![Store Screenshot 4.4](
The Gem Store page. The option at the top center is the Piggy Bank.
Piggy Bank was added in Update 4.2 and when it was first added you would be able to accumulate up to 120 for $2.99 USD (Varies on the Country) but after Update 4.3 the price and Gems
limit will change upon purchase from 90
($2.99USD) to over 2000
How It Works[]
You can buy it at any time (although the best time to buy it is once the Bank says its full to maximize the Gems purchased) and once you purchase it, it will reset for you to refill again and it can be done an endless amount of times. But be warned: After Update 4.3, it will change the price and Gem
Cap (also the VIP Points you get for purchasing it) after you purchased it (how many times is unknown).
How Do I Fill It Up?[]
There are 2 ways to fill up the Bank:
- Player Level Up: Every time you level up you can get 10-25
added to the bank(depends on the level but maxes out at 25
per level) and if the Bank is full, instead of getting the usual 10-25
it will say that its full and it won't give you any until you buy the Bank.
- Purchases with Gems
: For any purchase you make in the game with Gems
(It can be opening more land with Gems, Skip Timers, Characters/Shops/Decor) it will add gems to the bank with a conversion rate for every 10
spent will equal to 1
getting added to the Bank (So for example, to fill up the Bank to 90
, it will cost you 900
of Gem
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