The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
Princess Luna's Royal Guard

Princess Luna's protector ponies are identified by their dark coats and manes, as well as their purple armor.
Playable Yes
Level 1
Town Ponyville
Arrival Bonus 150 Star
Residence Lunar Guard's Quarters
Minigame Timer 235m (3h 55m)
Minigame Skip Time 6 Gem

190 Gem
Equestria Girls Eg prize
More Info
Update Added Update 1.0
Milestone Helper
Boss Helper
Community Helper
Pro Character
Level Up Rewards
1 2 3 4 5
Lucky Coin T-button Wheel T-ribbon T-knot
Princess Luna's Royal Guard on the MLP:FiM wiki

Princess Luna's Royal Guard lives in Princess Luna's Royal Guard House in Ponyville.

He is a community helper in the Changeling History Limited-Time Siege.


Sapphire Shores, Silver Spoon, Princess Luna's Royal Guard 1

Sapphire Shores, Silver Spoon, and Princess Luna's Royal Guard (shown with a cost of 800 Gem) in the shop in the first released version of the game.

Princess Luna's Royal Guard costs 800 Gem when the game was first released. He was dropped down to 320 Gem in the Movie Time Update and was dropped down to 190 Gem in the 2013 Christmas Update. He occasionally goes on sale for 50% off. As of update 4.0, he can only be obtained via EG minigame.


Royal Guard


Royal Guard


All Time[]

  • None, limited time only

Limited Time[]

Where Price Date Purpose Notes
Ponyville Store 114 Gem October 2022 Gem sale Marked down from 190 Gem (40% off)
Ponyville Store 100 Gem November 2022 Gem sale Marked down from 190 Gem (47% off)
Ponyville Store 114 Gem August 2024 Gem sale Marked down from 190 Gem (40% off)
Mane Six (The Elements of Harmony)
Ponyville (1205 Characters)
Ponyville A-C (253 Characters)
Ponyville D-G (229 Characters)
Ponyville H-M (224 Characters)
Ponyville N-R (228 Characters)
Ponyville S-Z (271 Characters)
Canterlot (268 Characters)
Sweet Apple Acres (216 Characters)
Crystal Empire (95 Characters)
Klugetown (40 Characters)
Unknown Location (2 Unknown & 16 Missing)
  • Roku Chan
  • Sneaky Pete