Megami Tensei Wiki

DDS Novels[]

I'm not sure if I should put Quantum Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner with the three DDS Novels.--JupiterKnight (talk) 12:05, September 27, 2013 (UTC)

Yeah, we might want to make a "Other Novels" section or the like? Aside from QDS, I think there are novelizations of several other games, as well as spin off material and such as well. Or just simplify it to "novels" but I'd think that DDS does deserve a whole section to itself (especially if we add the NDDS books)--Otherarrow (talk) 12:21, September 27, 2013 (UTC)

Most Recent[]

I don't disagree with moving the mobile-only games out of the main set (or even just removing them entirely and leaving them on the series-specific pages/templates), but I'm not sure what was a deciding factor on which titles to leave in the main set and which to move in the most recent edit, since it left twelve pretty random mobile games in the main set. --Zettaizetsubou (talk) 08:13, July 13, 2014 (UTC)

Personally, I kinda like having everything divided by series and moving a bunch of mobile games to a vague and general "spinoffs" section kinda ruins the completeness of it. Also, it raises the question of what actually deserves to be moved there. Persona 4 Arena is technically a spinoff, so does it get moved? if... and Strange Journey are (retroactively?) not part of the "main series numbering, so are they spinoffs and do they get moved? (Also, why was stuff like 20XX not moved anyway?) I dunno, I think this was done without actually planning it out. I do know we should do something about spin off games, but I don't think this in particular is it.--Otherarrow (talk) 12:28, July 13, 2014 (UTC)