The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki

Pony Leveling Up - Character

As described on the Star page, there are times when it is necessary to raise the level of a pony from zero to one or up to five stars. This chart can be used to calculate the time and experience needed to reach these levels. For example, if you have a shop that needs a three star pony, you can look at the Character page and sort the chart by minigame timer to find the quickest pony to level up. Then use this chart to see if you will need to pay 1,000 bits to double your score to earn a star, or if the regular game at 100 bits will be enough.

This information table is a community-wide effort. Due to the lack of game data, MLP players have been recording the number of points it takes for each pony to earn each of their five stars, which is called leveling up. We encourage all Wikia members who play this game to join in the effort.

To keep track of a pony's points, there are several methods:

  • A player can take screen shots of the final point tally after each minigame and save these screenshots in a folder for reference. (On a PC, use Print Screen and paste the image into Paint to save as a file.)
  • A player can create a Notepad or Text file and record the information manually.
  • A player can keep a post-it note on the back of their tablet with handwritten notes, or record data in a notebook.
  • A player who is a Wikia member can Comment on this page and write down their scores in one place. See situation table for more information.

Players are requested to use the same main comment for all of the information on one pony, which means putting all the progress of every level in one to make sure it doesn't jam up the reply chain. This helps other players to know what information may still be missing.  We are looking for the lowest possible points needed to level up the ponies and we would need multiple people to track them to find out.

What To Do[]

This section provides instructions for the following situations.

show / hide
If you are keeping track of a pony's progress and wish to share the information The clearest way to share your progress in the comment section is to use the following format. Note that you may type in just one score at a time. You do not have to wait until the pony has earned a full star before you may comment.

[Pony Name]

[Star Level]

[First minigame score] + [Second score] + [Third score] + [Fourth score etc.] = [Total score]

It is important to Edit this original Comment to enter ALL data for ALL stars you are tracking for this one pony. Each pony should have their own Comment.

If someone else has already created a Comment for a pony you are tracking Click Reply on the original Comment created by the other person. Duplication of effort can be helpful for accuracy

For Example: WikiaUser1 is tracking Rainbow Dash. WikiaUser2 has also started to track Rainbow Dash. WikiaUser2 clicks Reply to WikiaUser1's comment and begins recording points using the layout above.

If the information table already has a pony's star value and yours is different If your point total to level up is lower than the one in the table, then your total should be posted instead. This page needs the most accurate amount of required to level up the pony
If you are unable to edit the page In the comments, write the score with the pony name and the star it belongs to, and someone will add the info for you. For Example:

Ace -- 1600 -- 1st star

The Table of Information[]

All playable characters start at zero stars and must be leveled up by playing minigames with them. Each time you play you will get points, which then will be transferred into experience points to level them up. The maximum level they can go to is five stars. The amount of points required to level a pony varies, with cheaper and earlier unlocked ponies generally requiring less points than those more expensive and unlocked later.

This table will keep track of the points required to earn each character's five stars. If all players participate, the table will incorporate the amount of points added up in the comments by each player.

Disclaimer: The data in this table is not exact. This information only provides an approximate number of points required to earn each character's star. You use this information at your own risk.

Pony Of The Week[]

This section highlights the ponies that should be leveled up to five stars to maximize a point bonus for the Special Clear the Skies Event. If you own this pony, it will automatically be the featured pony that clears the skies instead of Twilight.

Bonus Pony Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip

Star 1


Star 2


Star 3


Star 4


Star 5


Gala Appleby 2h 5m 4 1,450 2,050 2,650 3,250 3,850
Maud Pie 4h 40m 7 2,280 2,880 3,480 4,080 4,680
  • () is percentage bonus
  • Row 1 is the featured pony for the Special Event this week and Row 2 is the featured pony for next week's Special Event.

Quest Ponies[]

This section highlights the ponies that have level up requirements in game Quests.

show / hide
Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Note T
Bon Bon 10m 1 420 1,020

- - - P
DJ Pon-3 2h 15m 4 1,680 2,280 2,930 3,490 4,080

- P
Fancypants 2h 20m 4 1,720 2,720

- - - - P
Fluttershy 2h 55m 5 Play Magic Wings 1 time (Pass 1 level)

Level 5 

Rainbow Dash 2h 35m 6 Play Magic Wings 1 time (Pass 1 level)

Level 5 

Rarity 2h 10m 4 1,640 2,240


Play Magic Wings 1 time (Pass 1 level)

Level 5

Royal Guard 1h 50m 5 2,020 2,650 3,300 3,910 4,460 Level 5 P
Soarin 3h 10m 5 2,240 2,840 3,440 4,040 4,640 Play Magic Wings 1 time (Pass 1 level) P
Spitfire 1hr 45m 3 Play Magic Wings 2 times (Pass 2 levels) P
Apple Dumpling 3h 5 2,410 2,970 3,620

- - - SAA
Apple Fritter 1h 55m 3 - - Level 3  SAA
Applejack 1h 25m 3 2,125

- - SAA
Braeburn 45m 2 - - - - Level 1  SAA
Half Baked Apple 4h 6 1,720 2,290 2,820 3,420

- - SAA
Scootaloo 1h 15m 2 - - - Level 2  SAA
Aloe 5h 5 - - - Level 2  C
Lotus Blossom 4h 6 - - - Level 2  C
Minuette 3h 30m 6 - - - Level 2  C
Parish Nandermane 2h 3 Level 5  C
Shining Armor 4h 6 2,740 3,330 3,920 4,610 5,120

- C
Sunset Shimmer 2h 3 Level 2 & 5  C
Twilight Velvet 2h 31m 4 - - - - Level 1 C
Twinkleshine 4h 30m 4 - - Level 3  C
Twilight Sparkle 5m 1 Auto 970 1,570 2,170 2,770

- C
  • T= Town
  • P= Ponyville
  • SAA= Sweet Apple Acres
  • C= Canterlot
  • For Magic Wings Minigame, the quest has to be active for it to count or get to level 5 and it should automatically be completed but for some there is a glitch that it won't do that
  • The number's in Bold is the level requiremnt to complete a quest

Equestria Girls Minigame[]

This section highlights the Mane Six to allow you to maximize your multiplier for each dance score as explained on the Equestria Girls mini-game page.

show / hide
Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip

Star 1


Star 2


Star 3


Star 4


Star 5


Applejack 1h 25m  3 2,125
Fluttershy 2h 55m  5
Pinkie Pie 1h 2 920 1,520
Rainbow Dash 2h 35m 6
Rarity 2h 10m 4 1,640 2,240 2,840
Twilight Sparkle 5m 1 Auto 970 1,570 2,170 2,770
  • () is percentage bonus



Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
A.K. Yearling 4h 30m 7 1,176 1,795 2,382 2,975 3,596 C
Ace 5h 7 1,820 2,420 3,020 3,620 4,220 P
Action Shot 3h 30m 6 P
Aloe 3h 5 780 1,380 1,980 2,580 3,180 C
Amethyst Maresbury 7h 11 CE
Apple Bloom 1h 10m 2 SAA
Apple Bottoms 2h 15m 4 SAA
Apple Bumpkin 4h 30m 7 SAA
Apple Cider 2h 20m 4 SAA
Apple Cinnamon 6h 8 SAA
Apple Cobbler 1h 55m 3 SAA
Apple Dumpling 3h 5 2,410 2,970 3,620 SAA
Apple Fritter 1h 55m 3 SAA
Apple Honey 5h 20m 8 SAA
Apple Leaves 4h 5m 7 SAA
Apple Pie 1h 50m 3 SAA
Apple Rose 3h 40m 6 2,430 3,030 3,530 4,130 4,730 SAA
Apple Stars 2h 50m 5 2,440 3,040 3,640 4,240 4,840 SAA
Apple Strudel 3h 20m 5 2,650 3,250 3,850 4,450 5,050 SAA
Applejack 1h 25m 3 2,125 SAA
Aqua Crystal Foal 3h 11 CE
Architecture Unicorn 5h 9 2,390 2,990 3,590 4,190 4,790 C
Astro Pony 5h 2 C
Aunt Applesauce 3h 40m 6 2,540 3,140 3,740 4,340 4,940 SAA
Aunt Orange 5h 30m 9 SAA


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Babs Seed 2h 40m 4 1,920 2,520 3,120 3,720 4,320 SAA
Banana Bliss 1h 50m 3 C
Beauty Brass 1h 55m 3 C
Berry Punch 2h 5m 4 1,280 1,880 2,480 3,080 3,680 SAA
Betty Bouffant 4h 6 1,630 2,230 2,830 3,430 4,030 P
Big Daddy McColt ? ? SAA
Big McIntosh 45m 2 SAA
Big Shot 3h 30m 6 P
Blue Crystal Foal 4h 11 CE
Bon Bon 10m 1 420 1,020 1,620 2,220 2,820 P
Blue Moon 4h 50m 8 2,480 3,080 3,680 4,280 4,880 C
Bowling Pony 2h 30m 4 2,420 3,020 3,620 4,220 4,820 P
Braeburn 45m 2 SAA
Bright Smile ? ? CE
Bright Unicorn 4h 6 2,780 3,380 3,980 4,580 5,180 C
Bulk Biceps 4h 6 2,770 3,370 3,970 4,570 5,170 P


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Candy Apples 3h 20m 5 SAA
Caramel 2h 35m 4 1,890 2,490 3,090 3,690 4,290 P
Caramel Apple 2h 55m 5 2,570 3,170 3,770 4,370 4,970 SAA
Charity Kindheart 4h 6 C
Cheerilee 20m 1 SAA
Cheese Sandwich 3h 45m 6 2,380 2,980 3,580 4,180 4,780 P
Cherry Berry 4h 30m 7 C
Cherry Fizzy 1h 10m 2 1,070 1,570 2,170 2,770 3,370 C
Cherry Jubilee 2h 30m 4 SAA
Chiffon Crystal Foal 3h 30m 11 CE
Claude the Puppeteer 5h 8 2,640 3,240 3,840 4,440 5,040 P
Clear Skies 4h 6 2,730 3,330 3,930 4,530 5,130 P
Cloudy Quartz 4h 30m 7 P
Clumsy Clownspony 4h 6 SAA
Coco Pommel 4h 50m 8 2,730 3,330 3,930 4,530 5,130 C
Coco Crusoe ? ? P
Coloratura' Breakdancer 3h 5 SAA
Coloratura's Choreographer 3h 5 SAA
Coloratura's Hype Pony 3h 5 SAA
Coloratura's Lyricist 3h 5 SAA
Coloratura's Rocker 3h 30m 6 SAA
Coloratura's Stylist 3h 5 SAA
Comet Tail 3h 40m 6 1,800 2,400 3,000 3,600 4,200 P
Compass Star 3h 20m 6 2,780 3,380 3,980 4,580 5,180 C
Conductor 4h 30m 7 1,810 2,410 3,010 3,610 4,210 C
Coriander Cumin ? ? ?
Cotton Candy Colt 6h 9 P
Countess Coloratura 6h 9 SAA
Cream Crystal Pony 7h 11 CE
Crescent Pony 1h 55m 3 1,520 2,120 2,720 3,320 3,920 P
Crimson Gala 2h 35m 4 1,330 1,930 2,530 3,130 2,730 SAA
Crystal Guard ? ? CE
Curio Shopkeeper 3h 40m 6 2,280 2,880 3,480 4,080 4,680 C


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Daisy 2h 20m 4 1,150 1,750 2,350 2,950 3,550 SAA
Dancing Clownspony 3h 30m 6 SAA
Daring Do 2h 45m 5 1,970 2,570 3,170 3,770 4,370 P
Diamond Tiara 1h 50m 3 1,420 2,020 2,620 3,220 3,820 P
Discord - - 0 0 0 0 Auto P
DJ Pon-3 2h 15m 4 1,680 2,280 2,930 3,490 4,080 P
DJ Pon-3(Canterlot) 6h 9 C
Double Diamond 3h 5 C
Dr. Hooves 30m 1 620 1,220 1,820 2,420 3,020 P


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Eclair Crème 3h 45m 6 2,520 3,120 3,720 4,320 4,920 C
Eff Stop 3h 30m 6 P
Elbow Grease ? ? CE
Elite Pony 2h 10m 4 1,570 2,170 2,770 3,370 3,970 C
Emerald Gem 5h 8 1,250 1,850 2,450 3,050 3,650 C
Emerald Green 4h 40m 7 2,200 2,800 3,400 4,000 4,600 SAA


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Fancypants 2h 20m 4 1,720 2,320 2,920 3,520 4,120 P
Fashion Plate 5h 20m 8 C
Fashionable Unicorn 3h 10m 5 2,590 3,190 3,790 4,390 4,690 C
Fast Clip 4h 6 P
Featherweight 2h 30m 4 2,430 3,030 3,630 4,230 4,830 P
Filthy Rich 3h 5 P
Fine Line 5h 50m 9 C
Fire Chief 6h 40m 9 1,780 2,380 2,980 3,580 4,180 C
Flam 2h 25m 4 P
Flash Sentry 6h 9 2,920 3,520 4,120 4,720 5,320 C
Flashy Pony 3h 20m 5 2,350 2,950 3,550 4,150 4,750 P
Fleetfoot 3h 25m 6 2,370 2,970 3,570 4,170 4,770 P
Fleur Dis Lee 3h 20m 5 2,520 3,120 3,720 4,320 4,920 C
Flim 2h 3 P
Flurry Heart 5h 8 CE
Fluttershy 2h 55m 5 P
Forsythia 1h 55m 3 P
Four Step 4h 20m 7 2,570 3,170 3,770 4,370 4,970 C
Frederick Horseshoepin 1h 35m 3 C
Fuchsia Crystal Pony ? ? CE


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Gala Appleby 2h 5m 4 1,450 2,050 2,650 3,250 3,850 SAA
Gilda - - 0 0 0 0 Auto P
Glamour Gleam ? ? CE
Gleeful Clownspony 4h 6 SAA
Glitter Pony 7h 11 P
Golden Delicious 5h 8 SAA
Golden Harvest 4h 6 1,770 2,370 2,970 3,570 4,170 SAA
Goldie Delicious 4h 10m 7 2,720 3,320 3,920 4,520 5,120 SAA
Goth Unicorn 4h 40m 7 2,381 2,872 3,500 4,100 4,700 C
Grampa Gruff - - 0 0 0 0 Auto P
Granny Smith - - 0 0 0 0 Auto SAA
Green Crystal Pony 4h 6 CE
Green Jewel 5h 8 2,170 2,770 3,370 3,970 4,570 P
Greta - - 0 0 0 0 Auto P
Griffon Shopkeeper - - 0 0 0 0 Auto P
Gustave le Grand - - 0 0 0 0 Auto P


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Half Baked Apple 4h 6 1,720 2,290 2,820 3,420 4,020 SAA
Hayseed Turnip Truck 2h 30m 4 2,330 2,930 3,530 4,130 4,730 SAA
Hoity Toity 1h 30m 3 1,220



3,020 3,620 P
Hoofer Steps 6h 9 P
Horticultural Pegasus 4h 6 C


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Igneous Rock 4h 30m 7 P
Indigo Crystal Pony 4h 6 CE
Ivory Crystal Pony 5h 8 CE
Jeff Letrotski 3h 5m 5 2,170 2,770 3,370 3,970 4,570 P
Jet Set 1h 30m 3 1,190 1,790 2,390 2,990 3,590 C
Jewel Joy 6h 9 CE
Jigging Clownspony 3h 30m 6 SAA
Joe 4h 6 C
Jokester Clownspony 4h 30m 7 SAA
Junebug 2h 15m 4 1,170 1,770 2,370 2,970 3,570 SAA
Junior Deputy 4h 20m 7 2,475 3,075 3,675 4,275 4,875 SAA
King Sombra - - 0 0 0 0 Auto C


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Lassoing Clownspony 4h 30m 7 SAA
Lavender Crystal Pony 4h 6 CE
Lemon Hearts 5h 40m 9 2,770 3,370 3,970 4,570 5,170 C
Lemony Gem 5h 20m 8 2,240 2,840 3,440 4,040 4,640 C
Li'l Griffon 4h 6 2,840 3,440 4,040 4,640 5,240 P
Lightning Dust 4h 6 1,970 2,570 3,170 3,770 4,370 C
Lilac Luster ? ? CE
Lily Valley 4h 6 4,180 P
Limestone Pie 3h 40m 6 2,320 2,920 3,520 4,120 4,720 P
Lotus Blossom 4hr 6 2,710 3,310 C
Lovestruck 4h 6 2,720 3,320 3,920 4,520 5,120 P
Lucky Clover 2h 3 P
Lucky Dreams 3h 5 2,110 2,710 3,310 3,910 4,510 C
Lyra Heartstrings 40m 1 P
Lyrica 3h 5 1,880 2,480 3,080 3,680 4,280 C


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Ma Hooffield ? ? SAA
Magical Pony 6h 9 P
Magnum 3h 30m 6 2,420 3,020 3,620 4,220 4,820 P
Mane Goodall ? ? P
Mane-iac - - 0 0 0 0 Auto P
Manehattan Delegate ? C
Marble Pie 4h 20m 7 P
Masked Stallion ? ? P
Masseuse Pony 5h 8 1,490 2,090 2,690 3,290 3,890 C
Maud Pie 4h 40m 7 2,280 2,880 3,480 4,080 4,680 P
Mayor Mare 3h 15m 5 2,300 2,900 3,500 4,100 4,700 P
Mercury 5h 8 CE
Minuette 3h 30m 6 C
Misty Fly 5h 8 P
Moon Dancer 6h 9 C
Mr. Breezy 2h 3 1,470 2,070 2,670 3,270 3,870 P
Mr. Carrot Cake 1h 2 P
Mr. Greenhooves 6h 9 P
Mr. Shy ? ? P
Mr. Waddle 4h 6 P
Mrs. Cup Cake 15m 1 P
Mrs. Shy ? ? P
Ms. Harshwhinny 1h 10m 2 2,130 2,730 3,330 3,930 4,530 C
Musical Clownspony 2h 30m 4 SAA
Mustache Crystal Pony ? ? CE


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Neon Lights 6h 9 2,220 2,820 3,420 4,020 4,620 C
Night Glider 3h 20m 5 2,600 C
Noteworthy 5h 8 2,730 3,330 3,930 4,530 5,130 C
Nurse Redheart 5h 20m 8 1,700 P
Octavia 1h 40m 3 1,300 1,900 2,500 3,100 3,700 C
Open Skies 5h 10m 8 2,770 3,370 3,970 4,570 5,170 P
Orange Crystal Pony 7h 11 CE


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Parish Nandermane 2h 3 C
Party Favor 3h 40m 6 C
Peachy Pie 2h 10m 4 1,220 1,820 2,420 3,020 3,620 SAA
Peachy Sweet 1hr 55m 3 SAA
Perfect Pace 5h 8 C
Pest Control Pony 4h 6 2,420 3,020 3,620 4,220 4,820 SAA
Photo Finish 1h 35m 3 1,340 1,940 2,540 3,140 3,740 P
Photographer Pony ? ? P
Pin Pony ? ? CE
Pink Crystal Foal ? ? CE
Pinkie Pie 1h 2 920 1,520 P
Pipsqueak 1h 50m 5 1,930 2,530 3,130 3,730 4,330 P
Plum Crystal Pony ? ? CE
Posh Unicorn 5h 20m 8 2,150 2,750 3,350 3,950 4,550 C
Press Pass 5h 8 P
Prim Hemline 2h 20m 4 1,670 2,270 2,870 3,470 4,070 C
Prince Blueblood 3h 40m 6 3,000 P
Princess Cadance - - 0 0 0 0 Auto C
Princess Celestia - - 0 0 0 0 Auto P
Princess Luna - - 0 0 0 0 Auto P
Princess Luna's Royal Guard 3h 55m 6 P
Professor 5h 8 2,120 2,720 3,320 3,920 4,520 C
Public Works Pony 4h 30m 7 C
Purple Wave 5h 20m 8 1,130 1,730 2,330 2,930 3,530 C


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Rainbow Dash 2h 35m 6 P
Randolph the Butler 5h 20m 8 1,710 2,310 2,910 3,510 4,210 P
Rara 6h 9 P
Rare Find 3h 30m 6 C
Rarity 2h 10m 4 1,640 2,240 2,840 P
Red Delicious 2h 25m 4 1,370 1,970 2,570 3,170 3,770 SAA
Reporter Pony 4h 30m 7 P
Richard (the) Hoovenheart 2h 3 C
Royal Guard 1h 50m 5 2,020 2,620 3,220 3,820 4,420 P
Royal Pin 3h 40m 6 1,300 1,900 2,500 3,100 3,700 C
Royal Ribbon 3h 5 1,830 2,430 3,030 3,630 4,230 C
Royal Riff 4h 6 P
Rumble 4h 6 2,780 3,380 3,980 4,580 5,180 P


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Saffron Masala ? ? ?
Sapphire Shores 3h 45m 6 P
Sassy Saddles 6h 9 C
Savoir Fare 6h 8 1,570 2,170 2,770 3,370 3,970 C
Scootaloo 1h 15m 2 SAA
Sea Swirl 4h 6 C
Senior Deputy 4h 40m 7 SAA
Sheriff Silverstar 5h 20m 8 SAA
Shining Armor 4h 6 2,720 3,320 3,920 4,520 5,120 C
Shooting Star 5h 7 C
Silver Shill 3h 20m 5


2,630 3,230 3,830 4,430 P
Silver Spanner ? ? ?
Silver Spoon 3h 50m 6 P
Snails 25m 1 580 1,180 1,780 2,380 2,980 P
Snips 1h 20m 2 1,070 1,670 2,270 2,870 3,470 P
Soarin 3h 10m 5 2,240 2,840 3,440 4,040 4,640 P
Spike 5h 8 P
Spitfire 1hr 45m 3 P
Spoiled Rich 3h 30m 6 P
Sprinkle Medley ? ? CE
Sprinkle Stripe 2h 55m 5 2,470 3,070 3,670 4,270 4,870 SAA
Stalwart Royal Guard ? ? CE
Starlight Glimmer 4h 6 C
Studious Delegate 4h 28m 7 C
Sugar Belle 4h 6 C
Sunburst ? ? CE
Sunny Daze 2h 20m 4 1,120 1,720 2,320 2,920 3,520 SAA
Sunset Shimmer 2h 3 C
Sunshower 4h 40m 7 2,730 3,330 3,930 4,530 5,130 P
Suri Polomare 1hr 30m 4 2,520 3,120 3,720 4,320 4,920 C
Svengallop 6h 9 SAA
Swan Song 4h 35m 7 1,670 2,270 2,870 3,470 4,070 C
Sweetie Belle 2h 5m 4 SAA


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Teacher's Pet 1h 50m 3 P
Tender Taps 4h 6 P
The Shadowbolts - - 0 0 0 0 Auto P
Thunderlane 4h 10m 7 2,270 2,870 3,470 4.070 4,670 P
Toe-Tapper 5h 5 1,930 2,530 3,130 3,730 4,330 P
Torch Song 4h 30m 6 2,120 2,920 3,520 4,120 4,720 P
Traveling Gentlecolt 4h 40m 7 1,920 2,520 3,120 3,720 4,320 P
Traveling Mare 4h 20m 7 1,970 2,570 3,170 3,770 4,370 P
Traveling Pony 4h 20m 7 2,170 2,770 3,370 3,970 4,570 P
Tree Hugger 5h 50m 9 2,640 3,240 3,840 4,440 5,040 P
Trenderhoof 2h 20m 4 1,400 2,000 2,600 3,200 3,800 C
Trixie 1h 55m 3 1,470 2,070 2,670 3,270 3,870 P
Trouble Shoes 5h 8 SAA
Twilight's Dad 6h 9 2,170 2,770 3,370 3,970 4,570 C
Twilight Sparkle 5m 1 Auto 970 1,570 2,170 2,770 P
Twilight Velvet 2hr 31m 4 C
Twinkleshine 4h 30m 4 C
Twist 2h 40m 4 SAA


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Uncle Orange 2h 3 2,170 SAA
Unicorn Guard 6h 8 2,000 C
Unicorn Painter ? ? C
Upper Crust 3h 5 2,520 3,120 3,720 4,320 4,920 C
Violet Crystal Foal ? ? CE


Name Minigame Timer Minigame Timer Skip Star 1 Star 2 Star 3 Star 4 Star 5 Town
Wensley 2h 4 1,420 2,020 2,620 3,220 3,820 SAA
Whinnyapolis Delegate ? ? C
White Crystal Foal 6h 9 CE
Wild Fire 3h 40m 6 4,100 P
Wind Rider 4h 6 P
Yellow Crystal Pony 7h 11 CE
Zecora 35m 1 690 1,290 1,890 2,490 3,090 P
Zephyr Breeze ? ? P
Zesty Gourmand ? ? ?
Zipporwhill 2h 50m 5 2,850 3,450 4,050 4,650 5,250 P