The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki
The My Little Pony Gameloft Wiki

Seasonal quests are only available for a short time during specific updates or holidays. They often focus on limited time seasonal decorations or recently introduced characters.

Hearth's Warming 2012 Quests[]

Hearth's Warming Eve[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"Hey everypony! It's Hearth's Warming Eve! We have an incredible celebration to prepare for, so let's start by getting some candy canes. While we're at it, let's put up some wreaths, too!" Required Quest Level Requirement
— 9
Task Requirement
Get Candy Cane Decorations
Skip: 2
2 Times
Cost: 1000
Get Wreath Decorations
Skip: 3
3 Times
Cost: 3600
Get a Small Christmas Tree
Skip: 2
1 Time
Cost: 4000
Rewards: 50 , 600 , 1
Closing Text
"It's looking more like Hearth's Warming already. That'll get everypony in the spirit!"

Snowpony Parade[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Now that we've warmed up while getting those decorations, we can make snowponies! That'll bring the magic of Hearth's Warming to us all. We might even get another pony to come and join us, too!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Hearth's Warming Eve"S 9
Task Requirement
Get Snowpony Decorations
Skip: 3
4 Times
Cost: 3200
Welcome Teacher's Pet!
Skip: 3
1 Time
Cost: 5000
Rewards: 50 , 800
Closing Text
"I'm so excited about Hearth's Warming that I feel like Pinkie Pie at a party!"

Winter Food for Thought[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"We're gonna need plenty to eat for our Hearth's Warming celebration. Let's prepare some grub to make sure it all goes off without a hitch!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Snowpony Parade"S 9
Task Requirement
Collect Cherry Pies
Skip: 2
5 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Carrot Cakes
Skip: 2
5 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Apple Ciders
Skip: 2
5 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 , 1000 , 1
Closing Text
"Wow! Look at all this food! That should be more than enough for everypony -- and dragon!"

I Scream for Ice Cream[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"You know, all this snow is making me crave some ice cream! I think we need a place where everypony can get some sweet cold treats!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Winter Food for Thought"S 9
Task Requirement
Build the Ice Cream Shop
1 Time
Cost: 25000
Collect Ice Cream
Skip: 2
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 , 1200
Closing Text
"That's perfect! There's never a bad time to have ice cream, after all!"

Special Delivery[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"We don't want our neighbors in other towns to miss out on all the fun! Let's send them some wonderful gifts!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"I Scream for Ice Cream"S 9
Task Requirement
Send gifts to friends
Skip: 1
5 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 , 1400
Closing Text
"Now this is what Hearth's Warming is really all about: caring and sharing!"

The Magic of Friendship[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Everypony knows that Hearth's Warming is about the Magic of Friendship! Let's all gather gifts for one another so nopony feels left out!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Special Delivery"S 9
Task Requirement
Get Present Decorations
Skip: 3
3 Times
Cost: 6
Rewards: 50 , 1600 , 1
Closing Text
"Wonderful! Now everypony's got something for Hearth's Warming!"

Frosty Reception[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Uh oh! The snow's really putting a chill in the air! We'd better use the magic of friendship to warm our hearts and hooves." Required Quest Level Requirement
"The Magic of Friendship"S 9
Task Requirement
Use shards in the activated Laughter Harmony Stone
Skip: 5
50 Times
Cost: 50
Rewards: 50 , 1800
Closing Text
"Ha ha, that's better! ALL this giggling is working! I'm starting to feel warmer already!"

Eye Spy[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"You know what would be a fun thing to do while we're preparing for Hearth's Warming? A scavenger hunt! First, we need a big, bright place with fun balloons. Next, we need a round object that's cold and gray, but full of laughter. And last, we need something that has windows but is made of gingerbread. Can you find these things?" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Frosty Reception"S 9
Task Requirement
Tap "an object full of balloons"
Skip: 1
1 Time
Cost: Free
Tap "a round, grey object full of laughter"
Skip: 1
1 Time
Cost: Free
Tap "a building that looks edible"
Skip: 1
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 , 2000 , 1
Closing Text
"Well done! That was fun! And those were just the things I had in mind!"

Slow and Steady[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"We've done a lot to get ready for the Hearth's Warming celebration, but we should also get some more supplies to be sure we're not missing anything on the big day. Wanna help?" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Eye Spy"S 9
Task Requirement
Collect Ice Cream Buckets
Skip: 4
3 Times
Cost: Free
Build the Corn Stand
Skip: 3
1 Time
Cost: 20
Collect Popcorn
Skip: 4
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 , 2400
Closing Text
"Just look at all this food! It looks delicious, and almost as tasty as Gems!"

Cold Foals[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"Oh no! ALL this ice-cream eating that's been going on has made everypony feel frozen! What can we do to liven things up around here?" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Slow and Steady"S 9
Task Requirement
Use shards in the activated Generosity Harmony Stone
Skip: 5
50 Times
Cost: 50
Use shards in the activated Honesty Harmony Stone
Skip: 5
50 Times
Cost: 50
Get a Phonograph
Skip: 2
1 Time
Cost: 30
Rewards: 50 , 2200
Closing Text
"Phew, that worked! And look, no more brain freeze!"

Branching Out[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"No Hearth's Warming is complete without a magical tree! Let's decorate the biggest, most wonderful tree in all of pony history!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Cold Foals"S 9
Task Requirement
Get the Large Christmas Tree
Skip: 5
1 Time
Cost: 40
Welcome Pipsqueak!
Skip: 5
1 Time
Cost: 12
Rewards: 100 , 5000 , 1
Closing Text
"Wow! That's the most amazing tree I've ever seen! Happy Hearth's Warming, everypony!"

Hearts and Hooves Day 2013 Quests[]

Hearts and Hooves Day[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"Why, hello, everypony! With Hearts and Hooves Day approaching, I thought you all could use a hoof!" Required Quest Level Requirement
— 3
Task Requirement
Get Small Romantic Vases
Skip: 1
2 Times
Cost: 3000
Rewards: 20 , 300 , 1
Closing Text
"Isn't that pretty? That'll help set the mood around Ponyville!"

High-Flying Hearts[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"Hearts and Hooves Day is on the way! But how can we let everypony know that love is in the air?" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Hearts and Hooves Day"S 2
Task Requirement
Get Yellow Heart Flags
Skip: 2
1 Time
Cost: 4000
Get Large Romantic Vases
Skip: 2
1 Time
Cost: 2
Rewards: 40 , 500
Closing Text
"I pledge allegance to... love eternal! Now THAT'S a statement I can get behind."

Cobbled Together[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"One of Applejack's relatives, Apple Cobbler, is coming to Ponyville! Let's play matchmaker and get her settled with a job to do!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"High-Flying Hearts"S 2
Task Requirement
Welcome Apple Cobbler!
Skip: 3
1 Time
Cost: 50
Assign Apple Cobbler to a shop
Skip: 2
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 , 1000 , 1
Closing Text

Coming Up Roses[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"Sometimes it's good to stop and smell the roses, you know? Especially when it's around Hearts and Hooves Day!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Cobbled Together"S 3
Task Requirement
Get Small Rose Bushes
Skip: 3
3 Times
Cost: 1120
Rewards: 30 , 200
Closing Text
"What a delightful aroma! That'll surely sweeten any passing pony's day."

Under the Rug[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"The grass is nice and all, but the outdoor decor could use some tender love and care. How about a tremendous tapestry to change things up?" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Coming Up Roses"S 4
Task Requirement
Get Heart Rugs
Skip: 3
1 Time
Cost: 9600
Get Large Rose Bushes
Skip: 2
2 Times
Cost: 9760
Get Heart Stone
Skip: 3
1 Time
Cost: 12000
Rewards: 50 , 1000
Closing Text
"Beautiful! A little carpeting can go a long way."

Paper Trail[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"Fresh from the Wonderbolts' latest airshow, it's their caretaker, Crescent Pony! Let's get him settled in Ponyville." Required Quest Level Requirement
"Under the Rug"S 5
Task Requirement
Welcome Crescent Pony!
1 Time
Cost: 28800
Rewards: 50 , 1000 , 2
Closing Text
"It must be so exciting to work alongside the Wonderbolts. I can't wait to ask Crescent Pony all about it!"

Fountain of Love[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"I think we need to turn on the waterworks for Hearts and Hooves Day. And I've got just the thing!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Paper Trail"S 5
Task Requirement
Get Romantic Fountain
Skip: 4
1 Time
Cost: 33200
Rewards: 30 , 1500
Closing Text
"There's nothing like the sound of flowing water. Isn't it romantic?"

An Enchanting Elixir[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"Love Potions are a great way to help shy ponies -- like Crescent Pony -- get that little bit of courage they need to ask somepony out on a date!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Fountain of Love"S 5
Task Requirement
Get Love Potion
Skip: 4
1 Time
Cost: 24,400
Assign Crescent Pony to a shop
Skip: 1
1 Time
Cost: Free
Get Romantic Couches
Skip: 4
2 Times
Cost: 34,400
Rewards: 60 , 3000 , 1
Closing Text
"Now that he's got a job to do, I'm sure Crescent Pony will find a new pony pal in no time!"

Tower of Devotion[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"Love is in full swing around Ponyville! Let's show it by doing a little more decorating." Required Quest Level Requirement
"An Enchanting Elixir"S 6
Task Requirement
Get Heart Pillars
Skip: 2
1 Time
Cost: 35
Raise Crescent Pony to 3 stars
Skip: 8
3 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 70 , 5000
Closing Text
"Make no mistake - Ponyville is ready for love!"

Making Reservations[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"A romantic dinner is ESSENTIAL for any date on Hearts and Hooves Day. Let's make it easier for couples to share a meal!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Tower of Devotion"S 6
Task Requirement
Get Tables for Two
Skip: 4
2 Times
Cost: 64000
Rewards: 20 , 2000
Closing Text
"Add a little violin music and candlelight, and you've got yourself an enchanting evening."

Chapel of Love[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"After having a romantic meal, I think ponies need a private place to enjoy each other's company. Any ideas?" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Making Reservations"S 7
Task Requirement
Get Romantic Gazebo
Skip: 3
1 Time
Cost: 30
Get Romantic Gate
Skip: 3
1 Time
Cost: 88000
Rewards: 50 , 5000 , 1
Closing Text
"Wonderful! A night stroll ending here would make the perfect ending to any date."

In Love with Ponyville[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"You know, it's been so fun getting Ponyville ready for Hearts and Hooves Day, that I think I'll stay - permanently!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Chapel of Love"S 9
Task Requirement
Welcome Lovestruck!
1 Time
Cost: 215
Rewards: 100 , 10000 , 2
Closing Text

Hearth's Warming 2013 Quests[]

Hearth's Warming 2013 Quest Chain #1[]

The Gift of Cleanliness[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"It's almost Hearth's Warming Eve! Quick, everypony, lend a hoof! We've got to tidy this place up!" Required Quest Level Requirement
— 10
Task Requirement
Remove 1 clearable item
Skip: 2
1 Time
Cost: Variable
Uncover 1 expansion zone
Skip: 2
1 Time
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 20 , 500 , 1
Closing Text
"That's much better! With a few festive decorations, Ponyville is going to look great!"

Spirit of the Season[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"It's time to spread that Hearth's Warming cheer... and I think I know just how to do it!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"The Gift of Cleanliness"S 10
Task Requirement
Buy a Jingle Tree
Skip: 4
1 Time
Cost: 30,000
Interact with the Jingle Tree
Skip: 1
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 100 , 500 , 1
Closing Text
"Now that's more like it!"

Celebration Preparation[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"What's Hearth's Warming without gifts? Let's open up a gift shop and let the gift giving begin!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Spirit of the Season"S 10
Task Requirement
Buy the Canterlot Gift Shop
1 Time
Cost: 120,000
Rewards: 20 , 500
Closing Text
"I wonder what Twilight got me... Please be a train set, please be a train set, please be a train set!!!"

With a Cherry on Top[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Cherry Berry's staying in Ponyville for the celebration! Let's find her a place to rest her hooves." Required Quest Level Requirement
"Celebration Preparation"S 10
Task Requirement
Welcome Cherry Berry
1 Time
Cost: 50
Rewards: 50 , 500 , 1
Closing Text
"I can't wait to see if Cherry Berry plays in the pageant!"
  • Contrary to the wording of the quest, Cherry Berry's residence is in Canterlot.

The Gift of Giving[]

Quest Giver: Spike
Required Quest Level Requirement
"With a Cherry on Top"S 10
Task Requirement
Assign Cherry Berry to the Canterlot Gift Shop
Skip: 1
1 Time
Cost: Free
Collect Gingerbread
Skip: 5
8 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 20 , 200
Closing Text

The Grand Tour[]

Quest Giver: Spike
Required Quest Level Requirement
"The Gift of Giving"S 10
Task Requirement
Play the Telescope Game with Cherry Berry
Skip: 3
1 Time
Cost: Free
Play the Ball Bounce Game with Cherry Berry
Skip: 3
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 20 , 300
Closing Text
"It looks like Cherry Berry's having a great time!"

The Great Lake[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"My friends want to go ice skating, but we need a frozen lake. Do you think we can find one before Hearth's Warming?" Required Quest Level Requirement
"The Grand Tour"S 10
Task Requirement
Buy a Frozen Lake
Skip: 4
1 Time
Cost: 20,000
Interact with the Frozen Lake
Skip: 1
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 100 , 1000 , 1
Closing Text
"I can't wait to see everypony on the ice! Um, but I might just watch from way back here..."

Holiday Décor[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"If we really want to be ready for the Hearth's Warming celebration, we're going to need a lot of decorations!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"The Great Lake"S 10
Task Requirement
Buy the Canterlot Decoration Station
1 Time
Cost: 80
Rewards: 20 , 500
Closing Text

A Noteworthy Addition[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
Required Quest Level Requirement
"Holiday Décor"S 10
Task Requirement
Welcome Noteworthy
1 Time
Cost: 55,000
Rewards: 50 , 500 , 1
Closing Text
"Noteworthy seems to have settled in nicely. That's music to my ears!"

Decoration Demand[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"If we're going to have enough decorations for everypony, we're going to need help. Maybe Noteworthy can lend a hoof!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"A Noteworthy Addition"S 10
Task Requirement
Assign Noteworthy to the Canterlot Decoration Station
Skip: 1
1 Time
Cost: Free
Collect Red Baubles
Skip: 5
8 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 20 , 200
Closing Text
"Phew! Without Noteworthy's help, the Decoration Store wouldn't be able to keep up!"

A Hard Day's Work[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Noteworthy's been working really hard. I think it's time we let him unwind!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Decoration Demand"S 10
Task Requirement
Play the Apple Picking game with Noteworthy
Skip: 3
1 Time
Cost: Free
Play the Telescope game with Noteworthy
Skip: 3
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 20 , 300
Closing Text

Letting Off Steam[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
Required Quest Level Requirement
"A Hard Day's Work"S 10
Task Requirement
Raise Cherry Berry to 2 stars
Skip: 4
2 Times
Cost: Free
Raise Noteworthy to 2 stars
Skip: 4
2 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 , 1000 , 1
Closing Text
"Cherry Berry and Noteworthy haven't worried about the preparations all day. Mission accomplished"

Better to Give[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"Oh no! I've been so busy wondering what Twilight's gonna get me, I haven't gotten her anything yet! What should I get?" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Letting Off Steam"S 10
Task Requirement
Collect Candy Canes
Skip: 5
8 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Hearth's Warming Angels
Skip: 5
8 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 20 , 200
Closing Text
"What an awesome gift! She's going to be the happiest pony around!"

The Sweet Smell of the Holidays[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"It won't truly feel like Hearth's Warming Eve without some festive flowers. Let's get our scent on!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Better to Give"S 10
Task Requirement
Buy a Festive Bouquet
Skip: 10
1 Time
Buy 8 Flower01
Skip: 5
8 Times
Buy 8 Flower02
Skip: 5
8 Times
Rewards: 50 , 800
Closing Text
"Now that truly smells festive! And it looks so pretty, too!"

I Choo-Choo-Choose You[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
Required Quest Level Requirement
"The Sweet Smell of the Holidays"S 10
Task Requirement
Buy a Huge Train Set
Skip: 4
1 Time
Cost: 40
Interact with Huge Train Set
Skip: 1
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 100 , 1000 , 1
Closing Text
"I can't wait to give Spike his gift! But I have a feeling He'll like Rarity's gift better..."

Towering Above[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
Required Quest Level Requirement
"I Choo-Choo-Choose You"S 10
Task Requirement
Buy a Bell Tower
Skip: 10
1 Time
Cost: 18000
Collect Banners
Skip: 5
8 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Flags
Skip: 5
8 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 , 800
Closing Text
"We've made good progress on our preparations, but gosh, I hope we're ready in time!"

Brightening Up the Day[]

Quest Giver: Spike
"We need to brighten things up -- and I don't just mean literally! Are there any sweets for me to eat?" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Towering Above"S 10
Task Requirement
Buy Festive Lanterns
Skip: 5
1 Time
Cost: 10
Collect Ice Cream Buckets
Skip: 5
8 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Milkshakes
Skip: 5
8 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 , 800
Closing Text
"That was sooo tasty... Sooo full... Maybe I'll just have a... little nap before I... ...zzzzzz"

Hearth's Warming Celebration[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"The big day's finally here! Let's show the new ponies in town the best Hearth's Warming Celebration ever!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Brightening Up the Day"S 10
Task Requirement
Raise Cherry Berry to 5 Stars
Skip: 4
5 Times
Cost: Variable
Raise Noteworthy to 5 Stars
Skip: 4
5 Times
Cost: Variable
Rewards: 100 , 1000 , 1
Closing Text
"I'm so glad many of our friends -- old and new -- are here. Happy Hearth's Warming Eve, everypony!"

Hooves Across the Land[]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"Hearth's Warming Eve is a time for everypony everywhere to celebrate. Let's spread the love!" Required Quest Level Requirement
"Hearth's Warming Celebration"S 10
Task Requirement
Connect to a social network
Skip: 1
1 Time
Cost: Free
Send gifts to friends
Skip: 1
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 20 , 200
Closing Text
"Caring and sharing, that's the real meaning of Hearth's Warming Eve!"

Hearth's Warming 2013 Quest Chain #2[]

About That Mess...![]

Quest Giver: Twilight Sparkle
"That was an extra-special Hearth's Warming Eve! Now for some extra-special, uh... cleaning up. Who knows what awesome stuff we might find!?" Required Quest Level Requirement
— 10
Task Requirement
Collect Laughter Shards
Skip: 5
80 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Honesty Shards
Skip: 5
60 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Loyalty Shards
Skip: 10
20 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 100 , 15
Closing Text
"Hearth's Warming Eve was amazing, and it was great seeing all our friends! I can't wait for next year's celebration!"
  • This quest is named "Clean Up Duty" in the game files.

Hearts and Hooves Day 2014 Quests[]

Hearts and Hooves Day[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"Well hello everypony! With Hearts and Hooves day fast approaching, it looks like Ponyville needs a hoof getting ready!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Buy Small Lovely Vase
1 Time
Cost: 3000
Rewards: 500 , 20 , 1
Closing Text

High-Flying Hearts[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
Required Quest Level Requirement
Hearts and Hooves Day
Task Requirement
Get Yellow Heart Flags
1 Time
Cost: 4000
Get Large Lovely Vase
1 Time
Cost: 2
Rewards: 500 , 40
Closing Text
"I pledge allegiance to... love eternal! Now THAT'S a statement I can get behind."

Coming Up Roses[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"Sometimes it's good to stop and smell the roses, you know? Especially when it's around Hearts and Hooves Day!" Required Quest Level Requirement
High-Flying Hearts
Task Requirement
Get Small Rose Bushes
1 Time
Cost: 1120
Rewards: 200 , 30
Closing Text
"What a delightful aroma! That'll surely sweeten any passing pony's day."

Under the Rug[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"The grass is nice and all, but the outdoor decor could use some tender love and care. How about a lovely tapestry to change things up?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Coming Up Roses
Task Requirement
Get Heart Rugs
1 Time
Cost: 9600
Get Large Rose Bushes
1 Time
Cost: 4880
Get Heart Stones
1 Time
Cost: 12000
Rewards: 1000 , 50
Closing Text
"Beautiful! A little carpeting can go a long way."

Fountain of Love[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"I think we need to turn on the waterworks for Hearts and Hooves Day...

And I've got just the thing!"

Required Quest Level Requirement
Under the Rug
Task Requirement
Get Lovely Fountain
1 Time
Cost: 33200
Rewards: 1500 , 30
Closing Text
"There's nothing like the sound of flowing water. Isn't it enchanting?"

An Enchanting Elixir[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"Love potions are a great way to help shy ponies get that little bit of courage they need to ask somepony out on a date!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Fountain of Love
Task Requirement
Get Love Potions
1 Time
Cost: 24400
Get Lovely Couch
1 Time
Cost: 17200
Rewards: 1 , 3000 , 60
Closing Text
"Now every pony great and small has a chance at finding that very special somepony...!"

Tower of Devotion[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"Love is in full swing around Ponyville! Let's show it by doing a little more decorating." Required Quest Level Requirement
An Enchanting Elixir
Task Requirement
Get Heart Pillars
1 Time
Cost: 35
Rewards: 5000 , 70
Closing Text
"Make no mistake -- Ponyville is ready for love!"

Making Reservations[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"A special dinner is "essential" for any date on Hearts and Hooves Day. Let's make it easier for couples to share a meal." Required Quest Level Requirement
Tower of devotion
Task Requirement
Get Table for Two
1 Time
Cost: 32000
Rewards: 2000 , 20
Closing Text
"Add a little violin music and candlelight and you've got yourself an enchanting evening."

Chapel of Love[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"After a special meal, I think ponies need a nice place to look at the stars." Required Quest Level Requirement
Making Reservations
Task Requirement
Get Lovely Gazebo
1 Time
Cost: 30
Get Lovely Gate
1 Time
Cost: 88000
Rewards: 5000 , 50 , 1
Closing Text
"Wonderful! A night stroll ending here would make the perfect ending to any date."

In Love With Ponyville[]

Quest Giver: Lovestruck
"You know, it's been fun getting Ponyville and Canterlot ready for Hearts and Hooves day that I think I'll stay permenently." Required Quest Level Requirement
Chapel of Love
Task Requirement
Welcome Lovestruck
1 Time
Cost: 215
Rewards: 10000 , 100 , 2
Closing Text
"Oh, this place is just perfect! I'm going to just *love* living here."

The Ponyville Party Quest[]

Main article: The Ponyville Party

Stage 1[]

Breaking Ground[]

Cheese Sandwich: Cheese Sandwich here -- Equestria's premiere pony party planner! And I've got a doozy of a premiere party planned for Ponyville... There;s a special quest and everything!
Cheese Sandwich: I hear that if he has a good enough time, he'll even stay in Ponyville forever... So let's kick things off right by plonking down a dynamite Party Site!
Cheese Sandwich: When you're building a Party Site, a few things are SUPER IMPORTANT:
Cheese Sandwich: Location, location, good times, location, coolness, location, Musical Number Potential, and location!
Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"Let's focus on location first! Plop down that Party Site wherever you wanna." Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Place a Party Site in Ponyville
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 50 , 100
Closing Text
"That is SUCH a picturesque Party Site Staging Area, I can't even HANDLE it! Way to start out with a bang, pal!"

Clear the Floor![]

Cheese Sandwich: Cheese Sandwich's First Rule of Party Planning: Make room for the dance floor!
Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"We don't want ponies smacking into trees when they're trying to do the mambo! Let's make sure we've got a nice, open space." Required Quest Level Requirement
Breaking Ground
Task Requirement
Remove clearable items
5 Times
Rewards: 15 , 250
Closing Text
"Nice! Bet you could fit a twenty- or thirty-pony conga line there, now..."

Lemme Get Back to You[]

Cheese Sandwich: Whew! We've barely started, and I'm already hearing LOTS of questions about our party...
Cheese Sandwich: "Will there be punch? "How will you pay for it?" "Can I bring my alligator?"
Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"I THINK the last question's from Pinkie, but we should answer the others... And figure out how to pay for this thing..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Clear the Floor!
Task Requirement
Find the ponies with questions and answer them!
10 Times
Cost: Free
Collect Bits to cover party expenses
2500 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 25 , 250
Closing Text
"Our guests are happy, our questions are answered, and our bank account is full! You are REALLY good at this, buddy."

Deck the Halls[]

Pinkie Pie: La, la, la la LAAAA, garland-hanging SOOONG!
Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie
"(Come with me and help put up some party garlands. This is supposed to be a duet anyway...) ... Won't you sing a-LOOOONG..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Lemme Get Back to You
Task Requirement
Win Rainbow Garlands
2 Times
Win Orange Garlands
2 Times
Rewards: 35 , 450
Closing Text
"LA, la, garlands done, that was so much FUNNNN!"

Parking Space[]

Cheese Sandwich: On to the Second Rule of Party Planning: Ponies would like to be able to get to the actual party in comfort!
Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"Looks like some ponies wanna check out the Site early! Could you park their coaches for 'em and make sure they have some space to walk around?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Deck the Halls
Task Requirement
Win Party Paths
30 Times
Win Speedy Coaches in Supply Chests
1 Time
Rewards: 50 , 1500
Closing Text
"Nice! You sure know how to make our guests feel welcome, pal."

Save the Date[]

Cheese Sandwich: Third Rule of Party Planning: Can we invite some ponies to the party?
Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"I've ridden on ahead and scouted out some super-excellent guests -- just tap on them to give em the details!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Parking Space
Task Requirement
Visit Sweet Apple Acres to announce the event
1 Time
Cost: Free
Tap on ponies with icons to announce the party
10 Times
Cost: Free
Visit your friends' towns and tap on their ponies with icons to tell them about your party
1 Time
Cost: Free
Rewards: 20 , 250
Closing Text
"Fantastic! Now, THOSE ponies will invite THEIR friends, who'll invite THEIR friends... Before you know it, we'll be SWIMMING in partiers!"

Lighting the Way[]

Cheese Sandwich: Okay! On to the Fourth Rule of Party Planning: Is everything well-lit?
Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"Lucky for us, I've got all the lights we need in my Supply Chests!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Save the Date
Task Requirement
Win Party Streetlights in Supply Chests
2 Times
Rewards: 15 , 150
Closing Text
"That is some SERIOUSLY cool lanternry there, buddy! You done this before?"

So Many Colors![]

Pinkie Pie: Say hello to Ponyville's PERMANENT pony party planner!
Pinkie Pie: I'm CO-planning this one with my good friend Cheesey!
Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie
"And there's just ONE Pinkie Pie Rule of Party Planning... MORE BALLOONS!!!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Lighting the Way
Task Requirement
Win Festive Bunches of Balloons
3 Times
Win Big Bunches of Balloons
3 Times
Win Huge Bunches of Balloons
3 Times
Rewards: 30 , 350
Closing Text


Cheese Sandwich: With all of Pinkie Pie's awesome balloons flying around, we could make sure our guests can see the rest of our cool party stuff.
Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"That can mean only one thing: The more cool party stuff we have, the better." Required Quest Level Requirement
So Many Colors!
Task Requirement
Win Party Streetlights in Supply Chests
4 Times
Win Cider Barrels in Supply Chests
2 Times
Rewards: 25 , 300
Closing Text
"That is, hoofs down, the BEST arrangement of cool party stuff I've ever seen. Did you take a class on this or something?!"

Weather Control[]

Pinkie Pie: Oh no! Look at those clouds gathering over our awesome party paradise!
Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie
"We need to clear the skies -- otherwise, our parade might get rained on! (Also, I'm thinking of starting a parade, too!)" Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Clear the skies
3 Times
Rewards: 15 , 250
Closing Text
"Ahhh... Feel that party-tastic sunlight! The weatehr can't stop us now!"

Sound Check[]

Cheese Sandwich: Test... Test... One two... One two... Gou-daaaa... Gou-daaaa...
Cheese Sandwich: Aww, horsefeathers... Why isn't this awesome party announcer microphone working?
Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"Oh, wait! Could you do me a solid and make sure we actually have something to hook thi mike up to?" Required Quest Level Requirement
Weather Control
Task Requirement
Win Loudspeakers in Supply Chests
1 Time
Rewards: 30 , 500
Closing Text
"Right! New Cheese Sandwich Rule of Party Planning" Make sure you've actually bought loudspeakers before doing a mike check!"

Spot Inspection![]

Cheese Sandwich: Partymergency! We have a partymergency in the making!
Cheese Sandwich: I just heard that an UNDERCOVER PARTY INSPECTOR is on the way to make sure our Party Paths are up to code!!
Cheese Sandwich: I don't know much about him, but he's a Pegasus, he's brownish, and his cutie mark is... a backwards "C", maybe? I've only seen him from a distance!!
Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"Anyway, DON'T TELL HIM WE KNOW! ... And make him feel welcome! ... And make sure we've got enough Party Paths." Required Quest Level Requirement
Sound Check
Task Requirement
Welcome Crescent Pony to Ponyville
1 Time
Cost: 28.800
Win more Party Paths
50 Times
Rewards: 25 , 1000
Closing Text
"Okay, so... Apparently, that "Undercover Party Inspector" is just a normal pony? Really nice, though! Sorry I had the facts wrong, pal..."

Boing... Boing... Boing...[]

Pinkie Pie: I'm trying to write another verse for the Garland-Hanging Song... Can you think of anything that rhymes with "Bouncy Castle?"
Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie
"Tassel? Vassal? Grass hill? Aww, let's put the bouncy castle first and come up with the song later!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Spot Inspection!
Task Requirement
Win a Bouncy Castle in Supply Chests
1 Time
Rewards: 45 , 750
Closing Text
"I thought about it, and our Bouncy Castle song would be even BETTER as an instrumental!! I'll get my tuba..."

Light 'er Up![]

Cheese Sandwich: Cheese Sandwich's Final Rule of Party Planning: lights, lights, and more lights!
Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"I know we've put some up already -- but if there's anything I learned from years of partymaking, it's that being able to see is IMPORTANT." Required Quest Level Requirement
Boing... Boing... Boing...
Task Requirement
Win Yellow Spotlights in Supply Chests
7 Times
Rewards: 35 , 500
Closing Text
"Amazing! If this Party Site had any more atmosphere, it would be its own PLANET!"

A Just-Right Site[]

Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"Just a few more skootches on the Party-O-Meter, and this Party Site'll be ready for primetime!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Light 'er Up!
Task Requirement
Complete Stage 1
1 Time
Rewards: 40 , 1000
Closing Text
"The Party-O-Meter is maxed out, and you know what that means: it's a BRAND-NEW FINISHED PARTY SITE! WOOOO!"

Stage 2[]

Special Request, Part 1[]

Pinkie Pie: Ohmygosh, I just got the SWEETEST letter from Rarity!
Pinkie Pie: She says she's SUPER excited for our party, and she wanted us to check to see if we have the items on this...
Pinkie Pie: ...really kinda long list of things, actually.
Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie
"Aww. I like most of these things anyway, though! Let's take care of the first couple..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Task Requirement
Produce Facials in the Day Spa
5 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 15 , 400
Closing Text
""Mid-Party Moisturization Station"... Check!"

Special Request, Part 2[]

Pinkie Pie: Okay, second thing on Rarity's list... Second thing on Rarity's list...
Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie
"... Oh, this one's a GREAT idea! My mane always gets SUPER frizzy whenever I party really hard..." Required Quest Level Requirement
Special Request, Part 1
Task Requirement
Produce Mane Primping in the Mane Salon
4 Times
Cost: Free
Rewards: 20 , 350
Closing Text
""Soiree-Centric Stylist Stop"... Check!"

Special Request, Part 3[]

Pinkie Pie: Third thing on the list... Hmmm...
Quest Giver: Pinkie Pie
"Okay, I don't know WHAT a "Highbrow Holiday Haberdashery Hall" is... but I can guess!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Special Request, Part 2
Task Requirement
Build a House of Hats
1 Time
Cost: 2500
Rewards: 30 , 500
Closing Text
"Terrific! Now Rarity will be super happy -- and we'll have the only party in Equestria where you can get SPA PRIMPING HATS!!"

30 Minutes or Less[]

Cheese Sandwich: It's not a Cheese Sandwich party unless it's a CHEESY party!
Quest Giver: Cheese Sandwich
"That's why I ordered my signature Gouda Pineapple Neigh-Apolitan Pizza ll the way from Canterlot. Let's bring it back here, and get some refreshments to go with it!" Required Quest Level Requirement
Special Request, Part 3
Task Requirement
Win Pizza Tables
2 Times
Win Cider Barrels with Apples in Prep Chests
2 Times
Win Tiered Dessert Tables in Prep Chests
3 Times
Rewards: 30 , 750
Closing Text