Icon-dekaranger This article is about a henshin devices in Tokuso Sentai Dekaranger.

"Emergency! DekaBreak! (エマージェンシー!デカブレイク! Emājenshī! Deka Bureiku!)"
―Solo transformation call (DekaBreak)[src]

"Emergency! DekaBright! (エマージェンシー!デカブライト! Emājenshī! Deka Buraito!)"
―Solo transformation call (DekaBright)[src]

"Emergency! Dekaranger! (エマージェンシー!デカレンジャー! Emājenshī! Dekarenjā!)"
―Transformation call with Dekarangers[src]

Thrusting Transformation Bracerottle (正拳変身ブレスロットル Seiken Henshin Buresurottoru)[1] is the main transformation device of DekaBreak and DekaBright.

At the climax of the Legend War, the Bracerottle as a transformation device was made redundant when DekaBreak sacrificed his powers with the rest of the first 34 Super Sentai to destroy the invasion force of the Space Empire Zangyack. Resurfacing a Ranger Key, the power of DekaBreak would be used by the Gokaigers to assume the form via the Gokai Change. Ultimately, the Gokaigers returned their borrowed powers to their rightful owners after overthrowing Zangyack.


Much like any Dekaranger with their Licenses, the transformation call is "Emergency" (イマージェンシー Imājenshī), followed by a call of their Dekaranger codename (i.e. Tetsu's DekaBreak).

Lisa, who is also a Tokkyou, also possesses a Bracerottle of her own, although hers has a slightly different design, featuring a more gold-colored Brace Throttle, as well as her Roman Numeral and an add-on to make it different than Tetsu's.


To be added.


The Bracerottle is a transformation device created by the Tokkyou division of Special Police Dekaranger. Similar to an SP License, it allows the user to transform into a Dekaranger unique to them, with notable examples being Tekkan Aira as DekaBreak and Lisa Teegel as DekaBright.

When the throttle is turned, it enables for the user to use specialized punch-based attacks listed below:

  • DekaBreak
    • Throttle Techniques:
      • Speed Increase
        • High Speed-Fist: Lightning Fist (高速拳: ライトニングフィスト Kōsoku-ken: Raitoningu Fisuto): A technique where DekaBreak releases a barrage of punches.
        • Super High Speed-Fist: Super Lightning Fist (超高速拳: スーパーライトニングフィスト Chō Kōsoku-ken: Supaa Raitoningu Fisuto): A technique where Dekabreak lets out a powerful left punch, sending enemies flying.
      • Strength Increase
        • Herculean-Fist: Power Fist (剛力拳: パワーフィスト Gōriki-ken: Pawā Fisuto): This technique causes DekaBreak to have his left hand to glow green shortly before gaining increase in strength, allowing him to be strong enough to lift a tower.
        • Super Herculean-Fist: Super Power Fist (超豪力拳: スーパーパワーフィスト Chō Gōriki-ken: Supaa Pawā Fisuto): A technique where DekaBreak releases a powerful punch at the opponent.
      • Shockwave Attack
        • Blitzkrieg-Fist: Electro Fist (電撃拳: エレクトロフィスト Dengeki-ken: Erekutoro Fisuto): This technique causes DekaBreak to have his left hand glow yellow before he punches the ground, letting out an electrical spark that strikes the opponent.
        • Super Blitzkrieg-Fist: Hyper Electro Fist (超電撃拳: エレクトロフィスト Chō Dengeki-ken: Haipā Erekutoro Fisuto): where his left hand is covered in electricty, before doing a powerful uppercut.
      • Fireball Attack
        • Scorching-Fist: Fire Fist (灼熱拳: ファイアフィスト Shakunetsu-ken: Faia Fisuto): This technique causes DekaBreak to have his left hand glow red before he either releases a stream of flames or perform a fire punch.
      • Cyclone Blast
        • Tornado-Fist: Tornado Fist (竜巻拳: トルネードフィスト Tatsumaki-ken: Torunēdo Fisuto): This technique causes DekaBreak to have his left hand glow blue before he shoots out a miniature tornado blast towards his opponent.
      • Fire Extinguisher
        • Spray-Fist: Impulse Fist (噴射拳: インパルスフィスト Funsha-ken: Inparusu Fisuto): A technique where DekaBreak shoots out a blue energy beam, extinguishing any targeted flames.
        • Super Spray-Fist: Super Impulse Fist (超噴射拳: スーパーインパルスフィスト Chō Funsha-ken: Sūpā Inparusu Fisuto): TBA
      • Deletion Techniques:
        • Certain Kill-Fist: Sonic Hammer (必殺拳: ソニックハンマー Hissatsu-ken: Sonikku Hanmā): A flying downward punch finisher. This is DekaBreak's most commonly used Deletion Technique.
        • High Speed-Fist: Lightning Upper (高速拳: ライトニングアッパー Kōsoku-ken: Raitoningu Appā): A powerful uppercut finisher that is used while Tetsu is using the Super Lighting Fist technique.
        • Flash-Fist: Plasma Fist (閃光拳: プラズマフィスト Senkō-ken: Purazuma Fisuto): A rushing punch finisher, which was used in the DekaRed vs. DekaBreak special.
        • Shining Fist (シャイニングフィスト Shainingu Fisuto): A rapid-fire punch attack when being launched from the MagiLamp Buster as seen in Magiranger vs. Dekaranger. Unfortunately, Tetsu had to deal with Smoky the Magical Cat first.
  • DekaBright
    • Throttle Techniques
      • Fire Extinguisher
        • Spray-Fist: Impulse Fist (噴射拳: インパルスフィスト Funsha-ken: Inparusu Fisuto): TBA
      • Electric Attack:
        • Lightning Attack-Fist: Thunder Fist (雷撃拳: サンダーフィスト Raigeki-ken: Sandā Fisuto): TBA
      • Force Field:
        • Protection-Fist: Barrier Fist (防護拳: バリアフィスト Bōgo-ken: Baria Fisuto); A technique that allows DekaBright to pull out a blue energy shield using the Bracerottle.
    • Deletion Techniques
      • Supreme-Fist: Highest Hammer (至高拳: ハイエストハンマー Shikō-ken: Haiesuto Hanmā): A energy orb blast finisher technique.

Additionally, similar to the SP License, the Bracerottle has a built in communicator and Judge Mode function as well. In given times, the device is also used as a life support system and fire extinguisher. It can also fire purple energy beams for range attacks.


To initiate a transformation, the user shows off their Bracerottle first, performing a simple pose while chanting out their transformation call. They then swing their arm to their left, holding it in a straight and upwards position before pressing the button on the Bracerottle, initiating the transformation.


See Also[]


  1. Bracerottle

    Complete Works


Icon-dekaranger Tokuso Sentai Dekaranger
Ban - Hoji - Sen - Jasmine - Umeko - Tetsu - Doggie Kruger - Swan Shiratori
Other Dekarangers: Lisa Teegel - Mary Gold - Rui Edogawa - Ten Haretsuki
SPD: Supreme Commander Horusian Numa-O - Murphy K9 - Hikaru Hiwatari - Tortorian Buntar - Gyoku Rou
Legend Sentai: Ryoga Hakua - Yukito Sanjo - Ranru Itsuki - Asuka - Mikoto Nakadai - Kai Ozu - Tsubasa Ozu - Urara Ozu - Houka Ozu - Makito Ozu - Hikaru - Captain Marvelous - Joe Gibken - Luka Millfy - Don Dogoier - Ahim de Famille - Gai Ikari - Lucky - Stinger - Garu - Balance - Champ - Naga Ray - Hammie - Raptor 283 - Spada - Shou Ronpo
Other: Geki Jumonji
Michael Micsong - Juuzaiann Braidy - Ocarnan Amy - Flora - Zoinaian Baytonin - Slorpean Faraway - Shinnooian Hakutaku - Chanbenarian Gin - Detective Chou - Mikean Teresa - Falufian Yaako - Bandarean Jeeva - Amoreian Baachiyo
Transformation Devices
SP License - Master License - Bracerottle - Swan License - MariGold License - SP License (Fire Squad ver.) - SP1 License
SP Shooter - D-Magnum - D-Rod And Stick - D-Sniper - D-Blaster - D-Shot - D-Sword Vega - D-Bazooka - D-Revolver
S.W.A.T. Mode - Battlizer
Machine Doberman - Machine Husky - Machine Bull - Machine Boxer
Mecha and Robos
Pat Striker - Pat Gyro - Pat Trailer - Pat Armor - Pat Signer - DekaBike - DekaBase
Blast Buggy - PatWing 1 - PatWing 2 - PatWing 3 - PatWing 4 - PatWing 5
Giant Robos:
Tokuso Gattai Dekaranger Robo - Tokuso Henkei DekaBike Robo - Chokyodai Kidou DekaBase Robo - Tokuso Gattai DekaWing Robo
Space Criminals Alienizer
Rainian Agent Abrella - Anaroids - Batsuroids - Igaroids
Minor Alienizers
Lovelian Balance - Diamantian Don Moyaida - Grorserian Hell Heaven - Rikomoian Kevakia - Anrian Beildon - Doltockian Manomerk - Ridomihan Kersus - Cuwartian Dazgonelr - Zamuzan Sheik - Intergalactic Hitman Gigantes - Kajimerian Ben G - Cristonian Ferley - Titanian Meteus - Ozchuian Ial - Wojonian Jinche - Guermerlian Byz Goa - Dradian Goldom - Spiritian Byoi - Beesian Beeling - Tylerian Durden - Wuandelian Nyiwuandez - Barigean Milibar - Pouchien Bolapen - Pukosian Jackil - Botsian Zortac - Thousanian Gineka - Handorean Decho - Tentean Siroger - Tenkaonian Raja Namunan - Poppenian Hymal - Mikean Clord - Aladonian Gyanjava - Yuilwerian Mime - Guirarkian Don Bianco - Zabunian Don Blaco - Assassinian Jingi - Sumasuleenian Nikaradar - Bokudenian Biskes - Sukekolian Mashu - Dynamoian Terry X - Kulernian Jellyfis - Gimonian Angorl - Gedonian Uniga - Dragian Ganymede - Jergonian Sukeela - Chigukaden Buildjick - Hades Beastman Apollos the Demon - Buramudo - Yoshiwaian Raenjo - Ridomihan Mokumisu - Chimaian Tarewarane - Jiujissoan Rottomen
Special Criminal Alienizers
Three Hell Siblings: Reversian Blitz Hells - Reversian Succubus Hells - Reversian Bon-Goblin Hells
Algolian Gas Drinkers: Algolian Volka - Algolian Whinsky - Algolian Giin - Algolian Brandyl - Algolian Baurbon
Tylerian Durden - Speckionian Genio - Karakazian Don Sanoa - Pyrian Kurachek - Ginjifuan Kazak
Other: Machine Monster Gigas - Space Life Form Browgouls
Heavy Industrial Machines
Heavy Industrial Machine Fan Crusher - Heavy Industrial Machine Devil Capture - Heavy Industrial Machine Enbance - Heavy Industrial Machine Shinobi Shadow - Heavy Industrial Machine Terrible Terror - Heavy Industrial Machine Cannon Gladiator - Super Giant Heavy Industrial Machine Big Drawer - Heavy Industrial Machine God Pounder - Heavy Industrial Machine Killer Tank - Heavy Industrial Machine Hunter Jet - Heavy Industrial Machine Ultimate Evil - Heavy Industrial Machine Megaroria - Heavy Industrial Machine PalletteView - Heavy Industrial Machine Knight Chaser - Heavy Industrial Machine Million Missile - Heavy Industrial Machine Frankenzaurus - Heavy Industrial Machine Abtrex
Corrupt SPD Agents
Commissioner Kight Reidlich - Assam Asimov - Mugi Grafton