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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

The Stakar Ravager Clan is one of the hundred clans of the Ravagers. Distinguished by their navy blue garbs, this clan is led by Stakar Ogord.


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol

Stakar Ogord argues with Yondu Udonta

Stakar Ogord, along with his clan of Ravagers, went to the Iron Lotus to relax, where he was approached by Yondu Udonta. Having exiled Udonta, Ogord refused to greet him and left the Iron Lotus, informing its madam that by servicing the Yondu Ravager Clan she had lost the business of all the other Ravager clans. Angered at Ogord's dismissal, Udonta approached Ogord, leading the two to get into an argument. Ogord told Udonta that it brought him no pleasure exiling him, but he had to because he dealt in children and broke the Ravager code.

Martinex Stakar

The Stakar Ravager Clan attend Yondu Udonta's funeral

A few days later, however, after Rocket contacted the Ravagers to tell them of Udonta's role in the Battle on Ego's Planet and also his subsequent sacrifice to save Peter Quill's life, Ogord was finally able to forgive his old friend. He and the other Ravager captains arrived during the funeral, where their ships saluted the dead Ravager in traditional fashion, signalling their re-acceptance of him as one of them.[1]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Stakar Ravager Clan.