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Pokémon Wiki

Rough Skin is an Ability introduced in Generation III. Only three Pokémon have this ability naturally; they are Carvanha, Sharpedo, and Druddigon.


If a Pokémon attacks an opponent with Rough Skin with a Physical attack that makes contact, they will lose one eighth of their HP. If the attacker uses a multi-hit contact move, the damage stacks upon each hit.


Generation III This Pokémon inflicts damage with its rough skin to the attacker on contact.
Generation IV
Generation V
Generation VI
Generation VII
Generation VIII
Generation IX


PokémonTypeFirst AbilitySecond AbilityHidden Ability
0318Carvanha Pokémon HOMECarvanhaType Water HOME Water / Type Dark HOME DarkRough SkinSpeed Boost
0319Sharpedo Pokémon HOMESharpedoType Water HOME Water / Type Dark HOME DarkRough SkinSpeed Boost
0621Druddigon Pokémon HOMEDruddigonType Dragon HOME DragonRough SkinSheer ForceMold Breaker
0443Gible Pokémon HOMEGibleType Dragon HOME Dragon / Type Ground HOME GroundSand VeilRough Skin
0444Gabite Pokémon HOMEGabiteType Dragon HOME Dragon / Type Ground HOME GroundSand VeilRough Skin
0445Garchomp Pokémon HOMEGarchompType Dragon HOME Dragon / Type Ground HOME GroundSand VeilRough Skin

