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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"You are about to be boarded by the United Ravagers."
―Mainframe to the Guardians of the Galaxy[src]

The United Ravagers are a Ravager coalition founded by the merging of the Stakar, Aleta, Charlie-27, Mainframe and Krugarr clans.



"You know, it's a shame that it took the tragedy of losing Yondu to bring us all together again. But I think he'd be proud knowing that we are back as a team."
―Stakar Ogord[src]

Stakar Ogord, Mainframe, Krugarr, Aleta Ogord, Charlie-27 and Yondu Udonta were Ravagers who were initially part of the same clan before all them split off to form their own clans. In the aftermath of Udonta's death, where he sacrificed himself to save his adoptive son Peter Quill from Ego, the surviving clan leaders decided to reunite as a singular unit.[1] Stakar had merged his clan with the Mainframe, Aleta, Charlie-27 and Krugarr clans to form the United Ravagers. However, by 2026, the Aleta and Charlie-27 clans, while still a part of the United Ravagers, were no longer working in tandem with the Stakar, Mainframe and Krugarr clans.[2][3] The United Ravagers were soon joined by Gamora, whom they came to consider as family.[4]

Aiding the Guardians[]

"OrgoCorp is in possession of some of the most advanced cybergenetic Ip in the galaxy, so they're heavily guarded by the deadly Orgosentries. Now, I know you don't have documentation to dock, so you're gonna have to get in there on your own. Once in, Gamora is gonna lead you to the records, where maybe you can find the passkey to override the kill switch and help you save the hedgehog. But if you get into trouble, we will not be able to bail you out."
―Stakar Ogord to the Guardians of the Galaxy[src]
Guardians with the United Ravagers

Stakar and Molly equip and inform the Guardians

The United Ravagers were contacted by Nebula, through Gamora, to help the Guardians of the Galaxy infiltrate into the Orgoscope. They hijacked and boarded the Guardians' ship, after it had penetrated through the Orgoscope's last plasmic security shield, demanding them to hand over all of their valuables or die. Nebula rushed to stop the confrontation and explained to Martinex that they had an appointment with Gamora, prompting her to reveal herself. After the confusion was resolved, Stakar Ogord explained to Nebula, Drax the Destroyer, Star-Lord, and Mantis how to not attract attention while moving through the Orgo, by wearing OrgoCorp uniforms, which were supplied by Molly, and informed them on the facility's high-security, in the form of the Orgosentries. Leaving the rest of the mission in the hands of Gamora and the Guardians, the Ravagers departed, noting that they won't be able to bail them out if they get into trouble.[4]

Reuniting with Gamora[]

"Welcome home."
―Stakar Ogord to Gamora[src]

After Gamora’s adventures with the Guardians of the Galaxy and her reconciliation with her alternate self and Peter Quill, she went separate ways with the Guardians, left Knowhere and rejoined the Ravagers. Stakar Ogord was very happy to see her return, and embraced her in joy while other members of the Ravagers also celebrated happily. After that, the Ravagers continued their routine heisting and thieving.[4]


