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Pokémon Wiki

Blaze (Japanese: もうか, HepburnMouka) is an Ability introduced in Generation III. It is an exclusive ability to Fire-type Pokémon, mostly Starters, with the exception of Pansear and its evolution.


In battle[]

The damage of Fire-type moves are increased by 1.5x its original damage when the user's HP is 30% or lower.

Generation III Powers up Fire-type moves when the Pokémon's HP is low.
Generation IV
Generation V
Generation VI
Generation VII
Generation VIII
Generation IX


PokémonTypeFirst AbilitySecond AbilityHidden Ability
0004Charmander Pokémon HOMECharmanderType Fire HOME FireBlazeSolar Power
0005Charmeleon Pokémon HOMECharmeleonType Fire HOME FireBlazeSolar Power
0006Charizard Pokémon HOMECharizardType Fire HOME Fire / Type Flying HOME FlyingBlazeSolar Power
0155Cyndaquil Pokémon HOMECyndaquilType Fire HOME FireBlazeFlash Fire
0156Quilava Pokémon HOMEQuilavaType Fire HOME FireBlazeFlash Fire
0157Typhlosion Pokémon HOMETyphlosionType Fire HOME FireBlazeFlash Fire
0157ATyphlosion Pokémon HOMEHisuian TyphlosionType Fire HOME Fire / Type Ghost HOME GhostBlazeFlash Fire
0255Torchic Pokémon HOMETorchicType Fire HOME FireBlazeSpeed Boost
0256Combusken Pokémon HOMECombuskenType Fire HOME Fire / Type Fighting HOME FightingBlazeSpeed Boost
0257Blaziken Pokémon HOMEBlazikenType Fire HOME Fire / Type Fighting HOME FightingBlazeSpeed Boost
0390Chimchar Pokémon HOMEChimcharType Fire HOME FireBlazeIron Fist
0391Monferno Pokémon HOMEMonfernoType Fire HOME Fire / Type Fighting HOME FightingBlazeIron Fist
0392Infernape Pokémon HOMEInfernapeType Fire HOME Fire / Type Fighting HOME FightingBlazeIron Fist
0498Tepig Pokémon HOMETepigType Fire HOME FireBlazeThick Fat
0499Pignite Pokémon HOMEPigniteType Fire HOME Fire / Type Fighting HOME FightingBlazeThick Fat
0500Emboar Pokémon HOMEEmboarType Fire HOME Fire / Type Fighting HOME FightingBlazeReckless
0653Fennekin Pokémon HOMEFennekinType Fire HOME FireBlazeMagician
0654Braixen Pokémon HOMEBraixenType Fire HOME FireBlazeMagician
0655Delphox Pokémon HOMEDelphoxType Fire HOME Fire / Type Psychic HOME PsychicBlazeMagician
0725Litten Pokémon HOMELittenType Fire HOME FireBlazeIntimidate
0726Torracat Pokémon HOMETorracatType Fire HOME FireBlazeIntimidate
0727Incineroar Pokémon HOMEIncineroarType Fire HOME Fire / Type Dark HOME DarkBlazeIntimidate
0813Scorbunny Pokémon HOMEScorbunnyType Fire HOME FireBlazeLibero
0814Raboot Pokémon HOMERabootType Fire HOME FireBlazeLibero
0815Cinderace Pokémon HOMECinderaceType Fire HOME FireBlazeLibero
0909Fuecoco Pokémon HOMEFuecocoType Fire HOME FireBlazeUnaware
0910Crocalor Pokémon HOMECrocalorType Fire HOME FireBlazeUnaware
0911Skeledirge Pokémon HOMESkeledirgeType Fire HOME Fire / Type Ghost HOME GhostBlazeUnaware
0513Pansear Pokémon HOMEPansearType Fire HOME FireGluttonyBlaze
0514Simisear Pokémon HOMESimisearType Fire HOME FireGluttonyBlaze

In other media[]

It is the most seen ability out if the 3 base starter abilities in the anime, with 4 Pokémon from 3 evolutionary line using it. Theses are May's Blaziken (only as Blaziken), Ash's Infernape in all 3 evolutionary stages (and became notorious for activating it), and both Ash's and Professor Kukui's Incineroar (though the former did so as Torracat, its pre-evolution, when battling the latter).


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