The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
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Calendar is an event added in Update 4.7 that gives out rewards when you sign in. It is a limited time event that lasts for two weeks or more. If you sign in everyday, you will gain a bonus reward.

As of year 2024, the Calendar became much more common, especially those that go for 31 days.

The rewards can be , , decor and Avatar Customization items as well as a character If you sign in every single day, you can use Gems to checkmark a day If you happen to miss any.

New Player Calendar[]

There is a New Player Calendar where you can obtain Muffins as a main reward by logging in and Trixie Lulamoon as a final reward for repeat logins, this calendar works slightly different, you don't need to check in everyday, just enough to get Trixie and Muffins, you can get total of 9,500 , 22 , 550 , 50 Crystal Coin , 50 Lucky Coin , 120 Fusion Token , × Booster for 72, × Booster for 72, Cadance avatar and a frame.


November 20 - December 3, 2018[]

Bonus Reward Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Gilded Lily 20) 50,000 21) Curative Ear Drops 22) 100 Lucky Coins 23) 20 24) 1
25) 20 26) Dragon Lord's Crown 27) Musical Rodeo Clown 28) 50,000 29) Music Shop 30) Commemorative Ice Sculpture 1) 100 Crystal Coin
210 2) 20 3) 20
  • Every day gives 15
  • When people updated from Update 4.7 to Update 4.8, the reward for December 3rd disappeared but if you signed in from November 20 - December 2nd, you were eligible for a gift of 20 gems & Gilded Lily (given out on December 13th)

December 21, 2018 - January 1, 2019[]

Bonus Reward Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Architecture Unicorn 21) 10 22) 50,000
23) 100 Crystal Coin 24) Chest of Wonder 25) 10 26) 100 Lucky Coins 27) 5 Blue Ornament 28) 10 29) 100 Crystal Coin
120 30) 100 Lucky Coins 31) 10 1) Sunshower
  • Every day gives 10 Princess Heirlooms


March 1, 2019 - March 31, 2019[]

Bonus Reward Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Northerly Pony 1) 20,000 2) 10
3) 100 4) Spy Kit 5) 30 6) 100 Crystal Coins 7) 10 8) Home Goods Shop (or 15 ) 9) 100 Lucky Coins
10) 90 11) 100 Crystal Coins 12) 25 13) Solar Fountain 14) 80 15) 100 Lucky Coins 16) 20,000
17) Lead Singer Pony (or 15 ) 18) 100 Crystal Coins 19) 20 20) Shop of Crooked Mirrors (or 15 ) 21) 15 22) 15 23) 60
24) 15 25) Mini-Golf Course 26) 70 27) 50 28) Sweet-Toothed Schoolpony (or 15 ) 29) 10 30) 20,000
280 31) Lavender Spirit Airship
  • Every day gives 10

June 21, 2019 - July 4, 2019[]

Bonus Reward Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Personal Shopper Pony (or 20 ) 21) 20,000 22) 15 Crystal Coins 23) 20,000 24) 15 Lucky Coins 25) 10 26) 20 Crystal Coins 27) Fireworks Sun
140 28) 20,000 29) 15 Lucky Coins 30) 20 1) Angel Wings (or 15 ) 2) 15 Crystal Coins 3) 20,000 4) 20 Lucky Coins
  • Every day gives 10

August 23, 2019 - September 9, 2019[]

Bonus Reward Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Grim EEA Official (or 20 ) 23) 10,000 24) 30
25) Yellow Ornaments 26) 10 27) 15,000 28) 30 29) Red Ornaments 30) 50 Crystal Coins 31) 30
1) Open Friendship Student 2) 10 3) 20 4) 15,000 5) Discord's Pencil Bench 6) 20 7) 20
180 8) 50 Lucky Coins 9) 20,000
  • Every day gives 10

November 15, 2019 - November 30, 2019[]

1) 77 2) 7 3) 7 4) 50 Crystal Coins 5) 777 6) 7 7) 50 Lucky Coins
8) 777 9) 7 10) Gifts for Rarity 11) 50 Crystal Coins 12) 7 13) 7,777 14) 50 Lucky Coins
15) 7 16) Rainbow Harmony
  • If you missed a single you will automatically lose out on getting Rainbow Harmony(no skips to get back a lost day)

December 20, 2019 - January 8, 2020[]

Bonus Reward Days
Flutterholly (or 10 ) 1) 5,000 2) 10 3) 5 4) Wreath 5) 25 Lucky Coins 6) 10,000 7) 10
8) 10 9) Large Christmas Tree 10) 25 Crystal Coins 11) 20,000 12) 10 13) Silver Spanner(Or 10 ) 14) 25 Lucky Coins
150 15) 25,000 16) Large Snowglobe 17) 25 Crystal Coins 18) 30,000 19) 15
  • Each day gives 10
  • You were only allowed to miss 4 days otherwise getting Flutterholly was impossible due to you not being able to pay to get back the lost days.


May 14, 2020 - May 26, 2020[]

Bonus Reward Days
Neon Lights (or 10 ) 1) 10 2) 25 Lucky Coins 3) Cutie Mark Day Camp Stand 4) 25 Crystal Coins 5) Enchanted Logs 6) 10 7) 25 Lucky Coins
80 8) 25,000 9) 25 Crystal Coins 10) Flashfire Comic Stand 11) 25 Lucky Coins 12) 20
  • Each day gives 10
  • You were only allowed to miss 4 days otherwise getting Neon Lights was impossible due to you not being able to pay to get back the lost days.


December 2021[]



May 2022[]


March 6, 2023 - March 19, 2023[]

Bonus Reward Days
Pie-Loving Pirate (or 10 ) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
8) 9) 10) 11) 12)


December 1, 2024 - December 24, 2024[]

Bonus Reward Days
Old Wizard (or 50 ) 1) Decoration "Snowpony" 2) 15 Christmas Balls 3) 10 Snowflakes 4) 2,000 5) 25 Christmas Balls 6) 15 Snowflakes 7) Box of Decorations
8) 3 9) 35 Christmas Balls 10) 20 Snowflakes 11) 3.000 12) 45 Christmas Balls 13) 25 Snowflakes 14) Decoration "Orange Garland" x15
15) 4 16) 55 Christmas Balls 17) 30 Snowflakes 18) 5,000 19) 60 Christmas Balls 20) 35 Snowflakes 21) Snow Dog (Pet)
240 22) 65 Christmas Balls 23) 40 Snowflakes 24) 5


See also[]
