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- "Fools! I'm just getting started. Replicantzord, come forth!"
- ―Mesogog summoning the Replicantzord after the Rangers defeat his Ugly Monster, who transmits its energy to bring the Zord to life.[src]
The Replicantzord (or Blizzard Force Megazord, as it was called in the toyline) was an evil version of the (incomplete) Thundersaurus Megazord powered by the Ugly Monster and formed from the Carnozord and Chasmozord.
It was eventually destroyed by the Thundersaurus and Mezodon Megazords.
Appearances: DT Episode 36
to be added
See also: Bakuryu Carnoleutus
The Carnozord is an indigo Zord patterned after a Carnotaurus that forms the torso, legs, head, left arm and drill of the Replicantzord. Its base design resembles the Tyrannozord.
Appearances: N/A
See also: Bakuryu Chasmoshieldon
The Chasmozord is a silver Zord patterned after a Chasmosaurus that forms the right arm and shield of the Replicantzord. Its base design resembles the Tricerazord.
Appearances: N/A
Arctic Pterazord[]

The Replicant Zord in the toyline.
In the toyline, the Replicant Zord came in an alternate color variation than what appeared in the show and was called the Blizzard Force Megazord. It also came with the Arctic Pterazord.
The Arctic Pterazord is a green variation of the Pterazord that only appeared in the toyline.
Appearances: N/A
Behind the Scenes[]
to be added
to be added
- The Blizzard Force Megazord's name is a portmanteau of the word "blizzard", and "Replicantzord" is also a portmenteau of "replica".
- The name given to the toyline version is a direct reference to the powers its Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger counterpart had.
- In Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger the Replicantzord's counterpart had a much larger role in Bakuryu Sentai Abaranger DELUXE: Abare Summer is Freezing Cold. However, this was not adapted into the American series leaving the Replicantzord with only one appearance.
Power Rangers Dino Thunder
- Episode 36: A Test of Trust
See Also[]
- BakurenOh - Super Sentai counterpart in Abaranger. See comparison page.