clonedrone - Tubadrone - Tubadrone 2.0 - Burnerdrone - Turbodrone - Shockadrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 1 - Unidentified Gigadrone 2 - Spikedrone - Delta Gigadrone 2 - Infernodrone
Season Two: Drilldrone 2.0 - Trapperdrone - Gamerdrone - Keydrone - Digidrone - Controladrone - Alphadrone - Betadrone - Gammadrone - Deltadrone - Tiaradrone - Bulldozerdrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 3 - Unidentified Gigadrone 4 - Thiefdrone - Clawdrone - Antennadrone 2.0
Sledge's Crew
Sledge - Snide - Poisandra - Wrench - Fury - Curio - Vivix
Ryjack - Goldar - Putty Patrollers - Triptoids
Yellow Rangers
Trini KwanAisha CampbellTideusTanya SloanAshley HammondMayaKelsey WinslowKatie WalkerTaylor EarhardtDustin BrooksKira FordZ DelgadoChip ThornRonny RobinsonLily ChilmanSummer LandsdownEmilyGia MoranCalvin MaxwellZoey Reeves
Aisha Campbell/MovieTrini Kwan/2017 movieJack ThomasTeronaMinh Kwan
Secondary Rangers
Trini PuttyPuttyTinaMiss AliciaNelida ValensisYellow Shadow RangerRobo AshleyYellow CreepPsycho YellowYellow Cyborg RangerEvil Time Force YellowEagle Shadow RangerEvil DustinA-Squad YellowEvil Yellow Mystic RangerEvil Yellow Overdrive RangerRobo Megaforce YellowRoxy
Power Sets
Yellow RangerYellow Aquitar RangerZeo Ranger II YellowYellow Turbo RangerYellow Space RangerGalaxy YellowYellow Lightspeed RangerTime Force YellowYellow Wild Force RangerYellow Wind RangerYellow Dino RangerS.P.D. Yellow RangerYellow Mystic RangerYellow Overdrive RangerJungle Fury Yellow RangerRanger Operator Series YellowYellow Samurai RangerMegaforce YellowSuper Megaforce YellowNinja Steel YellowGrid Battleforce Yellow Ranger
Yellow Ranger (1995 movie)Yellow Ranger (2017 movie)
Purple Rangers
Robert JamesAlbert SmithKendall MorganTarrickFarkas BulkmeierEllarienDonatello (IDW)
Secondary Rangers
LeanbowNick RussellRoxyPurple Solar Ranger I
Power Sets
Mighty Morphin Purple RangerKoragg, The Knight WolfJungle Fury Wolf RangerDino Charge Purple RangerPurple Solar RangerVoid Knight