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May is the female protagonist of the games, Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire, Pokémon Emerald Version, Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. If she is not selected as the player, she is the player's rival as May Birch[Notes 1].

The Generation III games deviated from the tradition of naming characters as their respective games, such as Red from Generation I and Generation II games. As such, May's counterparts includes May from the anime, May from Pokémon Masters and Sapphire from the Adventures manga.


May is a slender young girl with fair skin and long, thick mousy brown hair with thick side tails, and with a side fringe falling across her forehead. Her eyes are blue (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald) or gray-blue (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire) depending on the games she appears in. Her outfit is the same way, as it also varies from game to game.

Ruby and Sapphire[]

May wears a red shirt with a blue semi-circle on it, black lycra shorts with a white mini-skirt over them, black ankle socks, red and yellow sneakers, black and white gloves, and a red bandanna with a white logo. She also wears a yellow fanny pack for storage.


May wears a variation of her Ruby and Sapphire outfit. Her outfit consists of a sleeveless orange tunic with a white stripe (along with two white pockets and a black collar), black lycra shorts, black ankle socks, white, black, and orange slip-on shoes, black and white gloves with green and black wristbands, and a green bandanna with a white logo. She also has her fanny pack from Ruby and Sapphire, although it is now green.

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire[]

May wears a red and white headband with a bow that resembles rabbit ears, a scarlet tank top with a black undershirt, white short shorts with black lycra mini-leggings underneath, yellow and black sneakers with orange soles, and ankle-length red and white socks (although they are usually hidden and no official art shows them, May's socks can be seen when she removes her sneakers in traditional Japanese buildings in Hoenn, including Norman's Gym). She also wears a yellow and green fanny pack and keeps a Mega Bracelet on her left wrist. Her hair is also slightly longer and has a short ponytail in the bottom back, in addition to being almost golden-brown instead of light brown.

When she partakes in Contests, May wears a unique outfit that exudes femininity and cuteness (in fact, her outfit is almost the exact same as the "cute" variant of Cosplay Pikachu). Her outfit consists of a white button-up halter neck top with frilly-ended white elbow length sleeves and a pink bow on the front, a pink, purple, and sparkly white ballerina-style tutu, pink and cream frilly shorts, a yellow wrist bracelet with a heart-shaped charm on it that holds her Key Stone, and a small pink hair bow with a shiny pink gemstone. On her feet, she wears cerise pink kitten heels with pink ribbons winding up her legs to her knees.


May emotions concept art

Concept artwork of May's emotions for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

As a rival, May is a sweet, cheerful, kind-hearted, friendly, and humble person. She is kind and respectful to the player, and is more passive than most rivals. She is a good trainer to her Pokémon.

As the player character, like any player character, May is filled in with the personality and characteristics of the player playing as her, down to having the same name and favorite activities.



Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald[]

May was born in Johto. She moved to Littleroot Town in the region of Hoenn. Her father is Norman, The Petalburg Gym Leader. May's mom's name is unknown but she is just called Mom in the games. May's rival and friend, Brendan, is the son of Professor Birch. Although if you are a boy and choose Brendan as your character all the above information will apply to Brendan, and his rival will be May.

Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire[]

In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, May returns as the female protagonist.

Other appearances[]



Ruby and Sapphire[]

First Battle[]

If the player chose:

0255Torchic RS
 Type Fire 

Lv. 5

Ability: Blaze

Item: None

Scratch - - - - -
Growl - - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

0258Mudkip RS
 Type Water 

Lv. 5

Ability: Torrent

Item: None

Tackle - - - - -
Growl - - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

0252Treecko RS
 Type Grass 

Lv. 5

Ability: Overgrow

Item: None

Pound - - - - -
Leer - - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

Second Battle[]

If the player chose:

Third Battle[]

If the player chose:

Fourth Battle[]

If the player chose:


First Battle[]

If the player chose:

0255Torchic E
 Type Fire 

Lv. 5

Ability: Blaze

Item: None

Scratch - - - - -
Growl - - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

0258Mudkip E
 Type Water 

Lv. 5

Ability: Torrent

Item: None

Tackle - - - - -
Growl - - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

0252Treecko E
 Type Grass 

Lv. 5

Ability: Overgrow

Item: None

Pound - - - - -
Leer - - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

Second Battle (optional)[]

If the player chose:

Third Battle[]

If the player chose:

Fourth Battle[]

If the player chose:

Fifth Battle[]

If the player chose:

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire[]

First Battle (Route 103)[]

If the player chose:

0255Torchic VI
 Type Fire 

Lv. 5

Ability: Blaze

Item: None

Scratch - - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

0258Mudkip VI
 Type Water 

Lv. 5

Ability: Torrent

Item: None

Tackle - - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

0252Treecko VI
 Type Grass 

Lv. 5

Ability: Overgrow

Item: None

Pound - - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -

Second Battle (Route 110)[]

If the player chose:

Third Battle (Route 119)[]

If the player chose:

Fourth Battle (Lilycove City)[]

If the player chose:

Fifth Battle (after Pokémon League)[]

If the player chose:

Multi Battle Tag Partner[]

0344Claydol VI
 Type Ground Type Psychic 
0295Exploud VI
 Type Normal 

Lv. 50 ? Lv. 50

Ability: Levitate Ability: Soundproof

Item: Light Clay Item: Assault Vest

Light Screen Hyper Voice - - - -
Reflect Fire Blast - - - -
Earth Power Blizzard - - - -
Psychic Shadow Ball - - - -


  • Screenshots of Emerald on the Japanese Nintendo website refer to May as Emy (Japanese: エミィ, HepburnEmyi)
  • May's anime counterpart, May, wore May's Emerald outfit when she visited Sinnoh.
  • May is the first female game rival in the series.
  • In the game, May's younger brother is unnamed, but in the anime, her brother's name is Max.
  • If selected as the player, May's previous hometown was Olivine City.
  • May is the first female protagonist who can appear as an NPC.
    • May is also the first female protagonist to be playable in all three core games of her generation, those being Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.
  • May and Brendan are the only protagonists in the Pokemon games to know Braille, as it can be seen when doing the Regi quest.
  • May's somewhat basic design and washed-out hair and eye colors in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire implies that character customization may have been planned for the game at some point but was scrapped later in development.



  1. ^ As a rival