Icon-dekaranger This article is about a ranger in Tokuso Sentai Dekaranger.

"The Immaculate Healing Star! DekaSwan!"
―Tokuso Sentai Dekaranger[src]

Swan Shiratori (白鳥 スワン Shiratori Suwan) is the asistant of Doggie Kruger from the S.P.D. Earth Branch. Once every four years, she will transform into DekaSwan (デカスワン Deka Suwan) of the Dekarangers.




A data of Swan as the Mechanic.

Known as "The Immaculate Healing Star", she from the Planet Chinyo. She's the one who provides the Dekarangers with their arsenal, and constantly amazes the others with her amazing intellect.

Swan can transform into DekaSwan, as she first demonstrates it in-series while fighting Poppenian Hymal and some Anaroids. Tvicon TV STORY-Episode. 36: Mother Universe Although she says it is her policy to only do it once every four years, in Episode 49, she attempts to transform again when a Batsuroid breaks into her command center. Tvicon TV STORY-Episode. 49: Devil's DekaBase It has been suggested that Doggie and Swan may be "more than just friends", but they both would hastily deny it.

Magiranger vs. Dekaranger[]

To be added Tvicon TV STORY-Mahou Sentai Magiranger vs. Dekaranger


Legend War[]

Extra Heroes

Swan Shiratori and Extra Heroes in Super Sentai 199

Swan fought in the Great Legend War, along with the first 34 Super Sentai teams as part of an "Extra Hero" Squadron who assisted the Goseigers, Tsuyoshi Kaijo, and Sokichi Banba reach the battleground where the final showdown occurred. Swan sacrificed her DekaSwan powers along with the Extra Heroes and the rest of the Super Sentai at the orders of Akarenger to destroy the Zangyack armada. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Gokaiger Goseiger Super Sentai 199 Hero Great Battle

Ranger Key in Basco's Possession[]

Basco's Ranger Keys

After Basco lost his fifteen Sixth Ranger Keys, Basco revealed that he had ten more Ranger Keys of Extra Rangers and Heroes (With the DekaSwan Key being one of them). Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 16: Clash! Sentai vs. Sentai

Extra Hero Ranger Key Summon (Episode 31)

Basco's 9 remaining Extra Rangers & Extra Heroes

During the hunt for the Ohrangers' Greater Power, Basco summoned a Clone of DekaSwan along with Clones of his eight remaining Ranger Keys to dismantle the trap set up by Goro Hoshino but as Basco was about to take the Greater Power the Gokaigers showed up to save Goro and Basco ordered his nine Clones to fight the Gokaigers with the DekaSwan Clone alongside the DekaMaster Clone fighting Gokai Red, when the Gokaigers received the Greater Power of the Ohrangers they changed into the Ohranger and were able to overpower the Clones with the DekaSwan Clone being single-handedly defeated by Gokai Red himself in the form of finishing the clone in question off with the Secret Sword: Super-Power Riser technique when he was in the form of OhRed. After the Clones were returned to their Ranger Key forms, the Key was quickly collected by Gai off-screen before Sally could collect it and it would be added to the Gokaigers Ranger Keys. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 31: Crash!! Secret Operations

Farewell Space Pirates[]

After the defeat of Ackdos Gill, Captain Marvelous returned all the Ranger Keys to the former Sentai heroes. It is assumed Swan received her key, allowing for her to utilize her powers once again. Tvicon TV STORY-Final Ep.: Farewell Space Pirates


After Kruger was gravely injured, Swan left the Earth Branch of SPD in 2013 to conduct research in crime technology independently. Two years later, she returned to Earth to help her comrades clear Doggie's name. At the hospital, she discovered that his system was drugged to the point to where he wouldn't wake up. Fortunately she gave him an injection to suppress the effects reviving Kruger. She also discovered that Doggie on the security camera footage was actually Kight Reidlich using the latest version of Mirage Dimension to frame him. Once the battle was over, Swan happily reunited with Doggie and confessed her love for him. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Tokuso Sentai Dekaranger: 10 YEARS AFTER


Envisioning the girls in his life cosplaying Sentai characters, Nobuo Akagi saw Hiroyo Hakase as Swan. Tvicon TV STORY-Ep. 4: Forbidden Delusion! The Lame Blue Corruption!

Gavan vs. Dekaranger[]


Swan in Uchuu Keiji Gavan vs. Tokuso Sentai Dekaranger

Swan Shiratori appears when Umeko is under treatment and the mask is analyzed by Swan, Sen blames Gavan for leaving Umeko behind to chase after vengeance. They also discover that Gavan forged his request for their assistance and he is sent to prison on Planet BirdIcon-crosswiki. While investigating Lars' office, Houji and Sen discover that Lars and Mad Gallant are the same person, while Benikiba storms the Dekarangers' HQ. After defeating Jasmine, Benikiba corners Swan to take the mask, then shoves her and extracts Lars, returning the mask to him, which he uses to transform into Mad Gallant. Movieicon MOVIE STORY-Uchuu Keiji Gavan vs. Tokuso Sentai Dekaranger


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DekaSwan's insert theme is MOTHER UNIVERSE.



Powers and Abilities[]


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  • Swan Illusion: DekaSwan throws her arms forwards and dispels a pile of feathers that damage the foe.
  • Swan Rainbow: DekaSwan pirouettes and creates a rainbow light that moves like Aurora Borealis, damaging several foes.


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  • DekaSwan had a small space-shuttle mecha called the Emergency Escape Pod that did not combine with the other Dekarangers.

Appearances: Dekaranger Episodes 36 & 50; 199 Hero Great Battle





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Behind the Scenes[]


Swan Shiratori OP


She wears white and orange spandex with a pair of black lines accent. Her vest consists with an orange heptagon shape with black line. Unlike other S.P.D. members, her belt buckle doesn't hold the S.P.D. emblem. Her helmet has swan wing-like shape, and it bears the S.P.D. emblem over the visor.

Her number is either 7, which is represented by the geometrical figure of a heptagon instead of a number, or 99, as the heptagon vaguely resembles the character for "white" ( shiro), which is one stroke short of "100" ( hyaku).


Her surname, Shiratori, can also be read "hakuchō" (白鳥はくちょう), meaning swan.

Ranger Key[]

KSG-DekaSwan Ranger Key

The DekaSwan Ranger Key.

The DekaSwan Ranger Key (デカスワンレンジャーキー Deka Suwan Renjā Kī) is Swan's personal Ranger Key and what became of her powers after she along with the rest of the 34 Super Sentai sacrificed their powers to end the Great Legend War.

This key, along with the other nine extra hero keys and the fifteen sixth ranger keys, were initally acquired by Basco ta Jolokia and later used by the Gokaigers. Like all of his Ranger Keys, Basco used his trumpet, the Rapparatta, to turn the DekaSwan key into a puppet to do his bidding. Basco united his nine remaining Ranger Keys, the Black Knight key being taken by the Gokaigers before hand, when he was confronted by Goro Hoshino (OhRed†). The Extra Heroes would then fight the Gokaigers again, who wished to take the Ohrangers' greater power rather than just be given it. DekaSwan and DekaMaster fought Captain Marvelous (Gokai Red), who fought as OhRed. The Extra Heroes were taken down by the Olé Bazooka. DekaSwan's key, along with the rest of the Extra Heroes was claimed by the Gokaigers.

While in the possession of the Gokaigers, the DekaSwan Ranger Key was used twice by Ahim de Famille (Gokai Pink).

After Zangyack were finally defeated, the Gokaigers gave the Ranger Keys back to their rightful owners. It is presumed that Swan received her key and became DekaSwan once more.



  • "Shiratori" (Swan's family name) and "Chinyo" (the name of her home planet) are other names for "swan" in Japanese and Italian, respectively.
  • It is often debated on whether she is a White Ranger or Orange Ranger. Her Ranger Key appears to be white but as there is no “white charge” and only “special charge”; this is inconclusive, given how DekaMaster’s key is blue but emits a “black charge”. According to Super Sentai 36 LEGENDS, Deka Swan was classified as both a White and Orange Ranger.[1]
  • The DekaSwan power appeared more often in Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger than in her own series Tokuso Sentai Dekaranger. She is the only participant of the Legend War to have this distinction.
  • Swan is the only member of the Super Sentai 199 without a Mecha or the ability to grow giant.
  • DekaSwan's suit design is actually based on her usual S.P.D. uniform, with the undersuit having exactly the same design.


Super Sentai Battle Base[]

DekaSwan is among the vast pantheon of Rangers which are available in the mobile game Super Sentai Battle Base.

See Also[]


  1. 『スーパー戦隊 36LEGENDS』日之出出版〈HINODE MOOK〉、2012年2月25日。ISBN 978-4-89198-862-3


Icon-dekaranger Tokuso Sentai Dekaranger
Ban - Hoji - Sen - Jasmine - Umeko - Tetsu - Doggie Kruger - Swan Shiratori
Other Dekarangers: Lisa Teegel - Mary Gold - Rui Edogawa - Ten Haretsuki
SPD: Supreme Commander Horusian Numa-O - Murphy K9 - Hikaru Hiwatari - Tortorian Buntar - Gyoku Rou
Legend Sentai: Ryoga Hakua - Yukito Sanjo - Ranru Itsuki - Asuka - Mikoto Nakadai - Kai Ozu - Tsubasa Ozu - Urara Ozu - Houka Ozu - Makito Ozu - Hikaru - Captain Marvelous - Joe Gibken - Luka Millfy - Don Dogoier - Ahim de Famille - Gai Ikari - Lucky - Stinger - Garu - Balance - Champ - Naga Ray - Hammie - Raptor 283 - Spada - Shou Ronpo
Other: Geki Jumonji
Michael Micsong - Juuzaiann Braidy - Ocarnan Amy - Flora - Zoinaian Baytonin - Slorpean Faraway - Shinnooian Hakutaku - Chanbenarian Gin - Detective Chou - Mikean Teresa - Falufian Yaako - Bandarean Jeeva - Amoreian Baachiyo
Transformation Devices
SP License - Master License - Bracerottle - Swan License - MariGold License - SP License (Fire Squad ver.) - SP1 License
SP Shooter - D-Magnum - D-Rod And Stick - D-Sniper - D-Blaster - D-Shot - D-Sword Vega - D-Bazooka - D-Revolver
S.W.A.T. Mode - Battlizer
Machine Doberman - Machine Husky - Machine Bull - Machine Boxer
Mecha and Robos
Pat Striker - Pat Gyro - Pat Trailer - Pat Armor - Pat Signer - DekaBike - DekaBase
Blast Buggy - PatWing 1 - PatWing 2 - PatWing 3 - PatWing 4 - PatWing 5
Giant Robos:
Tokuso Gattai Dekaranger Robo - Tokuso Henkei DekaBike Robo - Chokyodai Kidou DekaBase Robo - Tokuso Gattai DekaWing Robo
Space Criminals Alienizer
Rainian Agent Abrella - Anaroids - Batsuroids - Igaroids
Minor Alienizers
Lovelian Balance - Diamantian Don Moyaida - Grorserian Hell Heaven - Rikomoian Kevakia - Anrian Beildon - Doltockian Manomerk - Ridomihan Kersus - Cuwartian Dazgonelr - Zamuzan Sheik - Intergalactic Hitman Gigantes - Kajimerian Ben G - Cristonian Ferley - Titanian Meteus - Ozchuian Ial - Wojonian Jinche - Guermerlian Byz Goa - Dradian Goldom - Spiritian Byoi - Beesian Beeling - Tylerian Durden - Wuandelian Nyiwuandez - Barigean Milibar - Pouchien Bolapen - Pukosian Jackil - Botsian Zortac - Thousanian Gineka - Handorean Decho - Tentean Siroger - Tenkaonian Raja Namunan - Poppenian Hymal - Mikean Clord - Aladonian Gyanjava - Yuilwerian Mime - Guirarkian Don Bianco - Zabunian Don Blaco - Assassinian Jingi - Sumasuleenian Nikaradar - Bokudenian Biskes - Sukekolian Mashu - Dynamoian Terry X - Kulernian Jellyfis - Gimonian Angorl - Gedonian Uniga - Dragian Ganymede - Jergonian Sukeela - Chigukaden Buildjick - Hades Beastman Apollos the Demon - Buramudo - Yoshiwaian Raenjo - Ridomihan Mokumisu - Chimaian Tarewarane - Jiujissoan Rottomen
Special Criminal Alienizers
Three Hell Siblings: Reversian Blitz Hells - Reversian Succubus Hells - Reversian Bon-Goblin Hells
Algolian Gas Drinkers: Algolian Volka - Algolian Whinsky - Algolian Giin - Algolian Brandyl - Algolian Baurbon
Tylerian Durden - Speckionian Genio - Karakazian Don Sanoa - Pyrian Kurachek - Ginjifuan Kazak
Other: Machine Monster Gigas - Space Life Form Browgouls
Heavy Industrial Machines
Heavy Industrial Machine Fan Crusher - Heavy Industrial Machine Devil Capture - Heavy Industrial Machine Enbance - Heavy Industrial Machine Shinobi Shadow - Heavy Industrial Machine Terrible Terror - Heavy Industrial Machine Cannon Gladiator - Super Giant Heavy Industrial Machine Big Drawer - Heavy Industrial Machine God Pounder - Heavy Industrial Machine Killer Tank - Heavy Industrial Machine Hunter Jet - Heavy Industrial Machine Ultimate Evil - Heavy Industrial Machine Megaroria - Heavy Industrial Machine PalletteView - Heavy Industrial Machine Knight Chaser - Heavy Industrial Machine Million Missile - Heavy Industrial Machine Frankenzaurus - Heavy Industrial Machine Abtrex
Corrupt SPD Agents
Commissioner Kight Reidlich - Assam Asimov - Mugi Grafton
Other Color Rangers
Doggie KrugerSwan ShiratoriSeto
Misc. Rangers
Power Sets
DekaMasterDekaSwanRyusoul Brown