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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Illuminati Assembled Universe".
R210 Strike team Livvie hostage
"Strange Museum is out of the picture."
This article has no images as there are no relevant images to use.

"You took this whole suit from the Strange Museum, didn't you?"
―Pizza Poppa to Doctor Strange[src]

The Strange Museum is a museum dedicated to the late Stephen Strange, where his Cloak of Levitation was kept.


Once Stephen Strange was willingly executed by Black Bolt, the Illuminati created a fake story, saying that Strange died fighting Thanos. The Strange Museum was later constructed in his memory. Strange's Cloak of Levitation was stored in the museum as an artifact.[1]

