Icon-dekaranger This article is about a villain in Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger.

"Is Fire Squad's Banban Akaza there? Tell him to return immediately."
―Kight Reidlich's first words via holographic screen to Tetsu.[src]

"I don't like the idea of that eyewitness being escorted by only people directly connected to Kruger."
―Kight when telling to Banban via holographic screen.[src]

"It doesn't matter who I am! Because you are going to die!"
―Kight when being confronted by Umeko to protect Carrie.[src]

"What?! What is going on?!"
―Kight when he learnt that Carrie was actually Banban in diguise.[src]

"Whatever! Let's see you talk big in front of this big guy!"
―Kight as he summons Clone Abrella to destroy the Dekarangers after Banban reveals his crimes.[src]

"Damn you! Don't be cocky, Earth Branch detectives! Let me show you my trump card! Neo Hyper Muscle Gear!"
―Kight when confronted by the Dekarangers for his final battle after Clone Abrella's death.[src]

"Of course! That's because I didn't tell you!"
―Kight upon absorbing Assam Asimov and Mugi Grafton to gain more power.[src]

"You all will be eliminated as co-conspirators of Kruger!"
―Kight after he initially defeats the Dekarangers to overwhelms them.[src]

"Damn you! Your futile struggle ends here! DIE!!!"
―Kight is about to finish off the Dekarangers before being stopped by Vega Slash attack.[src]

"Why don't you die?!"
―Kight reacts after Doggie Kruger is alive.[src]

"Ahhh! Nooo! I won't let you!"
―Kight upon being found guilty.[src]

"Damn you...Dekarangers!!"
―Kight Reidlich's final words before his death.[src]

Kight Reidlich (カイト レイドリッヒ Kaito Reidorihhi) was a corrupt head of the S.P.D. Earth branch and the main antagonist of the Dekaranger Epilogue Movie, Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger: 10 YEARS AFTER.


Ten years after the death of Agent Abrella, Kight Reidlich comes to power as the head of the SPD Earth branch. However, Kight Reidlich is secretly corrupt and happily passes on classified SPD information for a profit. Having secretly sold information to the Qurlian Intergalactic Mafia, Kight is forced to kill his business partners after mortally wounding Doggie Kruger and using his SP License's Mirage Dimension to make it appear that Doggie killed the Qurlian customers and their Clementian hostage Amata in cold blood with the D-Sword Vega. Reidlich keeps Kruger heavily sedated under the pretense of keeping him contained and does everything in his power to cover up his criminal act before Amata's daughter Carrie, who witnessed the event and saw him assume his true form after the crime, appears to the SPD Earth Branch and reveals her truth to newly returned Dekaranger Banban Akaza, having returned to try and clear Doggie's name.

This prompts Kight to dispatch an army of Anaroids, Batsuroids and Igaroids to kill Carrie but are all soon wiped out and the Dekarangers return to space. His hand forced, Kight dispatches Assam Asimov and Mugi Grafton to "escort" her to the Prosecutor's Office on planet Gowashichoru, intending his underlings to bring her to him under cover of an ambush on route to either coerce her silence or kill her while deciding to have Doggie receive a lethal injection. But when he personally appears in the warehouse on another planet he arranged for their meeting, suddenly Umeko intervenes to protect Carrie. Enraged, Assam disarms Umeko, then Kight hits her. As Kight orders both Assam and Mugi to finish off Umeko, suddenly "Carrie" stops them by shot at them with Umeko's D-Stick. Kight later learns that the "Carrie" before him is actually Banban in disguise while the real Carrie has made it to the Prosecutor's Office and the Universal Supreme Court has learned of his actions.

Attempting to kill the Dekarangers after his crime was revealed, Kight dispatches his new creation Clone Abrella to prevent his deletion, but Dekaranger Robo makes short work of him and the Dekarangers force him and his followers out of their warehouse base. This forces a furious Kight to equip his Neo-Hyper Muscle Gear to join his followers in battling the reunited team of Dekarangers, where he fights against both Ban and Tetsu. Though Kight nearly defeats the Dekarangers after using his Muscle Gear's ability to convert Assam and Mugi into energy for a power boost. Kight then initially overwhelms the Dekarangers, as he telling them that they will be forever as Doggie's co-conspirators. As Kight are about to finish them off, suddenly Doggie stops him by Vega Slash. The Dekarangers then combine their firepower and soon gain the upper hand. After declaring that justice always wins, Banban judges Kight Reidlich who is found guilty of colluding with the Space Mafia and murdering the mobsters and Carrie’s father. With Kight Reidlich's deletion approved, they summon the D-Bazooka and prepare their final attacks as Kight advances to try and kill them. However, they finish him off by combining the D-Bazooka finisher, Tetsu's Lightning Fist, and Banban using the D-Sword Vega for the Impulse Vega Slash attack. All he can do is curse the Dekarangers before being blown apart.


Kight Reidlich maintained the persona of a calm and calculating police chief, albeit one who showed intense favoritism towards the Neo Dekarangers. In reality however, Kight was a deeply corrupt psychopath willing to murder anyone if it benefited him.


Powers and Abilities[]


  • Durability: Kight survived being shot multiple times by mobsters and thier machine guns without getting a scratch on him.
  • Horn Retraction: Kight was able to retract his large green horns into his head at will by flashing his eyes with red and gold energy to disguise himself and make identification difficult.
  • Muscle Gear Summoning: Kight was able to summon a red with yellow highlights version of the Muscle Gear (his being refereed to as the Neo-Hyper Muscle Gear) to make himself stronger in battle.


  • Expert Strategist: Kight was an excellent police commissioner but was also an excellent strategist capable of trying many methods to annihilate his enemies.


  • Master License: Kight's personal SP License like device which he used to make it look like Doggie Krueger had murdered the mobsters.
  • D-Smasher:

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Durability: Kight's Muscle Gear was strong enough to take the combined firepower of the D-Sniper, D-Magnum, and lightning from Seikai and he wasn't even fazed.
  • Absorption: Kight's Muscle Gear could absorb people into it through electrocuting them with red lightning as seen when he did this to Assam and Mugi.
    • All Out Power Blast: Kight's most powerful attack which he unlocked after absorbing Assam and Mugi. It consisted of firing a massive red energy beam from his right arm and two giant blue beams from the (now red instead of blue) jewel on his chest followed by about a dozen more. This was strong enough to take down five Dekarangers with one blast.


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  • Scissor Arm: On the back of Kight's right arm, when equipped with his Muscle Gear, were a pair of antenna like blades to hack and slash his enemies.
    • Energy Slash: After absorbing the Neo Dekarangers, Kight's scissor arm could charge up with blue energy to unleash a devastating energy slash strong enough to send all six Dekarangers flying across the factory area that they were fighting in.

Behind the Scenes[]



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Concept Art[]


  • His name comes from "Redlichkeit", which means "integrity" in German, an ironic name given his corruption.


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Icon-dekaranger Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
Ban - Hoji - Sen - Jasmine - Umeko - Tetsu - Doggie Kruger - Swan Shiratori
Other Dekarangers: Lisa Teegel - Mary Gold - Rui Edogawa - Ten Haretsuki
Changers: SP License - Master License - Bracerottle - Swan License - MariGold License - SP License (Fire Squad ver.) - SP1 License
Weapons SP Shooter - D-Magnum - D-Rod and D-Stick - D-Sniper - D-Blaster - D-Shot - D-Sword Vega - D-Bazooka - S.W.A.T Mode - D-Revolver - Battlizer
Vehicles: Machine Doberman - Machine Husky - Machine Bull - Machine Boxer
Supreme Commander Horusian Numa-O - Murphy K9 - Hikaru Hiwatari - Tortorian Buntar - Gyoku Rou
Alien Civilians
Michael Micsong - Juuzaiann Braidy - Ocarnan Amy - Flora - Zoinaian Baytonin - Slorpean Faraway - Shinnooian Hakutaku - Chanbenarian Gin - Detective Chou - Mikean Teresa - Falufian Yaako - Bandarean Jeeva - Amoreian Baachiyo
Legend Sentai and Heroes
Abarangers - Magirangers - Gokaigers - Geki Jumonji - Kyurangers
Mecha and Robos
DekaBase - Dekamachine Pat Striker - Dekamachine Pat Gyro - Dekamachine Pat Trailer - Dekamachine Pat Armor - Dekamachine Pat Signer - DekaBike - Blast Buggy - Patrol Wing 1 - Patrol Wing 2 - Patrol Wing 3 - Patrol Wing 4 - Patrol Wing 5
Dekaranger Robo - DekaBike Robo - Super Dekaranger Robo - DekaBase Robo - DekaWing Robo
Rainian Agent Abrella - Anaroids - Batsuroids - Igaroids
Minor Alienizers
Lovelian Balance - Diamantian Don Moyaida - Grorserian Hell Heaven - Rikomoian Kevakia - Anrian Beildon - Doltockian Manomerk - Ridomihan Kersus - Quotaian Dagonel - Zamuzan Sheik - Intergalactic Hitman Gigantes - Kajimerian Ben G - Cristonian Ferley - Titanian Meteus - Ozchuian Ial - Wojonian Jinche - Guermerlian Byz Goa - Dradian Goldom - Spiritian Byoi - Beesian Beeling - Tylerian Durden - Wandean Niwande - Barigean Milibar - Pouchien Bolapen - Pukosian Jackil - Botsian Zortac - Thousanian Gineka - Handorean Decho - Tentean Siroger - Tenkaonian Raja Namunan - Poppenian Hymal - Mikean Clord - Aladonian Gyanjava - Yuilwerian Mime - Guirarkian Don Bianco - Zabunian Don Blaco - Assassinian Jingi - Sumasuleenian Nikaradar - Bokudenian Biskes - Sukekolian Mashu - Dynamoian Terry X - Kulernian Jellyfis - Gimonian Angorl - Gedonian Uniga - Dragian Ganymede - Jergonian Sukeela - Chigukaden Buildjick - Agent X - Buramudo
Special Criminal Alienizers
Three Hell Siblings: Reversian Blitz Hells - Reversian Succubus Hells - Reversian Bon-Goblin Hells
Algolian Gas Drinkers: Algolian Volka - Algolian Whinsky - Algolian Giin - Algolian Brandyl - Algolian Baurbon
Tylerian Durden - Speckionian Genio - Karakazian Don Sanoa - Pyrian Kurachek - Ginjifuan Kazak
Other: Machine Monster Gigas - Space Life Form Browgouls
Heavy Industrial Machines
Heavy Industrial Machine Fan Crusher - Heavy Industrial Machine Devil Capture - Heavy Industrial Machine Enbance - Heavy Industrial Machine Shinobi Shadow - Heavy Industrial Machine Terrible Terror - Heavy Industrial Machine Cannon Gladiator - Super Giant Heavy Industrial Machine Big Drawer - Heavy Industrial Machine God Pounder - Heavy Industrial Machine Killer Tank - Heavy Industrial Machine Hunter Jet - Heavy Industrial Machine Ultimate Evil - Heavy Industrial Machine Megaroria - Heavy Industrial Machine PalletteView - Heavy Industrial Machine Knight Chaser - Heavy Industrial Machine Million Missile - Heavy Industrial Machine Frankenzaurus - Heavy Industrial Machine Abtrex
Corrupt SPD Agents
Commissioner Kight Reidlich - Assam Asimov - Mugi Grafton