The Search for Enjoyment
Louise: So what DO I like? Goodness, this is turning out to be as hard as I feared it might be. I know I've asked before, but what was it that you all enjoy again?
Cleo: Painting.
Elisanne: Reading.
Ranzal: Eatin'! ...Also thinkin' about eatin'.
Louise: Painting, reading, eating... Hmm. None of those sound like they're for me.
Cleo: Perhaps if you were to try those activities out for yourself, you might see what's so enjoyable about them.
Louise: Hmm. Do you think you'd be willing to try them with me?
Cleo: Of course.
Elisanne: Certainly.
Ranzal: Ya better believe it!
Cleo: In that case, let's begin with painting. Portraiture is a bit advanced, so we'll start by painting something easy, like an apple.
Louise: An apple sounds lovely. Let's do it!
Cleo: Well, I feel like mine came out quite well. How about you, Louise?
Louise: ......
Cleo: Hmm. She must really be in the zone. Let's just take a look at her work here... BY THE GODDESS!
Louise: Oh, hello, Cleo. Are you already done with your painting? I didn't notice. Might I see how yours came out?
Cleo: No! Absolutely not! No one is allowed to see it—ESPECIALLY not you!
Louise: Er, but we've been painting side-by-side all this time. Why the change of heart?
Cleo: B-because you're a GENIUS! The design? The sense of perspective? The shading? It's all PERFECT! How in the world did you manage this?
Louise: Oh, I used to paint with Lowen from time to time. It made him happy for us to paint together, so I did it a lot when he was little.
Cleo: Well, it's an enormous waste for such a rich talent to sit unused! Promise me that you will keep painting— AND that you'll teach me all your secrets!
Louise: Er, all...right?
Elisanne: This needs to stay between us, Louise, but the kind of books I like...are THESE.
Louise: Is this a romance novel? I don't know that I've ever seen one before. Hmm, let me see what this is about... Ahem! "Princess! My love for you is true! The different places we occupy in the world are but trivialities before the power of this love! You shall be mine forever!" So this is a romance novel, huh?
Elisanne: Y-you're so good at reading stories... Something about your tone just sets my heart racing!
Louise: Oh? Then perhaps I should read this one to you as well. Let's see... "I will never give up! I will pursue you to the very ends of the world itself! Prepare to fall in love...with ME!"
Elisanne: STAAAAAWP! My heart is going to tear free of my chest if you continue! P-please give me time to recover before you read another line! I beg it of you! Oh, but promise that you'll read whatever book I pick out for you. PROMISE ME!
Louise: Um, all right? I'm just going to...slowly back out of the room now. Farewell.
Ranzal: Here ya go, Louise! This should be all the food what we ordered. Oh, and it's my treat, so feel free to eat up and chow down!
Louise: Yes, let's. *munch*
Ranzal: *horf* *snorf* *slurple* ...Gwaaargh?!
Louise: What is it, Ranzal?
Ranzal: Oh man, this grub is REALLY turnin' my crank today. What's the deal?!
Louise: Ah yes, that's what your body is craving. Looks like my order was right on the mark.
Ranzal: Wait, yer sayin' ya ordered stuff based specifically on what ya thought my body needed?
Louise: Indeed. I was always quite careful about Lowen's nutrition so he'd grow up healthy. Force of habit now, I suppose. No matter who it is, I want people to eat the food their body needs.
Ranzal: Aw, thanks, Louise! I could eat this stuff all day! *chomp* *slurrfle* *gulp*
Louise: R-Ranzal, no! Overeating is still terrible for you!
Ranzal: Uuuurgh... Ate too much... Stomach bloated... Tongue swollen... Oh man, that ain't good...
Louise: I warned you not to overeat.
Staff: Excuse me, miss? We're, um, out of food now, so I'm going to just close the shop. If you wouldn't mind settling up...?
Louise: Yes, my companion will... Ranzal? Ranzal, wait! You have to pay the check! Get over here at once, Ranzal! You must pay for all the food you ate!
Ranzal: BRAAAAAP! Oh yeah, that's the stuff. Now I'm gonna take me a nap...
Louise: *sigh* I'm very sorry about this. Please allow me to pay for him. *siiiigh*
Euden: What's wrong, Louise? You look beat.
Louise: I suppose I am a little worn out.
Euden: Did you manage to find your new hobby?
Louise: Actually, that is the source of my troubles.
Elisanne: There you are, Louise! I have that book I want you to read, as well as my favorite listening pillow.
Cleo: Louise! Wait! I need you to explain the concept of parallax distance in landscape watercolors!
Ranzal: Yo, Louise! Let's grab a bite to eat! My belly must FEEEED!
Louise: I'm pleased that everyone is counting on me now, but I... Well, I feel as if I've relapsed right back into being someone's older sister! I still have no idea what MY likes are.
Euden: Heh. The mountain of self-discovery is a steep one sometimes.