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This Terapagos, nicknamed Pagogo (Japanese: パゴゴ, HepburnPagogo), is a Normal-type Legendary Pokémon appearing in Pokémon Horizons: The Series. It used to stay in its dormant state as Liko's pendant.

As of "Fiery Galarian Moltres", Terapagos has permanently changed into its active state. It originally accompanied Liko's great-great grandmother Rystal 100 years ago, until it converted into its dormant state. As of "PH075", it has joined Liko's team.

Quick Answers

What is the history of Pagogo's transformation from pendant to active state in Pokémon Horizons? toggle section
In Pokémon Horizons, Pagogo, also recognized as Terapagos, transforms from a pendant to its active state. This transformation unfolds in the episodes 'The Pendant That Starts It All: Part One' and 'Part Two', broadcasted on April 14, 2023. The process entails Terapagos liberating itself from the pendant's restricting case.
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How did Pagogo join Liko's team in Pokémon Horizons: The Series? toggle section
In Pokémon Horizons: The Series, Pagogo became part of Liko's team, the Rising Volt Tacklers, during their journey. This happened when they visited an island in Kanto, where they met a boy, Roy. Roy bonded with a Fuecoco accompanying them and selected it as his partner, subsequently joining the Rising Volt Tacklers. The team's objective is to find the Legendary Pokémon R and traverse the world.
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What are the special moves of Pagogo in Pokémon Horizons? toggle section
Pagogo, a character in Pokémon Horizons, possesses a variety of special moves. These encompass AncientPower (Rock Special), Power Trick and Cosmic Power (Psychic Status), and Earth Power (Ground Special). Pagogo can also execute Heal Block (Psychic Status) and Explosion (Normal Physical). Other moves in Pagogo's arsenal include Rollout (Rock), Seismic Toss (Fighting), Signal Beam (Bug Special), and Discharge (Electric Special).
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What is the significance of Pagogo's dormant state in the Terapagos lore? toggle section
In Pokémon Horizons: The Series, Pagogo, a legendary Pokémon, primarily exists in a dormant state. This characteristic is a crucial aspect of the Terapagos lore.
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As a result of being dormant in pendant form for a long period of time, Terapagos has shown to be curious about its new surroundings and the individuals inhabiting the area. It has been shown to like sweet food such as the cake made by Murdock and the Pecha Berries gathered for Curry. It seems to be longing to see Lucius, despite the possibility being slim since it last traveled with the legendary trainer a century ago.

Despite its playful and curious personality, Terapagos can get really serious in dangerous situations. Whenever it sees the presence of Laquium, it gets really angry due of the evil effects the crystal possesses.


100 years in the past, Terapagos and its original partner, Rystal, met each other when Rystal was exploring the Great Crater of Paldea. Sometime later, both Terapagos and Rystal were being pursued by a group of thieves who were after the Tera Pokémon. The two were soon rescued by Lucius and Rayquaza, and later decided to team up to search for Laqua. However, during a battle against Gibeon, Terapagos ended up exerted all of its energy in its Terastal Forme, and was emotionally devastated after witnessing Lucius' disappearance. It later turned into its dormant form, which lasted for a century.[1]During its dormancy, Rystal's granddaughter Diana wore it as a pendant for a long time during her travels to uncover Lucius' mystery before she gave up her pursuit, without realizing the pendant was Terapagos the entire time.[2] Terapagos was later entrusted to Liko by Diana as a gift, prior to Liko attending Indigo Academy.[3]

Terapagos made its presence known to Liko and her Sprigatito for the first time when they were being pursued by Amethio on the roof tops of Indigo Academy.[4]

It later appeared in front of the other members of the Rising Volt Tacklers when they were aiding with the reforestation of a habitat close to Artazon and showed a vision of Lucius to Liko and Roy.[5]

During the confrontation with a Galarian Moltres, Terapagos emerged from the pendant to reveal one of Moltres' memories, one of which reveals the existence of the paradise "Laqua". After Moltres returned to its Ancient Poké Ball, Terapagos was found by Liko's Hatenna still in active form.[6]

After boarding the Brave Olivine, Terapagos became curious to its new surroundings, which caused Liko to worry. At first, Sprigatito was frustrated with Terapagos occupying Liko's attention, but eventually she let go of her displeasure and became friends with Terapagos.[7]

When the Rising Volt Tacklers met Lucius' Lapras, who was originally wary towards them,[8] Terapagos helped the Rising Volt Tacklers to convince Lapras to join the team, even summoning Moltres and Lucius' Arboliva. It was able to persuade Lapras by using its illusion to project Lucius' image, which touched Lapras enough to earn its trust.[9]

When Rayquaza was mindlessly attacking everyone, Terapagos activated its Terastal forme to protect Liko, although it reverted back to its normal form due to exhaustion.[10]

When Liko noticed Terapagos was walking behind her during Liko and Roy's battle, she tried to protect it, which caused her arm to get injured. Terapagos then wandered off, causing Hatenna to chase after it, until both of them were pranked and trapped by a Spidops. Terapagos and Hatenna were then rescued by Sprigatito, whom they were overjoyed to be reunited with.[11]

When being looked after by Dot at Naranja Academy, Terapagos walked away on its own and got lost, until Penny helped Dot found it. Terapagos was also interested in the Scarlet Book's page that depicted its Stellar Forme.[12] Terapagos would later be shown to have traveled with Lucius in the past in its memories.[13]

When Liko wasn't watching Terapagos, Terapagos wandered off on its own and got lifted into the air by two Drifloon. It almost fell onto the ground due to strong wind, until Nemona's Pawmot saved it.[14]

When Spinel used Laquium to cause his Umbreon to go berserk, Terapagos transformed into its Terastal Forme and purified Umbreon, but collpased in exhaustion afterwards.[15] It then observed Amethio, and feeling angry and confused at his similarities with Gibeon, it almost attacked him until Liko reassured it that Amethio wouldn't hurt it. It then got agitated once again, after Gibeon's name was mentioned, so Liko had to calm it down again.[16]

After noticing Lucius' Kleavor behind a giant rock, [17] Terapagos resonated with Kleavor after Kleavor finished battling Liko, Dot and Roy, letting the three kids view Kleavor's memories with Lucius.[18]

At the Crystal Pool, Terapagos and the Rising Volt Tacklers were able to meet Rystal, who was summoned from the afterlife.[19] After Rystal returned to the afterlife, Terapagos broke down in tears. After Liko hugged it, Terapagos then allowed itself to be captured and became an official member of Liko's party. Liko would then adopt its nickname "Pagogo" that was given by Rystal.[1]

Pagogo eventually finally met up with all six of Lucius' Pokémon, including Rayquaza. [20] In fact, Pagogo had felt that Rayquaza had been following the Rising Volt Tacklers the entire time.[21] When the kids' Pokémon were overpowered by Rayquaza one by one and Roy's Crocalor was the last one standing, Pagogo bolstered Crocalor's Terastallization with its own power, allowing Crocalor to defeat Rayquaza, who got captured by Roy in the Ancient Poké Ball and acknowledged the Rising Volt Tacklers to join their journey to Laqua.[20]

Known moves[]


  • During its reveal on April 17, 2023, it was believed to have some sort of unknown relation to the Terapagos during the announcement of the Indigo Disk DLC. It wasn't until August 8, 2023, that it was revealed to be the base form of Terapagos.
  • Terapagos shares some similarities with Squishy and Nebby:
    • They are Legendary Pokémon with different forms.
    • They travel with a main character (Liko for Terapagos, Bonnie for Squishy, and Ash for Nebby).
    • They're being pursued by villainous groups (The Explorers for Terapagos, Team Flare for Squishy, and the Aether Foundation for Nebby).
    • They're vulnerable in their base states (Normal form for Terapagos, Core for Squishy, and Nebby in its first and secondary forms).
    • They play a major role in the anime (Pokémon Horizons for Terapagos, XYZ for Squishy, and Sun & Moon - Ultra Adventures for Nebby).
    • They all have nicknames.
  • Terapagos is the first Legendary Pokémon to be:
    • Caught permanently by a main character.
    • Caught by a female main character.
    • Nicknamed by a main character.



  1. ^ "Roar of the Black Rayquaza", Terapagos gathers power and changes into its Terastal Form.

