Icon-gobustersThis article is about a location in Power Rangers Beast Morphers.
"You're in the Cyber Dimension. I'm the mighty Scrozzle, and this is my kingdom."
Cyber Dimension

An overview of the Cyber Dimension.

Cd main space

The main area with Evox's computer.

The Cyber Dimension is the former main base of Evox's Virus. Scrozzle came here to hide from Vargoyle; being the sole inhabitant he became the de facto ruler, set up a lab, and created an army of machines to protect himself.

After Nate Silva teleported Evox, Blaze and Roxy out of Grid Battleforce's lab they found themselves trapped here; Evox quickly ousted Scrozzle and demanded he help them escape. Although Scrozzle possessed a teleporter that could send avatars and robots to and from Earth there was not enough Morph X to transport a being of Evox's power. Evox thus ordered Scrozzle and Blaze to go to Earth and retrieve Morph X. Tvicon TV STORY-Evox's Revenge Evox greatly disliked the Cyber Dimension, once referring to it as a "miserable hole of a dimension." Tvicon TV STORY-Taking Care of Business

Scrozzle built a Cybergate that would allow Evox to escape and download himself into a robotic body. However, Nate damaged the Cybergate causing it to close and pull Evox back in.Tvicon TV STORY-The Cybergate Opens Scrozzle repaired it but with the intended robot having been transformed into Steel he remained trapped.Tvicon TV STORY-Silver Sacrifice

In a bid to stop Evox, the Rangers, with the aid of Mayor Adam Daniels entered the Cyber Dimension and blew up a stolen Morph X Tower causing an explosion that devastated the dimension and destroyed Evox's new physical body. However, Evox survived and secretly possessed Mayor Daniels. Tvicon TV STORY-Evox: Upgraded

Afterwards Evox and Scrozzle relocated to the Crystal Dimension. Tvicon TV STORY-Save Our Shores After the Rangers discovered Evox had returned, Nate scanned the Cyber Dimension but found it still abandoned. Tvicon TV STORY-Believe It or Not

See Also[]

Power nav icon Power Rangers Beast Morphers Icon-gobusters
Devon Daniels - Ravi Shaw - Zoey Reeves - Nate Silva - Steel - Tyler Rinker
Beast-X Morpher - Striker Morpher - Beast-X Visor - Morph-X Keys - Beast-X Blaster - Beast-X Saber - Striker Saber - Cheetah Beast Blaster - Cheetah Claws - Beast-X Ultra Blaster - Beast-X King Activator - Beast-X King Ultra Bow - Beast-X Spin Saber
Grid Battleforce: Commander Shaw - General Burke - Betty Burke - Ben Burke - Blaze - Roxy - Megan - Cole
Civilians: Mayor Adam Daniels - Muriel Reeves - Joey - Regina Collins - Dr. Walsh - Kerry Dixon - Mike Reeves
Captain Chaku - Doctor K - Colonel Mason Truman - Keeper
Legendary Dino Rangers:Tyler Navarro - Koda - Chase Randall - Riley Griffin - Shelby Watkins - Sir Ivan of Zandar - Conner McKnight - Ethan James - Kira Ford - Jason Lee Scott - Billy Cranston - Black Ranger - Yellow Ranger - Kimberly Ann Hart
Beast Bots

Cruise - Smash - Jax - Steel

Zords & Megazords
Racer Zord - Wheeler Zord - Chopper Zord - Wrecker Zord - Jet Zord - Beast-X King Zord - Reptillobeast
Racer Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X Megazord - Wrecker Zord Battle Mode - Striker Megazord - Beast-X Ultrazord - Beast-X King Zord Battle Mode - Beast-X King Megazord - Beast-X King Ultrazord
Leader: Evox/Venjix
Generals: Scrozzle - Blaze - Roxy - Vargoyle
Foot Soldiers: Tronics - Gigatronics
Zords: Ripper Zord - Chimera Zord - Omegadrone
Season One: Cycletron - Needletron - Shoveltron - Slicertron - Meltatron - Railtron - Vacuutron - Antennatron - Drilltron - Tooltron - Clonetron - Tubatron - Tubatron 2.0 - Burnertron - Turbotron - Shockatron - Spiketron - Infernotron
Season Two: Drilltron 2.0 - Trappertron - Gamertron - Keytron - Digitron - Controlatron - Dumbbelltron - Boxertron - Tiaratron - Bulldozertron - Thieftron - Clawtron - Antennatron 2.0 - Railtron 2.0
Season One: Cycledrone - Needledrone - Shoveldrone - Slicerdrone - Meltadrone - Raildrone - Vacuudrone - Antennadrone - Drilldrone - Tooldrone - Delta Gigadrone 1 - Clonedrone - Tubadrone - Tubadrone 2.0 - Burnerdrone - Turbodrone - Shockadrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 1 - Unidentified Gigadrone 2 - Spikedrone - Delta Gigadrone 2 - Infernodrone
Season Two: Drilldrone 2.0 - Trapperdrone - Gamerdrone - Keydrone - Digidrone - Controladrone - Alphadrone - Betadrone - Gammadrone - Deltadrone - Tiaradrone - Bulldozerdrone - Unidentified Gigadrone 3 - Unidentified Gigadrone 4 - Thiefdrone - Clawdrone - Antennadrone 2.0
Sledge's Crew
Sledge - Snide - Poisandra - Wrench - Fury - Curio - Vivix
Ryjack - Goldar - Putty Patrollers - Triptoids
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